Law woke up to find himself facing Lucas, the last one he saw before losing his conscious. Law had mixed feelings as he thought that his journey was interpreted and may end before he gets close to his goal of vengeance.

"What did ya do.."

Law clenched his teeth; he found that he can't move forward. He tried, but, both of his arms and legs were numb and cold. Law moved his head to see a layer of ice on his limbs. He found that he can use his Devil Fruit Ability if he wanted. But he wanted to find out what happened to his crew before making any risky move.

"Welcome Law, do you remember me" Lucas made an evil smirk as he played with his white sword.

Law tightened his eyes as he looked to the surrounding. There were cracks all around, and island shape seemed to be twisted and bizarre as it looked scary. That made some lousy impression.

"Where is my crew-ya," Law asked.

"For now, I would say they are fine. As for later, it would depend on your behaviour," Lucas answered as he rubbed his chin.

"Who are ya," Law asked as he didn't know who is he. But he felt that he saw Lucas somewhere.

Even if Lucas is a famous marine, not everyone heard about him, and not everyone who read the news in the newspaper has a photographic memory. Lucas was the man of that hour when he made an achievement. But when that hour ended, his momentum and fame faded along with it.

"Me. I can be your friend, and I can be your enemy" Lucas said. Law remained silent as Lucas's words are clear. The terrain, and the way this Blondie is acting made impression in Law that he has to be careful when dealing with this man.

Lucas intent is to use Law as his pawn for his next steps.

Lucas had to do this instead of brainwashing Law if he wants to save many months.

Massage Hands would take a long time to change the person, and massaging his head would only allow him to control him temporarily for a couple of hours.

His hands' ability has hypnotism effect. And Hypnotism is used to manipulate the person, not changing him. Well, the good thing is that Lucas is good at that.

If Lucas wanted to use someone important as Law, Lucas would have to spend months before changing him or using the D skill on him to gain instant loyalty. But that won't happen since Lucas isn't gay and he has no time.

Lucas continued "People know me as Rear Admiral. But, according to the law, you should be heading to Impel Down to spend the rest of your life there. But, instead, you are here, breathing in this beautiful island. "

"You are."

"You can call me Fernando Lucas."

Law suddenly remembered the name, and he knew that he is messing now with a Rear Admiral after his crew caused havoc In one of the Navy bases. Law was about to use his Devil Fruit ability to fight back out of the fear that this man changes his mind, but again, his crew is still a hostage.

"Don't make me say Useless for the third time. Now, don't you wonder why I didn't arrest you" Lucas said?

"What do you want from me, stop beating around the bush and say what you want ya" Law stopped. He remembered the battle he had with Lucas earlier, and how he didn't have a chance despite him using his Devil Fruit ability. But what stopped Law was Lucas's last words made him think why he didn't arrest him.

Lucas got up from his place and went to Law, standing one meter away from him. "We have a common enemy, and I want us to be allies. If you join me, I will help you."

"You don't mean" Law looked at Lucas and his heart started to beat faster. What enemy. To Law, there is only one enemy that he must take down, but he still has other people who have a grudge on him.

"Doflamingo" Lucas said as he let a smirk.

Law opened his eyes widely. He then lowered his head and thought for a while before lifting it to face Lucas. "He is Warlord, and you are a marine..." Law didn't know how Lucas knows that he and Doflamingo are enemies.

"That's why I am offering to help you. Doflamingo killed someone close to you, and you want to take vengeance. Me, I don't want someone who abuses his authority of warlord, doing all of the kind of low crimes, that I can't mention all of them due how many, to be free and do whatever he likes."

Law was shocked seeing that Lucas knows his motive. After he calmed and analysed the righteous reason Lucas has to take Doflamingo down, he said:

"Why would I believe ya, a marine who talks about justice, wants to ally with a pirate, " Law was suspicious.

"You are in no position to question my intents or methods."

If Lucas had one intent for his actions, then it would be the next: Promotion. Justice can go to drain.

"Instead you should ask what I can offer for you" Lucas smirked.

