Lucas was walking toward the Vice Head Jailer, Domino, whose shock wasn't visible since she was covering her eyes with sunglasses.

In the future, where Lucas killed all of the prisoners and some jailers around, he didn't hold back since all of what happens wouldn't be more than a dream that will happen only in case he did what he intended to do. 

Lucas has found 3 devil fruit users; two were tied with sea-stones shackles so they wouldn't use their powers, the other one was hiding his ability to deal with the pain of this hell.

Lucas lifted his head looking to the snail in the walls. Those were a tool to stream what is happening to the watching room. Lucas has to be careful not to be caught in the act by those snails, and the guards around him. Lucas put his hand behind his back, and pointed with his finger toward some pirates' direction, he was going to use [Finger Gun lvl10] and take those pirates with silent compressed air bullets.

*pew* *pew*

Three silent little air bullets flew out of Lucas's fingers and hit the three Devil fruit users. The sounds of the prisoner's screams and the fact that Lucas's hand was in a blind spot, made him hit his targets without getting anyone to notice.

[Ding, +1 Paramecia devil fruits. +2 Zoan devil fruit]

[Zoan fruit: - cat-cat fruit module: wild cat.

-Mouse-mouse fruit: yellow Rat.

Paramecia type: scales-scales fruit: allow the user's to cover their bodies with scales]

[+3000 Acc.u.mulated XP]

[Finger Gun +1000 XP x3(six king gun boost)] x3

[Finger Gun +9000 XP]

[Finger Gun up to level 11]

Those prisoners, who got shot, suddenly fell to the ground. The sharp spiky grass pierced their bodies and ended their pain for good.

"This level is too soft for me, let's go deeper" 

Hearing his answer, saying this place is too soft for him, both of the jailers and pirates were shocked and angry.

"Is your body this hard" Domino let her face get closer to Lucas's chest. She saw those blades making contact with his white flawless skin, so she couldn't help but be curious. Maybe handsome young boys aren't soft as they may seem. 

'His skin and muscles seem to be normal. For someone who isn't a Devil Fruit user, he has a very strong and solid physique, like some special agents in the world government.

"Be careful not to get close too much, I am still young and I would blush if the pretty Blonde got too close"

*Cough* Domino took her head back and coughed, and, slight redness on her left cheek since her right side is covered by blonde hair, she said: 

"I was making sure that you didn't get injured. Even if you may be confident in your body, I have to make sure you aren't hiding your injury" He is just 15-16, tricking him shouldn't be hard, and this should save her face.

'Yeah, like I am that teenager you are trying to fool' 

"Thanks for the concern. Your boss wasn't wrong when he said you too professional"

"I'm just doing my job commodore" Her cheek's colour went back to normal; she saved her face from embarrassment. 

Domino, then, offered to take Lucas down "Now, let's go to the second floor"

"After you" Lucas offered and extended his hand so she can walk first. Domino didn't make a fuss about it and guided him to the stairs, so he can know his way around this prison.

And So, Lucas followed behind to the second floor while staring at Domino's butt, it was his habit to stare at the beautiful things, so he was hopeless when he saw a beautiful plump booty walking ahead of him. Domino didn't make a note or said anything about him staring at her since she did one and he showed that his feelings were hurt. But well, there is nothing wrong with that, you can watch but you can't touch.

Lucas and Domino reached the second level, which is called: Wild Beast Hell. All of the pirates that can be found here have a high bounty for the east blue standard; all of the pirates here have a bounty higher than 15.000.000 berries. 

What makes this level scary, are the man-eating beasts that can be found around the cells. No prisoner dare to raise their voices or make trouble, or the beasts would eat them alive.

Many have witnessed the cruel death of other prisoners who made havoc or noises. The simplest beasts they met were known as Manticores, man-eating human-faced lions that will devour everything from their prey including the bones.

Lucas walked around the cells with Domino; everyone was calm in this jail.

'this floor would be harder to deal with' Lucas looked around, Not only there watching snails, but also, he can feel the presence of the giant beast, and gigantic beasts, such the snake-like a chicken that was watching from above, Basilisk, it was looking at Lucas with murderous intent.

Lucas lifted his head and glared at the beast. It looks strong since it could force Luffy to use his gears after CP9 arc.

'This should give a good amount of XP,' The animals can feel the murderous intent easily, so Lucas's aggressive intent was felt by the beasts, which made the Basilisk ready to attack at any second.

"Am I allowed to beat them?" Lucas asked Domino.

"of course not" the beasts take a long time to be trained and nurtured by the world government. "Kya" Domino hit the ground with her whip, the Basilisk turned its body and crawled into another place. The beasts in this level do fear the guards and jailers and only eat the human prisoners.

