Lucas and Garp were facing each other, topless and ready to fight. Garp was having a small trail of blood on his bottom lip. While on the other hand, Lucas had small blood dripping from the corner of his head. It wasn't something big, just a scratch. In this spar, Lucas found something that he wouldn't usually find when fighting someone else. He is getting used to his Devil Fruit abilities and how to apply them in a battle. At this rate, his Devil Fruit Mastery would jump to level 9 without the need for him to spend Acc.u.mulated XP.

"Smelly Brat, are you ready," said Garp.

"After you, Old Geezer," replied Lucas and kicked in the air toward Garp, sending big sword energy from his leg.

It was very big compared to the usual one.

Since Lucas had his speed increased, the Storm leg he created was bigger than usual by folds. But that was just made by his body; it still can be affected by his Devil Fruit. When the air blade left his leg, More-More ability increased both of the size and speed to surpass 3 Kilometres long. If this was someone else, then the attack would kill them for sure. But this is a legendary marine. Garp quickly crossed his arms to face the attack. It pushed him back a bit.

After taking some steps back, Garp clenched his teeth and punched the air blade to the side shifting its original direction. The projectile continued flying to the right of the island, cutting everything on its way from a mountain, to the landscape, and continued its way to the beach, leaving a big trail of cut on the ground.

At this rate, the whole island would get destroyed. Lucas didn't give Garp a break; he lifted his leg and continued sending Storm Legs.

The speed alone allowed him to spend tens and tens of air blades repeatedly. That meant his DFM would rise faster. But because the rate was so fast, it was hard to focus using his ability on each attack.

[DFM +2000 XP...+1990 XP]

Garp was raising his guard and closing his eyes to focus more.

He predicted every trajectory of the Strom Leg blades and avoided them while using Shave to move faster and headed toward Lucas.

"Not bad."

Garp, in instant, appeared next Lucas while raising his fist. Lucas stopped using Storm Legs and allowed himself to see the near future. He saw, in future, Garp is going to give him a quick uppercut and then a knee strike on his stomach, which was supposed to be painful as hell and make him throw up blood.

Back to the present, Lucas smiled as he saw Garp going to give him an uppercut on his chin. He took his head back a little allowing him to dodge it. As Lucas was preparing to dodge Garp's kick, something unexpected had happened. Instead of kicking, Garp's fist above him changed its direction and he gave Lucas an elbow strike on his head. Lucas was surprised and quickly crossed his arms putting them above his head to stop Garp's attack.

Did Garp just counter the future vision? Lucas thought as Garp's elbow sent him down burying him inside the ground that couldn't handle the pressure from his feet.

"You thought it was a kick." After one deep breath, Garp looked at Lucas who jumped out of the beneath the ground glaring at him.

"What was that," asked Lucas, curious.

"See, I thought that you may just, have advanced Haki." Garp laughed. "But in my youth, I had fought people who can see the near future, kid."


Lucas paid close attention to this one.

"See, someone who sees the future, change the future by his reaction," Garp rubbed his nose. "To fight a person like that, you have to react to his reaction."

"He may predict your action, but he would never be able to predict your reaction." Garp said, "They can't predict a future he changed. Change your attack pattern in instant and they don't know what happens."

React to his reaction. That made sense. Instead of attacking blindly, Garp changed his original combo. If Lucas got a hit on his upper chin, then Garp would have kicked. But because Lucas dodged, Garp used his elbow. Garp actually knew that Lucas can see the future but pretended ignorance in order to teach him about the fatal weakness in the future vision.

"I see." Lucas learned something new.

"You still have a lot to learn," Garp said, looking proud of him.

"No, that's just a silly move." Lucas turned his head and spat some blood, before looking back at Garp, "You won't be this lucky again."

"Sigh. Sure Brat"

Garp appeared close to Lucas and lifted both of his fists.

<<Kami E>> <<More-More: speed mode x100>>.

Lucas body suddenly went limp that it could react on its own. That was Kami-E, a technique that originally allows Lucas's body to dodge by going limp. But after levelling it up to level 16, Lucas's body can make faster reaction while his body can use muscle memory to use techniques such as shave and Moonwalk, and he can run while using it.

"Take this, a hundred combo of Love."

Using his famous Fist of Love, Garp punched Lucas's face.

But then, in instant, Lucas appeared one step to the side so fast that it seemed like he had teleported. But Garp didn't stop to analyse what happened and changed his original attack pattern.

Lucas appeared on the other side, with Garp's leg being next to his ribs as he just failed to kick him.

Garp attacked again.

To Lucas, everything was blurry when he moved, but that wasn't very bad. He trusts the combination of his Devil Fruit and natural reactions.

"Stop moving and accept my love."

Garp's fists started to make tens and tens of images as he was punching with amazing swiftness.

