In  Dressrosa, as a big rebellion was about to happen, warriors and simple  people were heading toward their king who enslaved them and their families.

As they were in their way, many strings appeared from  the ground and on the corners of the country. The threads formed a cage,  trapping Dressrosa from every direction. h

The people bellow were  with groups of famous pirates, lead by the previous King: Riku and his  daughter: Viola, who was in Doflamingo's army and now, is leading a  rebellion.

But on one mountain, a big screen appeared. Everyone  stopped and looked at the screen to see the big mean face of Doflamingo,  who started to talk. 

"Fufufu, Very well, someone pissed me off..." 

Doflamingo  was viciously smirking. Veins could be seen on his forehead, "As you  noticed, there is a cage that has wrapped Dressrosa here, so allow me to  explain the deal. With limited time, the cage would shrink, killing  everyone on their way. Ah, and it's calved with Sea stone, and can auto  regenerate." 

"You will die, Fufufu..." 

As he could imagine their faces, Doflamingo laughed. 

Everyone  stopped for a brief and looked at the threads that were producing the  sound of ripping the ground from far. It meant that the cage is closing  on them. 

Everyone felt fear; they are going to die. 

"There  are two ways to stop the cage. First, you have to defeat me or killing  me. Second, you kill the person who caused this mess." As Doflamingo  said that, the screen changed to show the picture of someone holding a  black rapier. "The one who kills Zorro would get one billion berries. As  for the rest of those, who get them, get 200 million berries."

"Once you are done with them, this cage would be lifted."

"Now, your limited time starts now... your choice." 

The  screen now displayed the poster of Robin, Mikita, Zala, and the picture  of princess Vivi. It was a big decision made by Doflamingo, but  Doflamingo isn't wrong about the guilty one, as the one who caused this  mess was Zorro himself- the real one.  

Doflamingo explained the few rules making the people bellow understand. 

Those who were turned to were grateful to their saver and did want to go after Doflamingo. 

They knew that they can't trust someone who schemed in their countries and enslaved their people. 

But  let's not forget that some of those who came here are assassins,  lunatics, and pirates who are famous by backstabbing, and even killing  their sibling coldly. There was no way that they wouldn't kill their own  brother for such bloody reward, so let alone a saver that saved them.  They chose to go after Zorro and his crew.


The girls  that came with Lucas were here and could see this as well from far. The  people in the market were holding their children and elders while  running away from the edges. 

"Oh no," Lilia said as she quickly turned to run to the edges of the city, but she stopped as she saw Calorina holding her arm. 

"Wait, we need to act calm, and move to the palace," Calorina said, thinking about the regenerative ability of the threads

"You  can cut them and I'll use my ability to hold them." she had awakened  too, so she thought she may change one thread or extending the cage to  win more time, before going to Doflamingo. 

"What the hell, Hina  is angry." Hina rubbed her head after hearing Doflamingo. She took a  cigarette and was looking for DenDenMushi to report. But then, she  stopped. Why the place Lucas picks up for vacation has to be chaotic. 

"Where  is Lucas..." Kaya bit her nails as hormones started to take over her.  as she was a worry, a 4 pair of green wings appeared on her back. 

The only person who wasn't affected by seeing people running away was Alvida. She was holding her chin while thinking deeply.

"Surely, we can smoothly deal with this." 

Alvida  reached an Idea and smirked. Everyone paid attention to the girl who is  known to have the biggest stomach and a vicious brain; the smoothest  skin as well.

"I have a plan, Lilia, Calorina, wait for the right  time and hear my inspections." Alvida lifted her head and looked up.  "How about we let it slide." Alvida made her decision. Her ability is  more than Luffy's when it comes to physical attacks, as it can reflect  even sharp objects and swords. 


Under the colosseum, Law  and Monet were heading to the SMILE Factory, based on Lucas's orders,  who said that their mission is that. Monet was holding her little sister  while Law was holding a sword and he seemed to be anxious. 

"Why have you betrayed Doflamingo?" 

Law asked.

"I have my job, my crew, but I have my heart." 

Monet  said, not regretting her decision. Though it was hard, she fell in love  as she found the pleasure of being Lucas's little bitch, though she was  slightly bigger, physically. "And he is my Daddy."

"So it is true." Law just now confirmed his doubts from Monet's words. 

In front of them now, was a big silver tower that had the word 'SMILE'. That was their target. 

As  they were about to approach the factory, the ground beneath them  started to shake. Monet quickly ran forward, however, the shape of the  ground changed. The SMILE factory was slipping away- no, the ground  beneath was shaking. What was under the ground now, became above it. 

"What happened, ya," Law asked feeling confused; he wasn't really expecting an answer. 

"It must be Pica, Doflamingo ordered Pica to move the SMILE Factory to above." 

Monet  was smart and could figure out the situation quickly. She knew that  Pica could manipulate the stones in the ground. So it must be his  ability.

Law lowered his head and clenched his teeth. Sugar was  sleeping peacefully in her sister's arms, as Monet was keeping her cold a  bit, so she wouldn't wake her up. Monet already decided who is  important to her and who isn't.

