In the New World, there was one country isolated from the rest of the world and isn't a part of The World Government. Countries like this would usually get destroyed by pirates, but the country stood tall. This country was the place famous by its fearsome warriors – Ninja and Samurais. No one dares to enter here because of their strength.

If Lucas was to tour here in this country, he would link it to the old Japanese culture at the Era of Sengoku. In the streets of a Japanese like built city, you can a pretty women and see men walking around. They looked like Asians with fairer skin. This was the country known as Wano, a place that is under the control of Pirate Emperor Kaido.

In a snowy mountain, inside a cave, a 7-meter tall man like a dragon was drinking nonstop while murmuring words 'Lucas, Marines, Warlords'.

When he is sad, he drinks. When he is bored or angry, he would alone go and pick up a fight with another Emperor alone before going back to drink. This is the Emperor Kaido, known for his strength and regenerative ability, never died despite how many time they tried to execute him or how many times he tried to kill himself. This is the Strongest Creature in the earth, Immortal Kaido.

"He said he will End the Great Pirate Era. Arrogant piece of s***, even my stupid son can kill him."

"The Marines grew arrogant." Kaido's face streamed with tears. But soon they vanished as his face drew anger.

"The Navy, I'll show them. I know what to do."

Kaido ordered a DenDenMushi from the man next to him. he said:" Call the Secret Disaster and my future son in law," he smiled recalling one of the strongest minions he got. Kaido had seen much potential in that man, thanks to his Devil Fruit power, so he is nurturing him and even offered his daughter.

To Kaido, this man would surely be the future pirate king if he continued growing.

Kaido smiled and murmured, "Captain Uss – ZZzz."

Kaido slept before he completes his words. One man from the side approached hesitantly to see if Kaido got drunk.

Kaido opened his eyes widely and stretched his arms sending that man flying. He yelled "Captain Usopp..."

(Shocking, right.)


On the other side of Wano, there was a trace of a big fight in a hidden forest. Small dinosaurs around were running from the fire.

One man was standing on the top of the burning ash. He was topless and had a tattoo on his back that resembles a skull with a white moustache; he was only wearing a hat and short. Around him, there was a fire on his boy. To be exact, his body itself was the fire.

This is Ace, originally should be chasing Black Beard, fight with him, before Ace lose and become a trigger of war and die. But since Lucas didn't want to bother his ass with a war that doesn't serve him and didn't like Black beard who messes around everything, he assassinated him. Lucas wasn't like Ace. If he wanted to kill someone, he wouldn't fight him; he would assassinate him or put poison in his wine.

Because of Lucas's action, Ace's fate was changed, but he never found Black-Beard. Instead, Ace clashed with Black Beard's crew that happened to look for their leader. Ace had fought with them and won, but he never managed to find Blackbeard, not a trace, not a corpse, nothing.

After a long search with no trace, after meeting his brother who is double agent now, Ace got back to New World to report his journey to his leader. Now, he came to Wano after he got a message calling him to come here.

"Yamato, can we stop."

Said Ace, sighing.

In front of him was a person who was slightly two times taller than him, with a mask and had dragon horns on the corner of its head, and long light hair- almost silver- that was tied in a ponytail and becomes black in the end. The masked person was holding a very big macer.

Ace let a sigh as he saw Yamato taking off her mask to show her feminine face. She had big eyes, full cheeks, and a small nose. Her shape was alluring, slender, and hourglass shape, while her chest was quite huge.

But she was strong enough to fight with him with physical strength alone, as she was the daughter of the strongest creature on earth.

The two of them were friends.

"Why did you call me," asked Ace as the fire around him turned off. Ace knew this girl is so affected by Odin, who happened to be her father's dead-enemy, so she became enemy with her father, but that was due to another reason.

Ace noticed something. Some years ago, this girl wanted to sail with him, but she couldn't leave due to explosive shackles on her wrists that were placed by her father, she couldn't leave. But now, it seems that Kaido put them off. The only reason Ace came here was that one of the Beast Pirates gave him a piece of paper, telling him that she needs help to sail.

As she was his friend, Ace came here hurriedly.

