It was the morning

Lucas got a report that a group of rookies called Kid Pirates had involved in a fight with another pirates group. The Kid Pirates, who were known for their lunatic leader, got out of control and started destroying everything killing the powerless civilians. Kid, their leader, was Worthing 300 million and one of his men had +100 million bounty, meaning, no one can stop them, and they are an excellent achievement.

Rear Admiral Lucas turned the sail to that average island that had a couple of towns and villages. Using Nami's ability, their warsh.i.p.s moved faster.

The girls moved to Lucas's ship, except Hina, who was busy with her own unit.

Upon hearing the mission, everyone had a different reaction.

"That's bad." Kaya, still as she is, hugged her coat upon hearing what people are suffering, for such cases, she doesn't mind to step in.

"Oh well, pirates are pirates." Sadi held her whip tight as her golden eyes shone.

"Hih, no wonder Impel Down is a good place for them." Domino stood next to Lucas. Even though she looks like a timid girl, she was the Vice Head Jailer in the worst prison in this world, where she saw the worse forms of torture and used her whip to push pirates as wee.

Domino, with her mindset, won't even flinch if she saw pirates get butchered by animals, much less fight them or had her heart softened when she strikes.

The rest of the girls remained silent.

"Okay girls, and men, don't forget our priority," Lucas said to his crew.

They just need to stop pirates, saving what can be saved, and move away.

His men nodded on his statement and held their weapons.

Lucas knew it would be a child play for his girls to deal with pirates with this level, after learning Haki and having Devil Fruits that are impressive- some fruits are overpowered.

Soon, they reached the territory of that island and could see its shadow.

They could see a fire in the middle, where the central town should be.

Despite being near the beach, screams could be heard, and most of them were begging for help or their lives.

"What a horrible sight." Kaya drew a sad face; she went to Lucas and hugged him. From the strength of her hug, Lucas could feel that she was ready to fight.

"Who will turn off the fire?" Lucas turned asked.


In the middle of this Yamakashi Island, in the town that was set on fire; between the buildings, stood two meters tall man, with muscular body, spiky red hair that points up.

The look in his eyes was full of bloodthirst, and he had a creepy smile, as the smell of the blood was making him excited.

Beneath his feet, there was a corpse of a dead pirate with his crew on the ground.

"Ha-ha, destroy everything, kill those citizens who helped those pirates. Idiots, serving them, drink before me."

"Yes, captain Kid."

Kid made a broad grin as he made the orders to destroy this island. Killing citizen was an excellent way for Kid to fulfil his bloodthirst, and raise his bounty.

As a lunatic pirate who is proud of his bounty, he would use this method to make everyone shake from his name.

His crew nodded with a casual reaction; this wasn't their first time so that they could finish the job efficiently. Although the number of citizens here is many times larger, they had no meanings against the pirates, who had scary powers.

"Captain, three Navy warsh.i.p.s sailed here, and they are heading toward us," Yelled a pirate that was standing on a high building, as he could see the beach from here.

Hearing that are marines coming here, Captain Kid, made a large smile as he felt a battle thrill taking over him.

"Kill them, of course; this way, my bounty would raise more." Kid smiled. Bowles, knives, and other things that had iron on them, and were on the ground, started to float and fly around him, as Kid could easily control them.

Waving his hand, all of the sharp mineral objects flew toward the marines who were quickly approaching their location.


Lucas and his girls were standing back, as the rest of the elite marine were in front running with their weapons in their hands. They needed to speed up to reach that place before other people die.

Of course, Lucas was keeping a check on the pirates with his Haki, so, before they can make any move, he can be there.

As they were heading toward the town, Hina raised her guard as her observation. Haki alerted her: "Be careful; something is heading toward us."

As Hina finished her words, everyone lifted their eyes to see a large number of metallic objects, mostly have sharp daggers between them, heading toward them. Despite this not being enough to stop them, since they are elites, it would cause a lot of injuries, and some would die, as not everyone is able to dodge everything.

Calorina suddenly jumped forward and used her Fruit ability, Size-Size, to increase her size 15 folds. The ground shook for a second as she before she declared "Iron Mass," The knives and object hit her before crushing and reflect, not piercing her clothes. That saved the people behind as she used herself as a shield. She then went back to normal and stood next to Lucas.

"Why you declare the names of your moves," Lucas asked; like seriously, it makes you lose the element of surprise.

