As Lucas was facing the mountain-sized Pica, who was in his stone golem form, ready to give him a punch to test his strength, a big swords energy cut that arm making it fly back. The people who were running around for their life as the ones who were running to Doflamingo's fortress, looked at that arm flying with awe. 

"You seriously cause havoc whenever you go," Gion said while walking with dead serious eyes with her Katana insheathed. She just now cut Diamante who was one of Doflamingo's elite and now is heading to Doflamingo but noticed Pica in the way.

Looking at the direction she came from, Lucas could tell she was dealing with the guys in the colosseum. 

'Tsk. That one should worth a good amount.' Lucas thought about Diamante. 

"Luucass, Gion..." 

Pica said with a funny voice seeing who has come, as he seems to know her. He then looked at Lucas with killing intent. 

The hand that can crush a country easily regrew in instant after absorbing stone from the ground. 

"Stay back," Gion said as she vanished and appeared next Lucas in instant. 

"Do I look weak?" 

Lucas, looking at Pica, kicked in the air and flipped horizontally, sending compressed air blade that was 10 meters long. 


Gion looked at Lucas with her eyelids shaking. 'I know you want to show off, but seriously, Storm Legs, what are you trying to cut, Kid.'

The air blade was big, decent, but for Pica's size, it's nothing. At least take your swords. 


Pica laughed; Lucas smirked. 

The air blade extended its size 100 times, all of the sudden, and cut the mountain-sized stone golem in half without much resistance.

All the people in this country, seeing Pica getting cut again, opened their mouths as wide as possible. It was a frightening side to see 1500 meter tall Pica getting cut like butter.

"Not bad," Momousagi said relaxing her lips. It looks like Lucas is doing fine. Lucas couldn't see the pride look she was giving him.

Thought Pica was cut, he still alive. The right part is still moving while the left is not. 

"Now relax, I know how his power is working." 

Gion said, putting her Katana back to the sheath. 

She squatted and kicked the ground. In instant, after using a series of Moonwalk and Shave technique, she vanished and appeared next to the Golem's waist. 

"Ittoryu Iai."

Declaring, she withdrew her sword from the sheath and waved at a blinding speed creating a silver, cutting the stone like it was a soft Tofu. 

The right part got cut in half, making it fly up. The combo didn't stop here, as she waved her sword up, creating multi cut-marks, making the stones split into multi pieces. Gion stood on one flying stone and started jumping between them, cutting and looking for Pica with her Observation Haki. 

"Here is a debt from the past, Pica," She said, jumping between the rocks and yelling. 

As far as Lucas knows, Doflamingo's crew, when they were pirate, had a strong relationship with Gion's previous crew. That meant obviously they had grudges against each other. 

'No wonder they call her Pink Rabbit.' 

Lucas thought, seeing how she was jumping fast, and focusing on the movement of her huge b.r.e.a.s.ts.  

He activated [More Senses times 20] extending his vision. 

'not bad for Admiral candidate, but, she has one ass for sure.'

Lucas retracted his enhanced vision and extended his hand, aiming, at specific rocks which were a part of a bigger rock that was moving earlier. 

"I need to kill steal." 

Pica surely would worth a lot of XP; he can't allow Momousagi to take it from him. 

Using Finger Gun, Lucas started shooting air bullets with fire from four fingers, from each hand. 

[More-More: Speed x60. Size x60]

Now, gigantic air bullets, not only big but super fast, left his finger. Having both of the size and speed increased 60 times is better than having one of them increased 120 times. At least this way, he could generate more energy and damage. 


Clashing with the air bullets, the rocks in the air started to blow up, creating strong explosions.  The projectiles were bigger and very fast that it seemed like beams, created high pressure, which caused wild range explosions, blowing the rocks into small pieces. 

Gion suddenly used one rock to put her heels at, and with Haki, she could sense the bullets, avoiding them, and went back to the ground in instant. She lifted her head and saw Lucas shooting those bullets, which seemed like a big red beam drawing lines that grow in instant. 

