Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 817: Crazy but simple

Office war...

After Dr. An heard Dean Xue Jia's roar, he was stunned.

Her IQ was already high enough, but it took a few turns before she suddenly understood what Professor Xue Jia meant.

That's right, Dean Xue Jia's analysis of a generation of researchers is not at all problematic.

They are too strong.

Having mastered the abyss, they are already invincible in this world.

Because the creation hard disk is in their hands, they can seal the beginning at the bottom of the abyss.

It can also guide at what stage a certain ultimate will come, and even never let it have a chance to come to reality.

Even, relying on the understanding of the abyss and the ultimate, they can respectively exploit and attack their weaknesses.

It is precisely because of this that most of the things that are coming today are easily exploitable and the ultimate weaknesses are obvious.

And what was left in their hands in the end was the "nihility" that was the easiest to control, and to some extent, the abyss worm with the weakest humanized consciousness. .

These two basically have no ambition, and have a strong sense of defense and attack...

Similarly, it is precisely because they have mastered the abyss, so they can carry out some bold experiments unscrupulously.

Such as the Tyrant Legion.

They are not afraid of failure, because they can throw the failed experiment into the abyss at any time and digest it freely.

The abyss is their most powerful leaning rod, and also their backing.

They control the abyss, then no one, any force can be an enemy to them.

And they control the creation hard disk, then no one can steal the abyss from them...

Therefore, Dean Xue Jia proposed this plan.

Lifting the deepest part of the abyss, the most feared power of a generation of researchers, to a level.

Let the initial power be closer to reality, then the initial power will have a greater impact on the abyss.

And when the initial power has a greater impact on the abyss, then a generation of researchers will naturally weaken the control of the abyss...

Even, dare not enter and exit the abyss arbitrarily.

This is not a plan based on a certain scientific basis.

This is just a trick based on the idea that the enemy's enemy is a friend.

This is a routine that researchers would not have thought of, and those who are good at office struggles are most familiar with.


Seeing Dean Xue Jia's gloomy but proud face, Dr. An suddenly had an urge to cry.

I really shouldn't have been scolding him because of his routines before.

"What are you doing..."

Also at this moment, the black bishop was stunned.

From the forcible release of the eye of insight, to observe all aspects of the abyss, and then to the terrible blue electric python breaking into the abyss from reality, there was a long interval, and he had not been able to figure it out. What are these people doing?

Not because of his slow response, but because of these methods, which really exceeded his expectations.

Although he was wearing the black robe of a priest, his thinking was more inclined to think about scientific principles, and there was no office.


The blue electric python slammed into the abyss, and immediately extended downward through a fine crack. Even under a certain heinously accurate force, it quickly found the weakest place where a generation of researchers had control over the abyss. Then it penetrates downwards as quickly as spring water.

It was like hitting the weakest brick under a certain wall, triggering a chain reaction.


A huge mental turbulence blew up and scattered like flowing clouds in the sky.

Everyone was dragged into the abyss now, but they felt that the abyss had an earthquake like reality.

It was at this time that the black bishop finally guessed their purpose.

For a while, there was endless fear in his eyes.

The abyss is a huge fantasy world, which is closely related to everything in reality.

The power of fantasy seems to be a kind of spiritual space that can be constructed arbitrarily by being able to reach the level of fantasy kingdom, or life.

However, when this kind of spiritual space has reached a certain scale and quality, a stable structure is needed to coexist for a long time.

Needless to say, a generation of researchers was not originally the master of the vast fantasy world of the abyss.

The creation hard disk can barely be regarded as the master of the abyss, and it is only the original master, the foundation.

A generation of researchers has only mastered the creation hard disk, so they can freely use the abyss.

And a space, whether it is fantasy or reality, as long as it has a structure, it will inevitably have weaknesses.

After such a meticulous and unexpected plan, the Peeping Master and Dean Xue Jia, when a generation of researchers used the abyss to the extreme, suddenly, through the power of insight, they found these weak points.

Then, they used the forces that the Academy had been developing in recent years to carry out precision strikes.

The underground research institute, as well as the four surrounding bases, are studying a secret spiritual biological destruction device.

