Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 799: Only consciousness

"What exactly is a Genesis Hard Drive?"

"What restarts the world?"

"What on earth did you just see?"

The former site of the academy, because I just saw something so terrible, even if Lu Xin has found the inner core of his spirit, he has long been able to mediate the impact of various situations and emotions, and he can't even slow down his spirit for a while. .

Correspondingly, Dr. Wang and Zhang were even more confused.

They were concealed from each other, and they only felt trapped in a huge net, wishing to hit someone.

"So, in fact, you already knew it?"

In the extreme chaos, Lu Xin suddenly caught a point and quickly looked at Dr. An.

My heart was vaguely angry, and his eyes were a bit fierce.

"We know that a generation of researchers has a very terrible plan."

Dr. An closed his eyes slightly and opened it again. He looked at Lu Xin calmly and said in a low voice: "It is this plan that led to the Red Moon incident. We even know that they have a weapon called the creation hard drive. , That can be regarded as a certain powerful technological product, or as the world’s largest source of pollution, with the power to cover the world."

"But their plan stopped."

"We can't find out the specific reason, but we are sure that it has some relationship with you."

"We also learned through some channels that the site of this research institute still contains some key information, but it cannot be interpreted."

"Perhaps, only you can interpret..."


"Some kind of channel?"

Lu Xin frowned slightly and looked at her irritably.

The black particles in his eyes trembled slightly, and Dr. Ann's eyes suddenly began to bleed again as far as he could see.

"'s the guy who jumped from the tall building..."

Dr. Ann covered his eyes so suddenly, his nerves were as tough as hers, and he couldn't help but let out a soft moan. He immediately held back and said anxiously: "Before he died, not only did he leave three prophecies, There is also a secret letter. It was mentioned in the letter that if we are not willing to be pawns at the mercy of fate, when the conditions are ripe, we will find Experimental Body No. 9 and bring him over..."

"That talented researcher?"

For a while, Lu Xin had a headache. He didn't expect to involve such a person.

Why did he leave such a secret letter?

How did people who have died think of these things so long ago?

In addition, there are many doubts in his heart.

"I didn’t tell you, because you can only come here with the most calm and normal attitude. Any information you tell you in advance and some thoughts you have may affect your mental state and cause you Unable to successfully receive information."

"You can see it yourself. In the face of his message, you can only passively accept..."

Dr. An didn’t wait for Lu Xin’s answer, so he quickly said, “Isn’t this matter discussed with your family?”

"Don't tell me you really came to this ghost place for these two hundred million!"

"We invited you over in the name of a consultant. You didn't even ask. Didn't you know it already?"



Lu Xin was slightly confused.

Accepting this information from the past, he can indeed feel that he is passive.

In addition, it is said that the family has discussed it, is it...the mother has given them hints and approval?

At that time, my mother directly asked for the authority of the father, and she really had a sense of confidence...


For a while, I can't say so easily.

Asking myself in the name of a consultant, I was really not suspicious at the time.

After all, I got my college diploma...

For a while, his brain was a little confused, and his mood was ups and downs. He wanted to vent his anger, but found that he was unreasonable.

He could only gritted his teeth slightly, and said sharply: "To interpret this information, you will have to calculate another reward..."

Dr. An frantic slightly: "Okay, can I give you another 100 million yuan?"


Lu Xin was silent for a long time, and withdrew his gaze calmly, looked at her and said, "Let's not talk about it yet."

"Are you okay now?"


"Fortunately, spying on your spirit, the consequences are too serious..."

The change in Lu Xin's attitude made Dr. Ann a little awkward, so he paused for a while before answering.

Then she took a deep breath, reluctantly moved her palm away, and looked at Lu Xin with a trace of her gaze: "What do you see?"

"Although I tried desperately to read, I couldn't fully see..."

"What he left to you is just what the past generation of researchers have done?"


"If it's just such a few past events, as for such a big battle?"

Lu Xin shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, "I feel that there seems to be something important in this information."

"But, it's too big, I can't fully understand it now..."



Lu Xin was just telling the truth, but Dr. An woke up suddenly.

"Some huge things that even you can't understand?"


The palm of her hand was suddenly put down, with blood-red eyes, she looked at Lu Xin in surprise.

