Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 796: Walking in the weird, she is happier than weird (plus 2

Everyone took a breath.

I couldn't describe the feeling of being watched closely by the smiling faces hanging above my head one by one.

The scalp was slightly numb, and the air-conditioning suddenly penetrated from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.

Seeing those hanging in the air in the gloomy light, like pictures of weird human heads, their vision even became slightly chaotic, and their ears were filled with illusory and strange laughter, giggling, piercing like steel needles. In my mind.

And getting louder and louder, it seems to drown the heart.

Even Lu Xin was a little nervous at this moment, clenching his fists slightly.

On the other side, the girl named "Sisi" stood still, rolled her eyes slightly, and looked up.

Inside the down jacket, the sound of metal objects colliding with each other is more intense.



"Don't be nervous."

At this moment, Dr. Ann suddenly said in a deep voice, his voice was very heavy, and he awakened everyone suddenly.

"No matter what you heard or saw just now, it's just an illusion."

She explained in a low voice: "A place where mental radiation is particularly strong, it is easy for people to perceive confusion."

"So, whenever there is any leading suggestion, it will be easier to trigger the corresponding hallucinations."

"Just like seeing the smiling face-like patterns on these strange fruits, it's easy to hear all kinds of weird laughter..."

"But just remember, it's all an illusion..."


After hearing her reminder, everyone felt a burst of clarity in their hearts.

When I looked into the air again, I realized that the fruits that looked like a human half were nothing but fruits.

Quietly hanging in the air, occasionally shaken by the blower.

There was no laughter, and no more and more weird smiles.

"Then what to do?"

Lu Xin looked calm and asked dutifully.

"no way."

Dr. An looked up at the fruits hanging in the air, shook his head slightly, and said: "There are too many, even if we want to destroy them, we don't know how much time will be wasted. We are here to investigate. Not picking fruit..."

"Go ahead!"

She shook her head and said, "There may be more similar inducements and hints later, so just be prepared in my heart."

"Once we fall into the illusion, we may be defeated by ourselves, and it is easier to expose our hole cards to some unknown."


The crowd nodded after hearing so much of the leader.

Shake your head one by one, or pat your cheek to make yourself more calm.

Some even took out the cooling oil and sniffed it side by side, so as to make their minds clearer and walk forward silently.

It's just that, under the gaze of so many smiling fruits above their heads, the pressure on the hearts of everyone is still greater.

When walking, the movements are subconsciously more orderly.

After all, even knowing that this is an illusion, there is still a subconscious feeling of being watched by so many people.

Slowly, we have to step out of a professional model.



A group of people walked deep and shallow in this dark and dense forest, silent for a long time.

Sure enough, as Dr. An reminded, whether it was intentional or unintentional, everyone felt that the deeper they walked, the more and more weird, suggestive and inducing animals, plants or scenes. Seeing and hearing like a journey in a nightmare.

They saw the big and simple old banyan trees, and faces were born.

It was so stiff and lifeless inlaid on the tree, suddenly opened his eyes to them, staring at them.

But when he looked closely, he found that it was just a lifeless tree tumor, without the slightest appearance of a human face.

As they walked, they heard a "gulu" tweet.

I suddenly looked up and saw a fat owl squatting on the treetop, looking down at them with two round eyes.

But as soon as Lu Xin touched a stone from the ground, it flew away with a sound.

When they were traveling, they would sometimes suddenly feel a soft and sticky arm grabbing their ankle.

After a panic tap dance, I realized that it was just the roots of the Qiujie tree hanging under the dead branches on the ground. Pulling these tree roots up and looking carefully, there was no abnormality except for a few sick ants lazily escaping away.

Others, such as feeling the eyes suddenly coming from deep in the dense forest.

The sudden shaking of the grass not far away, etc., is like an appetizer.



This is simply the most depressing experience Lu Xin has ever had.

He used to clean up pollution incidents, always asking the bottom line, and must investigate clearly and clean up, but now, he knows that there are problems almost everywhere in this dense forest, but they just turn a blind eye. Everything is based on the efficiency of the investigation.

But because he knew the most important purpose, he could bear it.

The younger sister is in a better mood.

She lay on Lu Xin's back for a while, and one of them jumped onto the wooden shelf that Ah Zhen was carrying.