This device was originally used to kill Lord-level spirit creatures hiding in the abyss.

The first time I planned to use it was when Tinder City was hinted by the Tibetan stick people to build hell, so at that time, Xia Chong was in the investigation team sent out, and her task was very simple, just need to find the entrance to the hell. , Feedback the data, the research institute can activate the "Abyss Biological Destruction Device" from thousands of miles away to remotely destroy that hell...

But that time, Lu Xin "coincidentally" arrived at Tinder City and solved the matter.

Therefore, the research institute did not have time to experiment with this device, and it was not noticed by a generation of researchers.

But mom saw it.

She actually had the responsibility to monitor all forces for a generation of researchers, but she concealed it.

After all, before that, she had already played mahjong with people from the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

Therefore, after discovering these devices, she just took advantage of the trend and came up with the idea of ​​the current plan.

And seeing the death of the sword-bearer had a great touch to the mother's heart.

She decided to advance the plan.

As a result, everything is so logically realized.

It's that simple.

Of course, it stands to reason that a device that can kill an abyss lord-level creature is definitely not enough to destroy the abyss structure.

However, precise strikes are still sufficient.


An earthquake-like shock came from all directions, the entire abyss was shaking, and then far away, a terrifying crash sounded from afar, and under the pressure of the mental power itself, a series of domino effects were formed.

From the weak point, the pressure of the abyss itself began to collapse.

The original abyss, like a pyramid, overlapped layer by layer to form the most stable structure.

However, now there is a structure that is completely collapsed and then crushed.

Far away, on the other side of the Sleeping Mountains.

In a huge base.

In the deep pit of the huge mental power matrix, the countless individuals sleeping quietly in the petri dish suddenly had a nightmare. They struggling violently, their hands and feet twitched, and they slapped the glass wall of the petri dish, arousing a piece of Sheet current.

Some even awakened directly, eyes full of horror, and a series of air bubbles spewed out of their mouths.


The bishop in black even exploded his hair, and suddenly shouted vigorously to the surroundings:

"Xue Jia, is this your idea?"

"This is the most stupid plan. No wonder you were not good at anything at the time, you could only be the dean..."



When such a roar sounded, the contract that had been protecting Dean Xue Jia was also close to the end of the burning.

He suddenly handed the remaining little contract to Dr. Ann's hands.

Then he staggered and walked away a few steps, standing up straight in the abyss, staggering, but laughing.

"Yes, I really am not a good student..."

He said to the bishop in black: "However, it is often only bad students who can defeat the teacher, right?"


"A delusion!"

The black bishop roared angrily, holding a thick stack of playing cards, and pointing away: "You want to destroy the abyss..."

"It's just a delusion."



This time it was Dean Xue's turn to be confused.

He paused for a while before he suddenly understood that the bishop in black hadn't seen his true purpose until now.

Suddenly he was a little bit dumbfounded, saying: "Teacher, you misunderstood me..."

"...Well, you are also a teacher anyway, I didn't even guess what I wanted to do now?"

"You are so crazy and simple..."


"They want to release the power at the bottom of the abyss and form checks and balances with us..."

But also at this time, the chief researcher who had not moved by the jeep had already reacted, and suddenly reminded the bishop in black through some kind of contact, and then quickly pulled out an operating panel from the jeep. .

"You come to clean them up."

"I will release the fantasy power of the creation hard drive and forcefully repair it."




After being reminded by the researcher in the white coat, the black bishop finally reacted.

There was an unbelievable expression on his face: "How can anyone, think of such an unflattering idea?"

Immediately afterwards, he turned around heavily and exhaled deeply.

"If it's not a last resort, I don't want to kill anyone who can contribute to research..."

"but now…"



The playing cards in his hand suddenly unfolded at the same time, forming a fan shape.

At the same time, countless red lights suddenly lit up at the creation hard drive, and huge currents poured into the sleeping petri dishes.

Immediately, the main body in the petri dish was activated, and the powerful fantasy power poured into the abyss in an instant, like a freely controllable force, surging toward the gap of the third abyss that has begun to collapse. past…

Everyone's mind was pulled tightly at this moment.

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