Lucas and the others went back to the HQ. It seems that Sengoku has words with them. Garp, in the way, laughed and said that Lucas would cause Sengoku's afro hair to be gone. Anyway, the ones who were mentioned to come to the HQ building were Gion and Lucas.

"What do you think is going to happen?"

As Lucas and Gion were alone in an escalator that would guide them to Fleet Admiral office, Lucas suddenly asked.

Gion shook her head and said, "I don't know, just don't trust that Afro man." Gion made eye contact with Lucas and patted his arm.

"Why?" though Lucas knew the answer, he decided to ask.

Gion found it hard to explain to him. Sengoku is someone who would put the success and the death of the pirates over the life of the Navy and the safety. In fact, to end the Pirate Era, Sengoku won't mind sacrificing youths' life. He sees Civilians as something to protect and marines as pawns.

Basically, Gion believed that If Sengoku knew about Lucas's half-speed, he won't mind throwing Lucas's life to the Pirate Emperors to steal the stones that guide the One Piece, if he found that may help reduce the danger of the pirate Era.

"Do you trust me?" Gion's finger squeezed on his shoulder gently.

"Yes," replied Lucas. This woman just treats him according to his apparent age.

"Then take my advice," Gion nodded.

The door of the evaluator opened and both of Lucas and Gion entered the high offices.

Very soon, Lucas met with Admirals – Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, and the Fleet Admiral, along with another Vice Admiral who looked to be so strong.

Seeing that Vice Admiral, Gion flinched before turning her head.

"Tsk." Anyone can see that she turned annoyed.

"Ha~ my name isn't Tsk, a beautiful woman like you can call me Tokikake."

Tokikake has broad shoulders, an angular jawline, thin eyes, and a sharp nose. He also has a large mouth, high cheekbones, and thick eyebrows. He had a cigarette in his mouth while he wore a brown cowboy hat.

That was the legendary man that got refused by her 80 times (100 after time skip) and still not lost hope.

Seeing the annoyed look in Gion's face, Lucas could tell why she hates smoking.

Obviously, when she saw him smoking, it brought her PTSD.

Shaking his head and listening to The Fleet Admiral, Lucas learned that this was a promotion meeting.

More, one thing that had been constant for hundreds of years changed today as Sengoku announced, "Apparently, the World Gonverment wanted to change the structure of the Navy."

"Ah," said Aokiji, a very tall tanned man with curly black hair and sleepy eyes. "It's that."

The other admirals nodded. It seems like they had been informed of this earlier than everyone.

Gion took the initiative and asked what is going on.

"There would be a forth Admiral."

Gion looked shocked and complained about what is going on.

Lucas didn't seem to be surprised; instead, his impression on the Five Elders had been improved. At least those five knows how to keep good terms with some they know they would need at the future.

'I may even make them reform NSYNC as well," Lucas thought (Because of number five).

Sengoku explained how the World Government is willing in invest more money to raise the military force. And with the blessing of the Celestial Dragons, there is an empty seat for Admiral Rank.

(An: At Marineforde war, 100.000 elites participated. If you can say that the Seaman has 100,000 -200.000 Berries monthly, without forgetting the other high ranks, then the total monthly Salary would be at least +20 billion Berries without counting the expenses of food and weapons and don't forget there are other marines at New-world and the other seas.

Even the Yonko's bounty combined is nothing compared to what the World Government spends on the Navy, monthly.)

"and you can see, you three are the current candidates."

"Though, Lucas... I was firmly against it," Sengoku smirked, "congratulation."

Sengoku clenched his teeth and fist as the next words were hard for him to say. Lucas, in Dressrosa, though he showed his strength and calcification by taking Doflamingo and Jack down, is still very young and showed that he would defy the orders as he shut the call at Sengoku's face. Lucas was so young.

It made Sengoku think that the World Government is mocking him when they said promotes him. He said he can't make it Admiral, so, there was a long verbal fight. Sengoku won here and said that Navy can't be mocked to hand the fleet under someone

And apparently, the Five Backstreet Elders agreed with him and said that Sengoku need to promote him to any symbolic rank.