"So, since I can't beat them, how can someone train in this place" Lucas walked around the cells. He closed his eyes again, suddenly, his blood-thirsty has raised.

He started to see the future where he was running around, killing the beasts, Domino throwing her at him to beg him to stop, and her b.r.e.a.s.ts fell on him, and Lucas stopped seeing the future as she did that. 

"You can't here, but the third and the fourth levels should satisfy your body," Domino said. Then realizing the hiding meaning behind her words, she blushed, then she coughed and acted as nothing has happened.

After two seconds, Lucas started to see the future with bloodthirst. He continued to attack the rest of the prisoners without any regard to anything.

'5 fruit devil fruit, well, It's not hard to get a bounty at this level with low fighting prowess. Well, most of the pirates get their bounty according to their danger level, crimes, and strength'

"I can't train here" so this meant that they would go down now. Lucas has to find a way to get some time and extract those fruits stealthily, without making Domino realize his intent.

"Yes," Domino replied.  

"Miss Domino, before going down…" Lucas said with a hesitant tone as he put his hand on one of the bar cells, where two prisoners have devil fruits.

"What" Domino turned her head to him.

Lucas lowered his head "Actually, to me it was hard to walk along with you while keeping a straight face and I must say..."

"Yes?" Domino seemed to be confused.

"I was wondering all the time, are you, single"

"Commodore, I prefer we don't mix job with personal life" Domino said as she turned her eyes. Lucas was very handsome. And compared to the look of the officers here (Magellan, Hannibal), his face, his shape, and his scent were very attractive to a woman like her. But she prefers to not mix work with personal life, even though that this prison was the place that she spent her life at. 

The moment she turned her head, Lucas used [six king gun] and controlled it to shoot a small shockwave toward the two prisoners. They fell to the ground in the middle of their friends' eyes. But those pirates didn't raise their voices in fear to cause havoc and get eaten by the beasts at this level.

[Six king gun +3000 XP]

[+4000 XP]

[+2 devil fruits in the storage]

Hearing Domino's answer and seeing her urge to get out, Lucas pretended to be disappointed and walked aimlessly with a sad face toward another cell.

He was facing three devil fruit users who looked at him with smug faces, this was fun. "hehehe" they were laughing. But when Lucas was facing them, he didn't show any sad expression about being rejected.

He put his hands on the bars and said while glaring at the prisoners with sharp eyes. "You know, Miss Domino. You are living here, so you can't give such an excuse. I'm just wondering if you are single or not, unless you are married in this place, I would understand" Lucas wasn't even focusing on her as he opened his palm in the face of prisoners. Around his hands, two, almost visible, spheres of shockwave were forming.

Controlling his strength, Lucas unleashed another [Six King Gun] and the prisoners flew back and fell to the ground. The shockwave destroyed their bodies from inside, and since it was perfectly controlled, they fell without making any noise or any realization about what happened.

[Six king gun lvl14 + 5000 XP]

[+3 devil fruits in the storage]

"I am single, but we barely met and I can't share my personal life with someone who I don't know" Domino rolled her eyes.

From thin air, Lucas appeared next to her "But we can get to know each other in the time that we currently have" It's not like Lucas doesn't mind having some warm time with beautiful lady, but he has a job to do.

"If there time, now shall we get down" without waiting for Lucas to reply, Domino started walking to the stairs' direction.

"There will be some time for sure" Lucas slowed his pace while walking and staring at her butt. 


"How old are you," Domino asked.

"16" Lucas's birthday would be 2 months later, and physically, he would become 16 years old.

"aren't you young to be commodore" Domino opened her jaw a bit. She didn't expect him to be this young. Even if he started to train from the age of 3, he shouldn't be strong enough to be commodore.

But, this is the bizarre world.

"As you can see, I'm more mature than you may think. And you, how old are you" 

" Isn't it rude to ask a woman about her age"

" But I already said mine, if you don't tell me, my innocent heart would get hurt" Lucas was just chit-chatting while walking to the lower level.

"hehe" Domino chuckled " to talk about innocent heart in such place, you are funny for sure"


The Guards rooms, 

On a big screen where different videos were playing, Lucas was on one of them, walking to the third level.

Lucas was confident that he didn't attract the attention of anyone. But that wasn't the case, there was a woman with a whip staring at him and smiling. It may not be noticed by the other guard, but for a dominatrix like her, it didn't escape her eyes.

On the first level, when three prisoners fell to the spike, everyone focused on the weird accident, except for her, since Lucas smirked at that moment when he walked out the scene. Holding her whip with both of hands and looking at the screen, she smirked 'this boy, has twisted mind for sure'

"hahaha.." suddenly she started to laugh, the guards around her started to sweat up feeling fear, when their chief is like this, no one can be safe.

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