"Battle-thrill." Calorina shook her shoulders and put her hand on Lucas's shoulder telling him, "You still young to understand, but when you fight seriously, you scream, yell, curse, and declare your moves."

"Well, I understand that." Lucas rubbed his chin as he remembers that sometimes would say 'useless,' and curse as he fights. But still, he would never open his mouth unless he assured victory. When he fights, finishing off his enemy is what matter, as he never talks when he fights against a strong opponent.

Everyone hastened their speed, reaching that town. Domino couldn't wait, so she turned into a lightning bolt and headed that town.

Seeing that girl reach first, Lucas used Stealth Footwork and vanished as well going. The rest of the girls didn't want to be left behind; they disappeared and reached the city as well.

The marines well left dumbfounded as they found themselves in need to hurry.


As Kid was in the middle, with minerals floating around him, he heard a voice. "Stop in your place." He turned his eyes to see Domino standing above a building.

Domino looked around to the destruction and the pirates.

Seeing the pirates doing what they want, Domino had the urge to punish them, or at least give them some sort of torture like in Impel Down. But here, only lightning is to be used.

"Ha-ha, a woman." Kid laughed. Though she had a commander's coat, she was still a woman. Kid found it amusing. Busy with his laugh, Kid couldn't notice other people were here.

Domino tightened her purple eyes and used her slender hand to push the hair from the right side of her face. *Tzz*. Some lightning bolts started to flash around her as she glared at Kid, who looked down at her because she is a woman.

"Ho, so you have the ability." Kid smiled, seeing the electricity dancing around her.

Kid was the type of persons who is excited to blood and fight with a worthy opponent; that gives him a thrill.

"Captain," someone called Kid, with a low and afraid tone, to tell him that other marines appeared here.

But Kid couldn't see them, neither hear his man's call as he was focusing on Domino.

"Taste my electromagnetic power." Kid lifted his hand, and suddenly, the swords and every weapon in this town flew toward him.

Kid waved his hand, and the objects that were collected by Kid's magnetic power flew toward Domino.

Not caring about the many sharp objects, Domino stood idle in their face. The objects passed by her body as she could turn to lightning.

The minerals that passed by her got covered by lightning. Since she could generate a very high voltage, the iron objects started melting in the air, before falling to the roof of one house.

"You... what are you." Kid seemed to be shocked. A Logia Fruit eater was beyond his league, especially someone who can control a powerful element.

"Lightning woman." Domino declared. From the building she is sitting on, she could see Lucas winking at her; she understood what he meant.

Kid's sadistic smile froze. It seems that he and his crew need to run. He may be lunatic, cold-blooded that won't flinch when killing weak civilians because they are weaklings and deserve it, but he isn't stupid and wouldn't fight a battle that he wouldn't win.

Lucas then shook his head again, giving Domino permission to do what she wants. He just wants to get fruit, which can be taken out by putting him in the storage. They're still XP thing; even if Kid wouldn't give him a good amount, it should be considered. But he prefers to fish in the New World.

Lucas, then quickly moved around; he found some 2-year-old kid that had a dagger in his eyes, thanks to Kid's ability, it entered there.

Lucas bent to that Kid and said: "It would be painful for a minute."

The kid looked afraid, not trusting Lucas; after all, he is only two years old and knows nothing about this world and what pirates or marines are.

"My parents!" He said with one eye bleeding and the other tearing.

"Don't worry; you will forget as you get older." Lucas sighed and massaged the kid's head, making him sleep in an instant, before taking the dagger out, making blood spray from that eye.

Using Massage Hands level 19, which can control blood flow now, Lucas put his hand on the kid's eye and massaged it, making the world in his eyes join in bending together, healing it in few seconds.

'Now, I wonder if he would be able to see. If that appeared to be true, then my hands would have the priority to level. Hmm, it's already level 19.'

Lucas then went looking for other survivors in a mess letting the girls take care of the fries. Apparently, the skill that was meant for bed and seducing women can be used to save lives, magically.

Captain Kid turned his head to call his crew, but then his face froze upon seeing what is going on.

*Pa* *Pa*

Sadi was lifting her whip. Just with one swing, his second strongest man who had 100 million bounties was defeated. There was something odd about that whip, as some dark fog was dancing around it. "Oh well, being marine sometimes can be fun."

This wasn't the scariest thing Kid saw.