After squatting on the treetop, when the owl stared at Lu Xin and the others, she stared at the owl curiously.

In this sneaky, dense forest full of weird things, my sister was elated and happier than those weird things.



After walking in this way for almost a day, I feel that I am about to get out of this dense forest.

After all, judging from the map at the beginning, this dense forest only takes about four hours to walk through.

But they don't know why, but they seem to go deeper and deeper.

There is no light that is about to pass through the forest at a point in front. Instead, the trees are taller and there are more and more weird plants. At this time, after a break, Dr. An silently glanced at Dr. Wang among the three researchers. It seems to imply something.

As a result, Dr. Wang's position in the team was a little bit forward.

"Turn left."

"Go to the right..."

"Go around by this big tree and move on."


As he progressed, he also sent out reminders from time to time, guiding everyone in the forward direction.

The atmosphere was still suppressed and silent, and Dr. Wang's reminder was only a reminder, without explaining anything.

But Lu Xin had a feeling that the more they walked, the deeper they went into the dense forest.

It was as if it had entered the darkest period before dawn from midnight, and the concentration of spiritual radiation around it had become deeper and deeper.

Gradually, I didn't know if it was because of going deep into the dense forest and staying in this depressive and dull environment for too long, even Lu Xin felt faintly, and his steps began to heavier.

The sweat on his body has already spread out several layers.

Thinking is even more rigid in this boring journey.

In the ears, it seemed as if there was a thick layer of film, and I could only faintly hear the footsteps of everyone walking in the dense forest.



"Boom boom boom..."


From the beginning, the sound of footsteps stepped on the rustling of broken branches and rotten leaves, becoming more and more orderly and heavier.

At the end, it felt like countless people were walking together.


Lu Xin suddenly reacted, and the peripheral light swept around, feeling his heart sinking slightly.

My own investigation team consists of seven people, plus a younger sister.

My sister didn't bother to go by herself, so there were only seven people's footsteps.

But I don't know when, all the footsteps have overlapped together, and they are very neat and heavy.

This kind of heaviness is not something that can be achieved by overlapping the footsteps of seven people, as if there are many people.

He paid attention slowly from the sidelines.

Gradually, he discovered that as everyone moved forward, a dark shadow appeared silently among them.

Taking the same pace as everyone else, walking forward slowly.

Not long after, a dark shadow appeared again, without the facial features and body, only a shadow, silently walking aside.

Then, another one.


Gradually, the sound of their footsteps has become loud and tidy as an army is walking.

And beside them, they have followed one by one black shadows.

In this dense forest where there is almost no light, it is vast, dense and uniform.

Lifting his foot at the same time, landing at the same time, wrapped up the seven of them, and slowly walked through the dense forest.



"Just now we have been walking for more than two hours without rest."

It was also when Lu Xin discovered this weird scene, thinking about whether he should remind Dr. An.

Suddenly, Dr. Wang who was walking in the crowd suddenly stopped and said, "It's time to get rid of them."

"Otherwise, if you go like this, you will be exhausted."


Dr. An also stopped.

At the same time, all the dark shadows stopped at this moment, stood around the crowd, looking at them in silence.

The dangerous breath began to spread in the dense forest and gradually deepened.

Dr. Ann took a deep breath and turned to look at Dr. Wang. There were several dark shadows between them.

But as if she couldn't see these black shadows, she passed through them directly, and her eyes fell on Dr. Wang's body:

"According to your analysis, what is going on?"


Dr. Wang glanced down at the watch on his wrist, as if he wanted to discover something from the chaotic numbers.

"I am only good at perception and observation, not good at analysis."

But listening to Dr. Ann’s question, he didn't look up, and said, "Look for the guy with bad morals."


Dr. An turned his head to look at Dr. Zhang helplessly.

"Why do you look at me directly when you talk about moral corruption..."

Dr. Zhang murmured, shook his head, and said:

"I study spiritual monsters, so we all understand that the essence of spiritual monsters is a source of pollution."

"The nature of the source of pollution is to pollute more of the spiritual body and strengthen its own essence, just like the spread of a plague."

"However, spiritual monsters have their own consciousness, and consciousness is often out of sync with nature to some extent."

"Even contradictory."

"The same is true of these things we are encountering now."

