Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 798: This is Genesis Hard Drive

After the interweaving of time, the previous information came to Lu Xin's mind through these symbols on the prison wall.

He looked at the information in horror and horror, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

To be precise, this is just what a man sees and knows.

A man from the pre-civilization era.

Lu Tianming, an ordinary avenger and world-weary.

People like him are not uncommon in any era. I grew up in an ordinary family, with loving parents and a happy family. But in the process of steady progress in life, his father was cheated and owed a huge debt. Later, on a rainy night, he was hacked to death in an unnamed alley. His mother was repeatedly persecuted by creditors and worried about his father's death. She was emotionally broken and eventually fell to his death.

Since then he has been living on the street, stumbling and growing up, and then decided to take revenge.

Until then, in society, this is still an ordinary type that is not uncommon in this world.

There are too many people who have suffered a lot, and there is no shortage of him.

As he grew older, he gradually developed a wonderful ability to perceive, which became his vengeance.

He has nothing, but he has this wonderful ability.

So no matter how alert and careful the other party is, he can successfully get the other party into the set.

After tricking them into paying a very heavy price, they bewitched them to stand on the top of a tall building.

Then, like his desperate mother, it lightly fell from the top of the building.

The latter things seem to be even more ordinary, his strength does not allow him to really get away with it.

As a result, he was found, hunted down, imprisoned, and sent to the research institute.

The people here told him about an experiment, hoping that he could cooperate.

Although Lu Tianming knew he had a little ability, he didn't understand what this ability was. .

It can only be attributed to a kind of talent.

And this kind of talent can make him almost innocent in real life.

But here, except to tease the little nurse with magic playing cards, there is hardly any use.

He can't escape, nor can he decide his own destiny.

His own world-weariness and lazy personality made him not intend to cooperate with the work of these people.

But obviously, compared with his resistance, people here have more ways to "convince" him.

So after suffering some hardships, he still obediently gave up.

Then, he became a staff member of this research project, under the third phase, with the task of cooperating with the research...

Maybe after spending some time here, you can really live a good life, right?

He thought, anyway, the revenge is over, there is no need to commit another crime, once he leaves, he can live his life well.

Of course…

…If only the little nurse from this institute could be abducted to get married.

He soon knew how naive his thoughts were, and knew that he would never have a chance to leave again.

Because with his cooperation, the experimental project progressed very quickly, and he was gradually forced to gain a deeper understanding of the truth of the project.

At that moment, he was crazy.

He knew that it was impossible for anyone to let himself go after he had told him the secret.

He began to go crazy, began to collapse, and began to be unable to endure the torture again and again. Among them, especially after he saw the deep pit code-named "Tiangong Energy Matrix", it became more serious. He was as big as a lunatic in the corridor. Crying and screaming:

"Doctors, brothers, men..."

"Please, let me go back, I won't lie anymore..."

"What about destroying the world? I'm just kidding. My love for this world hasn't disappeared yet..."


"Have you heard, answer me, answer me..."

"You are all butchers, all executioners, you are slaughtering this world..."

"Fuck you uncle, why do you make me an accomplice..."

"I will **** you, even if you force me to put me in, I will definitely **** you whenever I have a chance..."

"I want you to regret..."



His madness and speechlessness affected the work process, so he was taken to the cell and became a prisoner and experimental subject.

Someone came over calmly and told him: "We are not destroying this world, but saving him."

"The creation hard disk has been prepared, now, there is only one main consciousness left..."

"It is an honor for you to be one of the candidates for the main consciousness of the world's hard disk. I hope you can be prepared."




Suddenly, the sound of fast turning pages of the book sounded.

Scenes flashed quickly in front of Lu Xin, like videotapes with fast skipping frames.

Lu Xin's field of vision seemed to have lost its focus and became extremely hollow.

For a moment, he suddenly woke up from the extreme chaos.

In the field of vision, there are only twisted and weird symbols written on the wall of this prison in blood.

Each one kept zooming in, occupying all of his vision.

In the next moment, he suddenly saw the madman named Lu Tianming standing in the middle of the prison idiotically.

He hung his head, and all of his ten fingers were dripping with blood.

"see it?"