She could tell it's one of the Six Powers techniques, however, it seemed that it was developed by him. 

'It can't be that he ate that Devil Fruit.' 

Deciding not to ask him, she lifted her hand and started to throw some sword energy blades at Pica's rocks that are falling, so she would minimize the damage if those fell on the weak civilians. 'Or can it be a fruit that increases the projectiles'

Whatever, just with this simple technique, he can do much damage in battle against many opponents without bing in disadvantage. One would need to dodge in advance to avoid such technique. If Lucas participated in a war against a big fleet than with this, he would be able to put the whole weaklings out. She shook her head and kept waving her sword looking for Pica.

As for Lucas, it didn't matter to him if the world knew about his Devil Fruit. It's not a big deal, everyone has a Devil Fruit. So what's the big deal?

When Lucas was weak, he needed to act low profile – but not anymore. 

Pica, who could see everything didn't believe his eyes, as he was hiding in the rocks. From one side, Gion was cutting the pieces like crazy. On the other hand, Lucas is using some bullet technique that would make an explosion.

For the first time in his life, Pica didn't have self-confidence and felt fear.  



One rock exploded and Pica came out of it flying, with burn marks all over, before pink sword energy cut him in half. 

[+ 1.000.000 Acc.u.mulated XP]

[Finger gun up to level 19 (1.000.000/2.000.000)

* the ability to use five fingers from each hand]

[Stone-Stone Fruit is in the storage.]

'What a piece of bad luck, and I was warmed up.' Lucas let a sigh in frustration and lowered his head. He was now warmed up enough to do King Hook, which is a scary technique itself that cause mass destruction, more than the enhanced Finger Gun. 

'Well, my real purpose is Doflamingo.'

Gion, seeing him lowering his head, thought that Lucas got tired. He must be considering that She may be recklessly cutting Pica, and he had to take care of the rocks that may fall on the citizens, so he used too much of his energy. She helped him to take care of a few rocks, and then, Gion appeared behind Lucas in a blink and patted his shoulder while warmly smiling. 

"Little Lucas, you can rest, no need to tire yourself. I'll take care of everything" She said, before looking to the fortress away and ran to it.

"What are you talking about" Lucas looked at her back and asked as he didn't know what she meant. "And I'm not little, everyone is huge," Lucas murmured.  


At the same time, Monet and the squad of the people who came to participate in the tournament for the fruit were currently standing in front of the SMILE Factory. 

The factory's guardians were blocking, with the strongest of them was an officer wearing like a baby, and having many half-n.a.k.e.d women hugging him and calling him Senior Pink. 

Senior was looking at Monet, with three giants behind her along with more freaks, Sugar in her arms, and many others who were grateful to Zorro who saved them from slavery. They are all here to help Monet to free the supposed slaves from here – Monet was cunning and smart enough to move those pirates to help her. That why Pink had been worry about her and that she may betray them

"Monet, did you betray us. If yes, I may give you a kiss to choose aside. " 

At the gates, Senior Pink stood up and looked at Monet, with sleeping Sugar. 

Monet smiled, "the fact, only my sister was betrayed; as for the rest, I can't call it a betrayal when I follow my happiness." 

That's the current idea for Monet; she is a selfish person, vicious, and cold-blooded, but most importantly, she is smart.  She had a choice, living unhappily with Doflamingo or living a life full of pleasure with a Daddy who gives her what she needs the most.   Well, the choice was easy for Monet – as a woman, she chose to follow her man (daddy) and not boss, but her sill wanted her sister with her. 


Law was, without Zorro's mask, fighting against Doflamingo in the roof of the fortress. 

Law wasn't alone, as a one-legged swordsman, who wore like a gladiator, was fighting along with Law and providing a small help at least.

"Fufufu... Law, I'll give you one wish that you want badly, it's not a bad deal." 