"It can be seen that their essence is to pollute us, but their consciousness is more to stop us."

"Therefore, Pharaoh's choice just now, through the intentions of the mental monsters, analyzes the purpose they most want to interfere with us, and uses this method to judge the true route. It is correct. It is worthy of being outside the Personal Data Museum. No……"

"Spirit monsters, after all, IQ is not high, it is easy to predict their actions..."


"Oh, don't get close to it."

When Dr. Wang heard this, he sneered: "You are so smart, why don't you know that other people's wives can't hook up casually?"


When Dr. Zhang heard the words, his expression was a bit awkward, and he said:

"First, I am just analyzing and evaluating your work.

"Second, in this matter, I was actually the one who was hooked up, and I was also the victim."

"Third, it's so serious now, mainly because you didn't expect you to be so crazy and directly used parasitic items..."

"...I thought you found out, and at most cut me twice."

"...Your dissection skills are so high, I believe that if you cut two knives, you will definitely avoid the key!"


Lu Xin listened beside him, feeling surprised, and forgot all the black shadows around him.

"Fart, who hooked you up?"

Before Dr. An or Dr. Wang could speak, the engineer Master Li was dissatisfied: "It's you obviously."

"It's you who take advantage of me when I drink too much, I am the most innocent."



After hearing this, Dr. Wang was a little excited, and said to Master Li: "So you still love me in your heart?"


Master Li said indifferently: "I wanted to divorce you a long time ago."

Dr. Wang shut himself down instantly.

Dr. Zhang said: "You said you didn't hook me up, so why do you drink so much with our department and wear it so openly?"

"I can wear what I like, what's up to you?"

Master Li was furious, and said to Dr. Zhang: "Besides, I was in love with Xiao Dong at the time, who knew you took advantage of him."

"Xiao Dong?"

Dr. Wang broke away from the autistic state in an instant: "That little white face?"

Dr. Zhang also said angrily: "Is that the little boy who has only a mere master's degree?"


The atmosphere suddenly became extremely embarrassing, especially Lu Xin, thinking of his college diploma, his lips moved.

I want to say something, but I don't have the confidence to say it.

Dr. An listened to this movement a bit wrong, and hurriedly reminded:

"Now it's in the investigation mission, can you guys say that there are none..."

"Besides, I know the child of Xiao Dong. The Three Views are good and long. Don't bring that good boy in with you guys... Especially you, Teacher Wang, they don’t. I've offended you, don't come up again..."


"Why do you care about him so much?"

Master Li suddenly turned his head to look at Dr. An, his pupils contracted slightly.


Dr. Ann was taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hand: "I have nothing to do with him, just to be fair..."

Master Li sneered: "Haha."

Talking and looking at Lu Xin, he said, "Tell me, she can trust a person like this?"


Lu Xin was taken aback, why did it burn me?



For a time, the atmosphere in the room was extremely embarrassing.

Dr. Wang stared at Dr. Zhang, Dr. Zhang stared at Master Li, and Master Li looked at Dr. An scrutinizingly.

Dr. An was angry and bored, looking dissatisfied at Lu Xin who had not stood up to testify for her character.

At the side, her eyes drooped as if nothing had happened, and Ah Zhen stared at the ground blankly.

The black shadows next to them looked at them all in silence.

On the tree next to me, my sister looked at the black shadow...


It's a bit messy.


Lu Xin, who didn't want to emerge from the chaos at all, couldn't help but whispered:

"Resolve the immediate problem first, right?"




Dr. An also reacted, regaining his temperament as a leader, and said: "Yes, everything is focused on investigation tasks."


Master Li agreed irresponsibly, and suddenly turned his eyes to Dr. An: "Are you really all right?"

Dr. An anxiously raised his hand and swore: "It's okay."

"okay then……"

So everyone's eyes finally fell on the two doctors Wang and Zhang.

"What's the point of the investigation mission?"

Dr. Zhang muttered, then took a vain look at Dr. Wang, and said, "Anyway, according to my induction and analysis, we have been spied on by at least seven kinds of spirit monsters when we come along this way. It is almost like entering one. The monster kingdom is now."

"The one following us now is the strongest among these spiritual monsters."

"It pollutes us, but keeps us safe for this period of time."

