Marineforde, the HQ.

"Sengoku, are you fine." Garp was standing next to Sengoku who just coughed blood.

"Ah, I'm fine."

Sengoku tried to force a smile out of his face, but then he coughed more blood out of his lungs.

Garp came and held his back.

"You aren't fine." Garp said, "You have been working day and night. Even someone like you would need a rest."

Garp remembered it has been almost two weeks since Sengoku became sick.

The doctor checked Sengoku told Garp that the Fleet Admiral should take his medicines and would get better.

But instead, his condition got worse.

That may be since Lucas, may have slept with the one who makes Sengoku's food and made her use an additional ingredient. Of course, no one knows about this.

The doctor this time said, 'Although that the Fleet Admiral is working, he should rest. He is already old, and he may die if this continues.'

"Well, I guess you are right. " Sengoku said, "I will take a long holiday."

"Bwahahaha, it would be good at this case... wait, who are you planning to make the Fleet Admiral," Garp laughed at first. But then, he made a concerning face, as Sengoku's decision would determine the whole future of the fleet.

Sengoku already called all the Admirals, symbolic admirals and other high ranked, to finish their business within ten days to come to an urgent meeting at Marineforde.

"Sigh, probably Aokiji. But my guess that Akainu would clash with him and the things would go according to the Fleet rules."

The fleet rules say that the one who should hold the fleet should not only be smart, but extremely strong.

This is a fleet, strength is what matters.

"How about Lucas, he is smart-" Garp tried to suggest.

"I hope he doesn't come."

Sengoku shut Garp quickly.

Because of how Lucas was promoting quickly, to the degree that Sengoku thought that Lucas would have no position to promote into, Sengoku thought that Lucas may be an illegal child for one of the Five Elders since they seem to prefer him, or, he banged some Celestial Dragoness.

Some Celestial Dragoness was looking for Lucas... that was enough to raise the suspicions.

But that image quickly faded as one position offered itself to the navy, his position– the Fleet Admiral.

Because of his sickness, and a new chance that was offered to Lucas, Sengoku thought that Lucas may be the son of heavens.

"Well, isn't the kid strong," Garp said.

But he could understand Sengoku's worries.

Sengoku was, of course, worry that Lucas may want to take over it. It didn't get in the mind of Sengoku to see 16 years old

"I'll make him an Admiral. That should keep him low."

What scared him was that he saw Lucas able to fight toe on toe with Garp, and eventually, making the old man run away after a full day of fighting. That eventually meant he is stronger than average Admiral.

And what's more, according to the naval rules, anyone with the rank of Admiral, or Symbolic Admiral, or a legendary marine, can participate in the selection.

'Let's hope there won't be a mess.'

Sengoku coughed badly before he drank a cup of water. He looked at Garp with puppy eyes as he asked, "Garp, don't you want me to pass you the seat of Fleet Admiral."

Well, if Garp wanted to be the Fleet Admiral, no one can say something about.

"Hell no." Garp turned his head and cleaned his nose.


"Thank you, Daddy."

There was a 37 years old woman, red-haired and quite beautiful with a huge H cup tits, a snow skin, and chubby ass, yet curvy. She was smiling at Lucas's face.

The woman looked to be very satisfied as she put her chef's dress, as just now got the doze she needs, and could barely walk.

Lucas took his pants up as he looked at the clock, then to the woman who just put her red lips on his mouth.

This is Sofia, the head chef in the HQ and the one responsible for Sengoku's meals.

Lucas, since ever he got the symbolic rank, made sure to come to this kitchen, and meet the people here.

Sofia was a widow and a mother for one child. Her husband was a marine that was killed 7 years ago by pirates. Since then, she stayed at the HQ.

A few weeks ago, she met with Lucas, a handsome and a strong guy. The pretty curvaceous widow felt her instincts moving when Lucas asked her to show him some recipes.

She remembered how they entered the kitchen and the magic happened.

She had s.e.x, with a way bigger D than she remembered.

She had fun and screamed as wild as possible as she was stretching when he banged her. She became linked to him by the D, and she got introduced to one of life's best flavours.

After having s.e.x with the younger man many times, he told her to mess with the Fleet Admiral's food with one ingredient he gave

Sofia, fearing that refusing may get him away from her, accepted the task.

"Here, take care of your son." Lucas handed her a bag of money.

"thank you. But, I think he needs a father figure to take care of him." Her big eyes fixed on Lucas.

"Sure, but later... You know a justice man is busy."

Lucas would let her join his concubines later, after getting through the Holy Land since she played her role faithfully. As for her kid, Lucas won't mind adopting a one.

"I can wait for you, Daddy."

She accepted the bag from him and watched his back as he left.

Sofia opened the bag and her mouth was wide open. There was at least a hundred million inside with a lot of diamonds.

