Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 854: The person who betrayed Qinggang (4000 words)


The helicopter flew straight towards Qinggang with a suppressed and angry whirling sound.

The atmosphere in the cabin was very depressing. Whether it was the classmates who came back with Lu Xin or the security team responsible for guarding them back, they did not say too much on the way. In the calm atmosphere, it was like a group of depressed people. The burning fire.

Qinggang is a familiar place, and it has always given Lu Xin a sense of security.

But this time, Lu Xin felt a little more uncertain. He didn't know what he would face when he went back this time.

A day later, the helicopter had reached the sky over the Qinggang area.

But this time, instead of flying directly into the high-wall city as before, it landed at a gathering point 20 kilometers north of Qinggang. It was said that it was a gathering point. In fact, it was already completely controlled by Qinggang and was under the control of Qinggang. An outpost in Qinggang.

When the helicopter tumbled down on the tarmac, Chen Jing was already waiting next to a black jeep in the distance.

"Let's go!"

She wore a neat and slender black suit and black sunglasses on her face. .

Because she was notified in advance, she was surprised or curious about Lu Xin, who were not so standard in length. At the same time, it seemed that her heart had already been overshadowed by what happened this time. .

After all, the report of the security team has been handed over to her, and she naturally knows the problem.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Lu Xin smiled and greeted her, and then introduced to the students around him: "This is my leader."

At the same time, he introduced No. 3 and No. 5 to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing was slightly stunned, and immediately shook hands with No. 3 and No. 5 in a friendly manner, expressing welcome to them to Qinggang.

"Do you still need to investigate outside?"

Lu Xin glanced at the gathering spot around him curiously, and asked with a smile.

"no need."

Chen Jing shook her head and said, "Before you fly back, I have done all the arrangements I should make."

While speaking, he tapped his chin and pointed at the other person sitting in the jeep.

Everyone leaned on the side of the car window and looked in. They were a little surprised. They saw a tight and taciturn man sitting in the car. He was holding a sniper rifle in his arms and looked very nervous. Wei Wei is somewhat innocent and pitiful.

On his right hand, he was still holding a black suitcase tightly, even if he was sitting in the car, he did not dare to let go.

"This is…"

No. 5 and the others are a little curious.

"The spy I arranged."

Lu Xin said frankly: "On the road, he tried to assassinate me, but he was not professional enough and was caught by me. So, I took advantage of the situation and arranged for him to break into the assassin group to help me gather information and find Out of those who want to kill me."

While talking, he looked at Chen Jing and said, "Is the information he brought valuable?"

Chen Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded firmly: "Yes."

The assassin in the car trembled and seemed to want to say something, but he chose to remain silent.

"Brother Nine is really good now, so scheming..."

The number fourteen next to him was slightly surprised, and was full of praise for Lu Xin.

Xiao Nineteen looked at Lu Xin a little more admiringly.

Only the younger sister tilted her head slightly, faintly feeling a little skeptical about this matter.

"Well, now that we have the personal testimony and specific information, I think this matter shouldn't be too troublesome, right?"

Lu Xin felt a little more relaxed and looked at Chen Jing with a smile.

"It wouldn't have been too much trouble."

Chen Jing nodded lightly, answered, then took a deep breath, and said: "Let's go back to Qinggang."

Chen Jing arranged three cars, and she sat in the first one by herself, along with No.3 and No.5.

Lu Xin sat in the middle car, with the senior killer.

Xiao Nine is in the third car, along with the fourteenth.

My sister can choose between the three roofs.

When the jeep drove out of the outpost gathering spot and began to drive towards Qinggang, Lu Xin sighed slightly and turned to look at sitting next to him. He didn't dare to stick to the back seat, sitting like a statue. The same stiff senior killer.


The veteran killer was immediately trembling when he saw his eyes, turned around and handed the suitcase over.

Lu Xin took it with a smile, and then his expression was slightly startled: "So light?"

"Only...only two hundred thousand..."