Doflamingo was flying around while attacking and dealing damage to Law and the gladiator. 

"Kyros, attack," Kyros was that gladiator and the son in law of the previous king, yet lost his leg and turned into a doll because of Doflamingo. 

"Useless," Doflamingo said.

A giant wave of white threads got out from the ground and attacked the two. Law managed to dodge with some damage in his arm, while the Kyros was sent back flying. 

At that moment, Law used Room again, surrounding himself and Doflamingo. Though his fruit mastery wasn't the same after two years in the cannon, his Haki was stronger, especially the observation. If Law learned one thing from Lucas, then it would be dishonesty.  

Law dashed toward Doflamingo, with a compressed green electrical charge in his hand, and was about to hit him, but then, Doflamingo extended two fingers and shot one thread covered by flame. Law got hit in his arm and flew back, falling on his spin. 

Unknown to Doflamingo, there are two things in Law's hands, who just smiled, giving Doflamingo some freak, which made Doflamingo send invisible thread from his fingers and tie Law's limbs

'Just, I need one move.'

Hidden in his palm, were two eggs – literally and figuratively. Once those two get crushed, then Doflamingo's Eternal life would be useless, and he would feel unimaginable pain that no man can handle. 

But the threads were tying his hands. It's not enough to stop him. Law, if he can't crush them, he will bite them. 

That was how much he hated Doflamingo, and he won't mind death after giving this farewell gift to Doflamingo; Law knew that the situation would be better if he followed Lucas's plan. But he couldn't hold himself very long after remembering his grudges. 

"You already got your chance," said Doflamingo, as he was about to move his hand and chop Law's head. 

If Law didn't want to give him Eternal youth, then he will kill him, and take his fruit, using one of the discoveries of Caesar Clown, which states that Devil Fruits don't appear randomly after the death of the owner, but appear next to the nearest fruit. 

Doflamingo stopped as he saw a pink compressed air blade coming toward him. He flipped back and opened his palm, creating a black spider web that stopped the compressed blade. But the impact made him take some steps back.


The first one to yell was Gion. She landed on the roof and looked at the smiling Doflamingo.

"fufufu, Gion, are you sure of your acts, it's a long time, and I would advise you to go away if don't you remember what happens when we meet."

Gion took her sword before flying to Doflamingo and hitting waving her sword at him. Doflamingo lifted his leg that was enhanced with sharp threads and Haki and kicked. The foot and the sword clashed

"Really, as I remember, you always used to run from us."

"That's because of that damn old woman. And if you don't want to get kicked from the Navy, stay away or I will report your little actions to the HQ and the government."

Doflamingo said with some veins appearing on his forehead. 

"Don't insult Big Sis."

Momousagi angrily shouted cutting some stings before sending Doflamingo an air blade, which was blocked by a spider web.

Suddenly, another person arrived at the roof and stood up. He wan blonde, with spiky quite long hair, blue eyes, dark clothes and a Navy coat worn as a cap. 

"Actually, she isn't wrong. The HQ and Mary Geoise had said that you lost your title."

Lucas landed next to Law and shot him a deadly glare. Law didn't follow the plan from earlier, and here he is, lying on the ground pathetically, and had risked of the plan to fail.

"What a waste." Lucas, he looked at his right and spat in disdain. 


Doflamingo looked at Lucas. Seeing Lucas's coat, he made a large smile as he reached a conclusion. Though Doflamingo knew that Lucas chose to follow the Navy publicly, it doesn't mean that he can't play him. 

Doflamingo is very good at manipulating people. And a person who chose his benefit like Lucas over the beliefs is the easiest one to manipulate


Lucas lifted his head from Law and looked at Doflamingo who was almost two times taller than him. 

In Lucas's eyes, Doflamingo was one with the most promising XP rewards. 

'I shouldn't use my full ability, at least to make more XP.'


Doflamingo started laughing.


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