It was like a signal from Lucas to tell her that she can retire, and go and live her life with her son.

Tears started to fall from Sofia's eyes, as she went to the kitchen, with her legs numb, and swept the salty liquid from her bottom lips.

"Thank you."

With this, she felt a lot secured. She can retire and spend her time with her little kid.


Ten days had passed since the Fleet Admiral called the higher-ups to an urgent meeting.

Lucas made his way out of SMILE Factory with a happy expression, as he had taken 90 Artificial Devil Fruit to his storage.

He isn't away from achieving his goal.

Lucas then went to his base, wore his coat as a cape and made his way to a ship that was waiting for him.

"Lucas, it's time to go."

Domino was standing next to Lucas and forming a military salute. Behind her was the sea, having a ship that should take Lucas to the HQ.

She was invited to the meeting as well, and as his secretary, would follow him, just to present Lucas's strength and deal with anything he finds annoying. In fact, Lucas thinks that her Devil Fruit power now had surpassed Akainu's, so she can take care of herself.

(Lightning is 5 times hotter than the sun, but because of the short duration, it doesn't reach its max potentials. Well, that's lightning that can't hold itself,)

Lucas nodded his head at her. Looking at her purple eyes, Lucas's hand went to her pat with her golden hair before he put his lips on her mouth and give her a kiss. Domino blushed and couldn't keep her professional attitude and let her huge chest fall on his. Lucas took his lips back and smiled at her, thinking that she is cute with the colour of her eyes.

The marines behind on the battleship could see what kind of the person they would take to the HQ.

Domino turned to the marines behind her and shouted, "You should go away, and you are too slow to guide us."


"We have eternal pos, so we should take care of ourselves."

Lucas took a compass and sent the ship away.

"Follow me," Lucas said, activating More-More ability increasing his speed by folds and vanished in one direction.

Domino, on the other side, turned into a lightning bolt and headed toward the same direction.

Lucas landed on the Red Line top and looked down to see the HQ.

Domino was waiting for him, as she arrived here earlier, rubbing her head and feeling dizzy.

"Ouch, the speed of lightning hurt." Domino could come here earlier by moving as a lightning bolt until she hit the Red Line.

Travelling with this speed for long-distance risky, if someone doesn't know his or her direction and how long it's far. It can only be used to be like teleportation.

"Let's go."

Sure, even if Lucas can increase his speed more than hundred times (>100 km per second, since his footwork is 900-100 meter/second), it still far from lightning speed (1/3 speed of light).

But at least, Lucas can control his speed in battle and use it perfectly without being too linear and predictable.

The two then reached the HQ, to the meeting room.

Lucas found himself arrived earlier as he entered the building, seeing only three Admirals of four here. Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru were here. Gion seemed to be late.

On the other side, Z was sitting and crossing his legs above the table.

He looked to be 30 years younger, and his missed arm was there, but it was a mechanic arm.

It seems that Ain made him like this before she left his crew.

Z, of course, didn't refuse such a gift. After he fulfilled his promise to take vengeance from Weevil, he was ready to have a simple life while teaching again at the camp.

"Lucas, long times no see."

"Long time."

Z waved his hand at Lucas. His eyes then swept to see a blonde woman next him wearing dark sunglasses.

"Who is this one?"

"My woman."

Lucas said as he grabbed Domino by arm. She blushed and smiled, "I'm Vice Admiral, Domino."

"Ah, the lightning woman who stopped the prison breaks at Impel Down."

"Yes." Domino said confidently."It was nothing though."

The other Admirals looked at her.

Domino was known here, by having one of the strongest Logia Devil Fruits, Rumble-Rumble. It was a fruit that made her an Admiral Candidate, though she isn't aware.

Funny thing; most of Lucas's girls who got outside and had good fruits, became Admirals candidates

"Ah, good for you. I feel a bit sorry for Ain." Z said joking.

���She is included as well."


"Really," Lucas said, thinking about Ain that turned into a good girl and started to have a better attitude. She started to call him master now without overreacting or blushing like she gave up on her own.

"Well, as long as she okay with it," Z said, feeling envious.

If Ain wants to be a part of the harem of the guy who saved her, so be it. It's her choice.

"Oh. She is a good girl, and could bend herself easily." Domino smiled viciously as she had a good time making Ain learn how to do desk jobs. 'I had dealt with worse pirates than her and could reform them. That Ain thought that she can have that attitude around us, just some bzz and she became fine' thought Domino as she covered her mouth with her hand so she can't laugh. She surely made Ain have a better attitude.

Of course, Lucas didn't know about that.

Very soon, other figures started to enter the meeting room; a couple of other Vice Admirals, some old people with other different high ranks. Gion came as well and greeted Lucas before sitting on one chair.

When everyone came, Sengoku entered the room with Garp and went to the main seat.

"Okay, I see that everyone is here. Let's start.

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