Five of his men dashed toward a blonde woman who seemed to be 165 cm. As they got close to her, she simply waved her hand, that's fingers seemed to turn into silver blades, and a compressed blade cut those men into pieces. She then turned and started waving her hand, sending compressed air blades to the far pirates.

Around, Kaya, with first aid kits, was kicking some pirates in her way flying and looking for survivors between the civilians to help. Nojiko didn't seem to use her ability as she considered civilians around.

The other girls were scary as well. There is even a giant around having her way.

His crew, in less than a minute, was gone. Since when they were here, Kid wondered.

As for the Blondie, who had the highest rank, Rear Admiral, didn't seem to something other than glaring at Kid coldly.

Kid clenched his teeth to see his group being handed by a bunch of women.

"Don't ignore me," Domino said as she extended her finger, that had a small blue spark around it, which flew forward.

As Kid turned his head, a lightning bolt flew to him and hit his body, burning his body.


Captain Kid became black; he stood for a few seconds. Even though the lightning stroke him for 0,000...1 second, some few millions of volts weren't something the human brain can handle it. Even if Kid has a strong body, his brain is of a normal human, and too much voltage would render him numb.

But then, a second lightning bolt hit Kid, who couldn't feel pain from it since the first bolt made him numb.

"Impossible." Kid exhaled black smoke before losing his consciousness.

"Allow me to take care of the fire," Sadi said, as a black fog started to dance around her body and extended to cover the town.

This black fog was her new ability, Darkness.

The darkness extended on the town and wrapped the fire and absorbed it instantly. In a few seconds, the fire got turned off.

"No wonder they call it Paradise. I didn't even need to move a muscle."

Lucas cracked his bones. It would be wonderful if all the real powerhouses in The New World are like this.

But that was just wishful thinking.

The peace went for the city. Those who were lucky to survive survived, and those who weren't, were buried- kids and old people were included with the victims.

Piracy was never about friendship powers; no matter how bad they make The World Government or Navy look, there are always worse.


Back at the marine ship, Lucas said that he doesn't want to make a trip to Impel Down, besides; there are no many survivor pirates. After taking Kid's fruit (Magnetic), Lucas executed the rest of the pirates and threw the corpses to the sea before making a report to the HQ saying that they killed them in ship's battle.

Lucas now was heading back to the HQ, as he was going to the channel of one of the major points of the world rulers, which would take him back in an instant.

In One Piece, when a pirate starts his journey, It would take months to cross the distance from Calm belt into Shabondy.

But for marines, it takes only some hours thanks to the stream between the Navy HQ and Impel Down.

Lucas was lying down topless, only wearing shorts and sunglasses. He was facing the sun with his skin that would never age, neither his other cells; Lucas was enjoying the breeze after he received a triple blowjob from Domino, Lilia and Kaya, three pretty blondes.

"Rear Admiral, there is a pirate ship approaching us."

A three meters tall man covered the sun from Lucas and made the military salute.

"Sink them" Lucas waved his hand.

"We can't, their captain had some sort of paper and said that we aren't allowed to engage." The seaman said; it's not like he believed them, but as their small unit was about to fight with them, they saw a contract raised in their faces by a woman.

Lucas stopped and raised his sunglasses. "What do you mean?"

"Sir, they are in that direction, shall I lend you..." he said as he pointed to the left.

"And like an idiot, you believed a bunch of pirates. Just what's wrong with this world?"

Lucas looked at the left to see a far pirate ship, with some yellow pattern above that skull in the pirate flag. He couldn't see well. After using Adrenaline Boost, Lucas's vision got enhanced, and he could see better now.

Seeing well, Lucas frowned as the pattern of the flag became clear.

Is he asking for a lot? Can't a man enjoy the sun after triple blowjob without someone interrupting him?

"Quickly, sink them, and don't say it is my orders." Lucas didn't want to have troubles with his Haki teacher.

"But Rear Admiral, I can't, I'm only a seaman."

Obviously, he could smell something fishy when Lucas said 'it is not my orders'; it was like he wanted to get rid of them, yet he wanted to keep his hand clean.

"Sir is there anything."

"I'm wondering how I can deal with an idiot who happens to be the grandson of Garp."


Suddenly, a scream reached his ear.

"Sir..." the seaman wondered if Lucas is serious; the grandson of Garp, the hero marine which happened to be known as the one who taught Lucas Haki.

"Just ignore them, pretend that I'm not here." That was the last thing Lucas cares about.

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