"I had tricked that Ugly-Old-Gorilla and I got rid of the explosive shackles," Yamato said, angrily looking at her wrists.

The gorilla was her father, Kaido. Remembering what Kaido had done to her and how he beat her made her shiver. Well, she is lucky that he wanted that long-nosed person to be his son in law. Because of her fiancée's cowardliness with the stronger opponents and courage against the weakest, she was inspired to pretend to get redemption and accept Kaido's demands.

Wits play a role, pride can be swallowed, that what her fiancé taught her.


Ace asked.

"I told him I'm interested in his new commander and he made engaged to him. Because of him, I managed to trick him to take off my shackles" Yamato sighed, remembering the poor fiancé. Though his nose is attractive, it's not for her. Well, he helped her for sure – SIMP.

"Anyway, I need your help, to get out. Just out some big fire at the Gorilla's factories," Yamato smiled and said. "There someone played one my father's nerves and I find him interesting. He would surely be the only one with courage for that goal."

"And I need every possible help to open the borders." She said lifting her head. As soon as she lowered them, she was stunned, "Ace, Ace, wake up, why did you sleep."

Ace was sleeping. He woke up and yawned, "Ahh~ what were you saying again. Do you still want to join my crew?"

"Ace. This is lame, you can't sleep when people are talking to you."

"Yamato, aim that hammer down."

"This is for ignoring me."


Lucas was standing in middle-sized isolated Island.

Facing him was Garp, who just put down his coat and started cracking his fists.

"Are you ready, Brat?"

Garp had a broad smile that said he would get Lucas behaving well again.

"Anytime, Old Hag."

Lucas threw his coat as well and cracked his neck. He didn't bring his swords with him as he wanted to beat this old man and milk him out of XP.

Lucas was thinking of what is the right amount of power he should use to deal with Garp. He had to consider his strong points against the old man's strong point. Garp is very strong, very fast and had a large experience compared to Lucas, but the latter is surely very fast.

"Ho, you had grown up some guts for sure for sure."

Garp slowly walked toward Lucas with steps that shook the ground. He lifted his fist and punched down. Lucas, who predicted this, took a step to the side to dodge before he jumped up and made a fist, giving Garp a Prince Straight on his chest.


There was a strong sound when Lucas's fist landed on Garp's chest.

"Not bad. Better than the last time."

Garp smiled as that straight didn't seem to make an effect on him. Lucas was shocked from Garp physical strength as he didn't flinch when he took a punch that killed many strong pirates.

That was some strong Iron Mass for sure. It may be an inferior technique to his, but the physical strength can make up for that.

Not wasting time, Garp quickly held Lucas's leg before he can escape. Lucas tried to kick back, but Garp lifted him and it doesn't look like some kicks are enough to stop him.

"This is the Slam of Love," declared Garp as he waved Lucas's body to the ground as fast as possible.


Lucas's body violently hit the ground and saliva flew out of his mouth, cracks spread all over the ground.

[Titanium Mass + 50.000 XP]

"Not bad," said Lucas.

Garp smiled as he expected this.

As the cloud of dust got clear, there was a visible sphere wrapping Lucas's whole body as he extended his hand to Garp, who quickly took a defensive stance and wrapped his arms with Haki before crossing them.

The next attack would hurt for sure.


A shockwave left Lucas body from every direction. Garp jumped back along and slammed forward creating a small sphere of shockwave out of his body to stop the shockwave from piercing his body. Garp landed on the ground and looked forward to seeing Lucas standing above a deep hole with 20 meters diameters. That shockwave made large destruction.

"Shall we get serious?"

Lucas extended all of his fingers at Garp's direction and sneered.

<<Finger Gun>> <<More-More, Size and speed x60>>

From each finger, a giant and super-fast red air bullets flew toward Garp and tried to swallow him.

Garp smiled. With his advanced Observation Haki, he could predict their direction and dodge. As for the attacks that are in his way, Garp simply reflected them by punishing them while running toward Lucas.

It amazed Garp that he had to act full alert against these projectiles and how much it made his fist itch.


