Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 818: Mother's Destiny (4000 words)

With the poker cards scattered all over the sky, just now because of the changes in the abyss, I was a little surprised, and because the purpose of the clown's appearance became chaotic, the weird creature who didn't know how to act for a while, as if at this moment, suddenly, regained its will.


The huge abyss worm suddenly raised its body high. The two and a half huge heads continuously stretched towards the sky, a section of the body stretched out, and at the same time there were open mouths appearing on its huge body.

From a distance, it looks like a dense pattern of spots, neatly arranged on its body.

Strange spiritual ripples were rendered in the dark red abyss, rushing to the sides like a tide.

In the next moment, its huge head, one rushed to the dense eyes, swallowed it as much as possible.

The other one is still the chief researcher who protects the white coat.

In the last half, he looked for Dean Xue, and rolled it up like a giant python.

In this abyss, the most special group of people—the tyrant legion created by a copy of Lu Tianming, reacted even faster. The trembling caused by the huge shaking in the abyss and the impact of spiritual power seems to make them feel a kind of excitement from the depths of their hearts. They have long been unable to hold back, and rushed towards the huge eyes in the sky. Go up...


They gnawed frantically on the eyeballs, making a weird sound like chewing glass ballast. .

A series of blood exploded, looking like pieces of bubbles were punctured.


And in the strange surroundings, the first thing that came out was the top of the black vine.

The child who seemed to have only half of his body let out a sharp roar, and the vines swiftly shuttled between the earth. Through the dark shadows in the abyss, the most important thing is that as it swims, shoots grow on the vines.

These young shoots actually plunged into the bodies of the dead members of the minus zero troops.

Then he pierced them and gave them life again, making them stand up staggeringly one by one.

The meticulous spiritual power is intertwined in the entire battlefield, and each individual appears extremely small.

In the face of this endless weirdness and horror, Xue Jia, the dean of the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, stared coldly.

His short and thin figure faced the huge abyss worm and the brutal and brutal army of tyrants with half a head missing.

Actually motionless.

Just coldly watching the infinite weird approach to him, and coldly watching the black bishop in the infinite weird in the distance.

He faced these most terrifying things with a fearless state and attitude.

It seems that there is no weirdness or threat that can make him show fear or panic at this time.

...Then, his eyebrows trembled slightly.

...There is a slight tremor in the legs.

...Finally, he suddenly couldn't help it, turned his head and ran, shouting: "Help..."

Some developments are always different from what I think.

Although I am prepared to sacrifice in this confrontation, when faced with the infinite desperate weirdness, it is still difficult to maintain that kind of arrogance and righteousness...

It's hard, it's too hard...

He comforted himself: "It is human nature to be afraid of death..."

At the same time, he yelled, stepped away and jumped forward in the abyss.

At the same time, when he ran like this, the few lurkers around him who had been left, suddenly followed him.

They have delivered enough information and have sacrificed enough individuals.

Originally, if Dean Xue went to death calmly, then they would not be afraid.

But now, Dean Xue, who is at the top of the contract, is already scared, so what can be supported?

Run quickly, brothers...

In the process of escaping, the Abyss Worm quickly approached.

Especially in the abyss, they can almost ignore the space and arrive in no time.

At this moment, Dr. Ann, who was surrounded by the remaining contract power, couldn't help but rushed up and held him.

But because he was afraid to return, he fled and fled, and Dean Xue quickly waved his hand.

His intention was obvious, not allowing her to come up.

There is very little power left in the contract. If only one person is protected, it is still possible to last until the end and see the result.

But if you protect two people, then you die together...

Dr. Ann's eyes have turned red, looking at the back of the man who fled in embarrassment, a strong impulse surged in his heart.

This man once opposed her being with Dr. Lin.

This man has always been less serious about research, more like a politician.

This man can even open the back door to himself openly with a cheeky, constantly promoting himself and giving himself a lot of research resources, so that many colleagues began to dislike him secretly, thinking that he did not rely on research to get to where he is today.

This man always hides a lot of secrets, and his scheming look makes people very annoying...

I hate it so much that I would rather leave the central city, and I would not follow his last name.

But after all...

Dr. Ann pursed his lips and yelled out a word in a low voice: "Dad..."

Dean Xue, who was running away, seemed to sense something suddenly.

Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, and he turned around in the process of escaping, showing emotion and emotion.

In the next moment, he was overtaken by the worm that was quickly rolling over by the huge body. On the huge body of the abyss worm, the mouths were opened in an instant, and he was drowned in it, the dark red in the abyss. The light and shadow trembled violently, like a tide.

Dr. An's eyes were blurred by tears in an instant, and the empty emotions surged in his heart...

…And then she suddenly heard a "Woo" sound.

A motorcycle rushed out of the chaotic mental power under the body of the Abyss Worm. Dean Xue held the handlebar with both hands, the accelerator was screwed to the bottom, and the lurkers were sitting in a row of motorcycles trembling. The back seat, the front wheel, and others sat directly on his shoulders and head, looking like a motorcycle and his body, covered with mushrooms.

Numerous spiritual vortexes propped up on their heads, swallowed by the mouth of the Abyss Worm.

While they are feeding the abyss worms, they flee madly, their desire for survival is extremely strong...

"Because you called my dad, so I decided not to die..."

Dean Xue rushed to the direction of the crowned clown, begging for protection from his old enemy, while screaming.

Dr. Ann's expression was a bit sluggish, and after a while, he suddenly scolded angrily:


He even lied to his own daughter.

