It has been two days since Lucas came to this new base, which happened to be under the lead of a beautiful swordswoman Vice Admiral. She was hot, pretty, very mature, but acting motherly and think it is a mistake for the Fleet Admiral to send young people to such a harsh place, but the decision wasn't hers.

Initially, this base should be just a sub-base for Momousagi and would be left to the management of Rear Admiral, while she would give him missions and orders. However, since she doubted his ability to manage this base, she decided to stay here before she has a mission or has to move to someplace to gamble.

Lucas didn't seem to mind her around at all. Despite him having the skill to manage this place correctly, better than most of the Vice-Admiral and Admirals, a boss doing the annoying office work for him, worked very well for Lucas. He decided not to show her that it was okay to leave this place for him. Not really, even Kaya has the management speciality, so he could leave the works for her at any time. Kaya is now a captain; she refused promotion.

Back to this base, Lucas learned things about his current location. This kingdom was named Suitrossa, which happened to exist within a big island that fit farming.

He finished preparing his life here. Using marine's money, he was able to buy a house near to his workplace, though he could live inside the base. The girls were happy with it and found it comfortable to have their life near to him. It was like a dream to work together and live together. He also passed by Sky Island, where he met the other girls. The palace was finished and now is under the management of three Queens: Raki, Lamia, and Conis, who happened to learn management skill for him. Besides them, Mikita moved to live above, as Lucas built her a factory there since he can't let his epic training equipment away from him.

Inside the base of Suitrossa country, Lucas was walking in the hall ready to take a warship and go out. He was planning to sneak out of the HQ and meet Law today.

As he was walking out of his office, to get his ship ready, he saw Momousagi in the opposite way walking with her sword. Lucas lifted his eyebrow, gave her a check, and pretended that he didn't see her.

As they got closer, she called him "are you done with your papers."

"Yes, boss, I sent them to your office," Lucas smiled and lifted his head, looking to her red eyes. She didn't seem to be angry or bossy at all.

"Good then, I'll check them later," her face filched for a brief. She remembered that earlier, a seaman was holding a mountain of files, went to her office.

She hoped that Lucas didn't just mess with the order of papers and threw everything. That would be worse than to take orders from the Admiral above them.

"Take your time with them," Lucas said. Though, that mountain of paper didn't take him more than minutes.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

Seeing that he was holding two scimitars on his back, she could tell what he is thinking of something. As a fellow swordsman, seeing the n.a.k.e.d swords without sheath meant one thing. But that was odd, as most of the swordsmen she knew, none of them used scimitars. Most of them used classical swords, rapiers some time, or katana. The type of sword Lucas held was the type that would only be taken to battles.

"I'm going to patrol," Lucas said as it was something natural for him to do his job without getting orders for that.

"I see, keep your DenDenMushi with you," Momousagi said. Though Lucas didn't ask permission for that, it showed that he has the spirit to take the initiative.

"Yes, Boss."

"Stop calling me, Boss, it's not proper." She let a sigh and put her hands on her h.i.p.s. Hearing him calling her boss, it made her feel older than she already was.

The soldiers around them were trying to hold their laughter.

"Fine, Vice-admiral," Lucas said as he smiled.

As Lucas was going out, Momousagi suddenly stopped him by petting his shoulder, making him turn to her. "Be careful. If you faced a hard situation or a strong group of pirates, report back and wait for backups. Don't act recklessly. Understood?" Usually, she wouldn't say that, but she didn't want him to act recklessly since he is teen and maybe too arrogant for New World's dangers.

"Thanks, Vice Admiral." Lucas gave a nod, feeling bit warmth. It seemed like this woman cares about the life of her subordinates. She nodded and continued on her way.

Lucas went to his women and called them to get out to patrol, as he needed someone to cover up for him when he gets out.

It was a hard process, as he needed to play with them. First, he passed by Sadi. As soon he entered her office, he heard her declaring 'Dark vortex,' while extending her hand and having a dark vortex around it. And Lucas all of a sudden found himself flying to her.

"Little Lucas, let's play a game."

"Which one?"

"I bite you, and you slap my butt," Sadi said as she wrapped her pink lips around his neck and bit him.

Then, they played some kinky game before going to the other girls and play with them. It was for Lucas's luck that he had his skills at a high level. With D level 15, Massage Hands level 19, and tongue level 18, he could give them the right amount of satisfaction without taking the whole day. Though, it took a lot of his stamina.

Lucas sent the girls first to prepare 3 sh.i.p.s.

"Rear Admiral, you can't get out to the sea without taking Hina with you."

As he was going out the door, Lucas stopped all of a sudden and looked dazed at her. Hina narrowed her eyebrow seeing Lucas reaction.

Unlike her usual outfit, she was wearing a red dress that passed by her thighs and was lifted up by her perky butt and huge b.r.e.a.s.ts, and red high heels. Lucas didn't know where to start to, as her white snow full thighs were exposed, or her arms and slender hands that he saw for the first time, or to those enormous melons of her chest. To Lucas, Hina was already very beautiful and that when she wore suits. But now, seeing her wearing a dress, Lucas would say that she is very pretty. That wasn't fair, for her to wear such seductive dress, as she was already designed to be in top tiers beauties in this world, maybe even Hanc.o.c.k level now.

'She wore a dress. Focus, don't forget your mission.'

'But I can't, this dress fit her well, it's now or never.'

"What," Hina asked, trying to hide her smirk after seeing Lucas's dazed look.

"Did I ever tell you that you are very pretty?" Lucas couldn't help but make a move. It was now or never.

"Yes, once, you told that to Hina that she isn't old."

