Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 853: 3 Secrets of the Old Dean (6000 words)

There are only two tasks left.

One is to send the rescued children back to their adults.

The other is to investigate this assassination phenomenon, find more evidence and documents, and how they did it.

The task of returning these children was handed over to the fourteenth, and the tasks of the investigation were the five and eight.

On the third, the responsible person puts his hands in his pockets and stands beside him pretending to be cool.

Sister and Xiao Nineteen are responsible for playing.

Lu Xin was actually very curious about the abilities of the 14th, because he asked about the 3rd, how did they always understand their situation, and when they came to rescue themselves at the most critical time, they knew that less talk is cool. No., just clicked to the fourteenth...

Meaning, the 14th brought them here.

How to bring different people who are not even in a high-walled city to yourself in a moment of danger?

With this expectation, Lu Xin looked at the fourteenth, and then he moved his chubby body and walked to the group of dazed and frightened children with a smile, and then suddenly made a grimace at them. Suddenly, a group of children cried in fright. Only one child with a half of an apple in his hand stared at the fourteenth. Not only did he not cry, but he was very happy.

So on the 14th he snatched his apple and threw it into his mouth. Titicaca ate it up in two bites.

Then the child cried too.

On the 14th, stroking the tops of these crying children happily, they walked aside, searched for a long time on the ground, and satisfactorily picked up a slightly elongated stone slab, and found a gentle slope. Sitting down, the stone slab lay across his knees.

Then, the chubby fingers began to tap on it.

"What is he doing?"

Lu Xin, who had been watching closely, was slightly sluggish.

The third line on one side replied concisely: "He is sending emails to the relatives of these little children."


Lu Xin looked at the movements and postures of the fourteenth, and found that it seemed to be the case.

But the point is...

"What are his abilities?"



No. 3 glanced at Lu Xin and replied calmly: "This dead fat man can walk between different mental powers, perceive their differences, and use his own abilities to bind different mental powers together. , To allow each other to realize dialogue and perception. For example, just now, he made these children cry, just to make their mental power fluctuate drastically."

"When they were emotionally intense, they collected samples of their spiritual strength, and focused on this, looking for those who are worrying about them, and then let them realize the spiritual connection and connection, so that those adults will look for them all the way coming."



Listening to No. 3's explanation, Lu Xin exclaimed.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly looked at Number Three and said, "What about you?"

He is indeed a little curious now. What are the abilities of No. 3 and No. 5, as well as No. 12 that has not been found now.

In my own memory, the children in the orphanage have their own characteristics, but their abilities are not clear.

Just like No. 3 draped a dead pig on his body, making himself look handsome and handsome as if he was wearing a piece of clothing, and like No. 5, he bound himself to an incredibly powerful body and gained strength. Naturally, these seem to be unthinkable, but this is the ability they obtain from the power of "life", not their own ability.

Just like myself, my ability comes from the initial pollution.

But he himself is just an ordinary person.


But when he heard Lu Xin's question, No.3 just smiled coldly, and said: "Is there any ability that is not capable."

"It's just a different curse..."


"The current number three, really, looks like a dog, shivering..."

Lu Xin slandered No.3 in his heart, thinking that they were all old classmates, why did they put up the shelf...

Suddenly thinking of something, he hurriedly said to No.3: "So, are you planning to return to Qinggang with me?"

Number Three said faintly: "Of course, I said I would help you..."

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Xin's watch.

Lu Xin hurriedly reminded: "Then you asked the administrative office for leave?"


No. 3 was stunned for a moment, and a dull expression appeared on the cool face: "Broken..."

"I only took time off from my wife..."


He hurried to the side, took out the latest satellite phone, and started dialing.


Lu Xin wanted to remind him, but stopped again.

It's midnight now, if you call the leader out of bed to ask for leave, what else could be better?


Forget it, don't remind him, a person as big as No. 3, wouldn't he understand this?


While Lu Xin was talking with No. 3, No. 5 and No. 8 at this time had also tested and observed the area where Lu Xin was assassinated and around the forbidden area. Soon, No. 5 seemed to have already After discovering something, he beckoned to Lu Xin to go over.