The veteran killer was so nervous that his throat was slightly dry, and he paused for a while before he said: "The news is really not easy to sell..."

"The news that you were about to enter Soda City was flying all over the sky at that time, and it looked like someone was deliberately promoting it."

"So when you are out of town, no one cares anymore."

"Only this two hundred thousand, or I found a few laymen and went out forcibly..."

"Watch now…"

He couldn't help sighing: "It has also become fake news."

"Because the time you went out of the city and the time you returned to Qinggang are completely different from the information I sold..."


Having said that, he is also slightly sad, wanting to say that his reputation in the industry is ruined.

But after looking at Lu Xin, he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, in the eyes of others, he is just a **** in the industry. What reputation is there for a bastard?


Lu Xin also thought about it. It seemed that it was indeed his own problem, so it's hard to blame others.

It just faintly felt a pity.

This is a one-billion-dollar project, I actually only made 200,000...

A watch money...

"This business is considered pornographic..."

Lu Xin put the suitcase on his side and sighed slightly. Looking at the senior killer who was getting more and more nervous next to him, he suddenly smiled and said, "However, you already have other tasks. Will you know what to do?"


The veteran assassin became more nervous, and said in a trembled voice: "But, I have already told the truth to that Ms. Chen..."

"It's fine."

Lu Xin smiled and said, "That is my leader, she can be trusted."

The veteran assassin nodded, and there was a faint expression on his face that looked at death.

After Lu Xin said these words, he was also in a daze.

Yes, Chen Jing is someone she can trust. This is a subconscious reaction.

Extending, there are many more.

For example, Professor Bai, such as Mr. Su, such as Minister Shen, such as dolls, alcoholics, etc...

His instinct as a human being allows him to naturally tell who can trust and who can't.

Even if Mr. Su looks like an old fox at a glance, he is also an old fox that can be reassuring.

This feeling of peace of mind is really rare.

So, who is the person who has ruined his sense of peace of mind now?

"Finally back to Qinggang..."

The jeep entered the high wall via the Steel Suspension Bridge of Satellite City 2. Then Lu Xin and others, under Chen Jing’s escort, went straight to a specially emptied high train and headed all the way to the main city. Although full of thoughts, You can still faintly see the ups and downs of No. 5, No. 3 and others, their eyes through the car window, looking at this slightly old, but gradually emerging city.

Everyone grew up in the Red Moon Orphanage.

For each of them, Qinggang has some special meaning in life.

The high train drove into the main city, and everyone left the station in a special passage.

He was directly escorted by a team of security personnel arranged by Chen Jing to a building with no special features.

On the way, Lu Xin glanced inadvertently and found that the entire main city had become nervous.

Although there are no apparent changes, armed vehicles have gathered at the exits of the high trains and on the main roads of the city.

Even the electromagnetic cannon on the high wall was slightly deflected.

It seems that the muzzle can be transferred to Qinggang at any time.

These subtle changes caused the entire Qinggang main city to faintly enter a state of nervous defense.

During the period, No.5 thoughtfully cast a joking expression at Lu Xin.

But Lu Xin just nodded, indicating that she didn't need to worry.

After arriving in the building, all the security personnel stayed downstairs to guard.

Chen Jing led Lu Xin and his party without taking the elevator, and went straight into the fire exit to the seventh floor of the building.

Pushing open the door, you entered a spacious and empty office.

In the office, there were only three people sitting.

One is Mr. Su, and the other is a serious-looking man in a dark gray suit.

Behind this man, there was a man wearing a black trench coat who looked like a secretary.

Seeing Lu Xin coming in, Mr. Su nodded slightly without saying hello.

As you can see, he seems to be a little hot, and sweat is always leaking out on his forehead.

It's really hard for him. Such a rigorous person would dare to come to such a dangerous occasion in person.

"Mr. Shan Bing, my last name is Zhang."

It was the man in the dark gray suit who saw Lu Xin coming in and stood up and nodded to Lu Xin.

