Lucas was at the HQ, along with other higher-ups. The admirals were present along with Symbolic and retired Admirals. Some shinning Vice Admirals are here as well. All of them were curious why did Sengoku called all of them to come after taking care of any job they have within the ten given days.

"Zephyr, can you tell me what did you use to look younger."

Tsuru asked Z. The old woman looked surprised when she saw Z's skin healthier than ever and his eyes full of energy. At her youth, she was a top beauty. But somehow, she aged faster than everyone.

Seeing Z like this, she had some desire to know. She is old, but she is a woman as well.

"Well, a friend of mine had used his power to make me like this."

"Would you introduce me to that friend." She smiled at Z's face.

Tsuru was talking to Z as he gave Lucas, who was talking with Domino, a glance. This one little beast had made 2 of the 3 girls that always stand behind her decides to leave to his crew – just what had he done.

Of course, Lucas permitted Mia, Lisa, Helen, and some red-eyed blonde girl called Mimi – they were good.

Though, his base would become chaotic as his base would soon be full of women, which already surpassed 9.

Lucas didn't forget that there is a sky above that base. And there is another country having some of his girls. Perhaps, in more couple years, Lucas would surpass big mom and form his tribe. But that would be left to think of later.

Z let his ears closer to her and whispered, "Maybe, you should talk to Lucas about that."

Tsuru blushed and looked at Lucas, feeling a tickling on her shoulder. After all, she got a message from him. And trust her when she says, that is a feeling that you would never want to forget. But she can't just introduce herself to someone too young.

"Brats nowadays, I'll see him later." She murmured as she gave him another glance.

Lucas seemed just to chat with Domino next to him and smiling casually at Gion that was a bit far from him.

Garp took a seat next to Lucas, as the Fleet Admiral sat at the main chair of a square table that had many higher-ups.

Sengoku's plan from the meeting is to make someone take his place while he goes in unknown duration vacation. His gaze stopped at Lucas, the one with the best record at the Navy's history, and probably one of the strongest as well.

After retiring, one Admiral may become the Fleet Admiral, which would mean there would be an available Admiral Rank.

Maybe, Sengoku can convince Lucas to take Admiral while leaving the bigger responsibility to the a.d.u.l.ts.

It's the lesser of the two evils.

Unfortunately, no one of the old generation marines seems to be interested in taking his place. At this moment, Sengoku hated the law that said the strongest can fight for this rank.

Seeing all of the eyes on him, he started to speak, "I see that all of you are presented here."

The higher-ups nodded, waiting for Sengoku to say why he gathered all of them. They all realised that this matter concerns the whole Navy, for all of them to be present here.

Of course, Lucas was the only one who knew what the purpose of this meeting.

He leaned back with his lips curled up a bit, resisting his urge to laugh.

Domino saw it. After the Impel Down incident, Sadi told her about this hidden smile of Lucas. It only appears when he is walking out of a mess he made.

That made her confused; what kind of mess Lucas made.

All the other Navy staffs were looking at the Fleet Admiral's face; he looked paler, while his black hair seemed to get some white strands.


The Fleet Admiral made some boring introduction speech before getting to the point.

*Cough* *Cough*

Sengoku coughed here and often during the meeting. With all of the people here being experts, they could feel something off. That was more than true for the ones who knew Sengoku for long.

"Sengoku, are you sick."Tsuru asked.

Sengoku didn't play around the bush and gave a simple nod.

Everyone looked shocked.

"Fleet Admiral, since when did this happen, you should take care of your health. With sick Fleet Admiral, justice may fall," said Lucas, showing a shocked and horrified expression. "The pillar of the Navy is shaking."

'Oh well, at least I see his good face in bed.' Domino lowered her head and put her sunglasses. She wondered how Lucas's face changed this quickly.

Sengoku let a sigh, not knowing why Lucas was so caring. Maybe he wronged the kid. Maybe he isn't just some strong machine that exposes the warlords whenever they go.

"Well, as most of you are here, I want to announce. There would be two available ranks." Shifting his gaze from Lucas to everyone, Sengoku said, "One would be Admiral if one of the four became the Fleet Admirals."

Sengoku looked at Lucas. After seeing the kid's performance with Garp, the legendary marine who fought The Pirate King in during his youth, Sengoku thought it may be time to push Lucas out of the symbolic Admiral rank and give him the real Admiral rank.

If anyone here objected, they can fight Lucas over the rank. But Sengoku doubted that anyone would.

Well, having a teen as an Admiral is better than having a teen as the Fleet Admiral.

