Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 883: The first quarrel (6000 words)

Therefore, the old dean actually came to the dark world.

And he knew he had gotten together with these classmates a long time ago, just didn't care?

He finally appeared. He tried all the methods before, just to find his trace. In the end, he took the initiative to show up and sent an invitation to himself and these classmates, inviting himself and these people to sit at his home and sit with him. See you...

What is this, class reunion?

Standing under the empty mountain laboratory, Lu Xin felt his heart fluctuate and couldn't calm down for a while.

Not only him, but the others standing next to him were obviously under a lot of pressure, and their faces were tense.

As members of the Tyrant Squad, the deputy captain Gecko, Mi Zang, and others, as well as the diligent lurkers, didn’t know what happened, but suddenly saw that all of them, including Lu Xin, were born in that mysterious orphanage. People, these horrible and powerful unreasonable guys, as if all of a sudden, the corners of their mouths are pursed, and their faces are dark and scary...

As the deputy captain, Gecko wanted to say something to enliven the atmosphere.

But when the words came to his lips, an intuition derived from talent suddenly made him shut his mouth again.

Knowing when to speak is a talent, knowing when not to speak is the way to survive...

"Sure enough, what should come will come..."

Sure enough, after a long period of time, among these people from an orphanage, No. 5 suddenly spoke in a low voice, breaking the silence.

There seemed to be a slight sneer on her face, and the gecko understood her heart. Many people are used to deliberately showing a little sarcasm when talking about some terrible things, but they don’t know. When they did this, they showed their inner horror. For example, on the 5th at this time, everyone could see that she was actually very nervous.

But she deliberately said with ease: "Oh, I knew he would not let us go."

"During the third coming, the whole world was so chaotic. I originally thought he would show up at this time."

"It's not just me..."

She glanced at No. 3, No. 8 and others, and said: "They are the same too, so we will keep fighting against these things..."

"It's just that I didn't expect that from the danger of collapse in this world, until now the situation is stable, he has resisted not showing up, but at the last moment, we thought we could really solve all the problems very well. At that time, he..."

He pursed the corners of his lips, and said, "It has appeared."

Listening to Number Five, everyone did not rush to answer each other, but they were always depressed.

"Perhaps, it is normal for him to appear at this time."

Suddenly, No. 3, who usually talks very little, continued on No. 5: "He wouldn't stop us from fighting pollution."

"Because he has always hated these things, right?"

"Of course he will not be associated with these things, maybe he is also secretly fighting against such pollution."

"It's just that now that he has appeared, it means..."


Everyone understood the words of number three, and their heart sank slightly.

The old dean never did anything unprepared. Since he appeared, it naturally means that he is ready...

This made them feel slightly cold, and subconsciously raised their arms and stroked them.

There is a sense of hesitation in my heart.

"He should have appeared."

At this moment, Lu Xin, who had been standing beside him silently, suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

Lu Xin stood quietly, looking up at the few remaining lights in the high mountain laboratory, and blinking constantly, and slowly said: "Actually, don't worry about why he appeared at this time, or for what. Yes. He will show up at this time because he only shows up at this time. Otherwise, he would not show up on his own initiative, but was caught by me."

When he spoke, the students in the orphanage were startled slightly, and their eyes lightly blinked.

Lu Xin's face gradually showed a confident and brilliant smile, saying: "I have been looking for him, whether it is a lurker at the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute or Qinggang, I have been trying my best to find him. He is very Will hide, even if Qinggang has planted a lot of spies on the Southern Science and Technology Church, he has not been captured yet, but now it is different..."

"Under the third coming, Qinggang's energy radiation range is becoming wider and wider, covering most of the area where people live. The doll will help me stare, and once he appears, he will tell me, so he His living space was already squeezed very small. Before that, he still had a place to hide in the south and now, but just now, he was gone..."

"He can only hide in the tech church in the south, covered by chaotic spiritual power."

"So, after we finished the matter here, we could go there directly and find him."

"He is not showing up at this time, and when will he show up?"


This is the first time Lu Xin said such words with such confidence in many people's memories.

This faintly dispelled the haze from everyone's hearts.

In a slightly disturbed atmosphere, No.2 pushed the small glasses and said, "Then what should we do?"

"do you want to go?"


Obviously it is such a simple question, but everyone is actually a little nervous.

Lu Xin still felt the complex mood of the people around him, and smiled: "Of course we are going. We have been waiting for a long time, haven't we?"


Number Three put his hand in his pocket and said, "Can't hide."

"Go! Go! Go…"

No. 5 gritted his teeth, and on the thin face, muscles faintly rolled: "Sooner or later, I will suffer such a knife..."

