Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 884: Teacher and student preparation (5000 words)

This night, no one in Qinggang slept.

Originally, Qinggang prepared a grand celebration banquet for the returning tyrant team, and some people even prepared to talk to the single soldiers at the celebration banquet about future cooperation. Simply put, it is to see what methods can be used. There was another way to pay the commission he deserved, but he didn't expect that this much-anticipated celebration banquet was suddenly cancelled.

An invisible pressure, like a dark cloud, is pressing on the head of Qinggang, which has just achieved unprecedented success.

Someone worked overtime overnight to analyze data.

Some people immediately mobilized the latest intelligence and trends in the world, trying to see something.

There were also people who gained huge trust on such a night and took control of Lu Xinzhen's life bank card.




In the guest house prepared by the Qinggang Special Clearance Department for Lu Xin’s classmates, Lu Xin’s classmates are also quietly packing their things at this time, or in other words, by packing things to calm their inner tensions. , Sort out one's own thinking.

No. 2 sat on the white and soft bedding, squinted, and studied how the TV in the guest house was turned on...

No. 3 shut himself in the guest house’s room, and went to the guest house staff to buy a lot of things, such as iron hooks, thick steel needles, bundles of tough steel wires, etc., as well as some prohibited thermal weapons in the high-wall city. , Such as the little apple, rocket launcher, submachine gun, etc. If it weren't for the special clearance department, the guest house would be different from the ordinary guest house. I don't know where to find these things.

Who would call the front desk while staying and tell me to send me a basket of apples and two submachine guns?

The strangest thing is that he asked for so many things, but when he left the next day, the room became empty. No. 3 was just put in his pocket with two hands and came out easily. He didn't even have a backpack. , No one knows where these things are placed.

Before leaving, Lu Xin also asked him if he wanted to go back to Soda City to see his family.

But Number Three pondered for a long time, but refused.

"Maybe I don't want to come back..."

He smiled and replied: "And I promised my wife, this time I will solve everything."

After arriving at the guesthouse on the 5th, the ghost train was instructed to make a trip back to her secret laboratory and pulled back a carriage that was more than three meters high and eight or nine meters long. No one knew what was in the box, but It was so dark that it was scary. Number 5 got into the carriage and cleaned up for most of the night. When she got out of the box, her eyes were bright and she had a very expectant expression on her face.

No. 8 is sitting in the room, slowly polishing the shiny torture instruments in his box, not sharp enough to be sharpened, not shiny enough to re-maintain, meticulously, looking at the eyes of these torture instruments, There seems to be a certain sense of happiness.

On the 14th, I sat on the sofa and ate a whole roast lamb with no appetite, and then hugged my stomach in a daze.

Xiao Nineteen sneaked into the guest house kitchen and stole two kitchen knives.

My sister hid in a sealed room and didn't know what she was doing. The walls of the room fluttered and shook from time to time.



Lu Xin is walking with the doll.

So aimlessly, I walked down the street quietly.

Enjoying the waste of time and feeling a senseless happiness.

Before, the people from Qinggang were very foresighted and would never bother them at this time.

But this time, Qinggang seems to be a little different from before. A car quietly appeared on the street. Professor Bai, Mr. Su, Chen Jing and others got out of the car. People with their previous identities traveled, at least. To prepare a convoy, but now it was just a lonely car and drove out without even a bodyguard. This seems to explain the changes in Qinggang today...

"If you want to fight against the technology church, then I think Qinggang must also contribute."

They came directly to Lu Xin, and Professor Bai opened his mouth and said his own answer directly.

"First of all, the technology church is the public enemy of the world. The Alliance has suffered from their losses, and our Qinggang has also suffered."

"Secondly, you are now a Qinggang person. According to Qinggang's special talent introduction regulations, your current contribution has even exceeded the scope of the seventh-level special talents. In other words, your identity is already comparable to that of several gentlemen. Therefore, Qinggang has the responsibility to protect you. Whether it is for public or private purposes, Qinggang has no reason to take risks by yourself at this last juncture."


"Am I upgraded again?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised, and suddenly his mood improved a lot.

But facing the opinions of Professor Bai and others, he thought for a while, still shook his head, and said, "No need."

"We went this time not to fight against the technology church, but just for personal matters."


Chen Jing couldn't help saying: "Every time you deal with private affairs, the disturbances are bigger than tolerance."

Lu Xin: "..."

Chen Jing sighed and said: "We still suggest that you don't go to the technology church and that... your old dean is not someone's business. We should be more cautious and wait until the darkness is dealt with. For things over the world, we have settled our people, and then contacted with the Northern Front, discussed in unison, and worked out a plan to fight against the technology church."



Lu Xin shook his head: "In that case, it might be too late."