Booming sounds were heard all across the island.

Lucas got some distracting notifications, which he couldn't shut since every millisecond count. [DFM...+3000 XP...+500 XP...+150 XP]


Garp, in instant, appeared in front of Lucas yelling, waving both of his hands at his direction. Lucas quickly reacted and extended both of his hands. Both of Lucas and Garp's hands clashed and Garp held Lucas's hands.

"Now, even with speed, how can you move when I'm holding you?" Garp said, pushing Lucas back.

Suddenly, Lucas stopped and started pushing back as well, as he increased his strength 120 times.

But even with the increase, it seems that Garp still has a bit advantage with a small margin. But well, Garp was someone who can lift mountain and giant metallic object with weight +10.000 tons. Garp was the person who fought the pirate King with no Devil Fruit at all; you can expect that his strength wouldn't be lacking to anyone. Maybe with Big Mom as an exception.

"Damn Brat, what have you been doing to increase your strength like that."

Garp got pushed back two steps before he clenches his teeth and pushes Lucas. If Lucas got this strong as a young man, Garp couldn't imagine what will happen when Lucas grow up.

'Damn, I need to change my way of treating this brat before he grows any older.'

"Push-ups, Sit-ups, Daddy Gym, and a lot of plenty of juices." That was the recipe of his strength.

Both of their hands were shaking as Garp and Lucas were pushing.

"Then how about your weight,"

Garp smiled. Compared to Lucas, Garp had a wide experience.

"It's 86 kilograms-"

Before Lucas completes his words, Garp stopped pushing and suddenly raised his hands back.

Lucas found himself getting lifted.


Garp quickly bent back and slammed Lucas to the ground behind him. That was superflux. Garp smiled as his back touched the cracked ground while Lucas had red liquid flying out of his mouth with his eyes getting wide open.

The whole island shook.

The impact was tough on Lucas internal organs.

[Titanium Mass +90.000 XP]

Lucas's vision blurred for a second before he regained it, and he clenched his teeth.


While his hands were still holding Lucas's, Garp felt a sudden force grabbing him as Lucas standing and dragging him up with him. Garp tried to resist, but he found himself getting lifted.

Lucas grabbed Garp from his hands and violently slammed down as fast as he can. <<More-More, speed x50>>

Lucas's, with some mercy, increased Garp's speed as he sent him to the ground.

Garp kissed the ground with his face.


Garp was buried in the rocks, but he quickly stood up with dust and scratches on his skin.

"Interesting brat."

He smiled. Amazingly, someone can comfort him in a battle of brute strength. Not even Shiki and Gold Roger dared to do that.

While the two were still holding hands, Lucas lifted his knee, aiming at the huge Garp's chest, and quickly used Body Gun and shot a compressed air projectile that exploded on Garp's body sending him gliding back some meters before he stopped.

"That was painful." Garp touched his chest then glared back at Lucas. That attack forced the old man to use Armament Haki to dense level. He never thought that Lucas may force him like this.

"Enough from warming up," Lucas's shirt was shattered; he clenched his fists and a shockwave exploded from his body ripping off his shirt, "how about your speed."

Garp took off his shirt revealing his much-muscled body. He cracked his fists and looked at Lucas, "Time to get serious. Just get careful that you won't die from my love"

Lucas can't take this lightly, as Garp was someone who could one-shot people who fight admirals.

Around them, the island wasn't the same when they started. The people who were on the mountain watching gave strange reactions.

"That Garp got serious." Sengoku smiled. "Teach that brat some lesson about respecting his elders."

"Shouldn't we stop them?" Gion said in worry, "Garp is reckless and Lucas may get hurt."

"Nah, let them have what they want."


"Momousagi, you look like you care about him more than you should."

"You reckless monster. How can't you understand?"

"Golden Buddha actually, and not a monster."

Gion glared at Sengoku who took her words lightly.



Lucas vanished in thin air. Garp moved his eyes around while carefully using his Observation Haki. He knew that Lucas main strong point wasn't his strength, but his speed.

Now his foe started to use his main strong point.


20 advanced chapters on Patréon


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