The third level of the Impel down, known as the Starvation Hell, contains pirates with a bounty higher than 50 million berries. Here, the prisoners would feel the heat rising up from Level bellow, making them living above an inferno. They would get little food and water to keep them in a near-death state. By looking at them, one can't tell that they were frightening criminals once. To make things worse, the environment is full of sand making it look like a desert. Here, even the guards wouldn't stay long, leaving the prisoners inside alone.

In the corner, the door suddenly got open and two persons entered. After guiding Lucas through the stairs, Domino opened the steel gate which was the entrance.

During the time they spent descending on the stairs, both of the blonde and the blond were opened more for a chat instead walking aside with weird silence. The professional attitude of Domino became less as she was relying on some personal questions, except that she didn't tell Lucas her real age despite how much he tried. No one can defeat a woman when she wants to change the topic, not even the strongest man alive.

Lucas found himself in front of a desert with many prisoners that look to be in a state between life and death.

some are already dying.

"It's hot here," Lucas swept his forehead. He was the type of guys who prefer to tolerate extreme coldness rather than the extreme heat.

"That because the level down is called the blazing hell, the heat would rise through a hole in the middle of this level" Domino explained. She didn't seem to be bothered by the heat, even when she is wearing guard clothes and hat, she didn't even sweat. That was due to her ability as a woman, and women usually take a shower with boiling water and it would never be hot enough. (Taking a bath with your girl isn't always a good idea).

Lucas took a water bottle from his storage and drank some refreshing water. Domino turned her face to look at him, since when was holding this.

"Do you want a drink?" Lucas offered. Domino took the bottle from his hand and was surprised to find it cold. Does he have a fridge inside his coat of commodore? She opened it and drank a bit feeling refreshed by the coldness.

Lucas knew what she would ask through the Haki "your next line: where were you keeping this"

"where were you…" Domino suddenly stopped talking. Did he just know what she is going to say, even before she says it?

"Well, it's magic and I know tricks to pull things from thin air," Lucas said as a glass of Lemon juice appeared in his hand.

Domino didn't believe her eyes; she lifted her sunglasses to see the cup. That moment, Lucas was able to see her eye's colour, which was light purple, almost lavender.

"You have pretty eyes for sure," Lucas said with an honest tone as he admired those rare colours, as it gave the woman a unique beauty.

Domino didn't care about his compliment. She took the glass and smelled it. The smell seemed to be refreshing and not similar to the smell of his clothes. The bottle was cold as well. She drunk a bit feeling refreshed then asked: "How did you do that?"

"If I tell you, then, the magic would lose its meaning" Lucas took his coat off, then he hands it to Domino along with his two scimitars which were hanging on the lower part of his back. "Now, would you mind keeping those for me for a while"

"Not at all" Domino put the glass of lemon juice aside, and took his stuff. Using her skills of scanning the prisoners; she found nothing is hidden under his coat. "But where were you hiding them", curiosity, is something that can kill if it is not fulfilled. Seeing his magical trick, she couldn't help but die inside.

"I already said It's magic. Now, excuse me, I'm going to do warm-ups here"

"Humph" Domino humped her cheeks on his answer, he is trying to change the topic and run away, whatever, there is still time to ask him.

Lucas cracked several bones and walked in the Hell. He wore a black T-shirt and dark vast pants which allows him to move freely. He started to jog forward. It seemed that he was trying to familiarize himself with the heat, but he was looking for the devil fruit users.

Lucas unleashed his observation Haki extending its range, which made him feels everyone's presence here. Since his Haki is high levelled by the system, not only he can see the future, but his range is wide, Lucas could feel the presence of the people in this level, and the levels below.

In this starvation hell, he could feel many pirates are on the verge of death from extreme thirst and hunger. Some of them are already dead and their bones are left on the sand to strike the morals of the rest of the pirates.

Every man-eating beast looks very friendly to those pirates, and if possible, they would offer themselves to it.

It may seem crazy to throw yourself to a man-eating beast, but after few days after starvation, that beast would look less scary, and after more days of starvation, the beast's fangs would be the best friend you may ever get.

The heat was rising, and Lucas was feeling more annoyed with the moment. If not for his strong physical tolerance, then he wouldn't be able to jog with a straight face.

Lucas used his classical trick, where he uses the future observation with a bloodthirst, then he would determinate the devil fruit users.

Unlike the level above, this level contains 4 devil fruit users. As it seems, most of the pirates here have a bounty of fifty million and above. So, if there were some devil fruit users, then it would most likely have weak physical bodies, and they won't survive in this level without their abilities. So it is likely the devil fruit users in this floor die because of their weak physique and the sea stone that already made them weaker.

Lucas passed by the prisoners, and silently he shoots [finger Gun] level 11 at them. Since these prisoners were all strong, they gave a decent amount of XP, which made Lucas shoot both the devil fruit user and non-devil fruit users.

[Finger gun up to level 13]

[+100.000 Acc.u.mulated XP]

[+2 paramecia devil fruits (whip-whip) (Electricity-Electricity)

+ 2 Zoan fruits (spider-spider module: Black Widow) (mosquito-mosquito) ]

'Hey, one of the fruits fit my sword' Lucas smiled seeing Electricity fruit, later he would merge it with his swords, as for the rest, he would choose some for the girls'

Those fruits were very good to get their owners a bounty above 50.000.000 Berries. The Zoan ones were excellent to eat, one allows the user to turn into a green mosquito, and the other into a spider, black widow, which is one of the scariest spiders, and that when it is small. If anyone eats Zoan, then the animal they would turn into would be bigger than them, and even the hybrid from is scary and big.

