(On serious note: does anyone realize that Lucas didn't use Adrenaline Boost against Garp.)

Two days had passed since the promotion. Lucas's girls moved again from the New World and came at Marineforde for requested vacation signed by him, of course.

Lucas now as a Military Consoler has a high word and his own office. Though he doesn't control the fleet like Admirals, he can help them like the second one and still can order Vice Admirals, though no one is under him, except the girls of course who had lightning fruit.

Lucas was waiting. He requested to move back to Suitrossa, his base at New World. Well, his Sky Kingdom is above that place, so it's good to stay there.

But now, he would have to stay for some days at the HQ and see things around.

During this time of two days, Akainu tried to move Lucas under his division, but Lucas said it's too late as he moved to Gion's division.

Gion now was no longer a Vice Admiral, but officially, the First Female Admiral. Probably, she would settle next to Lucas's, which happened to be next to his base, If Sengoku allowed that.

Today, Lucas stood up in his house at the HQ, surrounded by the girls. There were shackles around his arm.

He woke up and looked at his arms, trying to remember what had happened.

"What did Hina do again? Or was it Sadi?"

Lucas shook his head, looking at Sadi who was doing push-ups, Hina wasn't around as she doesn't like crowed and has her own house, but she was here last night.

Nami and Nojiko are sleeping. Calorina and Lila were out shopping. Domino is sleeping and still hugging his leg like a pillow while he seemed to hug Alvida.

Lucas smiled at them and placed the two pillows without waking them up before making his way to the door.

"Hmm, you woke up." As she stopped doing push-ups, Sadi looked at Lucas with her Golden eyes shining. She wore a shirt and asked, "Do you want to work out together like we used to do at Impel Down."

"I'll just mediate"

Lucas smiled weirdly seeing her licking her lips.


"Some available training ground."

Since he has free time and his mind is calm, Lucas decided to level up his DFM and some other skills if possible.

The D wasn't included on the list, since it became level 19 and would reach level 20 very soon.

"I'll follow you, Military Consoler... Hmm... Maybe I can help you. If you slack, I can punish you, hmm."

Though Lucas knew that her personality and look is different from the one she shows at Impel Down, she still likes to mess with him.

"After all we what done, Hmhmhm, what can you expect? Besides, you liked my games."


Well, at least, she isn't boring at the bed.

Sadi chuckled as she wore her coat of Vice Admiral and said that she would come out. Sadi was promoted as well as the others. The girls made it to Vice Admiral, who happened to be Sadi, Nojiko and Domino, thanks to their Devil Fruits powers. Nami is Rear Admiral, like most of the others, who had very good fruit.

Lucas sighed and wore his clothes. He and Sadi then got out of Lucas's old villa and made their way to empty training yard.

In their way out, Lucas saw Hina, wearing black training clothes. She saw the sneaking and couldn't help but to ask where they are going and why they are alone. This wasn't fair, Hina wants her lonely time to stress relieve herself. But she calmed down and accompanied the two.

"Hina will come with you."

Hina as well, after Dressrosa incident was promoted to Rear Admiral along With Calorina, Lila, while Kaya still the same.


In far training land next to the Elite Camp, Lucas was sitting on the grass while having his system open.

It's time for levelling up. He had been acc.u.mulating XP for a long time, not making himself stronger so he wouldn't get less XP with the number of weaker opponents. It's a mindset. Grind then level up.

Not so far from him, both Hina and Sadi were having breakfast.

"Hmm, Little Lucas you are a very good cooker. Seems not only your height that increased but your cooking skill as well."

Sadi called as she was eating a sandwich while blushing.

"Hina didn't know that. Lucas, you didn't tell me, Hina is upset that you hid this from her" Hina closed her eyes and chewed a cake, enjoying the taste "From now on, I want you to prepare me breakfast."

Both Sadi and Hina seemed to be amazed as they tasted what Lucas made. This food was just heavenly, even for Sadi who tasted it before.

Lucas let a sigh and lowered his head. As a Food Saint now, his cooking is like Alchemy from eastern and western novels. Lucas already commanded ingredient and used a fair wealth to get herbs to make the recipes he needs. His body is working out at dinner and launch, and soon, he would get the recipe he needs. But that is left for later. Now, he has to take care of his DFM. No harm would happen if he got stronger.

Lucas closed his eyes and opened the system. Both of Hina and Sadi looked at him, to see that he was just meditating or sleeping. That was just cute.

[Acc.u.mulated XP 15 millions]

[DFM level 9 (200/1.000.000)]

With the ninth level, he can increase the temperature as well. And the temperature isn't a living thing but a form of energy. If Lucas touched an object that its heat is 30 degree, then with a simple increase, it would surpass the heat of the lava.

But as well, something else is confusing. If Lucas used this ability on something with the heat of -5°, then, would it surpass the absolute zero? It's just confusing.

Lucas opened his eyes and touched a rock. After a half-second, he threw it. The rock turned into Lava before it quickly turned into ashes. That was hot.