Because they were too far apart, there was no need for the two to shake hands, so Lu Xin just nodded to him. Although he did not meet this person directly, he heard his special self-introduction, but he has already guessed how much. To the identity of this person.

Qinggang only used his own surname as an introduction, and only the top gentlemen.

As the executive officer of the Qinggang Special Pollution Cleanup Department, the one that Lu Xin has the most contact with is Mr. Su.

But there are still a few gentlemen in Qinggang.

They are on the same level as Mr. Su, and they are all people who control the destiny of Qinggang.

The person in front of him with the surname Zhang is the one who has mastered the security system and security system of Qinggang.

Strictly speaking, Minister Shen is also his person.

"The matter of your application for investigation, now there are results."

Without wasting time, after greeting Lu Xin, this Mr. Zhang nodded.

The man behind him brought a document that had been prepared a long time ago.

He didn't even look at it, so he put the document on the desktop, and with a light push, the folder slid across the bright conference table.

It happened to stop in front of Lu Xin, ten centimeters away from the table.

But without waiting for Lu Xin to reach out, Chen Jing picked up the document in advance.

After opening it, he took a quick glance, then closed it again, and threw it into the trash can by the table.

"These are not enough."


Chen Jing's actions instantly changed the expression of that Mr. Zhang, and even Mr. Su was slightly surprised.

Between Mr. Zhang's eyebrows, there was a faint anger, and he said coldly: "Major Chen, please pay attention to your words and behavior!"

"Mr. Zhang."

Chen Jing looked at him directly, her voice was very cold:

"This is not the time to be an official, and you are not facing someone who can make you an official."

"So, please adjust your sincere attitude to talk to me in the shortest time."

"I am now representing the Special Clearance Department, and Professor Bai and everyone in the Special Clearance Department entrusted me to handle this matter."

"Do you know why Professor Bai didn't come in person?"

Her voice became more and more indifferent: "Because he feels that there is no need to discuss such things."

"This is not a question of who is framing whom, it is a question of someone betraying Qinggang."

"In this situation, do you think you can just find a few scapegoats to overcome it?"



That Mr. Zhang, facing Chen Jing's aggressive attitude, was actually a little nervous at first.

Even the mysterious looking man behind him and his identity can't give him enough sense of protection.

After a slight pause, he said in a panic, "But after all, we still have to act according to our rules and laws, right?"

"Even if it's such an investigation, you can't cross the line, right?"

"The result I gave you just now is to strictly follow the regulations and use the highest efficiency to track down the results..."



Lu Xin frowned slightly.

"I believe you did investigate this result strictly in accordance with the regulations."

Chen Jing looked at Mr. Zhang directly, her voice slightly slowed: "But I also believe that that person has the ability to cut off all the clues, so instead of arguing about this fragile thing, why not just let it Shall we meet face to face?"

"after all…"

She turned her head and looked at the black suitcase in Lu Xin's hand, as if there was more confidence in her voice.

"Not only you are investigating, we are also investigating."

"He can cut off those important clues through Qinggang's rules, so that people can't find him."

"But you know, our people in the Special Purpose Department are also good at some tricks. We can also use some efficient but counterintuitive methods to get accurate evidence. Do you think I want to use these evidence directly? Does it show up?"

"Or, go directly to the courtroom and let the whole Qinggang witness it?"



Following Chen Jing's eyes, UU reading and even people's eyes focused on Lu Xin's suitcase with a scream.

"What's hidden in that box?"


The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense.

Faintly, people's hairs are like thorns, slightly scraped in the cold air.

Mr. Zhang's gaze fell on Lu Xin's suitcase.

He seemed to want Lu Xin to show the evidence, but facing Chen Jing's attitude and the oppression of Lu Xin and others, he gradually lost all confidence. After all, he himself understood that this It’s not easy to get involved.

Especially when the Special Clearance Department has obtained evidence.

Slowly, he sat down and gently waved his hand: "Go, he is already waiting for you."

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