Fifteen days passed on his wedding, and the two months vacation was officially over. Lucas, now, is back to work. With the orders of the Fleet admirals, he is moving to the New World, very soon; he just needs to wait for his papers to be done.

Today was a sunny day. Three big warsh.i.p.s were moving above the blue water of the sea, doing their last patrol. One of the warsh.i.p.s had a big tag on the sail 'HINA', while the other two didn't have any.

Despite the sea being calm, there was some wind moving the sh.i.p.s, as an orange-haired girl with a coat was sitting on a chair, drinking orange juice with another light-blue haired girl.

"This is delicious, big sis."

"Yes, it's our mother's secret recipe."

"Ha, I wish she was alive to see us now."

On another warship, on the deck, Lucas was sitting on a chair with a table in front of him.

He is officially working again. His days of relaxing, banging beauties non-stop, are different now. Luckily, the girls finished preparing, learning Haki and improving their Devil Fruit ability to be able to live in The New World. They can live relaxedly as long as they are in a safe base and away from the centre of events.

"Hmm, your arm got stronger." In front of Lucas, a girl let a soft m.o.a.n as she was pushing Lucas's arms and looking at him with her golden eyes.

She and Lucas were having an arm wrestling. The table beneath was showing signs of breaking.

"What a pretty sight, Sadi," Lucas said as he smiled and pressed her arm, bending it down.

"LITTLE, Sadi," Sadi said with a firm tone and used more strength regaining balance and pushing him back.

"Fine. Little Sadi." Lucas looked at her and used his free hand to support his chin while using the other one to wrestle her arm. Despite her arms looking slender compared to his, they had enormous strength in them.

Sadi in front of him was looking deferent from how she used in Impel Down.

Her pumpkin-blonde hair now became straight and smooth. She cut it to be a bit above her butt since Lucas said it is too long. The bangs that used to cover her eyes got slightly cut and moved to the right side, allowing Lucas to see her honey-coloured eyes.

Sadi was wearing simple blue jeans, and an orange shirt. That was slightly lifted by her b.r.e.a.s.ts that are bigger than his face. The only thing that still the same from her old day in Impel Down was her candle shape earring.

On her back, she wore a commodore coat. Sengoku was happy to know that one of the strongest staff is joining the Navy and felt much credit to that, so he gave her a high rank from the start and a promise of fast promotion. Hannibal, the current chief of Impel Down, naturally wasn't happy with this. However, knowing that Lucas is the one who took her, he decided to let it go.

"Come on, Sadi, you can win."

"Are you with her or me Domino?" Lucas frowned upon hearing the blonde woman next to him.

"Rear Admiral, you know that I'm always with you. Otherwise, I wouldn't let my Job at Impel Down." Domino smiled as she was looking differently from the prisoner she used to be.

Her blond hair is tied in a ponytail now. She still had a long golden bang that covered the right side of her face, which ended by her shoulder level. Domino abandoned her dark shades now and was showing her lavender eyes.

"Well, hmm, she always supports the winner," Sadi said, smiling at Lucas with her pink lips.

Lucas sighed as he decided to get serious and used more strength.

Sadi is about to lose the arm wrestling, but she can't allow this to happen; who knew that his physical strength would increase this quickly. One must know that Sadi trained for years in the hellish levels in Impel Down, and became second to Magellan with her physical strength alone. She can't allow herself to lose to a 16 years old teen, which happened to be her lover.


The table couldn't handle the pressure of the two humans who can handle tons, and broke into little shreds. Both of Sadi and Lucas stopped and dazzlingly looked at each other.

"Draw." Domino declared. She made a smile and lifted both of her hands, cheering them up.

"Well, I could cheat at least. Hmm, but I didn't." Sadi said as she could use her Devil Fruit. Then she stood up.

"I could do that," Lucas said, still sitting.

Sadi smiled on his answer "aren't you naughty."

She, without warning, jumped on him and gave him a bear hug with, making her gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts crush on his chest, and put her pretty lips kissing him.

The marine soldiers around pretended that they didn't see it and continued doing their job. That was a familiar sight with their Rear Admiral, which they got used to it.

On the other near ship: Hina, the purple-haired beauty, was looking to Lucas with lavender eyes, and making a deep frown.

"Now, another two girls appeared on his crew, Hina is upset," Hina said as she kept glaring at Lucas before flinching.

Not only he didn't flirt with her, but all of a sudden, he brought two girls, which happened that the other women are Okay with it. Not only so, but she knew that both of Sadi and Domino are loyal to Impel Down, yet they gave up their jobs to be in his ship; guess what; the other girls are fine with it.