Lucas's body turned into tens of afterimages as his head, back, and feet were moving automatically avoiding each punch and kick.

*Woosh* *Woosh*

Even when Garp changed his reaction, it didn't get Lucas. Lucas was reacting to Garp's reaction to his reaction. This is basically the counter of the counter to future visions counter-reaction.

Garp started to get frustrated; he can't win if he can't touch him – Garp wouldn't allow a brat to surpass him.

Garp lifted both of his arms and joined his hands together, ready to make a big shockwave that would throw Lucas away.

But at that moment, Lucas saw an opening in Garp's defence.

In a brief of second Garp was preparing for heavy attack, both of Lucas's fists became pitch black as he clenched them.

<<Two Hundred Crack Fist>>


Lucas's fists didn't even make afterimages and Garp jumped slightly back as could feel the attack. But it was too late as this was 120 times faster.

There was only a black faint shadow that was barely noticeable.


Garp couldn't see the fists that hit him, neither feels them.

When Lucas stopped and his fists appeared again, Garp suddenly flew back away with blood falling of his mouth, and he fell on the ground.

Lucas exhaled some cold air on his fist as Garp's body was too hard. That Old Geezer used Iron Mass and Armament Haki at time. It gave Garp a unique type of defence that allowed him to deal with the punches.

But at the same time, Lucas's punching power was too great that Lucas needed both Armament Haki and Titanium Mass skill to deal with the backslash. But still, his fists were itching and feeling hurt.

Lucas took a deep breath and activated Massage Body/Self-Healing on his hands. His fists felt numb, but, at the same time, they felt good and Lucas could hear some cracking sound as they were healing.

"Ouch, you little bastard," Garp on the ground, coughed a bit and stood up with blood on his body. But he looked fine, "You made the inventor of the fist of love take yours."

"It's your fault. And I'm not little, you freak."

Garp breathed and clapped both of his hands sending a large shockwave at Lucas that forced him to jump and appear somewhere else.

At the moment Lucas moved, he saw Garp away hugging a mountain and yelling, "Let me see how can you dodge this.

Then with a simple movement, Garp pulled almost every part of the mountain from the ground, shocking even Lucas to see that.

Garp bent his back and threw the rock at the Blondie.

Lucas could see a meteor-like descending on him.

Lucas, from earlier, when he dodged and punched 200 times with his speed increased more than a hundred times, had his body warmed up.

He was warm enough to use a secret punching moves, King Boxing. After getting the fruit, More-More, the warming up for those techniques became less.

Looking at the meteor, Lucas took a boxing pose and the ground shook and steam was leaving his body.

<<King Punch>> << More-More: Size 60 speed 60>>

King punch was already a technique that can destroy a mountain on its own base.

Lucas punched up in the air. From his fist, flew yellow energy that made the whole island shake. But suddenly, its size increased many times along with speed making it look like a fast beam.

The fist energy swallowed the small mountain that Garp threw and continued flying looking like a yellow pillar. The clouds above seemed to get hit and moved away from the sheer strength.

"King Punch?" Garp opened his jaw widely this time. He clearly knew this technique, which made him shocked by how Lucas can do it to this level, "Oy, where is Lucas, what have you done to that smelly brat."

If Lucas aimed King Punch at Garp, with that increasing boost, then Garp may not survive. Or maybe he can. Quantity isn't the same as quality.

"I'm Saitama," said Lucas with no serious face at all.

"Seriously," Garp almost believed him. Well, only Lucas would give such sort of mocking reply.

"No, old man," said Lucas looking at Garp like he is an idiot. Lucas then noticed something and said, "Why are you crying."

Lucas's lips were twitching. He almost started feeling bad for beating Garp after seeing his teary eyes

Garp was shedding tears and looking to the ground. "Finally, one brat grew up well." He was thinking about his son and adopted grandson, and the grandson that got saved but still wants to be a pirate king.

Garp looked to be so proud, "I finally can retire."

From the side, where Sengoku and Gion were watching, with shock, as half of this island was destroyed.

Though there are still people in this world that can split the clouds from the clash of their swords anyway, still, that punch was amazing.

'Definitely, he got More-More Fruit.' Gion shook her head.

Sengoku could read Garp's lips. There was one sentence that made Sengoku forget to act like Budha. <I can finally retire>


Back down, Lucas heard Garp and said, shocked,

"Retire!!! Did you take so much damage." It was very rare for Lucas to ask about someone's health like this.

But hearing that Garp, who should still be working after two years, made Lucas think that he may beat Garp harder than he supposed to. He still has some conscious after all, just around the people he knows.

"Let me see."

"No need." Garp turned his face quickly went to the other side and said he needs a small break.

Lucas took a cigarette and waited until Garp came back.

