Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 852: The first other side (still 2 in 1)

"The secret of the old dean?"

At this moment, Lu Xin was filled with all kinds of complex emotions, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

When I was desperate, I suddenly saw the excitement of the companions in the orphanage who came to help me collectively. I also saw the doubts about the initial strength restraint expressed by No. 5 and No. 3, and heard the words of No. 14. At a loss.

He faintly felt that everything was connected by a line.

However, I still don't understand a little bit...

"Brother Nine, the answer is actually very simple..."

Looking at Lu Xin on the 14th, he was confused and smiled a little thiefly: "Didn't the fifth sisters ask you before?"

"Don't you think about how we were rescued?"


"How to save it?"

It was also such a question, and suddenly he got through Lu Xin's confusion at this time, and suddenly he opened up in his mind.

Endless strange thoughts spring out from the bottom of my heart at the same time.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Number Five, and saw that she was manipulating the body of the old burly man, waving the chainsaw in her hand, cutting fiercely in the black granulation, it looked like she was actually There is a strange beauty of dancing in the black forest.

There were not many forces that had penetrated into reality at first, but they were scary enough.

The black granulation wriggles hideously, extending all kinds of terrifying fluctuations of mental power, enough to defeat any kind of trait...

But at this time, the performance of No. 5 is not strong.

No, it can be said that she has no ability at all, she just wields a chainsaw like a lawn mowing.

But when she swings the chainsaw, there is a strange mental power in her body, which vibrates along with it. This power is usually hidden deeply, even hard to detect, but under the intertwined power of the black granulation, it also appears particularly Obviously, it just neutralized the huge and cold mental power in the black granulation, making the black granulation seem to be out of protection.

It is precisely because of this that an ordinary chainsaw has a magical effect.

The dark forest that made Lu Xin feel desperate just now seemed to be the performance of No. 5 alone.

…The point is that strange spiritual power.

After Lu Xin determined the strange mental power, he hurriedly looked at the person next to him.

That's right, the body of No.3 also has that kind of power.

The same is true on the 14th.

Even Xiao Nineteen had this kind of power in her body, so she had just been able to hold herself back when she initially affected her.

This power has merged with their spirit and formed a magical effect.

It was also because of the discovery of this kind of spiritual power that Lu Xin understood a lot of things at once.

In my classmates, there are some phenomena that cannot be explained by ordinary mental mutation theories.

For example, on the fifth, why can he integrate his body into the body of the strong man, become one with the person, and manipulate him like a machine, and it clearly gives the strong man a far beyond ordinary Human strength and sense of explosiveness?

No matter how precise the operation is, sutures will not have this effect.

For example, how did No. 3 put the dead pig's body on itself and turn it into "clothes?"

That kind of change is not an illusion, but a real change.

He gives vitality to the meat of a dead pig, making it look unusually similar to the skin of a living person, and can adjust its appearance.

As for Xiao Nineteen, she has always been good at splitting and reorganizing the puppet system.

But she is a living person, why can she do such things that are contrary to common sense so freely?

At this moment, the answer has found the source.


"Every ultimate has two sides."

On the 14th, it was seen that Lu Xin had understood the key, and a mysterious and profound expression appeared on his chubby face:

"Brother Nine, you are the most terrifying in our orphanage, because you have inherited the destructive power of your original body, or in other words, you are contaminated by the most destructive force in your original body, which belongs to the'death category'. Destructive power."

"And we are different from you..."

On the 14th, he patted his fat belly and whispered: "After we were killed by you, we were rescued by the old dean."

"His power to save us also came from the beginning."

"But this belongs to the other side of the original, that is, life."


As he said, he raised his head and said the secret gently: "The other side at the beginning is life!"



After hearing the final explanation on the 14th, Lu Xin finally gave birth to a feeling of complete clarity.

Countless questions that made him feel puzzled or uncertain before were finally answered at this moment.

Every ultimate has two sides.

In the beginning, it was not only the remains of God, but also one of the ultimate.

Then, it will naturally have two sides.

On the one hand, it was death. It was his current state. He was already "dead", so he was locked in the bottom of the abyss.

On the other hand, it is "life", because it is in a dead state, but it remains active forever.

I inherited the ability that was closer to the "death" side at the beginning, so I could kill the No.2 who was troubled by the nightmare of the gods, and this was also when I saw myself at No.2 in Tinder City, he immediately begged The reason why I killed him.

Because, only the force that is closest to the initial level and inclined to death can really kill him.

He himself was chased by the nightmare of the gods, resulting in a very high level of life.

Once he was rescued by the old dean with the power of life, it almost made it impossible for him to truly die.

Destruction and life are two extremes.

Therefore, Mr. Xiaolu, whose spine was interrupted by himself, could not be cured by Qinggang's medical conditions.

Because of the influence of the force of "death", only the force of "life" can neutralize it.