Sengoku took a deep breath and said, "You have promoted to Military Consoler... Geez, that would be given when an Admiral wants to resign"

This rank, though it doesn't have the same authority on the military, it has the same weight at the ranks ladder. It's like symbolic Admiral which usually should go to retired Fleet Admirals or retired Admirals generally.

"I need a break."

Lucas said stretching his back.

Well it doesn't matter if he didn't become an Admiral.

Being the Fleet Admiral is the final aim.

Gion was shocked along with the other confused Admirals. However, she felt that Lucas deserve it after what he had done in Dressrosa. But she hoped he would just stay at the office and stop acting recklessly.

'Well, I won't have to watch over him now.' She thought, then she remembered something and opened her eyes widely,

'Oh no, if he leaves, then I would need to deal with my paper works and lose my free time that I gained since he came... I can't live without him.'

If Lucas left, then a nightmare called paperwork would start for her.

"Would you like to work under my division," Akainu, who was sitting, stood up and offered Lucas. Gion shot a glare at him before standing in the way and cover Lucas from Akainu's eyes.

"I'll think about it." though the answer was no, Lucas didn't want to enter a long conversation.

"Later Akainu, now the votes for the next Admiral," said Sengoku.

The next thing happened was a vote of the next seat between Gion and Tokikake, for who would become the next Admiral. Lucas had a vote here as well.

Gion took 2 votes while Tokikake had 2 as well. Lucas was the last one to vote.

If Lucas doesn't vote, then Sengoku would take someone from the World Army: Ryukogyu or Issou, who Lucas knows as a real future Admirals.

Lucas's vote isn't final and there would be another meeting with the World Government, but as Military Consoler, his word in ranks and wars would be counted even if don't lead a part of the fleet.

Because of this rank, Lucas thought that the Five Elders are nice.

"Of course, I would give it Gion." Lucas, ignoring the achievement of the two and the known strength, made his decision. He extended his hand to Gion and shook it, "Congratulation."

"Let us meet later. We have to talk."


Lucas smiled at her. Feeling that she was quite stressed, he used Massage Hands at a high level on her hand. Suddenly, Gion started to feel very relaxed and something was invading her body.

Despite her will, she could feel that her mood changing quietly and wanted to give in to the feeling and relax. Her face suddenly turned red as she took her hand back. She breathed heavily and felt embarrassed to feel secure on someone who she sees as a brat.

She glared at him and said, "Is that what you did for big sis to sleep."

"Yes," Lucas didn't lie. "my hands had been always like this, to any lady I met."

'What a fearsome hands.' Gion thought. If Lucas had only used it one another part... Gion shook her head as there is no way she thinks pervert about a handsome young man – maybe she did.

'He is young, but he looks very handsome as well... the most handsome one as well... if he only was older.'

"Just be careful when using it." Gion gave him advice. She knew that he should have an easy path with such hands as she could already feel her hard.

They then made their way out after both signed some papers. When they got out, Tokikake crossed their way and waved his hand at Gion.

"Mrs Gion." He waved his hand and stood between them. Since he was 2.5 meters tall, he didn't pay attention to Lucas and continued asking Gion. "Do you have time for coffee?"

"Tokikake, I don't have time," Gion said biting her lip.

Tokikake was known to talk to every beautiful girl and was very annoying. Though she refused to get out with him many times, he still after her.

"Come on. Admiral Pretty woman. I just want to congratulate you."

Lucas shook his head. Seems that this guy needs something to cut his hope.

Before Gion could reply, she felt Lucas grabbing her hand, "Gion."

Gion turned to Lucas who held her hand. It was very lewd to hold hands like that. What if someone saw them? people would spread rumours.

But Gion didn't look worried about that and answered as put her other hand on his. "Yes, Lucas." This was the first time he uses her first name directly, maybe he needs something urgently.