[- 800.000 XP]

[Ding, DFM up to level 10 (0/2.000.000 XP)

*Multiplier up to 150


[DFM up to level 11 (0/3.000.000)

* Multiplier up to 160

* User can increase his size

*Host can disturb multiplier equally on three features with 1/3 of the multiplier for each feature. *


( Important note about the fruit.

After analysing the enemy, I realised that Size-Size increase doesn't increase the cubic size by exact hundred, but multiply the dimensions. The two dimensions to be more exact. This was shown in One Piece movie, as when World shot a bullet, instead of becoming the size of a usual cannonball, it had its diameter increased 100 times.

But well guys, animators see things from 2d view.)

"At Last," murmured Lucas.

Using future vision, Lucas found that he can reach 19 meters height by multiplying his height over a hundred time.

Hina and Sadi looked at him after hearing him. Sadi stretched her legs and said, "Seems he had been concerned with something."

Lucas looked to be relieved like he had passed a recent trauma.

"Sadi, Hina already knows that you are worse than Devil," Hina looked at Sadi as she thought that she may be the reason for any heavy ideas Lucas may have.

"That was rude," Sadi turned her head. "Lucky for you," she said as she didn't bring her whip.

"What do you mean." Hina narrowed her eyes, ready to use the caging ability.

"Don't push your luck, hmm, or you'll get punished."

"I dare you."

Cages got out from one woman while dark fog got from the others.

"Give me break girls, it's the early morning." Lucas turned his head and told them to stop.

Magically, they listened to him and didn't look at each other after that. They continued staring at Lucas, who did nothing but meditating.

Sadi got bored out so she picked up a tree and started working out with it. Hina looked at

Lucas was considering the remaining amount of XP he has.

If Hina and Sadi focused well, then they would feel that, in ten meters range around him, everything got heavier.

[DFM up to level 12 (0/5.000.000)

*Multiplier up to 170

* The Ability to affect other living beings.

Host needs to touch the living being for a full 1.1 second to take effect.

* Ability to increase the gravitation force to objects.]

[ DFM up to level 13 (0/10.000.000)

Devil Fruit had been awakened.

Multiplier up to 180.

+ The ability to increase two features about living beings

Host needs 1 second of touching to make an effect on a living being.

+ The ability to use Decimal numbers from 0.001 to the current multiplier

*Control had ascended into a new level.

Host can affect the environment to make it increasing environment. (Meaning if he touched a rock, it will become an increasing rock)

+ the ability to swim in the water.]

Lucas only had 4.2 million XP left; it's not enough to level up the fruit.

But it seems that he gained a lot. With all those abilities, Only Little Sadi has a chance against him since her power can cancel anyone.

Okay, using a bit of XP here won't hurt.

[Using one million XP]

[Conqueror Haki up to level 10 (0/1.200.000) (ability and not a skill)

*Host can control it perfectly

* Host can break windows and do small physical damage with Conqueror Haki]

'Great, I won't have to tolerate the weaklings saying nonsense anymore.'

He isn't very happy with Conqueror Haki. It's just a plot armour used to deal with weaklings and by those who only know how to show up, yet in the end, they lose to someone stronger than them.

Another funny thing Lucas had learned, he can use his teacher Ability and awaken Conqueror Haki for other people.

The teacher skill was shocking, as it could even analyse conqueror Haki.

Lucas picked up a rock and wanted to test the one new ability –Decimal number.

[More More Size x 0.001]

The rock suddenly became smaller than it barely became noticeable. Lucas made it get its size back and throw it.

[More-More Speed x 0.01]

The rock flew very slowly from his hand. Lucas then realised that he can use his ability to living beings now. He smirked. Now, he can make people stronger and weaker, bigger and smaller. Same goes for him as well.

Lucas then stood up and accidentally increased the gravity around him in the training area. He aimed his finger toward a tree and shot one compressed air bullet. That air bullet held his awakening ability as well, so it would have an increasing effect. The tree Lucas had suddenly had its gravity increased.

Sadi was next to it and suddenly felt that she was pulled toward that tree. She quickly extended her hand and shot a dark fog that covered that tree. Only then, it stopped.

"Little Lucas, that wasn't nice."

She turned to Lucas and humped her cheeks. But then, she smiled as she realised something.

"My bad, I was excited."

"That needs a punishment." Sadi joked as she jumped and landed next to him.

"One day maybe," Lucas smiled before stretching his back. He and Sadi kissed each other before looking at Hina who built a jail and was staring at them.

Hina had a weird habit, when she is upset, she would build a big cage.

"Lucas, Hina is angry and jealous."

Sadi ignored Hina and directed Lucas's face toward her."By the way, if you want a place to test, you can go inside me."


"Not that, but here." Sadi blushed and said, "Actually, using Darkness, I can absorb you and take you to a dark space, where you can train. The time rate should be different there as well."

"What," Lucas seemed to be shocked, "why didn't you tell me that.

"It's not a safe place though, and both of Time and space are affected by Darkness. And If I forgot you, you may be trapped for thousands of years."