She had profiled Lu Xin's mental power just now, and by this she had understood a lot of things.

Now that we compare it again, we can understand the truth more clearly.

Because of her understanding of other things, it made her react faster than Lu Xin who had accepted the information left over from the past.

One of them figured it out, and the other also understood, gradually showing a look of fear on his face.

"No way…"

She suddenly looked at Lu Xin blankly: "Is it the only consciousness?"

"not good…"

Suddenly she yelled loudly, and her expression became extremely nervous: "There is only consciousness in those messages..."

"You must leave..."

"All members of the investigation team are listening, the mission objective has changed: at all costs, **** the individual to leave..."


"The only consciousness?"

As the person involved, Lu Xin seemed to understand but not understand.

Because he received far more information than Dr. Ann, instead of reacting as quickly as her.

Just for a moment I felt a little confused in my head: "Why **** me away?"

But before he could figure it out, Dr. Ann had already screamed: "I was hurt by your family..."




It was also at this moment when Dr. Ann yelled out the words "Unique Consciousness". The underground of this research institute site seemed to be deep underground. Suddenly, a deep sigh sounded, and it appeared very clearly. In their ears.

It seemed that he had stayed in a certain existence in this academy, because he successfully delivered the message, and let out a sigh of relaxation.

And with this sigh, there is a spiritual power in this research institute that is difficult to detect because of its high level, that is, the spiritual power that has just combined Lu Xin with past information. At this moment, it began. Fading gently like the tide.

When they were just surrounded by this kind of spiritual power, they couldn't clearly notice it, but at this moment, they clearly felt it.

Lu Xin's feelings were particularly obvious. He even felt that his familiarity with this research institute was quickly disappearing.

The ruins of this huge research institute are becoming unfamiliar.

It was also at this moment that the forest surrounding the Academy, which faces the northward direction of the Shenmian Mountain Range, a group of tall trees that had been subdued by Lu Xin's power and became unusually well-behaved, was suddenly shaken by the invisible wind. Pendulum, eerie and weird.

"Huh eh..."

There was a sharp cry, and there was a childlike voice floating in the forest: "Bride..."

"The bride is mine..."

"The only consciousness is... also mine..."




In another secluded valley.

The people of the high mountain wandering tribe all prostrate on their knees, bowing towards a huge Buddha sitting by the mountain in the depths of the valley ahead.

The Buddha was leaning on the mountain wall, and it looked like he was directly carved out of the rock on the mountain wall.

It's just weird that this Buddha doesn't have a head.

The top of its neck is empty, and its head is thrown not far away.

But at this moment, the people of the wandering tribe suddenly heard a clear heartbeat.

They were taken aback. They looked up and saw that the heartbeat was actually coming from the headless Buddha's chest.

Unusually dull, with one sound, UU read www.uukanshu. Com is like beating a drum.

The next moment, the Buddha suddenly got up slowly, broke the place where he was connected to the rock, and slowly stood up.

It picked up the head next to itself, took awkward steps, and headed towards the research institute.

Somewhere surrounded by barbed wire, a man carrying a bucket of fresh meat squatted by the side of the pit.

He raised his head and glanced at the direction of the research institute, silently threw the cigarette **** on the ground, then lifted the red plastic bucket beside him, and threw it into the pit. Suddenly, in the dark pit, there was a piece of wolves gobbled up. The roar of competition.

Then the man got up, walked to a master switch, and pulled the switch hard.


The red alarm sounded, and a gate in the deep pit slowly opened with a heavy sound.

The things inside froze, and the next moment, swarmed out.

"Master, what is that?"

On the other side of the mountainside, members of the circus riding on the back of an elephant staggered towards their destination.

The double-headed beauty singer on the elephant's back noticed something. The two heads turned from different angles, and then showed a slightly surprised expression at the same time, to the host beside him, that is, the clown player in the circus. Asked softly.

"That is, the power of ultimate fantasy..."

The host, or the head of the circus, also turned slightly, with a mocking expression on his face.

"The only consciousness has awakened."

"The first secrets began to surface, and the final plan began as a result..."

Note: The "only" consciousness here is not a typo.

I like to start with the red moon, please collect it: () The fastest update from the red moon.

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