"Hey, the secret they used to deal with you has been found."

Number 5 is now controlling the brawny man with his arms folded, with an arrogant look: "I told you, your fifth sister is now professional, except for a handful of top photographers in the world. People, almost no one’s tricks can be concealed from me. Similarly, the new drug I want to develop is absolutely top-notch. On the 9th, don’t you really consider investing in me billions?"

"Think again, think again..."

Lu Xin responded in a panic, while squatting down to look at the debris collected by Number 5.

At the same time, he asked casually: "No. 5, have you got your college diploma now?"


No. 5 was stunned obviously: "What the **** is that?"

Lu Xin felt relieved and began to study this pile of burnt things carefully.

I saw that the pieces found by Number Five from the ruins were all broken and distorted parts, which had been burnt and changed color, or even slightly distorted, but you could still see the fine patterns and unknown uses on them. The patterns are like pieces of circuit boards.

"Let's watch it together."

Number 5 stepped forward and leaned down. The strong man's fingers were thick, but very dexterous.

The fragments were quickly swept together, and then formed a circle.

When Lu Xin looked again, he was stunned for a moment. You can see that although all the pieces of parts cannot be completely spliced, they can still be seen. The prototype should be a circle of metal rings. In between, there are precision gears interlaced, and many complex circuits and chips are distributed in different positions, forming a nested compound structure.

"This is…"

"Mysterious power compound exchange device..."

Number Five looked at these fragments deeply, and there seemed to be a bit of mystery in her voice: "You can also understand it as..."

"A technological, high-precision altar of gods."

As she said, she looked up at Lu Xin, and said, "Those who want your life, it is through this exchange device that the spiritual power of the creatures in the restricted area was sacrificed to the original, and then the original power was exchanged. , It affected you..."


Lu Xin was startled by the word, and his expression was slightly surprised.

"Yes, it's the altar."

No. 5 seems to have known this type of thing, and whispered: "A long time before the Red Moon event, when the first gaze was projected into reality, there were already many mysterious organizations, from ancient documents. I found and restored all these different methods of sacrifice in order to please the gods and exchange the power of the gods to achieve their goals and desires..."

"Oh, there were even mysterious organizations at that time. Because of the revival of the functions of these altars, they had the ambition to rule the world."

"But they too underestimated the strength of the researchers at the time."

"Their use of the altar is undoubtedly crude and inefficient. At the beginning, they could monopolize these mysterious powers because mainstream researchers dismissed their rituals, but as more and more researchers turned their attention to After these ancient altars and rituals, many of the principles in them have begun to be analyzed by them, and new altars have been created."

"Since then, more efficient and accurate power exchange ceremonies have been studied, and even reports have been formed."

"This report is a research report on the power of God in the pre-civilization era."

"That is, the predecessor of the'Black Box Code' that was prevalent in the Land of Chaos."


Lu Xin listened carefully to No. 5's narration, and suddenly remembered his previous experience in Tinder City.

Tinder City was building **** at that time.

And a considerable part of the power that builds **** was taken from Number Two.

The principle is also exchange?

"The initial strength is not so easy to exchange."

At this time, No. 5 sighed lowly and continued:

"All top-notch researchers and mysterious organizations understand this."

"At first I slept in the abyss, but it has been active all the time."

"No one can control the beginning, except for the most arrogant people who mistakenly think that they can. However, the initial power is not unavailable. For example, a part of its power can be fairly exchanged for their own use through the method of sacrifice. ."

"But this kind of thing is dangerous, and it's extremely easy to get out of control. Many people die without knowing it."

"Therefore, there have not been many people studying this kind of power."

"Participating is not even as fast as dying."

"Especially the Spades Firm, as far as I know, they were extremely opposed to this kind of sacrifice in the past."

"This time I will set up such an ambush for you, which shows that they are really anxious."


After listening to the 5th, Lu Xin had already solved many doubts.

But at the same time, he suddenly became a little curious, and couldn't help but say to No.5: "Why do you... know this?"


A mysterious smile appeared on No.5's face: "I have been studying these things all the time."