"If you don't go now, when will you be truly free?"


The eighth seems to be the one with the strongest heart. He didn't panic at first, and he didn't talk nonsense in the middle.

It was not until these people expressed their opinions that they smiled and rolled up their cuffs.

And Xiao Nineteen, it seemed that it took a long time to understand what had happened, and quietly stepped forward and held Lu Xin's palm.


Lu Xin sighed softly and said, "I haven't seen him for so many years, I miss him so much..."

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded slightly.

Yeah, everyone is the same...

The old dean sent an invitation. As a child he grew up watching, why wouldn't he not go?

Lu Xin and others quickly unified their opinions, and there was no need for discussion.

Of course, it is still up to Lu Xin to decide when to go there, and in what form.

Even in the tyrant squad, against the strange confrontation that came for the third time, the classmates of these orphanages did not actually listen to him too much. Every day they knew that they were lying in the car and playing cards. Lu Xin did a lot of work himself. Compared with the deputy captain of the Tyrant Squad and the players from Qinggang, both discipline and obedience are not at the same level.

However, when the old dean began to show his shadow, they suddenly trusted Lu Xin very much.

Even put all expectations on Lu Xin.

…Just like many years ago, pinning hopes on this most terrifying monster.

It was precisely because Lu Xin understood what was in their hearts that he took the initiative to say something like that.

You must let others know how strong you are.

Otherwise, these classmates may not be able to muster the courage to confront the old dean...

As for the question of going to this party, Lu Xin also thought very well, and it was natural to go.

But, after all, you have to put your work to the end.

Puff puff puff...

The ghost train, who felt the depression of the Tyrant Squad, traversed the spiritual world in a very short time and returned to Qinggang.

"I don't have much time."

Facing the convoy headed by Mr. Su and Professor Bai and others, when Lu Xin stepped off the train, he directly said to Professor Bai: "This time I come back, mainly to leave all the information collected recently, and then We are going to the South. Now we should be dealing with all aspects of the work. I think we can also deal with some personal matters at this time."

"Private matter?"

Hearing Lu Xin said "time is pressing" and then "Southern", the group of people in Qinggang who were waiting for the celebration banquet were a little surprised.


Lu Xin nodded, then smiled at them and said, "Have a class meeting."

Did not give too much explanation in the surprised eyes of the people in Qinggang.

Qinggang responded quickly and called back immediately to postpone the celebration banquet.

Then immediately notify all experts of the Special Clearance Department to have a concentrated meeting.

The confidentiality level of the meeting was directly set at Qinggang's highest level, top secret.

The meeting lasted about three hours.

During this period of time, Lu Xin shared the type, level, and distribution of residual forces cleaned up by the Tyrant Squad, as well as what he had learned about the original plan for the first generation of researchers during this period of time, and shared them all.

Before that, Lu Xin hadn't thought about it. One day he knew the old dean's information, and he wouldn't rush there immediately.

But now, he thinks it should be done.

Work must always be handled well.

This information gave Qinggang a huge surprise. In fact, this period of time, Qinggang was already in the critical information gathering stage, because the doll has been promoted to the new ultimate, and her level has undergone corresponding changes. The state of affairs and the world that she feels have also produced a huge difference. She has provided Qinggang with a lot of truth about spiritual changes.

What Lu Xin brought back now was another level of truth.

These things are all intangible assets, and they are also the cornerstones to help Qinggang lay the groundwork for its future achievements.

After earnestly searching his mind and making sure that nothing was missing, Lu Xin took out the little book in his arms, spread it on the table, and said, "As for these, they are the spiritual monsters and spirits we cleaned up before and after this time. There are not many records of pollution sources. The total number has not exceeded 10,000. Many of them were accidentally broken, so I almost weighed them by the catty..."

"For the total price...hehe..."

He coughed forcibly, held back a smile, and said, "I'm not very good at maths, and I don't know how to calculate it."

"For more details, you can do it yourself!"

He raised his head and looked at the big men in Qinggang sincerely, and said, "When I come back, it should be clear, right?"

Looking at Lu Xin's serious expression, everyone in the room was a little bit sluggish.

Especially those researchers who were still in a state of nervous recording the information left by Lu Xin. They were still trembling for the last second, for fear that they had mistaken what Lu Xin said, and suddenly turned a corner. Why? Talking about money business?

Mr. Su was taken aback, and quietly stretched his head to glance at the numbers on the notebook.

Suddenly his face changed, he sat back on the chair, and quietly took out the heart-relief pill.