Looking at the earlier place, the path of mother's behavior became clearer and clearer:

The old dean has mastered the power of life, or some method that can use the power of life, naturally, he also told the black table's Chen Xun, his most loyal assistant, and Chen Xun can accomplish that at the black table. This terrifying experiment is also related to this.

The mother at the time, it was precisely because she discovered the "brain playing the violin" made by the black table and realized that they were learning to use the power of "life", which is the original essence, so she felt surprised and left temporarily. I...

At that time, she had already investigated this matter, and laid out the next plan...

About that time, she guessed what secrets were hidden in the rescued children in these orphanages.

Because she saw Xiao Nineteen at that time, she immediately sent Xiao Nineteen to the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute.



These two elements kept surging in Lu Xin's heart, solving his countless doubts.

At the same time, it also made him very curious about the secrets of the old dean.

It was more than ten years ago that the little friend in the orphanage was rescued.

In other words, at that time, the old dean had already mastered the power of the "life" level?

He is obviously just an ordinary person...

How did you do it?

"Since we have decided to help you, there are still many things we need to do."

On the 14th, he patted his belly and smiled and said to Lu Xin: "Nine brother, don't worry, we know that, we won't hide it from you."


Lu Xin took a deep breath, pulling away from the series of complicated thoughts and emotions.

The statement on the 14th made him hesitate for a while, and a little excited. After a pause, he said, "Really willing to help me?"

"What I said, I said at the beginning that I would help you..."

The 14th patted his belly like a drum, and said confidently:

"It's just that I'm useless, so you have to see if others agree to help you to make a decision..."


He suddenly became serious as he said, moved closer to Lu Xin, and gave him a lot of banknotes.

"Now, I'll pay you back the breakup fee first."

"Brother Nine, you will still take care of my food during this time, right?"


Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed, took the money back, and said in surprise: "Huh? Why are they all in one piece?"

On the 14th, he bulged his cheeks and looked at Lu Xin, who was surprised, but he didn't speak for a long time.

At the same time, Xiao Nineteen silently stretched out his small hand and grabbed Lu Xin's palm.

She raised her face to look at Lu Xin, and a smile appeared on her dumb face.

Xiao Nineteen is still very well-behaved and expresses a very positive attitude.

"I have already decided."

No.8, who just observed the surrounding environment, came back with a suitcase. He happened to hear what they were saying. He immediately raised his hand and stroked his hair and said, "This was originally my plan. After looking for you, naturally I should go to the old dean."

"However, I have to admit..."

After a slight pause, he looked at Lu Xin seriously and added: "No. 9, your behavior just now, I admire you very much."

"Our orphanage, now your character is the best..."


Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed and did not answer him.

On the 14th and the 3rd, one of them poked their lips slightly and snorted coldly.

It can be seen that the 8th is still the same as before, not very popular with everyone...

"What's the point of saying that there are some and none?"

Seeing that everyone else had already expressed their opinions on the third, they still looked a little cold: "My wife asked me to help you."

Hearing the words of Number Three, Lu Xin was even more relieved, and looked at him with a smile on his face.

But before he could speak, Number Three suddenly said: "But my wife also said..."

"Your watch looks pretty good..."


The smile on Lu Xin's face froze suddenly, and he glanced at No. 3 tentatively.


No. 3 nodded indifferently, and said, "Give me this watch, the previous thing will be wiped out, and..."

"...I will do my best to help you."



The others were stunned, including the 14th and the 8th, both my sister and Xiao Nineteen suddenly raised their heads.

Does this have additional conditions?

No. 3 was indifferent, and said frankly: "Do you Qinggang find someone to do errands without giving gifts?"


Lu Xin suddenly found that what No.3 said made sense.

But this watch, two hundred thousand...

"Nine has become honest, but that doesn't mean you can bully honest people..."

Fortunately, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly rang.

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look around, and saw an old strong man walking over with the chainsaw in his hand.

Behind her, the black granulation has either been cut into pieces by her, or it squirmed back into the abyss. Number 5’s head came out from the position of the strong man’s left shoulder, with a delicate and thin face. It seemed that there was a little blood that didn't know where it came from. At this time, she looked slightly excited, as if she had just taken a bath and had a massage.

At this time, she deliberately raised her face and looked down at Lu Xin and the others at a height higher than everyone else, looking like a big sister, and said coldly: "No. Nine, in fact, you never need our help. It's us, we who want to escape from the laboratory, need you to help us, so you don't have to beg them, but also give them benefits..."

"Number Five..."

Lu Xin sighed deeply, dropped his hand wearing the watch, and looked at Number Five with some emotion.

"So, don't get used to each of them."

With the murderous intent of waving a chainsaw just now, No.5 said indifferently: "Although you have money, you can't spend it arrogantly, right?"

"So it's better to invest in me. I have a research recently and it will bear fruit right away."

"You just invest in me billions. In the future, I will share half of this new medicine for the treatment of male hidden diseases..."


Lu Xin was stunned, the excitement just disappeared completely.

No. 14 and No. 3, their expressions also became a little weird, and they took a deep look at No. 5.