Hina narrowed her eyebrows, feeling her heartbeat accelerate. But she pretended to be cold. For the first time in her life, other when she was a child, she wore a feminine dress. And that to see if that would work, and test if this womaniser is playing saint around her or...

"I must have been blind at that time."

That time, there was that auto caging function she had. But now, since they spent more time together, Lucas knew that she won't use it on him. He could feel her heartbeat through Haki, though she tried to hide it.

"What Master? Hina didn't hear you well." Hina put her hands on her h.i.p.s and moved them. She then took a cigarette and lit it up.

"Hina, have you ever considered dating a younger man." Lucas took two steps closer and made eye contact. Since she was wearing heels, their eyes were so close.

"Don't you already, have a bunch of women?"

"From where I came, it is traditional to have many girls to overcome the deaths caused by pirates." Lucas said, still focusing on her purple eyes, "and you Hina, you just now moved my heart, and you can break it or fix it."

It was bullshit; they don't do that from where he came from, but it was a good justification. If that didn't work, then the animals' argument would, since it would be natural if other mammals are doing it, and humans were mammals in nature.

"You want Hina, but you only asked now. Hina think that you are playing with her"

God knows how he managed to convince those girls to live happily. But she knew that she liked Lucas, after the time he spent teaching her Haki. Besides, he was very handsome, very strong, has a big tool, and all that meant a secure future.

Hina wasn't the type of persons who look for security, but she is already 32 years old, and she needed to stabilise. Lucas was a man that she finds her comfort with, though he is very young, he is very understandable.

But she can't just let him get away with it; not after he made her think herself ugly for a long time.

"Hina..." Lucas's womaniser brain started to work and creates excuses; he turned his face before looking at her, "I needed to pull my courage. Besides, you didn't seem the type of girls who would let anyone approach her; if you were, then you would be already married. And I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. But now, I find it hard not to confess."

Lucas answer shocked Hina and made her lift her eyebrow. True, she wasn't interested in relationsh.i.p.s at that time. But how did he know that? After thinking a bit, Hina wore the coat on her back and started closing it, since she didn't want to attract attention outside. If people were throwing flowers themselves to her when she used to wear suits, then what would happen when they saw her wear a dress?

"Hina would leave that for later, let's patrol." Looking at him with her lavender eyes, Hina moved her finger across his nose before walking past him with a hidden smile. "Hina needs to work."

Lucas used future vision to test if his next move is safe. He can't afford failure now.

"I want an answer now." Lucas suddenly grabbed Hina from her hand, "I'm only asking for one date, give."

"Hina is already very older, and need to think, you are too young."

Hina looked at him with wide-opened eyes and tried to take her hand back but she couldn't. Though she could her ability to take her hand back, she didn't.

"I don't care, just one date. If you tell me no, then I won't bother you again and would pretend that this talk never happened." Lucas said, squeezing her hand gently, making her feel more relaxed to think.

Hina looked at his blue eyes, thinking how much he grew before her eyes, and grabbed the cigarette from her pocket with the hand that Lucas was grabbing firmly.

Lucas, all of a sudden, found a cage bar around his arm, while her hand passed through him, and smiled weirdly.

Hina's hand already passed by his and caged it. That was her ability, anything pass by her body gets caged. She took a deep breath and gave a small smile:

"Fine, Hina will give you one date, Friday. Hina would then think about you," Hina rolled her eyes and turned before stealthily letting a smirk. 'no matter what, Hina is older and has wits'

"Friday is good for me."

Lucas let a smile, a genuine one. He can't believe how much he waited for this moment.

"Now, can we go and patrol," Hina said as she finished adjusting her long coat before putting her black gloves again.

Then they made their way to the sh.i.p.s. Hina was pretending to be cold and looking forward like nothing happened, while Lucas kept staring at her back. As they reached the sh.i.p.s, Hina went to the second one, playing the hard girl.

Lucas sighed as he went up to his ship. He doesn't have time to play with her as he has to go somewhere.

As was getting up, he suddenly found Sadi standing in front of him blocking his way with her gigantic chest, looking at him with her golden eyes and making a small naughty smile.

"Oh little Lucas, what a surprise, Hmm... tonight we are going to have fun."

She let a laugh and grabbed his hand, which had the cage bars from Hina. Sadi felt her heart beat faster. She jumped out of happiness, and her b.r.e.a.s.ts that were bigger than Lucas's face bounced as well hitting him and grabbing Lucas's attention.


"Little Sadi." She smiled.

Sadi thought that Lucas wore this for her and decided to give her a game to play.

Lucas's face turned pale all of a sudden. He forgot to take that shackle off.

"Little Sadi, it's not what you thin-"Lucas wanted to clear the misunderstanding.

"Shhh..." Sadi interrupted him and put her finger on his lips, "you don't have to say anything" She kissed him on his lips, letting her tongue deeper and playing with his tongue. "Just wear this on both hands, and I'll take care of your tool at night," Sadi said as she grabbed his crotch all of a sudden.

"Nothing more than that, just taking care of my tool" Lucas put his hand on her hair and smiled. There is no way he would allow her imagination to go wild.

"Hmm, do you want more?" Sadi smiled as she lifted her leg and put her thigh against his crotch.

"I was making myself clear." Lucas smiled, seeing her excited, before letting his lips on hers and kiss her strongly. He then used the tongue skill in the hope she forgets about the last sentence she said.

And so, the sh.i.p.s moved in the sea. Lucas then asked for their customized map to study it. He doesn't need to worry here about directions since Lucci came here as well. Now, was the right time to sneak and meet Law and that crazy scientist?

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