The Admirals reacted as well. Gion told Sengoku to rest at home. Aokiji's eyes became sharp as he didn't say anything. Z, Tsuru, and Garp felt some pity for Sengoku and told him it would be okay.

"Scary, things would become messy," Kizaru said with a slow tone that doesn't fit the man with the speed of the light.

"Absolute Justice should make its way. If the Fleet Admiral is sick, he has to step aside." Akainu raised his cap and showed his James-Brown's like deep face (the old James Brown).

"I will take this rank, does anyone have an objection."

No one was going to talk. Akainu was excellent Admiral and a very strong one. He wouldn't hesitate to make a decision, and absolutely, there is no place for a coward in his ship. he was the one who can make the hard decision that the leader must take.

If Akainu took over the fleet, then the marines would become more disciplined.

But someone seemed to object Akainu's absolute Justice Philosophy – the justice that says that using every method to achieve the final result, no matter how immorally it is.

Someone who was known to believe in his Justice.

"I object," Aokiji said.

"Oh, so it will be solved according to the rules. If two wanted to be the Fleet Admiral, they would have to fight in death and life battle. The winner would become the next leader," said Z to the two who were his students in the past.

An argument had happened between Aokiji and Akainu. The two agreed to fight while they couldn't wait to put their hand on each other.

As things were going intense, a voice interrupted.

"Ah, excuse me. I object to both of you."

Lucas raised his hand, drawing the attention of everyone, "As someone who proved to be a hero of Alabasta and Dressrosa I want to make some points."

Everyone paid attention to the man known as Golden Hunter spoke.

Akainu looked to be annoyed as a paper on his hand started to burn.

Sengoku started to sweat crazily, but before he could talk

"Ohh~" Kizaru opened his mouth making O shape. "This seeeems to be logical. Don't you think so, Mister, Akainu"

"Shut up."

Kizaru looked at both Akainu and Aokiji. He reached beneath his seat and grabbed a sack full of popcorn before switching his look toward Lucas.

This man surely enjoys trolling his fellow Admirals.

Kizaru expected things not to go peacefully.

Lucas continued talking, "As it seems, many things had happened beneath the nose of your justice. I realised that when I was walking and patrolling.

"Crocodile was about to slay a whole country, no justice around.

"In Dressrosa, most of the people turned it into toys and all of what Navy did was to declare them as a rare race.

"I will make it short. It's your fault, and all of those incidents could be prevented if we had a bid wiser leaders. The civilians are paying the price of the lack of organization.

"I have my vision, and I will also fight for Fleet Admiral Rank."

Lucas's speech made the ones at the organisation in blame. Everyone looked at him carefully.

Lucas had a serious face.

The words he said, just now, are mere bullshit. Had he not read the Manga, he wouldn't have known either.

But well, it sounded like a good excuse.

'Since when did that brat mature,' Gion's lips were twitching. Lucas, why are you saying such reckless words. Now both Akainu and Aokiji are glaring at him.

By the end of Lucas's words, Sengoku started coughing blood, "you *cough* brat *cough*

"Bwahaha..." Garp busted into laughter while Kizaru chuckled.

The people presented here talked with each other.

Another argument had happened.

Akainu was the angriest one as he looked at Lucas.

"What did you say," Akainu said.

"You heard me. You only shout Justice- Justice like some sort of child who doesn't know what he is doing. People like you I can trust them only on the battlefield."

Lucas took a cigarette and lit it up, not fazed by Akainu's lava.

Surely, there would be a fight between Lucas, Akainu, and Kizaru to determine the next Fleet Admiral.

But that would be left for later.

This made Sengoku look sicker.

That was a battle even he can't see its outcome.

"Listen, little brat, go back to your base and don't come here until your milk teeth fall," Akainu said, full of anger. His arm turned into lava. "Just because you got some lucky shots, doesn't give the right to a little ass like you to talk here. So shut up and stand on the corners... Oy, Sengoku, why did you let this brat come here."

Lucas opened his jaw a bit, not expecting Akainu to be like that. Not only this guy has an anger issue, but a vicious tongue.

Before Lucas could speak, there was someone who looked to be angrier than him.

"What did you say, you freak."

Domino suddenly stood up and glared at Akainu, her eyes turned blue.

"Shut up woman, or I'll burn you here." Akainu gave one glance to Domino and threatened her.

Domino's eyes that were opened wide were visible behind the sunglasses. She was about to step forward and argue with this rude person.

Domino stood and was about to run, but she stopped when Lucas held her from his shoulder.

"Just leave him saying what he wants." Lucas said, "he can talk all he likes, but his time would come. And I'll beat his ass."

Lucas was calm.

