Lucas passed by the Red Port and had his first step in The New World, where all the strongest powerhouses in this world exist.

Here, there are people who can make all of Lucas's previous foes look like a joke. Here, most the marines have a hard time, and the World Government don't have a higher statue than pirates, only Vice admirals can fight the strong pirates here, but not the strongest of them. But despite that, many kingdoms and lands respect the Navy for being there for the protection.

Lucas now was on a green warship. It was vast, and there are some separate cabins. Since it was cold and cloudy today, some of the girls decided to hide inside and take a nap, as cold weather was the best time to sleep.

"Rear Admiral, are you worried." Asked Domino and stood next to him.

"Not really," Lucas was lifting his head and looking up to the lightning cloud above him.

"Miss Nami and I would do the job."

"I know that."

Domino lifted her head and her hand, and some lightning could be seen on that cloud.

Lucas let a small sigh and looked up. The dark cloud above him was what holds the Sky Island, where his other girls, who are his Zorro's crew and angels, reside. Vivi was there as well, as she decided to go back to Alabasta only when Lucas comes back. She believed that since she got pregnant, she would stay close to her baby's father as she is in the very first months, and her stomach is still flat.

Apparently, Upper Yard and Angel Beach weren't the only countries in the sky; so, using his swordsmanship, Nami's ability, he could separate the cloud that held those countries with some of the white ocean and took it with him. Now, even if the world government secretly knew about Sky countries and had secret plans for it later, not anymore.

A few minutes later, some gust of wind passed by Lucas and materialised into Nami, who had her orange hair get long to reach her shoulder level and wore black shorts with an orange shirt.

"That was trying. I had to move that cloud, and it felt heavy."

"I understand, you put a lot of efforts, and you deserve a reward."

"You will have to pay extra 5 loads."

Lucas put a hand on her shoulder and grabbed her to his chest. Nami blushed and enjoyed his embrace. "Aren't you greedy?" Lucas pinched Nami's cheek without using Haki, and she pretended it is painful while she didn't change her nature. " ouch, that hurt."

As Lucas was teasing Nami's cheek, a seaman came to Lucas and did the military salute.

The warship belonged to the base he is going at. The current people, who are here, beside him, are the 8 of his girls plus Hina and some of his previous crew, and a few Seamen whose job is to clean, navigate and cook.

"Rear admiral, another base, sent you a letter and is asking for a meeting."

The Seaman said with sweat as he saw his superior's dead gaze. Lucas was teasing Nami yet this guy interrupted him. He was unpleased.

"Is it urgent?"

"No, instructor Zephyr wants to see you. His base is in not so far location" the marine soldier was so excited; had Lucas know that the one who is calling him is a legendary figure among the Navy.

"Zephyr? Lucas thought for some seconds. Who is Z; as someone who doesn't watch non-canon, that was a mysterious character.

After thinking a bit, he remembered that should be mentioned in the cover in one of the late chapters at the Manga, but nothing more and nothing less. However, Lucas, as someone at the Navy, it would be impossible for Lucas to not hear about Zephyr, as that was common knowledge within the HQ. Lucas heard about Z from his cousin and from the elite camp where he finished training. Apparently, that guy trained most of the elite Marines here, and anyone who knows Haki, from the old generation, is thanks to that man.

Zephyr was a previous admiral and a teacher at the camp. But now, Z is roaming the sea, with a group of his students, looking for the one who cut his arm and killed his wife and children to reclaim vengeance.

Lucas heard that the one who killed Z family is a giant 6 meters fatty with a white moustache.

If Lucas remembers correctly, there are two persons with a weird looking moustache: one is the strongest man in the world, and the other maybe is his biological son who would become a warlord a year later.

Lucas's memory about the later events in the Manga is better than the ones at the beginning. That's simply people tend to remember late events better than the old ones.

"What that guy want from me."

Lucas learned one thing in this life: if someone called you, especially someone you don't know, he would ask you for a favour. And Lucas wasn't the type of men who do charity without getting a benefit. As he just got here now, and he has more important stuff to focus at, let's not forget he is tired, he decided not to go.

"Send him a letter; tell him to meet me back in my base if he has something to say. I just got here now, and I'm tired."

"Yes... Rear Admiral." The Seaman was shocked; did he not only refuse the invitation from Z but told him to come to his base if he has something to say.

Lucas then turned and took Nami to go inside the cabin. He doesn't want to busy himself with other people on the first day he got here.


The warship that took Lucas had finally reached the land, where his base is supposed to be. They stopped in a seaport and descended, very close to the Navy's base.

And so, they were guided by a Seaman to go inside.

"Lucas, did you just refused Z master invitation, and TELL him to find you if he has something to say."

"Hina is disappointed. You should go and took Hina with you."

Lucas was sighing as he found himself being surrounded by both Hina and Calorina, trying to scold him for shooing someone.

Calorina was pinching him repeatedly for acting like a barbaric pirate. That man was the teacher of almost every marine. If the Admirals heard about what Lucas did, then they would be angry, so how can't she.

Against their blabbing, Lucas pretended not to hear them and continued his way. They met some young marines who guided them to their offices.

As it seems, Lucas's new place was inside a kingdom, however, here, he wasn't the highest-ranked officer and wasn't the highest in command.

The city was like any city, with many buildings, shops, and houses that were close to the modern style from Earth. The base rounded silver building that was 4 stories tower-like and was located at the south of the city, only a couple of hundreds of meters away from the seaport.

Lucas now is sitting in his office, surrounded by his girls who got their own offices as well.