Obviously prepared the last way to get out, but I have to show awe-inspiring righteousness for a few seconds...

Chaos, brutal, weird.

A huge frenzy of spiritual power, surging and covering it.

Whether it is Dean Xue of the research institute, or the red eyes that have reached their limit floating in the air.

He even just entered the battlefield, accompanied by an ultimate circus.

It is impossible to take advantage of this battlefield.

Either flee, or at an absolute disadvantage, supporting it bitterly, or it has already begun to be semi-polluted.

But at this moment, Lu Xin is always under the protection of his mother.

He was heartbroken, he wanted to stop his mother, and he wanted to rush out to tear up those guys who thought he could control everything.

However, from the very beginning, I was protected by my mother.

In such a chaotic battlefield, anyone's consciousness may be annihilated at any time.

Instead, he became the safest and fully protected person.

Mother's eyes filled the whole area and his surroundings.

He didn't want to be protected at this time, but he couldn't rush out unless he attacked his mother.

He could only shout loudly, tell her to stop and let himself out.

But my mother, like many times before, protected Lu Xin, or rather, used her tricks to trap Lu Xin. Apart from insight into the secrets of the abyss, only a ray of spiritual power came out, light and light. Wandering in Lu Xin's ear:

"Now, it's not time for you to go out..."

"You have the hope of all of us, so I can only fight for you a little chance in the future. At the same time, at the last time, let you have time to get in the future, change all this destiny, and reincarnate. End of capital."



As her voice drifted away faintly, Lu Xin felt the infinite gaze around him, and looked at himself at the same time.

At the end of those gazes, there is only one eye, and in this one eye, the mother's power is hidden.

She is the horoscope in the ultimate, she has the strongest power of insight.

Under such gaze, everything will become clear and clear.

Including unique consciousness.

This flow of information received from 30 years ago, Lu Xin is far from digested.

He was not in the mood to consider these.

Moreover, even if he starts to understand this information seriously, it will not be achieved in a short time at all.

But now, with the help of his mother, Lu Xin suddenly quickened his understanding.

It was as if the extremely tough ice was melting quickly in my mind, because there was a kind of power that warmed it.

It's mother's temperature.

Lu Xin felt all of this, and felt that his heart was empty, unwilling and moved, and at the same time intertwined in his heart.


He felt unusually puzzled, and could only ask his mother: "Why do you want to do this?"

"Every ultimate has another side of his own..."

Mother's voice sounded softly: "One side of the fire thief is truth, and the other is a prisoner..."

"On the one hand, the Peeping Master is to perceive and control fate, on the other hand, he does not have his own destiny..."

"But I now have..."

"Your destiny is my destiny..."

"So, I will not allow your fate to be controlled by others..."


"Sorry, I heard you say that I don't like being controlled by others, but this last time..."

She sighed lowly: "I'm still making my own way..."

"The only hope is that you will still be the same as before, forgive me..."


At this moment, Lu Xin suddenly felt a real pain. He covered his head with his hands and let out a huge roar.

Mom is doing her best to use the power of insight to help him

But she is already at the end.

Therefore, Lu Xin could feel the pain of her forcibly using the power of insight at this time, and therefore felt even more painful.

The only consciousness quickly melted in his mind.

But he didn't think how important this thing was at all, it was just that the heart hurts severely.

This kind of shout, even the endless weird surroundings, suddenly became quiet.

At the same time, the operation was proceeding quickly, trying to use the power of the creation hard disk to forcibly repair the destroyed third layer of the abyss, so as not to peep the master and the lunar eclipse research institute's bold plan and successful generation of researcher chiefs suddenly stunned. live.

His lips were trembling slightly, and he looked up weakly in a certain direction.

That is the energy matrix of the underground palace, the source direction of the creation hard disk.

If enough fantasy power can be stimulated in time and the third layer of the abyss can be repaired in time, then there is hope.

Not sure of their chances of winning, but there is hope that they will thwart their plans.

But at this moment, in the distant reality, in front of a huge glass window on the side of the Sleeping Mountain.

Senior Dean Wang Jingyun was standing there with his hands on his back.

Behind them are Zhang Sihuo and No.7 who are using various weird abilities to fight with the security forces in the Academy.

He didn't pay attention to the fighting behind, just watched quietly.

Looking at the sky in the distance, several light spots flew over and pointed to a certain bulge on the ground.

He saw that around the bulge, several cavities were opened, and dots of light that looked like meteors flew out of it. It was the ground interception device of the creation hard disk, but when these light dots flew into the air, they only stopped it. Two of the light spots.

In an instant, dazzling light appeared in the mid-air, like huge suns blooming.

But in the dazzling light, there was still the last spot of light, crookedly, blasting on a cliff next to it.

Suddenly, the dazzling light was shining from the air and the ground at the same time, and the rumbling of the mountain's fracture caused a burst of gunpowder.

The old dean raised his hand slightly to cover the dazzling light. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Then he stopped observing the results, but turned around, ready to leave.

A generation of researchers is very powerful.

But it's a pity that they hid for too long and got out of reality.

Although they have been recruiting new researchers through the Spades Firm to supplement talents.

But unfortunately, this number is still too low.

Therefore, their research has already seen a huge deviation, but they still don’t know anything...

For example, they don’t even know that bombarding the fragile parts of the mountains to cause huge geological changes is enough to squeeze their underground energy matrix, which will cause a large area of ​​internal structural deformation and ruin the energy flow of the creation hard drive?

Such an opponent is really not challenging at all.

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