Even Akainu's day would come.

Domino calmed down a bit and snorted at Akainu, raising her middle finger at him.

However, Akainu didn't shut up as he looked down at the two, who were almost half tall as him.

"Shrimps, You are nothing but empty talk. When I was fighting, you weren't born. With such little strength of yours, you think yourself at top."

Akainu shouted at them.

Gion, Sengoku and Lucas flinched.

Kizaru seemed to be entertained as he said while raising both of his hands, "I'm afraid."

He didn't look afraid at all, but trying to troll the people here.

"Ha, ~ is this your best," Lucas said, relaxing more; which made Akainu get angrier after realising that a teen is messing him.

"I heard better insults from kids... who taught you to make such low-level provocation should be sent to Impel Down for the shitty teaching alone," Lucas said, smiling.

Akainu's face became uglier.

"Who are you calling Shrimp." Domino, hearing the insult, could no longer remain calm. In the eyes of the previous Head Jailer, Akainu was nothing more than a prisoner out of control and need to get whipped.

"Enough, you can't talk to a respectful Admiral like that," Sengoku yelled.

The situation became messier than he thought.

Domino didn't calm down and looked at Akainu. "Huh, YOU, an Admiral. I think Lucas is right, someone like you is an Admiral is a problem. Even I can be a better Admiral than you. So don't think you can talk about Lucas while all you can do is to shoot magma." As a woman, Domino has the talent to be mean. "Huge Piece XXXX XXXX XXXX XX XXXXX xx...." (Censoring)

Everyone opened their jaw.

Such vicious words.

"Good one girl," commented Gion, feeling proud of Domino.

"Hahaha...." Lucas looked at Akainu's expression and laughed.

This meeting isn't boring as he thought it would be.

Akainu, after hearing the rain of insults, could no longer hold his feelings.

Akainu's arm turned into lava.

"Fine, do you dare to prove your words. Fight over my rank, now."

Akainu said. To him, his strength is what holds justice. He can't tolerate a woman and a teen insulting him.

Since she said she can be a better Admiral then him, she has to prove it.

But well, if she just survived now.

While everyone was trying to proceed what happened, Akainu arm turned into magma on a shape of a fist and flew toward Domino.

That made everyone annoyed and shocked. They felt the heat and bent their backs. But the lava fist wasn't heading toward them, but to Domino.

Akainu made a solemn face. If this didn't kill her, then she would learn how to shut her mouth in case she survived, and spent the rest of her life in bed.

"Domino, you can have your way with him."

Lucas's eyes turned vicious as he made a smirk. Akainu seems to want to lose his rank now.

Well, the patient has limits.

His bloodthirst toward Akainu was felt by everyone's Haki.

Domino's hand turned into a blue as she extended it and held the Lava fist.

The officers looked to see that her hand burned neither her face drew a pained expression.

*tzz* *tzz* *tzz*

Her hand morphed into lightning that wrapped the Lava fist, destroying it.

"You look to have some capabilities," Akainu said, seeing that his attack was blocked.

"Fine, I accept your challenge," Domino said.

Sengoku was about to throw up blood.

Those damn rules of the Navy that allow people to fight over higher ranks, couldn't be changed since the old Government made them. When the very first Celestial Dragons made the Navy, they made rules even their siblings can't break. The Fleet Admiral has the highest authority when it comes to the fleet. Also, Admirals and Fleet Admirals should prove themselves by strength.

Those rules showed that the ancestor of the rulers preferred strength over policy.

On the other hand, Lucas didn't look worried. Who would win if Lava and lightning clashed? Would Lava burn lightning to ashes?

"Well, I think it's good to have an Admiral on my side." Lucas hid his smirk.

Though, he planned to have the last blow.

Well, he can't leave such good fruit, can he?

'Now I think of it... which girl doesn't have a Devil Fruit... Magma-Magma would be handy.'

Unlike the retard Enel, who could in the manga burn Luffy by making the Gold on Luffy hotter, Lucas knows that she can use Lightning Fruit Abilities well. She had been with him for almost a year, and had her fruit for a long time, so Lucas didn't stop Domino from taking this challenge.

If anyone can counter lightning here, it would be Kizaru and Aokiji, who are pure Light and Pure Ice.

"Let's go."

Lucas stood up and said, "It's decided, the one who wins, will participate in the selection of the Fleet Admiral."

All of this mess had happened because of him, Fernando Lucas.

Sengoku glared at Lucas while remembering, 'He who bares The D, would cause havoc'

In the history of this world, Lucas was the second to cause the most havoc after the Pirate King, and Lucas has no D in his name.

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