Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 797: This living forest

"The weakest performance is to destroy a city?"

Listening to Dr. An's quick introduction, Lu Xin suddenly felt a strange feeling.

In fact, he was also a little curious about this little girl named Sisi. Although she feels that her appearance does not fit well with the word "bodyguard", in this era of mental power variation, the level of danger can no longer be measured by appearance.

For example, the happy town queen not far from Qinggang is cute and cute, but in fact she is a high-level queen...

However, even if I was mentally prepared, after hearing Chen Jing's introduction to her, I still felt quite unexpected.

This is like preparing someone to introduce a powerful pistol in my heart.

As a result, she took insurance and told herself that this was actually a super missile disguised as a pistol...

"Are you surprised?"

Even at such a tense moment, Dr. An took a quick glance at Lu Xin and said: "In order to find a fast and stable force that can enter the fourth level, we tried almost every method we could think of. There are both upgrades of parasitic items and intensive surgery for those with high risk of losing control. Naturally, there are also treatment options for such semi-runaway organisms."

"This is just a trial, or a half-failed type."


While she was talking, she glanced at Lu Xin quickly and whispered, "It's a pity..."



Lu Xin didn't have time to ask her what it was so pitiful, the little girl named Sisi had already shot quickly.


As the metal ring on her right arm was removed, her limbs, which could barely be called the right arm, suddenly shattered into threads of flesh and blood that were squirming quickly.

It gives people the feeling that one arm quickly split into two, and two split into four.

In the end, the entire arm turned into a silk thread as thin as an earthworm as if it had self-life.

Stretched wirelessly one by one, instantly covering the surrounding space within four or five meters.


The first reaction was the silent and cold black shadows around Lu Xin and the others.

It seems that, as Dr. Zhang said, their will and their nature to pollute certain things have caused their behavior to become rigid. It gave the people present a certain opportunity.

However, the changes in the surrounding mental radiation still aroused their vigilance.

In the seemingly dull and silent shadow, an instantaneous spiritual power burst out like the eyes.

Like a series of invisible threads, from all directions, intertwined to Sisi's body.

"Plop", "Plop", "Plop"

Suddenly, a violent heartbeat was transmitted from their black bodies.

This kind of voice rises and falls together, and it seems to have a strange magical power. .

When people hear or feel the beating of this sound, the heart will beat along with it.

Combined with their pollution logic, this seems to be a means of forcing pollution.

"Shoo, hoo..."

But Si Si ignored these, the red blood stalks danced in the air quickly, seeming to capture this frequency.

It can be vaguely seen that the bloodshots are constantly appearing in the blood bags one by one, which seems to be caused by the vibration.

"Why didn't she make a move?"

Lu Xin was slightly confused, and suddenly understood it the next moment.

Sisi can't directly see these pollutions, so she is perceiving their existence through this method.

as predicted.

Just when these heartbeats reached the strongest level, the red bloodshot dissolving from Sisi's right hand suddenly appeared like a giant red net thrown out. Bloodstains visible to the naked eye are intertwined in the air.

These silk threads pierced into the various positions of the black shadows with great precision, and at the same time there was a sound of some kind of physical object being pierced.

"Guru" "Guru"

A very clear sound, but a very uncomfortable sound appeared in human ears.

Lu Xin saw that the black shadows suddenly shrank one by one.

It's like a balloon filled with water, inserted into it with a straw, and then quickly emptied the liquid inside.


In this quick and rough scene, there was a strange horror in my eyes.


In the surrounding forest, mental power suddenly radiated, creating a feeling of violent violent wind blowing.

Behind the rows of trees, there were hiccups of people, but that was not a normal hiccup.

It's more like after a person died, there is still residual gas rushing out of the throat, causing the weird sound of the vocal cords.

The most important thing is that such noises sounded one after another, one after another.

In a short time, it has gathered into a sea of ​​weird sounds.

As this sound came from all directions, more and more black shadows appeared behind the surrounding trees.

It seems that in this dense forest, all the dark tree trunks have become such black shadows. They stood dumbly, flooding the entire dense forest, and then centered on the area where Lu Xin and others were located, suddenly quickly Came closer.

Rustle, rustle, rustle

The sound of stepping on the dead leaves is crazy.