"What can you ya," Law said, looking at Lucas.

"Power" Lucas whispered in Law's ear. "Don't you want to get strong enough and take vengeance."

Lucas is planning to teach him a couple of tricks, but not unlocking his potentials since that is not necessary and would make Law out of control. In the show, without having the help of external power, other than Devil Fruit, Law was able to grow at high speed. A genius doesn't need increasing in his talent.

Law opened his eyes widely. Upon mentioning revenge, Law remembered Doflamingo and how he killed his closes person. Law couldn't help but feel hatred, anger and temptation on 'Power' word.

In this situation, Lucas was Orochimaru, Law was Sasuke, and Doflamingo was Itachi.

"What kind of power are ya willing to offer," Law said.

"I can teach you Haki, in less than a month, and swordsmanship," Lucas said. Even without Potentials skill, he has his other ability, Skill Translator that allow him to imprint skills on other people through touching them, or using his voice, Lucas can even write manuals for his expertise, as long as they are three levels below his level. But some skills can only be used by Lucas himself, so teaching everything isn't possible since it would depend on the person to master them.

Law heard about Haki since he was with Doflamingo group, and he realised how strong is Lucas's Haki since he could easily kick him inside his room. But swordsmanship? He saw Lucas using his fist, not sword.

Lucas could tell what he was thinking off, so he had no choice but to wave his scimitar to make a large on a hill, cutting it into half, while having the cut froze.

That convinced Law of how much strong Lucas is. If joining the devil would help him, so be it.

"I'll accept, but, where is my crew" Law asked.

"I have them in a safe place," Lucas said as he broke the Ice on Law's limbs.

Then Law agreed to follow Lucas's orders when he gives them to his thought a private DenDenMushi.

After Law learned that Lucas is planning to expose Doflamingo's crimes in Dressrosa to the world, he couldn't help but to agree more and decided to follow him on the heart. Law wanted nothing more than to take everything from Doflamingo before finishing him off.

Also, Lucas told Law to die his hair yellow, just in case.

Well, Law, wasn't the last man Lucas would use since there is another man, who worth to be taken to his side and get his potentials unlocked.

To Lucas, the other man that he plans to take was one of the dumbest, yet a genius with potentials to surpass the scientists of the World Government.

Lucas needed a peerless genius, who he would unlock his potentials to serve him.


"Oh... How cute he is when he acts this way" Alvida finished eating everything Lucas made and was observing how he was dealing with that person.

"So cute when he acts bad" Alvida has no sense of justice, and she loves robing people more than helping them. The only reason she is marine is that she wanted to be with Lucas. But still, being a marine was excellent, as she would have a family without worry about them, she can sleep on the land safely, and she has a high salary.


After more words with Law, Lucas took him to the other side of the island where he met his crew and his broken submarine.

Then, Lucas gave Law some compass, with a copy of a map that only the Navy has access to, and told him to wait on some island.

Law bowed a bit seeing that his crew was unharmed and promised to wait for Lucas in the mentioned place.


Lucas went to Alvida who was looking with sparkling eyes.

Lucas found them attractive, and he couldn't help but ask "Alvida, why are you looking at me like this"

"Oh my. You were too cute. I want to eat you" Alvida said as she went to Lucas and grabbed him from his waist lifting him as her hand landed on his D.

"I'm not cute" Lucas snorted. He hated to be called cute. But he had no choice as the smoothes hand on the world was against his D, giving him a quick hard-on.

"Let's go back home; I want to have a private time eat you" Alvida smirked as she let her fingers slide against his balls and shaft, making Lucas enter climax.

"Ah, let's go back" Lucas breathed heavily as her hand was just too smooth, so let alone the rest of her body. And Lucas had an orgasm in the sky as he was flying back to Marineforde.


Law while and his crew were fixing the Submarine. They couldn't help but see something fell on them.

"Hey, what is that white thing," someone said as he saw a thick white liquid on the submarine.

"Those Damn birds" Someone cursed.


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