"Of course, we continued to move forward, and slowly approached their limits, and we were about to attack us."


"It's as if someone can't tell..."

Dr. Wang murmured disdainfully, and then said slightly in his voice: "Pollution logic?"


Dr. Zhang's voice also mentioned slightly: "In places where the concentration of mental radiation is high, follow the creatures that intend to pollute."

"Starting from the footsteps, forming a unity little by little."

"Then there are breathing, heartbeat, pulse, and finally, even our mental power fluctuates."

"When we are united with them at all levels, we quietly become one of them."


"On the way, it is precisely because we have a person with very stable spiritual power..."

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Xin and said:

"They disturbed their frequency through some kind of abnormal mental fluctuations, so they have not succeeded in being contaminated by them."

"However, they are also conscious after all. Although they are slower, there are instructions to stop us in their consciousness."

"So, if they keep going, they are likely to change the logic of behavior and forcibly pollute us."

"It can be understood as releasing their essence."



Lu Xin was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, these few researchers who looked very unreliable could see through everything without changing their voices.

Especially for himself, he guessed right.

He even guessed that there was some kind of force disturbing the surrounding frequencies.

But what he didn't know was that this "certain power" was not his own, but his sister.


After listening to his analysis, Dr. An also sighed softly and said: "If you clean them up, what will be the consequences?"

Dr. Zhang shook his head, glanced around, and said, "Two consequences."

"Because we are actually being protected by them now, so they are wiped out and other monsters will stare at us."

"Even because we are close to the destination, driven by a strong will, we swarmed up to attack us."

"The other one is because we eliminated these monsters, causing other spirit monsters to feel fear and stay away."



"It's about the same as I estimated."

Dr. An lowered his head slightly, pondered for a moment, and said, "That's about to be settled."

With that, she turned her head to look at Si Si, and nodded.

The little girl named Si Si always seemed to be impatient. It also seemed that she just gave people such a feeling. In fact, she and A Zhen who followed were completely indifferent to external affairs and did not respond.

Only when some kind of intuitive danger affects her, will she instantly show her vigilance similar to that of a beast.

So aware of Dr. Ann's gaze, she slowly walked forward a few steps.

Seeing her movements, Zhang, Li, and Wang consciously got into the middle of the team.

The crowd was very tight, but they were full of disgust and contempt for each other.

On the other side, Dr. An also came to them. Even the tall Ah Zhen silently and actively stepped forward and stood beside them, like a big tree, covering all these people. Under his tall body.

A group of people stood up and looked at Lu Xin next to them at the same time.

"Am I here too?"

Lu Xin pointed to his nose, came over honestly, and stood beside A Zhen.

Now facing these people, he feels that Ah Zhen is the only reassuring thing.



Following their movements, the shadows next to them also slightly adjusted their positions and order.

One by one, the fuzzy, invisible facial features, seemed to have faintly dull gazes, and cast them at them.

Hula la...

In the distance of the dense forest, behind the layers of trees, there seemed to be countless strange things caused a commotion.


Seeing that everyone was standing together, Dr. An whispered to Sisi, "Hurry up."

"We are in a hurry."


The little girl named Sisi nodded silently, and then unzipped her heavy down jacket.


The down jacket fell from her body, and Lu Xin could see her body clearly.

At this moment, the pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

On the way, I always heard the sound of metal objects colliding in her down jacket.

I also guessed what was hidden under her down jacket.

It wasn't until this moment that Lu Xin saw that this little girl, who looked ordinary in appearance, had an unusually weird body.

Groups of blood-red granulation, like silk threads, wrapped around the surface of her body, squirming gently.

And in each part of the body, there are one after another silver shiny stainless steel ring locks to fix the granulation.

It seems that if they are not fixed, these fangs will be out of control.

At this moment, as the down jacket shed, the little girl named Sisi also gently untied a metal ring on her right arm.




Dr. An reminded in a low voice:

"Although she has the body of a little girl, she is actually a very dangerous high-level creature in the restricted zone."

"The research institute helped her temporarily maintain stability through gene remodeling and cerebral cortex enhancement technology."

"If you don't always wear the mental trait suppression lock specially created for her, her power may get out of control at any time..."

"The cost of losing control is at least the destruction of a city to start!"

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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