He slowly turned around and looked at Lu Xin at the door of the prison.

After so many years, their eyes touched at this moment.

Then a huge spiritual torrent bloomed at this moment, and Lu Xin saw a sad smile on his face.

His lips murmured, and he said two words silently:



As a result, Lu Xin felt the endless fall of his spiritual power for a moment.

The earth below seemed to suddenly cease to exist, and he began to completely fall into an infinite fall, as if he had fallen into a cliff, and as if he had fallen into an infinite vacuum, even as if he had fallen into a starry sky. Finally, he came. Arrived in a place.

He looked at the huge space below.

It is a row of petri dishes, connected by thick cables and sophisticated instruments.

In every petri dish, there is a man curled up without clothes, men and women, boundless.

Pieces of petri dishes can occupy everyone's field of vision.

Between each petri dish, there is a thick pipe connected with a cable.

There are five and twenty petri dishes in four rows in a group. Every four rows of five groups is a pit. There is one library for every twenty pits. Every one hundred libraries is a unit. Then the angle of view stretched infinitely, and Lu Xin saw that at least tens of thousands of units were arranged side by side in a huge pit.

On the edge of the pit, a man dressed in a weird, black robe with the same pattern on the back of the J of Spades playing card, quietly watched from the side of the pit.

With their whispering chanting and the operation of the instrument.

In the huge pit, dark red architectural shadows began to appear, like huge three-dimensional projection technology.

Architecture is emerging from scratch.

Various distorted humanoid monsters sharpened their minions sharply from this projection.

"Go in..."

They looked up and smiled at each other, their eyes seemed to be filled with relief and joy.

But Lu Xin, who was also looking at the petri dishes below by the pit, suddenly felt cold all over.


He suddenly saw that in the petri dish, everyone opened their eyes at the same time.

Their stupid gazes, pain and despair in their eyes, were as real as they rushed towards them.


Infinite images flooded into Lu Xin's eyes, forming scenes of real memories.

He couldn't help but blended into that memory, taking it as his own life experience.

He seemed to wake up from a nightmare, suddenly raised his head, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Restart the world, they are ready to..."

"...Restart the world."


"Wake up..."

At the same time, Dr. Zhang and Wang suddenly realized that Lu Xin had awakened and hurriedly greeted him.

Two steps forward, he stared at Lu Xin blankly, but he didn't even dare to approach him.


They hesitated, not daring to speak loudly: "What did you see?"


Lu Xin turned around with some difficulty, facing the panicked them, and Dr. An, whose eyes were oozing blood in a thoughtful way.

Extremely depressed, difficult opening: "Creation Hard Drive..."

"I saw it, the creation hard drive you have been looking for..."


The two doctors Zhang and Wang had horrified expressions, but for a while, they didn't know how to speak.

And Dr. An, who was standing not far away, slowly raised his sleeves and wiped away the blood from his nostrils, corners of eyes, and even ears caused by overuse of his ability. She was so sloppy that the blood covered her face, which made her look a bit miserable. then slowly, she replied in a low voice: "I also saw..."

"It turns out that this is what a generation of researchers are pursuing..."



"What he hid finally surfaced..."

It was also when Lu Xin saw the information left over from the past and fell into a great panic in his heart.

It's not far away from the former site of the research institute.

Inside a cool gray building half embedded in the mountain wall, someone stood in front of the high floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly looking at the direction of the former site of the research institute, deep lines on their foreheads squeezed together. Facial muscles twitched slightly.


"A collection of the world's most intelligent projects, because of the willful willfulness of a small, vainly delayed for decades!"

There was a deep anger in his voice: "Until now, it was handed over to such an irrelevant person."

"This is simply the greatest irony in the world..."


"After all, he has been contaminated by him, so it's not an irrelevant person."

Next to him, an old man in a weird pattern robe smiled softly: "But we have to thank Professor Wang."

"It's not him, we really couldn't find the corresponding container."

"Now that he has surrendered that consciousness, it is time for us to start the experimental subject recovery program."



The previous person nodded indifferently and said: "But this little guy called the tyrant is very tricky, so..."

The voice suddenly became cold and hard: "Just activate the power of the creation hard drive!"

"I don't want to see accidents appear again!"

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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