Insects may seem to be weak, but in fact, they are only weak because they are small. From all the types of animals, insects have the most bizarre abilities. Spiders have great physical strength, strong poison, strings, and senses, let's not forget that black widow is one of the most venomous spiders with painful poison. As for the Mosquito not only it has great senses, it also can have a high flying speed, Mosquito can flap its wings 300-600 times in a second, and if it was merged with human hybrids, it can generate a great speed.

'Maybe those have died before Luffy enter. so this one is Peter Parker (spiderman), and the other, with a mosquito, is a parody that I forgot its name'

'But some of the Zoan fruits fit the girls'.

After collecting what he got, he went back to Domino and took back his coat and swords. Lucas then took another cold water bottle and drank it 'this impel down is hell for sure'. He didn't really take this prison lightly; he only looked down on it to provoke Magellan so he would let him go deeper.

(not as deeper as you think)

"How are you doing this" Domino said seeing the water bottle in his hand. If prisoners like him locked here, then they would have no problem surviving in the Starvation hell.

"Magic" Lucas wore his coat and walked out this layer.


"hahaha... I see-mmm- what he did there" from the watching room, a white woman, with perky b.r.e.a.s.ts that are bigger than the head, was laughing while licking her hand. Watching Lucas, she could see him smiling each time he moves his finger stealthily.

Now, for normal guards, it may seem impossible to notice his moves. But for the chief like her who can handle pirates with a bounty of +100.000.000 berries, and even some of those from the 6th floor, she could notice his movement. For a sadistic girl, Lucas's smirk, which was only in the size of millimetres, was too innocent and sweet.

"Sadi, why are you laughing, "one of the guards in the watching room said? Suddenly the rest of the guards showed horrified expressions, they jumped along with their hearts trying to get away from danger.

Did this guard address the Chief guard by her name?

"You call Little Sadi by mistress Sadi" Sadi's blonde hair was quite long, and covered her forehead and covered a bit of her eyes. But anyone can see she was pretty from her face and red-pink lips, her body shape, and gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts. But despite that, most of the guards here fear their boss' whip.

"Sorry.." Before that guard could even apology, he got hit by Sadi's whip on his face. For his luck, she held back otherwise he would be dead.


Lucas reached the fourth level of Impel Down, known as The Blazing hell. At this level, a pool lies filled with boiling blood heated by a raging fire making it extremely hot. The heat caused by this is so intense that it also heats up the level directly above it.

The forms of torture here are extreme compared to the other levels, such as being thrown into the gigantic pot of boiling blood in the middle of the level. Other tortures involve prisoners being hung from ropes around their stomachs and being dangled over the raging flames throughout the level and being put to back-breaking hard labour by supplying giant logs of firewood to keep the flames going.

Guards on this level must don protective gear to avoid being hurt by the intense heat, as it is strong enough to sear bared flesh.

"I'll stop here, if you need anything, you know the Warden Chief's office" Domino who was with Lucas turned and walked away, this level's heat is too much for her to accompany Lucas.

"Thanks for accompanying me"

After Domino left, Lucas started to walk in this level, on a ground where fire and boiling blood is raging beneath him.

To walk without the specific gear for this level, Lucas had to cover himself slightly with Armament Haki, making him having a shield to protect him from heat.

'what luck'

Unlike the other levels, this level is heavily guarded by humans, and their number is more than the number of guards on other levels. This can be due to that Magellan's office is here.

Lucas has found that his movement is more restricted, and the eyes of the snails are everywhere. It would be hard to find a blind spot to attack.

The jailers saw Lucas walking, but seeing the commodore coat on him, they knew that they shouldn't make any troubles with him, so they continued their job by whipping the prisoners

Lucas finished using his classical trick of the future vision and got to know which one has a devil fruit, and which one doesn't.

However, when he used the future observation to see if attacking the prisoners silently would work, it didn't work and he would be caught somehow.

'Maybe I should wait until they go back to their cells'

It was only a few minutes before the prisoners would go back to their jails and the jailers go up to sleep, eat, and rest before a new day of torture.

Walking on a bridge, where pirates are forced to do works while walking with bare feet on the ground, Lucas smiled as he felt someone coming from behind. "An old fish is here"

"You...Lucas Fernando"

Behind him, Lucas could hear a familiar voice; it belonged to someone who caused the human race to suffer for years, killed families in front of each other, and killed a mother in front of her children because she couldn't pay. He was non-other than some Fishman with one hand.

"Well, never expect you to stay alive, Arlong" Lucas turned to look at the huge shark Fishman, If Nami was here, then she wouldn't control herself and kill him.

"I've stayed alive for one reason…"Arlong said. His eyes that were lifeless a moment again has shown a strong desire. This man in front of him, has destroyed his plans, killed some of his friends, took them as a hostage and gave him a promise as long as Arlong give him all the money he collected to build a country, and kill a man, Lucas would set his crew free. But no, as Arlong gave his money with a bomb, Lucas put it inside storage saying it's a devil fruit ability. When he thought he would go back to the water with his crew, Lucas handed them to the Marines. Arlong was arrested by Smoker and got kicked easily, not only so, but he had to witness the public execution of his friends, and he was sent to Impel Down again, and with the number of his crimes, he was sent to the fifth level.

Despite the torture, Arlong stayed alive for one reason, his desire to kill Lucas and take vengeance.

"I don't care about that" Lucas relaxed his shoulder, as soon Arlong get close, he would defeat him without moving an inch.

"Bastard, this is for Shyrly (his half-sister that Lucas said she begged him to leave Arlong alive, with her body)" Arlong threw what in his hand and dashed toward Lucas to give him one last bite. As long as he does that, Arlong doesn't care if he died in a horrible way.

Lucas Haki suddenly alerted him, something is going to happen which some guys find it hot, scary and kinky "Arlong, poor fish" he smiled in Arlong's face.

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