The next day arrived, and Lucas had to leave Alabsata now and go back to the navy HQ.

Lucas spent a good time with the girls here before bidding farewell to them and going back flying to Marineforde.

Before leaving, Lucas used his teacher's skill on Vivi who would keep this power of his secret. Lucas then called Mikita and Zala and knocked them out before taking two pirates out of his storage and used Massage hands on them, so they gain eternal youth.

He didn't do this for Robin since Lucas wanted to wait for her, so she became the same after the time skip, with a curvier body and a fair white skin. As for Vivi, she is still very young, and Lucas only has two pirates left in his storage to sacrifice, other than Law and his crew who Lucas has other plans for them.

Of course, Lucas was planning to give eternal youth to all girls, But first, he has to capture a lot of lowly pirates to sacrifice their lives to achieve that.

After awakening, Zala and Mikita got to know what happened, then Lucas made them have this as a secret. He didn't tell them that this was a result of someone to sacrifice his life, but the result of some strange ritual that give blessing such unlocking potentials and enteral youth. The two became very happy with this, not because of the eternal life, but the eternal youth which would keep their appearance as it is.

Lucas then bid farewell and told them that he would be absent for a few days. They should stay here, like good girls. The two nodded. Zala went to her room to smoke, and Mikita went to some architect to design her dream factory.

Lucas then left the palace. He took off his mask and changed his hairstyle to the old one. He then flew back to the direction of Impel Down since he was planning to settle last in Marineforde.

When he reached Impel Down, he met Hannibal who became the Warden Chief while Magellan became Vice.

Hannibal as soon as he saw Lucas coming inside, he went personally to meet him " Welcome, welcome, our shiny star" Hannibal was bootlicking Lucas every time he comes to Impel Down. First, Hannibal was thankful for Lucas for exposing the prisoners, which gave him a chance to take his bose down. Second, Hannibal was afraid of Lucas. This blondie finds troubles whenever he goes, so Hannibal decided to bootlick him.

"Just stop kissing my ass, where is the Chief Guard and Vice Jailers Head."

"Please, I'll take you there personally."

"Please don't "

"Why that, our shiny Rear Admiral."

"You talk too much," Lucas answered honestly.

Hannibal tried his best not to show a sad expression as he called Sadi and Domino.

"Little Lucas"

"Rear admiral."

"Little Sadi, Domino"

Lucas then went to some office and met the two. Sadi still wears like a dominatrix in work while Domino still the same as she said that she would soon hand her resigning papers and joining his ship.

Sadi said that she wouldn't join the marine as long as he keeps visiting her or decide to take her somewhere. Besides, the trip from her to Navy HQ takes a shorter time. As soon as he got there, Sadi quickly grabbed his crotch with her hand and kissed him. "Hmm... Hard, good boy."

Lucas then had some excellent time with them, where he used his D to make their mood enjoyable.

After getting done, Lucas chatted a bit with them before leaving. He said he would spend the next days training here in Impel Down.

He was planing for training before going to The New World. Even though Lucas knew that he is powerful, he didn't know exactly how much. His battle prowess may be more than regular vice admiral or maybe even close to admiral when he goes all out. Lucas didn't dare to overestimate himself, as many people regret thinking highly. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Come back soon."

"If you don't come back, I'll find you and punish you...hmm." Domino and Sadi waved their hands at Lucas who kicked the air and flew.

Lucas smiled at Domino and flinched at Sadi's words 'why do I have a boner with that.'


Lucas got the coordinates of his two warsh.i.p.s. As soon as Lucas went there, his crew saw him, and quickly formed lines and did the military salute.

"Did he finally leave his cabin."

"It is like two days we didn't see him."

"Shh... Do you want to get punished and do push-ups."

Everyone here thought that Lucas was inside his cabin as he took them out to patrol in the sea. But all they did see was Hina around and the other women.

Lucas nodded to his soldiers before walking to the middle:" We are going back" Lucas issued his order.

"Yes, Rear Admiral"

They nodded before telling the other ship and turning the sail to Marineforde, where they would go back to their families and stay with them until they have a job to do.

"Here you are." As Lucas was standing alone on the deck, a hand grabbed him from behind.

"Hina is upset".

Lucas turned to see Hina looking angry, yet she still pretty despite that.

" What made you upset," Lucas asked, and Hina turned her head. "It's nothing" apparently; she is in a bad mood.

"Where were you, Hina has been looking for you the last two days," Hina asked. It's one thing that their boss takes them out for a trip and one thing for her to cover upon him while he isn't in his post.

"I had some urgent matters, and I needed to take some time off."

"You were picking up some girl, Hina will report you" Hina flinched. If she didn't know his new side of being womaniser, she would believe him. Each time she thinks that he court to 5 already, she remembers that he didn't make a move on her, or even check her out as he does to other girls.

That made her think that he sees her ugly, and eventually, it would piss her off.

Meanwhile, Lucas used Future Vision and looked to Hina's b.r.e.a.s.ts as he licked his lips. Observation Haki saved him a lot of faces.

But in the present, Lucas is still making eye contact. Lucas smiled at Hina's face, which made her burrow her eyebrow. "Hina, you know that I like to be in good terms with you," Lucas said as he took five packets of cigarettes; he took her hand and put them there.

"Don't change the topic; tell Hina what have you been doing? " Hina said as she didn't refuse the gifts and put three packets in her pocket, while the rest, she put it between her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Lucas, at that moment, couldn't help but move his eyes down quickly before looking back to her purple eyes. Hina at that moment felt some relief, and shock ' What, he, he stared at Hina's chest.' Hina didn't believe it.