The eighth beside him couldn't help but want to insert a sentence, but after thinking about it, he held it back.

"Well, let's talk about it later..."

Lu Xin hesitated for a moment, and tentatively said: "Now let's talk about the old dean's business?"

"So what's to talk about?"

No. 5 looked impatient and said: "We have never made a choice from beginning to end."

"Nine, including this time."

"To put it bluntly, we all understand in our hearts that you need our help, and we need your help even more."

"But I admit, I did hesitate a bit before, even a little scared..."


Having said that, her voice was slightly lowered: "After all, we did not end well when we asked you for help..."


Lu Xin was speechless for a while.

Recalling the orphanage back then, thinking of the naive escape plan that I think of now.

Naturally, I also remembered my poor performance at that time.

He was a little touched because No. 5 was willing to believe in himself again, and some felt guilty about what happened before.

He opened his mouth, trying to guarantee something, but found that it was actually difficult to tell.

"But we have already made this decision, number nine."

Number Five spoke slowly, and a faint smile appeared on her face, without knowing when:

"You are indeed different from before. Now you are worthy of our trust. You will not lose control as easily as before."

"We asked you to join the escape plan back then because each of us knew you had terrible power."

"And this time, it's because we all want to trust you."


Listening to the somewhat indifferent words that No.5 deliberately said, Lu Xin was slightly startled.

He couldn't describe how such a seemingly ordinary sentence caused him so much emotional shock.

A heart finally fell.

From the very beginning, to find these former classmates, Lu Xin always had a kind of expectation in his heart, but he didn't feel very confident.

Until this moment, I saw their eyes cast to me, as if a fold on the heart was smoothed out.

The feeling of excitement and peace of mind is beyond description in any language.

Similarly, no matter it is 14th, 3rd, 8th, it seems that because the decision is finally made, the expressions are all lightened. They look at each other, and no one speaks, but they all seem to understand. The decision in each other's hearts.

The red moon in the sky didn't speak either, just shone on them quietly.

For a long time, a long time...

On the 14th, suddenly a little excited said:

"Should we hug each other, pat each other's shoulders, then put our hands together and shout a chant or something?"


The others stayed for a while, and suddenly shook their heads at the same time, and then they scattered together: "Don't don't..."

"Too embarrassing..."


"What a sense of ritual..."

The 14th shook his head regretfully, looked at the scattered crowd, and muttered: "It's just one step away..."


No.3 walked past him and said lightly: "If you hug, everyone really can't hold you..."

No.14 stayed for a while, a little annoyed, but after looking at No.3's cold face, he suddenly held back the fire.

"You're right, third brother..."

He was all smiles, clutching No.3's arm, kissed and said a little nervously:

"But there is one thing I want to clarify. It's really not that I told Brother Jiu your address..."


"you do not need to worry."

Seeing him seem a little nervous, No.3 smiled gently: "I don't like killing people anymore."


The 14th was startled, and seemed to be really relieved.

Then No. 3 looked at him up and down, and said softly: "I like to make pigs into clothes and wear them..."


He looked at No. 14 admiringly, and said, "I think you can make at least two of them."


The cold sweat flowed down from the forehead on the 14th, standing on the spot, did not dare to move for a long time.

"Things have just begun, we are still busy..."

After dispersing, No.5 had once again reached the edge of the restricted area, looking at the mess inside.

The black granulation that had just penetrated from the abyss had been swept away by her.

However, this is not because of how strong she is.

In today's abyss, the initial strength that can be drawn out is originally very small.

To some extent, this was originally a well-planned trap specially prepared to kill Lu Xin.

When Lu Xin heard this, he was slightly startled, and said, "Their assassination is not over yet?"

"No, the assassination is over, but this matter is not over."

Number 5 sneered and said: "Since they have the courage to set up such a round to assassinate you, of course, we have to wait until we get them out, and let them taste the fate of assassinating you one by one, before this matter can be regarded as over. , Isn't it right?"

Lu Xin was stunned for a moment before his expression was condensed slightly, and he said, "That's right."

"What we have to do now is to get them all out."

No. 5 scanned the surroundings coldly, and said, "The Spades Office does have its own abilities."

"They have something that can completely cover them up."

"I started paying attention to this very early, but until just now, I couldn't see what they looked like."

"Fat fourteen can see only four cloaks with the shapes of spades, diamonds, hearts, and clubs."

"However, since such a big battle has been used, there are clues to find them..."



Listening to Number 5, Lu Xin's heart suddenly moved slightly, UU reading whispered, "Maybe I can find them faster."

After a slight pause, he whispered: "Among the group of people who assassinated me, I have arranged a spy inside."



On the 5th, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and took a deep look at Lu Xin before he suddenly smiled and said, "I have more confidence in you."

"No. 9, I really thought that after you became a human, your whole person became stupid."

"Unexpectedly, you would still plant a spy..."



Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed, how can I say this...

When I first planted this spy, I didn’t actually try to find out who was behind the scenes...

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