Gion, from the side, had her lips twitching as she couldn't believe that Lucas didn't bring his sword but cigarettes.

Then, after Garp could stabilize his emotion both he and Lucas continued exchanging punches.

The fight continued for a full day, destroying the island. Garp got some hits while he luckily landed some lucky punched on Lucas. After all, he could find some flaws in his defence, causing Lucas to have two ribs broken. But Garp got more damage as Lucas seemed to get stronger.

Two hundred crack fist and King Punch, Garp seemed to learn a way how to counter them, as he could tell how to deal with those techniques.

At first, Garp had to show fake opening before jumping back quickly, allowing him to avoid the punch while having a small chance to fight back.

But as the battle continued, Lucas showed his advantage as he could get stronger.

Garp was tired and weaker, while Lucas seemed to be holding back and getting stronger.

Had Garp only know that Lucas didn't use the Eye of The Storm.

[DFM up to level 9 (200.000/1.000.000)

*Multiplier up to 140

+ ability to manipulate heat.

Host can increase two features perfectly at the same time. (Meaning, he can increase speed and size at the same time to 140)]

[Boxing up to level 18 (55.000/ 11.000.000)]

[+ Sub skills

+Butterfly Workout: confusing yet beautiful fast workout that creates after images with each step.

Upgrading King Jab à Emperor Jab]

Hearing the notification about levelling up, Lucas thought about Gerd and remembered what happened at the end of the day, he sighed. Just a few levels and Big Mom would be an achievable target.

That would be left to think of later.

"Aren't you stubborn," Lucas sneered at Garp's face. He already beat him to his heart content.

'For each fist of Love I got, I still have 301 to repay. Not very far from achieving this. But I have to be careful, the Old Man is acting strangely and seems to be emotionally unstable.'

"Bwahaha." Garp suddenly stopped and took a fighting pose, "Though I don't know what kind of fruit you ate, I can still teach you a lesson."

His attitude changed. Garp seemed to be full of fighting spirit.

"Do you want to get beat up?"

"I don't know why you held back," Garp shook his head, "But it's too late."

"You could tell that I held back." Lucas sneered not expecting Garp to see through him.

"Allow me to show you my last secret technique," Garp said, lifting his fist. Lucas seemed to be alerted.

Garp punched the ground and a cloud of dust flew up, from the whole island covering everything from the view.

Lucas sneered, "Did you damage your head to forget that I have Haki to know where you are."

However, something odd, Garp seemed to conceal his presence making it hard for Lucas to find him. But its okay, once Garp gets closer, Lucas should be able to detect him.

Not feeling his foe, Lucas squatted and looked around carefully.

When the dust cloud got cleared, everything became clear and Garp was nowhere.

Lucas opened his jaw, feeling confused and looked around not finding the trace of the old man. 'Maybe this is a real secret technique that I need to be careful of.'

Lucas took some steps forward while letting his guard up. He then noticed something written on the ground.

It was Garp's secret technique.

Lucas started reading "Final Secret technique: Run Away, with love."

"..." Lucas opened his jaw not believing what just happened. Lucas's face got red.

For the first time, he acted nice and offered the old man to heal him, yet that what he got.

"DAMN YOU GARP." Lucas let a strong roar as he looked up to the sky. He extended his Haki, knowing that Garp is somewhere, but he was concealing his presence.

Lucas shook his head and looked at the ground. Since when did Garp turn into Joseph.


Beneath the water of the sea, at a very deep level, Garp was sitting and holding his breath while extending his Observation Haki and laughing at Lucas's action.

'Smelly Brat, that what you get for cheating your way with Devil Fruit.

Garp had a large smile that creped the fishes around him.

'I can hold my breath so long that I can take a nap.'


A golden fish saw Garp laughing and ran away from him.

In the end, Lucas gave up and went home to see the girls who moved from the other base to Marine Forde. He got stress relieved.

Later, Garp came in a location where no fight can happen and told Lucas, "My lesson can save you one day, brat."

"Go away."

Lucas' lips twitched as he was clenching and unleashing his fists. He gave a punch which Garp just dodged before he made a weird hosting smile.

"Use that King Punch if you want to get me," Garp said, knowing that Lucas won't destroy Marineforde with King punch. "But you won't catch me off guard again."

"Whatever." Lucas lifted his head while drinking, "Even the sun shines on fools."

[Ding Titanium mass +120.000 XP]

"Damn you," Lucas suddenly rolled and held his head as Garp gave him stealthy punch without holding back. This is the most painful Fist of Love so far.

"Respect your elders, Brat," Garp said turning his back. "You Old Hag." But Lucas quickly jumped and gave Garp a punch on his head, making the old man hold his head in pain.

"You ungrateful brat."

And so, another fight happened which quickly stopped since no one wanted to destroy Marineforde.


20 Advanced chaps at Patréon

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