Professor Bai glanced at Mr. Su calmly, and silently took off his reading glasses.

In an atmosphere that suddenly became slightly tense and slightly embarrassing, Lu Xin put his hands on the conference table.

"But if I can't come back..."

He pondered for a while and said, "Then give all the money, including the money in my account, to Red Moon Elementary School."

"For those children who don't have a home, a place where they can grow up safely."



The people who were still slightly nervous just now suddenly had a numb scalp and looked at Lu Xin nervously one by one.

This sudden remark even made them feel overwhelmed.

In response to their stunned eyes, Lu Xin smiled, nodded lightly at them, and then turned and left.

"Brother Nine..."

When Lu Xin walked into the corridor, he saw a fat person standing at the end of the corridor who was filling the corridor.

It's number nine. As an intelligence analyst, he stayed in Qinggang. Until now, he made a special trip to find Lu Xin. He must have known about the invitation of the old dean. Lu Xin smiled when he looked at his slightly worried and chubby face. Nodded to him, and said: "My work here is finished. You go and inform them that we will leave on time at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."


No. 9 hesitated to speak and stopped, silently retreating back.

Lu Xin came out of the building of the Ministry of Special Purposes, stood on the steps, waited for a while, but didn't see any figure appearing.

After thinking about it, he put the smoke away and stepped forward.

In the far corridor, Han Bing, who was running over in a hurry, just wanted to call him, and saw his figure. When he took a step forward, he seemed to have entered an invisible door and disappeared. I was a little bit lost when I reached the front of the steps.

After taking this step, Lu Xin appeared in a room where the strengthened glass wall had just been removed the next moment.

The doll's room looked a little messy, with toy fragments everywhere and falling tights.

At this moment, she was wearing long trousers with a big backpack in her hand, and she kept stuffing clothes into her bag. Lu Xin stood behind her, looked for a while, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. Going up and grabbing her arm, he whispered, "No need to clean up. Tomorrow, it will be my classmates from the orphanage. You should stay in Qinggang and wait for my return."

The doll was silent for a while, then pulled away from his hand, and continued to stuff a huge pillow into the bag.

At this time, the door opened quietly, and a member of the nanny team came in. They were shocked when they saw someone in the doll’s room. They all pressed their hands on the holster. He fixed his eyes on Lu Xin and then immediately withdrew his hands. Quietly closed the door.

"No need."

Following the doll's movements, Lu Xin released his hand, but his tone became more certain.

The doll stopped the movement in her hand, turned her head to look at Lu Xin, her eyes seemed a little worried, shiny.

She opened her mouth slightly and said two words in a low voice: "Danger..."

"how could be?"

Lu Xin smiled and said, "It's just a reunion of classmates, and I will be back soon."

While speaking, she was also a little curious, who told the baby about this matter?

Nowadays, even Qinggang, I’m afraid I don’t know much about this, the doll is so stupid, it’s even more impossible...

When this thought flashed through his mind, Wawa gently raised his hand and pointed at Lu Xin.


Lu Xin was slightly startled.

At this moment, the spiritual power seemed to have his own life dispersed, causing him and the doll's spiritual power to tremble slightly, and then they understood the doll's worries and feelings.

In my own eyes, I saw a girl who was worrying about her endlessly. The reason why she was worried was not because others told her, but because she felt the weight in her heart.

So she came back to pack her things without a word, and was going to set off with herself tomorrow.

This left Lu Xin silent for a while, his heart became calm, and his spiritual world could no longer be perceived by others.

Then his face slowly piled up a smile, comforting: "It's okay, I..."

Suddenly, the doll turned her head and continued to pack her things.

Lu Xin was slightly embarrassed, and said, "It's really okay, so many of us..."

The doll did not hear.

Lu Xin said, "This is about our orphanage, so..."

The doll did not hear.

Lu Xin became a little anxious, his voice slightly raised, and said, "You can't go anymore..."

The doll suddenly turned her head and said angrily: "But it's dangerous."

Lu Xin couldn't lose his aura, and said, "You can't go if it's dangerous. If you go, it will be troublesome."

The baby said: "I'm not in trouble!"

Lu Xin: "It won't be troublesome if you stay..."

Wawa: "I won't stay!"

"What happened?"

Outside the room, I heard that the sound inside suddenly became a bit louder, and the nanny squad crowded at the door waiting for a moment became nervous, especially the leader of the nanny squad who heard the movement, with a razor in his hand and a calf. With his trousers rolled up and shaving foam on them, he trot over with a nervous expression, almost yelling, "Call the police" or something like that.