Tokikake narrowed his eyebrows seeing Gion holding Lucas's hand and looking warmly at him.

"We would be late for our date," said Lucas.

Gion opened her eyes widely. What date? But She quickly understood that Lucas is trying to help her.

"You... you are dating. Come on, you can't date the shortest Higher up in history" Tokikake fell to his knee as he stared at Gion. "I'm here, look at me."

Lucas looked at Tokikake and raised his middle finger that turned pitch black. "Still better than dating the ugliest higher up in history."

Gion nodded and Tokikake felt that he got critical damage.

Tokikake forced a smile and said to Lucas, "No hard feeling bro... I just meant you look too young... you can still grow. No need to say such harsh words."

"Watch your tongue, Tokikake." Gion pressed Lucas's arm to her chest and let her face get closer while smiling. "Shall we go, Sweetie?"

Seeing that smile, her pretty face is very close and her red eyes, Lucas felt his heart beat faster as she was very pretty to move it.

"Yes, honey."

He held her arm and Tokikake on his knees.

Tokikake shook his head as he looked at their back, "I'll be here if you changed your mind."


"Thank you, thank you..."

At Marineforde's streets and walking between the shops, Gion kept thanking Lucas nonstop.

"You don't know that you have saved my life." Gion was on verge of tears.

"Sure, give me a date and I'll forget this debt."

"Hahaha." Gion laughed and gave patted his arm, "Sure Sweetie, by the way, congratulation. Let me buy you something."

She thought Lucas was kidding.

They entered a coffee shop to sit and ordered some milk for Lucas. Gion flattered some words to pass time and congratulated him before bringing one topic. "By the way, Akainu offered you to join his division". "Yes," Lucas nodded. "Don't work under him, join mine."

"Well, isn't it troublesome to watch over me," said Lucas. "Besides, I have a feeling that you have been throwing your own paperwork at me."

"hahaha..." Gion laughed and waved her hand like Lucas had said a lame joke.

"Not at all, I just got used to you." Gion faked a smile and hit his shoulder. Lucas was a paperwork machine, If he came to work with her, then easy life and safe kid.

"Oh, sure."

Lucas stared at her and smiled while letting his face closer with each second in a way it didn't seem so.

She could clearly notice his face is closer than ever and his eyes on hers.


Gion felt weird as her heart started to beat faster. She took a deep breath before ordering the bill and saying, "Look, it's late. Since we promote, let us celebrate one day."

Lucas stopped his silent kiss technique; as he was determined to get it after he saw her face up close.

"Have you ever went to Casino," Gion said. She loved gambling.

Though the real answer was yes, Lucas shook his head.

Lucas's eyes met with the cloak on the coffee shop and made a face that said 'shit.'

"Are you concerned?"

"Well, I have to meet Garp."

"Mister Garp, is there something you need help with."

"No," Lucas stood up, "some debts must be paid."

His tone was firm, his eyes were vicious and determine. Gion felt some chill despite being swordswoman.

"I can give you money if you need it. I made a lot in Dressrosa because of you."

"Not this kind of depts."

"Are you going to fight?" She seemed to be concerned, "Just don't go, and stay here with me." Gion put her hand on his.

What is more reckless than fighting a pirate, fighting Garp.

The fist of Love would shower him alive.

"It's just a spar, no need to worry." Lucas moved his head and pointed to her hand on his.

Gion laughed as she understood what he meant. She flicked his forehead and said smiling, "Silly one. So you prefer to spend time with Garp and not me. Am I too old for you."

"Don't say that you are at the peak of your youth."


Later that day, in an average-sized island with jungle, a mountain, and full of beasts. From the side, a couple of officers, Fleet Admiral, Gion, were watching.

Garp was sitting in the middle of a piece of land without grass. He was making barbeque.

Garp smirked as he could tell, without turning, who just appeared behind him. "Smelly brat, you are here."

"Damn Old man."

"Hehe, you still call this old man Old Man. Surely you want to kiss my fist."


19 advanced chapters on patrěon.


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