The two of them got out. 

In  their way, they met with people, who recognised Law as Zorro, since Law  didn't take his off hat, and he had his hair dyed in golden colour.  Now, in their way, there are three people from the giant race, one King  who is known for his punch that can destroy a mountain, and a couple of  army leaders.  Such a group would, of course, provide help of getting  thing done more effectively and faster. 

In the mid of their way  to the Factory, Law looked to the place where Doflamingo is should be  seating and enjoying the chaos that happened. 

He knew that his  mission is to take the factory, while Lucas takes care of the others;  however, at that moment, Law remembered how Doflamingo took a precious  person from him. He couldn't hold himself, as he had to do this for  himself. There no way he wouldn't go for Doflamingo while he is in front  of his eyes. 

"Monet, Go alone, ya" 

Law said, changing his direction toward Doflamingo's place, as he has to fulfil his vengeance. 


Lucas  was now floating to the direction, opposing people and heading to the  top of the hill where Doflamingo's palace should be at. 

He already passed by the colosseum and was heading to Doflamingo. 

But then, in front of him, all of a sudden, the shape of the ground changed. 

Suddenly,  in front of Lucas, a bulky man with muscles and helmet appeared like a  Dolphin jumping from the water, except that man jumped from the ground,  which reacted like a lake's surface. 

The man was so muscular, too tall, and ferocious that just one glance at him would plant fear inside you. 

"Mister Pica." 

The  people around halted their steps as they saw him, as this one, was a  man that can kill an army alone. That was Pica of course. 

Pica looked Lucas, who was wearing his Navy coat and could recognise him with one glance. 

"Doflamingo tells you to halt the reports of the Navy while he contains everything."

Pica said with a very high pitch voice that didn't match his look. 

Lucas forgot to use Moonwalk and stepped on the ground. He looked blandly at Pica.

Did just this scary looking person, said...what he said again, Lucas forgot at that wasn't his main focus.

"What's wrong?" Pica asked with eyes that got red, yet with a voice that didn't surpass of a 1st-grader little girl. 

"hehehe..."  Lucas smiled and laughed; Pica's voice didn't match his look at all.  Even the most little girl he knows had a deeper voice than that. 

Pica got provoked upon hearing this man laughing. Is he laughing at my voice – if then, I'll kill him?

To  Pica, there is nothing he hates more than someone making fun of his  voice. He already murdered enough people because of that. 

"HAHA..." Lucas swept a tear from his eye: "Damn, if you work at s.e.x-phone, no one would think that you look this way."


Pica  took some time to understand what he heard.  e was wondering if Lucas  was making fun of his voice, but he actually, gave him so harsh reply to  tell him that he can work at s.e.x phone with no problem. ( except they  use snails)


"Hahaha... enough, please." Lucas  laughed again and begged Pica to stop talking. He swept a tear from his  eyes and said, "Tell me, are you a tomboy."

Thinking about tomboys, Lucas thought about Crocodile, who like to act like a man but she hides her personality. 

"Damn you~"

Pica vanished to the ground, then, suddenly, the stones and the earth beneath him started to move and form up a giant golem. 

The  stone golem, which looked exactly like Pica, started to absorb the  stone from the ground and extends his size until he became at the size  of a mountain. The 1500 meters tall Golem seemed to be alive and staring  with its golden eyes toward Lucas. 


The people  bellow were afraid. They looked ants of ants compared to Pica at his  form – No, ants of ants.  They all had no chance, even an army of  thousands wouldn't stop be able to stop Pica. 

"Lucas, you had betrayed, I'll kill you," Pica said, not caring about any orders. 

Pica,  of course, didn't know that Lucas betrayed them. But he would kill him  anyway, so why not making up some excuse while doing it. Pica, clenching  his fist that can crash group from the giant race easily, slammed down  toward Lucas. 

If this fist touched the ground, then the people around would die as well – without forgetting the impact. 

*Deep breathe in* 

Lucas exhaled a deep breath, looking at the fist, and ready to punch back. 

Stone  may be impressive to other people, but for him, it was very soft  material. What would be dangerous in this case was the mass Pica had  because of that.  

As Lucas was ready to jump and punch back, to  test the strength and see if there is XP gained from destroying this  stone, giant pink sword energy forming an arc flew toward that stone  hand and cut it in half. 


The golem's left arm got cut it half and flew back. 

Lucas  looked to the right, to see a black-haired woman with red eyes, red  lips, pretty face, and wearing a pink shirt, black shorts exposing her  legs with one with a spider tattoo. 


Pica said again with a high pitch voice. 

Lucas frowned, feeling that she ruined his moment. 

"Brat, where have you been?" Momousagi asked, confused to see that Lucas brought his coat with him. 

"Messing Around."

Lucas answered casually. 

"You won't stop until you give me a heart attack."

She replied, looking at his face and having the urge to give him a knock on his head. 

"Who knows?"

Lucas relaxed his shoulders.

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