"in argument…"

Several members of the nanny team who listened at the door said nervously, "The noise is extremely intense."

"The baby has spoken three sentences in a row..."



The leader of the nanny squad was taken aback, and immediately beamed with joy: "It's great."

The members of the nanny squad next to her suddenly looked sideways.

The captain waved his hand and signaled that they don’t even want to listen here. When they arrived in the bathroom, they continued to shave their legs while saying: “You’re just too nervous and don’t think about it. Didn't quarrel before?"

"Before our dolls always took the initiative, the man was stupid, I felt very unreliable. Just like Professor Chen analyzed, their feelings are different from ours. Others start from the shallower to the deeper. First look at the appearance. The stimulation of the sense organs starts from the surface and slowly penetrates into the heart. After living for a long time, the spiritual radiation reaches a synchronized frequency, which forms a long-lasting emotional resonance."

"At their level, they first achieve emotional resonance at the spiritual level, then a little bit from the inside out, and finally affect the external sensory stimulation, thus forming the feelings that we see completely different from normal people. experience…"

"Because they are actually dominated by dolls to achieve deep-level spiritual radiating mutual attraction, so they will not be bored with dislike, just like old couples and old wives will not dislike each other, because they have accepted it instinctively. And because they can be in The emotional level perceives each other's hearts, so for them, there is not even the possibility of misunderstanding and the need for communication."

"This is destined for their purity, and there is no need to experience the complexity and twists in the eyes of ordinary people."


The members of the nanny squad next to them all nodded, with a confused expression.

It is not only his team that cares about the baby, but also Professor Chen, who cares more than the nanny team, so he has long established a "high-level spiritual life and external emotional needs research group", referred to as the "high foreign affairs group". Collected all the information about the previous contact between the doll and the individual soldier, repeatedly tried to figure out, studied the details, and then compared the latest research data to come to this conclusion.

In the end, looking very sad, he waved his hand and said: "It's no help."


Although I understand what the captain is talking about, the doubts in my heart are more serious: "What does this have to do with what you are talking about now?"

"The relationship is..."

The leader of the nanny squad paused slightly, and said with disdain: "Old man Chen knows what a shit, his objects were all assigned when the city was built..."

"In my opinion, regardless of his model or model, the object of the conversation is that there are several stages, one is active, the other is passive, the two sides are running in, and then quarreling, one is wronged, the other apologizes, and then counterattack is defensive, successfully occupying the uppermost position of emotion. …"


She slowly scraped off the last piece of foam on her leg, smiling arrogantly and confidently: "So, the quarrel has begun."

"It means that the doll has taken the initiative..."



A group of nanny squad members suddenly felt bright and surprised: "No wonder you have been showing Wawa a female lecturer recently..."


The leader of the nanny team immediately raised his index finger: "This is top secret!"

At the same time, Lu Xin panicked as he watched the tears in Wawa's eyes.

I'm right.

I just don't let her follow the adventure.

Why is she crying?

Why does it seem to be her own problem if she cried?

There is a feeling of numb scalp and helpless hands and feet. Since joining the Special Clearance Department, the tyrant who has dealt with more than five-figure bizarre events and spiritual monsters feels an unprecedented crisis at this moment, and there is a kind of logic that suddenly becomes chaotic. Feeling that he stood by the bed with his hands and feet convulsively for a while, he suddenly sighed deeply, pressed the doll's shoulder, his tone softened:

"Will you accompany me out for a walk?"


Wawa sniffed stubbornly, then reluctantly nodded.

They came to the streets of the main city of Qinggang, half in the human spirit and half under the bright street lights.

Facing the wind through the city, slowly kicking the pebbles on the ground.

After walking quietly for a long time, Lu Xin slowly turned his head, looked at the doll under the street lamp, and said:

"You still can't go with me..."


The doll stopped, turned and walked back.


Lu Xin hurriedly stopped her again and said, "But, I have a very important thing for you."

The doll was startled, and was busy listening carefully.

Lu Xin was silent for a long time, and said: "This time I was on a business trip as a tyrant team, and I gave all the commissions to the orphanage. UU reading www.uukā"

Wawa blinked, seeming to be asking Lu Xin if he wants to borrow money again.


Lu Xin suddenly said: "Actually I still have a card, which contains my deposits over the years..."

Under the street lamp, half of his face was hidden in the shadows, making him look very serious, a little reluctant, but still very firm, and slowly took out the bank with his body temperature from the innermost pocket of his clothes. Card, and then gently grabbed the doll's hand.

Squeezed it into her palm and patted it lightly, with a certain solemn ritual in her tone:

"give it to you…"

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