"Lucas was helping some young man to achieve his dreams" Lucas honestly answered as he was helping himself.

"Stop mocking Hina" Hina frowned as she heard him refer to himself as she does. But she could see he was telling the truth.

Lucas laughed and chatted with her a bit, and she seemed to calm down. Hina then told him something " Hina will start Haki training soon". It was because their unit is moving to The New World. "Lucas can teach you," Lucas said. "Stop talking like that" Hina replied as she lit up a cigarette.

"Anyway, Hina would go to The New World with you. Can you teach Haki" Hina asked? It was tough to ask someone who is half her age to teach her.

"Hehe" Lucas chuckled; if only she knows that he taught Haki to a sea monster "I can tell you I'm better than admirals" Lucas confidently said.

Hina seemed to think he is arrogant to make such statements; you are only 16 years old, when I had my first period, you didn't even exist.

Lucas smiled as he knew what she says:" your next line: Hina thinks that you are arrogant, and you should learn how to humble."

At the same time Hina "Hina thinks that you are arrogant... What"

That opened her jaw "What did you."

"Since you think I'm a bad master, I won't teach you."

"Teach Hina, or she will tell the HQ that you weren't working. Also, Hina would tell Calorina that you are smoking.

"No need to play dirty."


After chatting with Hina, Lucas went to the other ship where the rest of the girls are waiting. They didn't forget to give him a ton of questions about what he was doing, and they sniffed his body to see if there is any other woman's scent on him. But, because there are many scents on him, they couldn't tell.

Lucas spent the night peacefully with them as their sh.i.p.s were going back, and he got full after letting Alvida for last since Lucas leave the best for last.

After arriving at the HQ, it was Friday, and Lucas was allowed to ask permission for the weekend. After Lucas took the permission to go, he waited until it was the sunset. He then went to pick up Alvida outside.

"Alvida, there is someplace we should go to."

"Ah, where is that," Alvida asked as Lucas grabbed her hand; she smiled and followed behind since she appreciates private time.

"Let's go to some isolated island," Lucas said.

The reason Lucas is taking Alvida with him is that she is a previous pirate, and she is the one with no sense of justice, just like him. And he needs her power to change the terrain of someplace.

Lucas prepared to kick the air, but Alvida stopped him and said:" No need to put effort, we can slide there". Without waiting for Lucas to reply, she covered her arm with Haki and lifted him from his waist.

"Hey," Lucas said. But the contact with her smooth body made it difficult to push her.

"Just enjoy the flight" Alvida activated her awakened ability and jumped, suddenly the air started to slide around her making her seems to fly and float. "I forgot that you can fly" Lucas just now seemed to remember that she has this ability.

And so, Lucas and Alvida flew in the night toward one island that they verified it's isolated. As soon as they landed, Lucas asked Alvida: "Make it look scary."

"Just like the good old days when we used to throw victims to the sharks," Alvida thought as she lifted her head.

Alvida then put her hand on the ground, and earthquake happened as the earth layers became smooth and started to slide. Many cracks appeared on the ground as the terrain began to change, making the island looking scarry.

Before going to his next step, Lucas asked Alvida if she wants to get eternal youth now since he has one pirate left to sacrifice. And he thought that her look is perfect just as it is. Alvida heard him and was shocked, then thinking that she would get such thing at the price of a sc.u.m's life, she nodded and happily accepted. Lucas then made her sleep and took a pirate out of his storage and made him do the surgery, and before that pirate dies, Lucas shot killed him to bear the fruit back.

Alvida woke up not feeling different, but after remembering that, she believed Lucas and seemed to be happy that she wanted to use Snu Snu on him.

Lucas then made her some food and let her busy with eating before he goes to the other side of the island. Alvida liked Lucas cooking the most, and she had a large appetite, even more than Luffy so that she won't annoy him for a while with questions and so.

On the other side of Island, Lucas took Law from his storage after he fused Op-Op fruit to him again.

Then Lucas threw some cold water on Law. As soon Law woke up, Lucas gave him a strong punch on his face making him sleep again.

[Ding, defeating harmless unconscious Devil Fruit user 300 XP]

[Do you want to extract the Devil Fruit (y/n)]

Now, with this notification, Lucas would be able to take this fruit at any time after he gets what he wants from Law.

Lucas now is going to make a deal with Law to help him get revenge on Doflamingo.

And even If Law decided to betray him at some point or run to somewhere, Lucas would be able to take the fruit just by opening the notification that said he defeated Law and chose (y), and bam, the fruit would be in his storage again.

Lucas then put Law on the wall; he took his white scimitars and put it on Law's limbs. The white scimitar ate Cold-Cold fruit, so when Lucas put them on Law's arms and legs, they froze and stuck up.

"Since when this one was here" Alvida who was eating her 10th meat plate, looked to Lucas's directions with curiosity to see what he is doing, and she saw Law sticking up on the stone. "Whatever, this chicken is too good." She decided only to mind her own business.

Lucas looked to the unconscious Law and waved his white sword sending some cold air to Law, making him wake up.

Law suddenly opened his eyes, feeling dizzy. In front of him, he saw Lucas and suddenly memories of what happened last days, where the blondie attacked him and his crew, and he was too weak to stop him.

"You... Who are you." Law said as he felt coldness on his limbs that stopped him from moving.

" Me, I'm someone who wants to help you" Lucas let an evil smirk as he approached Law.

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