He smiled and said: "I know our dean, he won't give people such a chance."

"Besides, he invited us in a private name. If we did, wouldn't it be impolite?"



Seeing Lu Xin's attitude, the expressions of several people were slightly unnatural.

On the contrary, Mr. Su, who usually hides behind everything, couldn't help taking a step forward, saying: "Although, I don't know much about the field of mental mutation, but I have been pitted by you too many times, and I have a little experience. , Don’t you often say it when you are training the capable? Fighting is never the key to determining victory or defeat. The preparation for the battle is..."

"Your old dean has been preparing for many years..."


"Mr. Su, who is ignorant and unskilled, actually knows the rules of confrontation for capable people?"

Lu Xin wanted to laugh a little inexplicably, then nodded slightly, and said seriously: "He did prepare for many years."

Then he spoke slowly: "So do we."

This time, the atmosphere of the chat seemed a little heavy. The only lively thing was the doll's blinking eyes.

"Well, the level of advice is over."

At this moment, Professor Bai with his bright hair suddenly sighed and smiled and said to Lu Xin: "Although I have known that I can't persuade you, but I have to persuade you at any rate, in case you change your temper and learn to listen. People persuade you? If you want to go, Qinggang will not stop it. This may indeed be a private matter, but Qinggang is also ready. We come here this time just to..."

He took the folder from Chen Jing and said, "I will show you Qinggang's plan."

"This is the third stage of the Qinggang Heavenly Kingdom Project, and it is also the final stage plan. You should also learn about it."

"After all, you are also one of the people in charge of the plan..."


"The third phase?"

Lu Xin was slightly surprised, and took this folder.

In the first stage, he was directly involved and once participated in the discussion as the core candidate of the plan.

In the second stage, as the captain of the Tyrant Squad, he cooperated as a whole.

But before that, Lu Xin didn't know that Qinggang had already completed the third phase plan...

"The inspiration and direction of the plan came from Lin Mo, a genius researcher at the Lunar Eclipse Research Institute, and was handed over to us by Dean Xue Jia. The overall steps of the plan were customized by our Qinggang researchers and capable people, and more specific. The idea for the implementation of "Qinggang Spiritual Power Research Base" was jointly formulated by experts from various parties in our Qinggang Spiritual Power Research Base, and it has also received help from many people."

"But the completion of this plan is beyond our control..."


If Lu Xin wanted to understand something, he would understand it in a very short time in a way that violates common sense.

Therefore, he only glanced at the plan briefly, and his expression became a little solemn involuntarily.

Controlling the excitement in his heart, he raised his head to look at Professor Bai: "Is it possible for such a plan... to succeed?"

Professor Bai nodded slightly and said, "The point is whether we believe we can succeed, don't we?"


After Lu Xin was silent for a while, he suddenly laughed and said, "Whether it succeeds or not, just do our thing well."



At five o'clock in the morning, before the sun rose, Lu Xin and his classmates boarded the ghost train.

Only those students from the orphanage and the other members of the Tyrant Squad who boarded the train had completed their tasks.

The deputy captain felt extremely complicated. He was originally shaking Wei Wei carrying a small bag with a desperate expression. He came to Lu Xin to ask for leave. He said that he had a diarrhea. It was very serious. Can he not go with him? Lu Xin looked a little surprised. He said he didn't need him to go with him in the first place... Gecko's complexion suddenly changed, and he hurriedly changed his words: "Actually, I can go, anyway, I can help you carry a bag or something..."

"The big deal is really fighting, I'll stay away..."


"No need to."

Lu Xin smiled and shook his head, and patted the gecko on the shoulder: "This time something is going to happen, I really may not be able to protect you."

The gecko burst into tears with a "wow", and tears were moved.

"Captain, I know that you used to take me out on adventures just to tease me..."


Lu Xin was a little surprised, thinking that he was not sure every time before, but it was not so serious.

It stands to reason that the principal of Red Moon Elementary School, Mr. Deer, is actually a member of the orphanage. Such a gathering should also bring her. Even the old dean’s letter may not have the intention of bringing Mr. Deer. But Lu Xin decided not to take her with him, and didn't even tell her the news. Perhaps the gathering of all the survivors would be more meaningful...

But what is the significance compared to security and stability?

Before boarding the car, Lu Xin glanced back at Qinggang, saw the people standing on the steel suspension bridge to see off, and even saw the deep night hiding in the corner in the spiritual world of everyone in Qinggang. And a certain white-haired missionary.

He smiled and nodded, then got into the carriage.

In the car door, No. 2 wearing round glasses followed in and found a place to sit down honestly.

Then he took off his watch and changed to No. 3 in a brand new suit.

Then there was the number five, absent-minded, holding a notebook, looking eager to settle the accounts.