Now both of her and Lucas seemed to get close; Hina could see him casually glancing on her chest and curves sometimes, after training for long with each other, which made her quite happy. But, he still didn't make a move on her. Is she this ugly.

"Hina find it annoying; Hina have to ignore it," She said as she tightened her eyes on Lucas with a glare that can cut him into pieces. But she had her pride, so, Hina turned her head away and ignored it.


"Domino, how is that cloud," Lucas asked as he looked to the clouds up.

"It's under my control," Domino said, showing her n.a.k.e.d hand. Some visible electricity danced around it.

"Good." Not only Lucas discovered that Domino could move the sky island, but Nami as well. After she got along with her Devil Fruit ability, now, she can control the wind in the air, which allowed her to move the Sky Island as well. But that works better when there are strong winds around, so she controls it.


Today was the last day of work for Lucas.

He was patrolling for the last time, before tomorrow moving toward the New World.

"Bero." "Bero."

A snail far a bit started to ring on his ship.

As he was lying on his back, Alvida came, smiled at him and picked up the call for him. She then closed the call and looked at Lucas with a smile; from her facial expression, it looked like she didn't seem to be affected by what she heard.

"What is it?" Lucas stood up.

"Didn't you get taller?" Alvida said as she pats his head.

His height increased by 3cm, making him 188 cm.

"How did you notice, you didn't get smaller in my eyes " Lucas wondered if she still can see the difference since she was 2 meters. He never considered this, since this is One Piece world, and there are bigger freaks that are between 3-4 meters.

"he-he, I watch you closely, remember," Alvida said as she let a bed smirk. Looking at her green eyes, finding her face pretty, Lucas asked:

"What's in the report."

Since it's his last days, Lucas isn't planning to do his job. He already had a plan to promote him to Vice Admiral, which he would apply. And if things processed smoothly, then he would become an Admiral, before taking over the whole fleet, and then, The World.

'He is thinking of something naughty again.' Trying to ignore the smirk on Lucas's face, Alvida continued: "Apparently, a group of wanted pirates that has a high bounty is now invading some harmless town and killing their way. The group is known for mass massacring innocents and bloodthirst."


Lucas let a long sigh; great, innocent people that are getting killed all around. Lucas would try to ignore it, but the image of small kids and women getting killed would leave a bad taste in his mouth. His conscience may barely exist, but it still tickling; a bit.

"Explain, Alvida."

"A nearby island, Yamakashi Island, is an average-sized Island, with two towns and four villages; it is on out east, and we have an eternal pose for it." Alvida was giving information professionally, "Kid Pirates has been reported by starting a fight that got out of control, and citizen is involved."

"Kid Pirates?"

Lucas seemed to find the name familiar; it was like Kaido pirates, except not. Besides, the name seemed very childish.

"It's a dangerous group of rookies; their total bounty is 477.000.000 Berries. Their Captain, Eustass Kid has 300 million as a bounty, and one of his crew has +100 million." Alvida posed before continuing:

" Most importantly, the group is known by extreme violence and killing innocents more than fighting pirates; the last time they attacked inhabitant island, they slew a total of three villages. The survivors all mentioned that the Captain had a crazy character."

Even Alvida found Kid's character more of a lunatic.

"The captain, Kid, seems to be obsessed with his bounty, and lunatic, and there are many reports on him."

"I see, let's go there." Lucas let a sight before looking to some man far: " turn the sails into that Yama-thing Island." Petting his coat, Lucas said.

"Yes, Rear Admiral."

The three sh.i.p.s turned their sails. Using Eternal poses, they could navigate with ease in Grand Line. That was an advantage that pirates didn't have.

'Why didn't I just agree with having a base and all' He let a long lazy sigh that it's a headache to work as a patroller at sea. Noticing their speed, Lucas could tell that they wouldn't reach that place before those pirates finish slaying the population.

He looked at Nami who was lying down, wearing black glasses, and about to take a nap, before yelling: "Nami, can you lend us some winds." Lucas opened his arms demanding that she do a simple job.

Nami lifted her shades before flicking with her hand. Then, some strong winds left her fingers and pushed the sail with high speed. Some seamen covered their heads with their arms as the wind was too strong for them. But that meant they would reach faster.

In a few minutes, they could see a shadow of an average small island. Lucas was standing on the sail, observing with his eyes.


Upon getting close, screams could be heard from the middle of the island; womanly screams. There was a thick smoke leaving the centre of the island, as a big fire could be seen from the centre.

"Prepare your selves." A petty officer, whose name, Fullbody said as cracked his fists.

"300 million pirate; he should be considered a decent achievement and contribution to the Navy." Lucas had no expression on his face as he kept looking to the fire and approach the island.

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