Lu Xin couldn't help being taken aback, looking at Number Five with a strange look.

Didn't she just say that she is mainly researching a drug that has great significance and influence on this society?

"Besides, who do you think I studied these things from?"

When No. 5 said this, his tone suddenly became a little mysterious. He raised his head and glanced around, then glanced in the direction of No. 14, before suddenly lowering his voice, and said to Lu Xin: "The office of spades has blocked in order to kill you. The gaze from the outside world is looking at the possibility here. Now that this kind of shielding is still there, I can safely tell you something about the old dean..."

As she said, her voice was slightly heavy, and said: "You asked me what the old dean's crazy plan was."

"I can only tell you some things I found..."


"The old dean has been secretly building an unprecedented huge altar for so many years..."

"Whether it is the one built by the Spades Firm, or the ones I researched."

"Compared with the old dean, it's nothing but a witch."

"The sacrifice offered by the Spades Office is just a small creature in the restricted zone."

"Even if I researched it out, the upper limit is only theoretically possible to sacrifice a high-walled city..."


"It's just... Is it just ‘just’ to sacrifice a high-walled city?"

Lu Xin shook his heart, looking at the somewhat depressed face of No. 5, slightly worried.

"And the old dean..."

"If I was forced to describe it, I would say that he created a..."

Number 5 looked at Lu Xin faintly, and continued: "...something enough to sacrifice half of the world."



Lu Xin's expression could not help but change drastically.

He thought hard for a moment, but couldn't imagine what it would be like to sacrifice half of the world.

However, the fear that cannot be concealed in No.5 has also deeply affected him.

For a while, he barely managed to remain calm and nervously said, "So, what does he want to do?"

Sacrifice is in exchange for the initial strength.

In exchange for the initial strength, it is also to achieve one's own goals.

Then, Lu Xin couldn't help but be curious about this. The old dean spent a lifetime creating such a thing.

What is it for?

"I don't know, the old dean is only very careful about this matter, and will not let anyone see it."

No. 5 shook his head and said in a low voice: "I was only following him during the time, knowing that besides building such an altar, he only cared about two things. One is about you. The other thing, it’s weird..."

After thinking about it carefully, she whispered: "It's the ultimate logical chain code-named ‘Mobius’."

"Enough to sacrifice half of the world's life altar..."

"The ultimate logical chain codenamed ‘Mobius’..."

"And my seven trials..."

Lu Xin's mood suddenly became a little excited.

In the feeling, it seemed that he knew a lot more about the old dean at once.

However, the information fragments currently grasped by the eyes still seem to be insufficient to make people guess the purpose of the old dean.

What does he want to do...

Thinking of this question, Lu Xin's head couldn't help faintly swelling.

"Then that is the old dean after all, who knows what is thinking in his head?"

Speaking of this, No.5 is also deeply moved: “If you insist, you may only know a little secret in this respect if you have to say it, only by following the old dean. I was in front of the old dean at that time. He was too smart, so he let me go very early. Although he didn't say anything threatening to me when he was leaving, I could feel the danger in his eyes."

But before he could say anything worrying, No.5 had already breathed out softly, his face was slightly unnatural.

Under the surface of calmness trying to maintain, there is fear that cannot be concealed.

"Our old dean is someone you can't describe to others..."

"I followed him, and I could feel that there seemed to be a kind of paranoia in his heart..."

She paused, as if thinking about what to say, for a long time, she took it:



"Yes, just love."

Number 5 repeated it again, as if to make sure that he was right.

"On the 9th, I don't know what the old dean's final plan is, but I'm really scared..."

No one else saw them at this time. No. 5’s face did not have the proud and indifferent expression before. It grew on the back of the rickety giant man, looking thin and delicate, and there was a kind of trembling. , A slightly out of control expression of fear.

"Because he has a paranoid love for certain things, he is doomed to be indifferent to other things and people."

"Like us..."

"It's like being slaughtered, stripped, washed, and placed on an altar ready to be exchanged for something..."


The words of No. 5's true feelings suddenly gave Lu Xin a deep sense of horror.