In the back, carrying a silver suitcase, wearing heavy clothes, and even a size eight with a white collar...

Lu Xin wanted to ask him, isn't it hot?

On the 14th, hugging her belly, she got on the train in a daze, her expression tangled.

Xiao Nineteen followed the train at the end, found a place closer to Lu Xin, and sat on a chair.

My sister’s backpack seemed to be a little smaller. She put the backpack behind the train first, and then climbed into the train through the window.

"Number two, number three, number five, number eight, me, number fourteen, nineteen...seventeen..."


Lu Xin waited for them. Every time someone came up, he called out a number. When he finally called his sister's "number seventeen", he turned on the computer to operate the number five seriously, suddenly raised his head, glanced at him, and then looked at him. Looking at the younger sister in the carriage, her eyes seemed a little strange, but she didn't say anything in the end, she quickly retracted her gaze, and continued to count his big business.

In the carriage, everyone else was accustomed to it, and it didn't feel strange.

"Everyone is here..."

Lu Xin smiled and said: "Then let's go, let's meet the old dean..."



Go shopping and eating...

The ghost train moved slowly, and then began to increase at an alarming rate.

Behind them, Qinggang's steel suspension bridge and high walls, countless eyes looked at them from a distance.

There are worries, anxiety, determination, and simple blessings.

In the east, the rising sun began to rise into the sky, spilling its rays on this clean world.

Someone felt dizzy and couldn't help thinking: "It's so good..."

"Because the night is so long, many people have forgotten what it looks like at dawn..."


As the train drove forward, Lu Xin and the others looked through the window of the car, reflecting the pale world in their minds.

The third time came, from their perspective, it did not cause much threat, but it was still a real disaster for the world. For more than 30 years, the survivors have become popular. The civilization and order that had been painstakingly built on the ruins caused by the moon incident was destroyed by this time, and it is not clear how many living beings have disappeared since then.

But what is strange is that looking out from the train, there is no chaos and despair when the Red Moon incident occurred.

Lu Xin and the others saw the tall machines operating, cleaning up the rubble, and building houses.

I saw someone diverting water to irrigate to save farmland.

I saw medical staff walking in various temporary gathering points, healing their injuries and saving lives.

I also saw a group of officials or spontaneous armed forces at gathering points, hunting down the Knights, or building defensive facilities.



This is a destroyed world, but life can be found in it.

Lu Xin, who has read the plan for the third phase of the Heavenly Kingdom Project, understands that this is one of Qinggang's strategies.

Today’s dolls actually have enough power to kill the knights on the ruins directly, or order them to take the initiative to defend themselves, or even change their evil spirits, so that these people will not feel hungry in a short period of time, which is convenient. Management can also allow each of them to operate as intensely as a machine, in order to achieve the highest efficiency in a short period of time.

But Qinggang did not do this. Instead, it would rather choose a less efficient but more exciting way.

For the human race, this seems to be a sense of ritual?

With this feeling, the ghost train passed through the southern border of the Union and the chaotic land in the middle, and finally passed through the mountains and swamps. On the southern line of the chaotic land, it officially crossed and left Qinggang. The area has entered the front line of the technology church.

At this moment, Lu Xin turned his head from the train and looked back, and saw the shadow of the doll, standing among the clouds.

Holding the umbrella in his hand, he gently waved it towards himself.

"wait me back……"

Standing in the train, Lu Xin spoke to the doll with his mouth, then turned his head.

The moment he turned his head, his face turned gloomy, and he took a deep breath and looked forward with a cold look in his eyes.

At the same time, everyone in the carriage raised their heads and looked forward.

Even the ghost train seemed to feel the atmosphere in the carriage, and the sound of moving forward suddenly became heavier.

Repressive and heavy power shrouded everyone's heart.

About to enter the territory of the technology church, about to see the truth under the veil of the technology church.

The relatives who have been away for a long time are finally going to get together again at this moment.

And everyone is ready...



It is also at this moment The core of the technology church, the city of life, an ordinary residence in the satellite city on the 11th, changing from the usual clothes always stretches itself too tightly and is too serious Wang Jingyun, the old dean of Chinese tunic suit, was moving all the furniture in the room to the side, leaving the largest space in the room, and then he set up a long table enough for everyone to sit down.

Everyone is preparing for this gathering, and the old dean is also preparing.

He prepared a lot of dishes and even two bottles of wine.

There was a tablecloth on the table, and there was also a vase filled with bright flowers, and an old photo was placed next to it.

Just placing the last chair in the right place, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled very relievedly.

"Go pick it up..."

He tied his apron, smiled and said to the number seven in the corner, and said, "I want to cook quickly."

"My students, we will be here soon..."

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