Lucas nodded his head," I know you won't."

Then, Sadi suddenly was covered by a dark fog that had strong gravitation "Blackhole". Lucas found himself all of the sudden absorbed inside the fog.

Hina saw this and picked up a fight with Sadi, "Are you crazy, where is Lucas." She felt fear after seeing Sadi using her ability on him.

"He is inside me, Calm down." Sadi slapped Hina's hand from her collar and yelled, "Can you hear me."

"Fine, as long as he is fine, but If Hina doesn't see him in the next hour, I will put you in jail," Hina promised.

Lucas heard Sadi's voice as he found himself in a dark space with a town and some buildings inside. The place was so cold and lonely.

"I can hear you."

"When you want to get out, call me."

Seeing that he is in big space, Lucas made some tests on his Devil Fruit without holding back or trying to hide his system.

There was one thing Lucas didn't know: while he is inside Sadi, whose body is darkness, she can use his ability or anyone's ability she absorbs inside her body.

That was the trick about darkness fruit, once one becomes a part of Darkness, he becomes a part of the body of the user, gaining him his ability.

While Lucas inside her, he is considered a part of her body, and thus, his fruit power can be shared.

Maybe Black Beard used this to hide someone inside his body, and that one was the one who ate the second Devil Fruit.

(The only guaranteed way in One Piece to steal a Devil Fruit, is by eating someone who ate a Devil Fruit, or a part of him.)

Lucas finished some tests and yelled, "Sadi."

Then he felt a force pulling him off.

Outside, to Hina, it was only a few minutes that passed since she saw Lucas vanish, while the latter felt it was some hour.

Hina suddenly saw a small black hole on Sadi's stomach, which Lucas flew out of. But there was something strange about him.

Sadi seemed confused as well.

Hina asked, "Lucas, what happened to you."

Both of them lifted their head to see Lucas was a 20 meters giant. Lucas turned his head to the two to see them very small than usual and smiled. Though this one size is amazing, it's only 120 times increase. He still can go up for more.

"Sadi, Hina knows that you love it big, but for the God sake, this is too much."

"Hey, it's not my fault. I did this to Domino and nothing happened to her."

Sadi shook her head and looked at Lucas waiting for an explanation.

Lucas rubbed his nose. With his fruit now, he can increase his strength, power, and size as well. But still, increasing size meaning to risk his agility and becoming a bigger target.

"Don't worry; it's just that I awakened my ability."


"Hina hope you can reverse it."

Hina looked worried. Well, according to the relativity theory, he won't fit her anymore. As Kizaru says: this is scary, very scary.

Both of Sadi and Hina shook their heads. Only Sadi seemed to not worry.

"Don't move," said Lucas.

They saw him putting his palm on their head, and after a second, he became normal in their eyes. They looked around and realised the truth.

"Hey, you can use your ability on other people," Sadi said, shocked.

Hina seemed to realise that and her eyes lit up, "That's, Hina heard that the WG was doing experiments to achieve that but gave up in middle. Big Mom is still trying to achieve this."

Hina isn't worried if Lucas can reverse this or not anymore. it doesn't matter if he can bang her.

"Now, hide the truth or Big Mom would chase me to become her hubby."

Lucas, now, can affect other beings. However, he can't increase more than two features for them.

Besides, increasing some things may become hard for daily life as it is uncontrollable. Like if someone had his speed increased, he won't be able to walk properly without getting surprised and hit his head. This is speed increscent ability and not a moving technique. After all, there was a reason why Lucas increases his speed when fighting and travelling and deactivated while doing a simple life.

"No way."

"Hina think it's your choice to tell the others."

But with Lucas's ability, he can increase the overall power of the Navy. Only if he is interested.

Sadi used her Devil Fruit power on Hina to find that both she went back to normal. "Well, that at least prove it's from your Devil Fruit power and not an effect of my power."

"Hey, that's not fair, Hina is upset." Hina was angered by Sadi's test on her and created some cage bar."How cute, can you yell louder," Sadi said, seeing Hina struggle to put a small cage around her arm "

In the end, Lucas dispelled his ability on them and went back to normal. Now, he would have to wait for other commanders of the Emperors to gain XP. However, after he levelled up his powers, the XP they would offer would become less.

but well, they can learn how to control it with time. Lucas was thinking to use this ability when he goes to his base and increases the size of his local forces. He could use it in his house already, but he didn't want to attract attention.

Lucas looked at the sky and murmured, "I guess I need to grind before it's too late."


In some forest, Lucas stood up next to a tree.

On the tree, one can see a very tall man, with shades, and a missed arm and leg. Lucas forced some food to his mouth, and that man started to wake up. Doflamingo, whom the last thing he remembered was him getting his ass beaten by Lucas, opened his eyes to see that he is in a different place while Lucas is smiling at him and doing warm-up.

"Good morning, Joker."

Doflamingo didn't know what's going on. He smiled back at Lucas and replied, "Good morning."


20 Advanced chapters at patréon


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