He wanted to comfort Number Five, but opened his mouth, only to find that his throat was dry and he couldn't speak.

The two looked at each other, and both fell into a long silence.

It's okay not to talk about this topic. Now that they talked about the purpose of the old dean, they all felt heavy in their hearts.

That is a very complicated feeling.

He clearly felt that there was a heavy danger approaching, and he was right beside him.

But I can't see clearly what it is.

"I found something very serious."

Just when this kind of pressure reached the extreme, suddenly, the eighth also walked over with a serious face.

Both Lu Xin and No.5 were slightly startled, and hurriedly turned their heads to look at him.

Just now, No. 5 was only checking in this area where Lu Xin was affected, but No. 8 had already taken the opportunity to check the entire restricted area. No. 5 had found such an important clue and analyzed the logic of the Spades Office’s assassination. The eighth at this time...

"Many protective measures around this restricted area are not in place."

No. 8 took out his notebook, which was filled with densely packed things, and said with a serious expression: "It is certain that there are at least several places where there are cutting corners in construction, and the alarm facilities in several places are not reasonable... "

"The attitude is too serious. How can such an attitude ensure that nothing happens in the restricted area?"


Lu Xin and Number Five were stunned.

After a long time, Lu Xin muttered, "Then what are you going to do with it?"

"Of course, I found the mailbox of the senior executives of the Soda City Administration Office and reported them under their real names."

No. 8 said with a serious face: "How can such a thing sit idly by?"

Lu Xin and No.5 felt helpless all at once.

Number eight or number eight...

Being such a big person, it's not even as good as my sister and the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The two of them at least did not cause confusion...


It was also at this time, in the high altitude in the distance, an anxious sound of propeller turning suddenly sounded.

Everyone was slightly nervous. They squinted and saw that two helicopters were coming quickly. When they came close, they had already begun to descend, and then stopped fifty meters away. There were people in the cabin. He rushed over quickly and acted well. It seemed that he should be a professional soldier. Lu Xin saw their epaulettes and felt relieved that they were all arranged by Qinggang.

"Mr. Single Soldier..."

The visitor was also a little anxious and called out his identity early: "I am the captain of the Qinggang Secret Security Team, and I am comprehensive."

"Excuse me... Are you okay?"


Lu Xin frowned slightly, seeing the anxious look on their faces.

It can be seen that they are also nervous. There are even signs of fighting on their bodies. The bandages are hastily bandaged, and they can smell the smell of gunpowder left on them. Although they don’t know what happened, they vaguely understand that they came. the whole story.


Lu Xin smiled and said, "I was almost killed."

"But fortunately, my classmates saved me."


With this sentence, the cold sweat that scared the security team leader came out, and his hands and feet were a little cramped.

"Mr. Single Soldier, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"We received false news. In a link where there was no problem at all, there was a major mistake, which led us to be directed to other places. After a bit of battle, we got out. The four players have... In any case, it is our work mistake, Mr. Shan Bing, dare not expect your understanding, this matter is really our problem."

In the process of saying this, his attitude also changed from anxiety to helplessness.

As a professional security guard, he naturally understands.

Even if people like myself are deliberately led to other places, major mistakes in the work have already been caused.

But when Lu Xin saw him so nervous, he was slightly startled, and hurriedly smiled: "It's okay, you are not to blame."

"Actually, I have noticed something myself..."

After a slight pause, he turned to number five, and his face had become a little gloomy.

It seems to be talking to the security team, and it seems to be telling the five and others:

"Although there is no evidence, the group of killers just now seems to know me too much."

"Moreover, UU reading has no lower limit on what they do in this process."

"We just made the biggest decision, so before doing these things, we must first reassure ourselves."

"So, I think it's time to go back to Qinggang and investigate what's going on."


After a slight silence, he whispered: "I need to figure out what's going on."

"Fortunately, I was more rigorous and rigorous before, and I planted a spy on the killer's side in advance to help me collect evidence."



Speaking of this, there is a rare touch of determination and coldness in Lu Xin's eyes:

"If someone does this, he can definitely be found..."

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