Sadi, Alvida, Nojiko, Lilia, Calorina and Nami became Commodores thanks to their Devil Fruits. Hina promoted to Commodore as well, and many of Lucas's previous crew promoted thanks to their leader's effort.

Logically, the girls should have their own base, but here in New World, the power levels are different and so the authority that comes with the rank. They would have to be under a rear or Vice Admiral at least. Domino became Captain, so she was allowed to command a ship or stay in a superior's boat.

Despite this, there are other high ranked officers here, and this was just a sub base to Vice Admiral, who in his/her turn follows an Admiral.

After adjusting himself, Lucas was called to meet his superior, a Vice Admiral. Upon entering through the door, Lucas was shocked to see who the superior Vice Admiral he works for her.

She was a woman, with a long curly black hair that is tied back and had a mole below her face. She was slender, with red lipsticks, brown-red eyes. She wore a marine coat on her shoulder like a cap, her sleeves have pink cuffs and the epaulettes are pink. She had sported a short-sleeved pink shirt, with a frilled collar and an open neckline that exposes her cleavage. She had huge b.r.e.a.s.ts though and wore dark brown shorts and black heels. She also possesses a black spider tattoo on her left thigh.

"Did you call me...(checking her) Vice Admiral?" Lucas asked as he entered to find a middle-aged beauty woman standing above 2-meter tall waiting for him.

'This woman loves pink.'

That was the first impression she left on Lucas. He then used his observation Haki and checked her long legs and thighs, and the future showed him that impression she found about him and drew her sword in his face.

'Her name should be Gion, this hottie is Swords Grandmaster and a strong as well. But those long legs.'

As it seems, this woman has high-level swordsmanship. (She was one of the candidates to become admiral)

Lucas could recognise her as someone who appeared in the late chapters. If he isn't wrong, this woman was the stubborn kind and responsible one.

'But I have to say, Sengoku sent me to a good place. Tsk, too bad that I have to take him down. Whatever now I have important stuff. I need to know if that Law did the job I asked for.'

"Seriously, what's wrong with Mr Sengoku, sending kids to New World?"

Observing Lucas, she put her hands on her h.i.p.s and sighed before going back to her office and sit down. From the look in her red eyes, it seems that she thinks it was reckless to have someone too young in this place.

"I don't know either." Lucas relaxed his shoulders and sat opposite to her. Speaking of that, Lucas should be 30 years old mentally.

"You have a smart mouth, I see," she tightened her eyes on Lucas seeing that he already made a funny comment on her serious comment, which proved her thoughts that it is wrong to send kids to New World.

"I'm not a kid." Seeing that she is making eye contact, furrowing her eyebrow, Lucas felt a bit weird, but he kept making firm eye-contact with her. She had Dark red eyes, but they pretty.

"How old are you."


"Right," She sighed and gazed at him. Of course, what can she expect from someone in his age other than thinking themselves, a.d.u.l.ts? Nowadays, even 13 years old teens think themselves had lived too long and are beyond their ages.

"I have to introduce myself since you would work under me now. I'm your superior, Vice Admiral Momousagi (meaning: Pink Rabbit). You will get your orders from me."

"Nice to meet you. I don't alias name, but you can call me Lucas."

It seems that he is going to have a boss. But Lucas didn't seem to mind.

"Sure Little Lucas (Japanese way to address those who are younger), here are a couple of papers for you and your group to sign." Momousagi took a couple of papers and handed them to Lucas "Can you really manage this base."

"Well, I'm pretty good at management." Lucas thought back to his skills and saw that management was the easiest one to level up, as all he has to do was to play with papers to grind it. [Management level 15]. "But you can always check me if you think I'm not good enough."

Looking at what she thinks is a very young teen, she sighed. "Mr Garp talked good about you, I hope you are up to his words." Momousagi pushed the papers to him, and then she started to read some reports.

Weird silent took over the place as no word was spoken for 5 minutes and Momousagi was still checking her papers, while Lucas seemed like he is waiting for something; he didn't get bored since the sight in front of him was entertaining.

"Well, what are you waiting for," asked Momousagi as she saw Lucas still sitting here. She gave him the paper, and he should already leave this place. "You don't belong here."

"Handshaking?" Lucas lifted his eyebrow. It can't be that she didn't tell him to leave neither to stay and expect him to get out like that.

"Go back to your office." Momousagi extended her hand to the door. She knew men and knew what he is thinking of from his body language. Someone already asked her out 100 times to be refused, and she didn't want to give the kid some high expectations." You can get out, and don't bother me unless there is something to report."

Lucas relaxed his shoulders and stood up taking the papers:" Yes, boss. Have a good day."Lucas cracked his bones then got out from the door. What does this woman think herself is. Had she know how much prettier women he is banging currently, she would learn humbleness. 'But she seems to be around my real age.'

After this meeting, he needed to relax, buy a house here, and smoke some cigarettes, have snusnu with his girls, and then call someone.

And most importantly, he needed to think of a way to take a vacation at the right period before moving to his second target.

"Garp wasn't wrong about that Brat." Momousagi looked to his back before working on the papers again.

Soon, Lucas went to his own office, surrounded by his own women. They sneaked out the base and bought few things to start a life here; Lucas didn't forget to buy something for the girls who are living above in the sky and who are queens there.


At night, Lucas sneaked to somewhere far from his base and made a call through a communication snail.

"Oy, it has been a long time, ya."

"Did you finish the mission, Law?"

"Ah. Are you in the New World?"

"Yes, I will find a way to come to you during this week, stay in your place and watch that guy."

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