The chaotic and strange mental radiation turbulence set off around it seems to have formed a huge vortex, enveloping it.

But facing this seemingly endless opponent, the little girl named Sisi still had no expression on her face.

She only assessed it slightly, and then silently untied the ring on her left arm.


At the moment the metal ring landed, her left arm also turned into countless bloodshot eyes, and she swiftly drilled around.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Once again, there was the dense and sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The blood-colored silk threads scattered by Sisi's two arms are all unfolded to form two huge fans, which extend out in the same horizontal direction, and accurately penetrate into the body of each black shadow, and then quickly absorb it. Up.

"Guru, Guru..."

All kinds of chaotic sounds rang out, and the sound of swallowing was the clearest.

The most amazing thing is that her almost indistinguishable means of attack actually bypassed Dr. Ann and the others with precision.

They seemed to have become isolated islands in a weird ocean, and only all kinds of chaotic voices sounded in their minds.

"Hee hee hee……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"



Throughout the journey, the dense forest that has been suppressed and silent, at this moment, seemed to come alive.

As the countless shadows approached, but was suppressed by Si Si's two arms, everything in the entire forest rang into a ball.

There were human-shaped fruits hanging from the tree in the air. They all seemed to be blown by the wind. They slowly turned around, pointed their smiley faces at Lu Xin's position, and made a weird laughter. Not this time. Like auditory hallucinations, like real laughter.

Under the soil covered with rotting branches and vines in the forest, giants began to roll, causing waves of soil.

The weird owls flew from a distance, flapping their wings, and landed on the tree beside them.

The constant weirdness is like pouring countless paints into a glass of water, and then quickly mixing them into the most complex colors.


It was with this kind of pressure that was enough to make people crazy, Si Si suddenly made a depressed sound in her throat.

Sounds like laughing.

Facing the endless general pollution power, she seemed to have a happy mood.

At the next moment, a few bloodshots around her suddenly turned around, quickly opening the other rings on her body.

Bang bang bang...

The ring or semicircle of the left shoulder, right shoulder, neck, and left ribs flashed with a faint blue arc at the same time, falling to the ground.

The next moment, like a strong wind, blowing dandelions all over the ground.

In an instant, endless bloodshots radiated from her body.

Some rolled into the four directions, some flew into the air, and some got into the ground.

The sound of the slender and tough silk-like objects passing through the air, the sound of drilling in the soil, and the dull sound of thick fleshy objects inserted, surged and rang from every angle in the surrounding air, Intertwined into a strange movement.

At this moment, Lu Xin even vaguely saw that the entire dense forest was swaying crazily.

In my ears, I even heard the screams of this dense forest, as if this forest is alive and struggling...



"This dense forest is a huge field. It can also be said that it is a chaotic and polluted life..."

Dr. An also frowned and quickly explained to Lu Xin: "Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why so many types of pollution sources and spiritual monsters gather together in an area. Normally, pollution sources are in contact with each ~ It will only pollute each other desperately, and the spirit monsters will contact each other, and they will only attack each other frantically. To be able to gather in one place, you can only control them with the will."


Lu Xin even found it difficult to understand: "The forest will also be polluted?"

"Things with spirits may be contaminated."

Dr. An whispered: "Whether it is humans, animals, or even insects, plants, and trees, all belong to the category of spiritual creatures. There is only the difference between the strength of spiritual power and the integrity of consciousness, but the essence of spiritual power is all the same……"

"Once, when we discussed this topic in the Institute, someone said a joke..."

She paused slightly, and whispered: "The Buddha said: All beings are equal. This sentence has become true in our chaotic era."


Lu Xin couldn't digest the strange remarks she made for a while.

But Dr. Ann did not intend to continue the discussion, and whispered: "Be prepared..."


In response to Lu Xin's surprised eyes, Dr. An said in a huff: "Do you really think we regard Sisi as our biggest reliance?"

"You are the most powerful person among us."

"Sisi is just to resist this kind of force, to see if she can bring out the strongest taboo pollution lurking here..."

"If it does, then you need to solve it..."



When Lu Xin heard this, he was somewhat depressed: "Then you come to me, or do you want me to be a thug?"

"if not?"

Dr. An suddenly turned around and said in amazement: "You don't really think that we are asking you to be a consultant because we are interested in your knowledge, do you?"

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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