In an isolated island that has no living humans, nor animals, around, the highest ranks officers were on a warship next to the beach, witnessing what's going on.

As it seems, during the last meeting, an extreme argument had happened between Akainu, Lucas, and Domino. Especially Domino who said she can be better than him, and called Akainu a piece of XXXX and XXX and XXXX.... and Akainu took it to the next level as he challenged her and tried to kill her at the spot, which failed.

"Listen, you can beat him easily," said Lucas as he was mentally preparing Domino.


Domino was standing some hundred meters away from Akainu. She already took off her coat, leaving only a white shirt and green military pants.

She turned her purple eyes to Lucas, wanting his advice.

"You can anything burn you," Lucas asked, "and nothing can burn you, physically."

Lucas speciality, at the college he left, was chemistry, and he knows that some things can't burn at all.


"And as long as you aren't touching Sea Stone, at best, he would deliver physical damage." Like a coach, Lucas gave a piece of advice how to fight her opponent


Domino cracked her neck and massaged her arms while glaring at Akainu.

That damn old man tried to kill her, seriously.

Lucas was behind her, having a towel around his neck, and giving her advice like a boxing coach.

"Just, keep raising his heat." Lucas thought.

Unlike Enel, who only strike with lightning for 0.000....1 second, Domino can sustain that lightning for as long as possible.

Luckily, Enel was a retard.

"Listen, carefully, young girl." Lucas then started whispering in her ear, "Once, I had fought with the previous owner of your fruit. Though he could kick my ass if he had a brain and kept distance while spamming bolts - at least, that what I would have done- yet he came very close...."

Domino listened to Lucas's strategy and nodded with a shock. Lucas fought someone who could use lightning. Not only so, but Lucas himself admitted that he could lose if his opponent was a little bit wiser at that time.

On the other side, next Akainu was Kizaru, holding popcorn and letting it closer to Akainu's arm that became lava. It was a good way to heat his snack.

"Are you sure... The Navy would become weaker without her around."

"I'll burn her lightning into ashes. Justice doesn't need the like him and her."

Akainu needed to kill someone now, and he is going to kill someone.

"Scary, very scary."

back to Lucas, he finished telling Domino everything.

She stood up and looked at him like he was a coach.

Lucas patted her arm, held her fist and said, "Now, go in there, and don't come back here without that Admiral Rank."

"Yes, Fleet Admiral."

Domino stared at his eyes and felt passion. She closed her eyes, stood on her toe, and let her mouth closer to his cheek before kissing it.

The people around lifted their eyebrow.

Gion saw this and her lips started to twitch. Did she kiss him on the cheek? That's a confessing move.

"He is growing fast." Though she flinched at first, she made a smile. At least a kiss on the cheek and not on the mouth. That means they aren't dating, but potentially soon. Maybe she would give Lucas some lecture about the type of women he can choose and what responsibility fallow that.


Domino's lips left Lucas's cheek.

She stared at his eyes and said, "I'll come back quickly."



"Spit the water." Lucas took a water bottle and gave it to Domino.

Though she didn't understand him, she did as Lucas told her, and spit the water.

"Now you are ready." After Lucas slapped her ass cheek, he vanished in thin air and appeared on a battleship on the corner.

Domino now got a perfect strategy to fight Akainu.

Next to Lucas, a light ball appeared and morphed into a middle-aged man with beard and sunglasses.

Kizaru was holding popcorn, seeing that he and Lucas were next to each other at the same time, he extended his hand, "Do you want some Popcorn."


Lucas nodded as he took a handful of popcorn and enhanced his vision, to see that battle well. He opened his mouth and ate while observing – the last blow must be his.

"Are you worried," Kizaru asked Lucas.

"No." Lucas smiled. "This Popcorn is good, where did you buy it from."

"Oh, they sell this one at Impel Down. you won't find it at Marineforde."

"I see." Lucas lost his appetite and looked back at the field, as he was curious. What will happen, since the Domino, with the Lightning Fruit, got his Ultimate Potentials Unlocker? It had been a long time and things must be unpredictable.


Domino and Akainu were facing each other, standing only 80 meters away.

Akainu looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, whose milky skin was smoother than smooth, and her eyes made her cute and became a top tier beauty along with her golden hair floating.

But he had no mercy to her.

Akainu would kill her without blinking and he won't hold back.

"I'll burn you to ashes."

His arms turned into magma, making a smock rise from it, and started to bigger and bigger than it became in a size that can cover a whole villa.

The next second, Akainu threw his giant lava fist at Domino. Such an attack would explode a ship easily.


Domino humped as her purple eyes became blue. She extended her arm as well, and giant lightning beam in size of a thick large tree flew out of it, reaching the lava fist in a blinding speed.

White and red light covered the view of the watchers, but the blue light looked to be stronger.


A loud sound boomed, almost making everyone's ear sensitive.

The lightning wrapped the magma for a brief, making it explode and turning it into many red lava droplets that rained on Domino; the lava seemed to get hotter because the lightning raises it.

When they rained on Domino, she didn't bother dodging, and they passed by her body like nothing, since, magma transfer charges.

"Not bad," Akainu said as he started walking forward with sturdy steps.

Domino remembered what Lucas told her and confidently walked forward.

When the distance became 15 meters and Akainu was ready to spam another lava fists, his foe shouted.

"I'll make you apologize for your rude words, piece of XXXX" Domino stopped and extended her hand that was sparking.

"200 million volt Lightning Dragon."

From her hand, a sparkling blue beam, thick as a giant tree, moved in a blinding speed and hit Akainu, who quickly crossed his arms and shot a lava barrage to form a barrier.

Akainu, of course, was waiting for the lightning woman to come close before he burns her for real.

But something unexpected had happened.

The lightning, not only it pushed his lava back, but actually, passed through it.

Domino didn't seem to use one-shot lightning bolt flash, instead, she kept pouring the lightning in the lava, making it, in a very short time, become hotter and hotter, to the degree that it started to boil.

In more or less than a second, the magma started to turn black, raising the heat of the surroundings before turning into ashes, which fell on the ground.

Lucas from the side nodded.

If Enel was alive, he would just shot one lightning bolt in a short time that would only raise the Laval's heat slightly, not enough to burn it.

The next second, Akainu jumped to the side letting the lightning dragon passed by him.

Though the surroundings were very hot because of the magma, Domino didn't seem to be bothered by the heat. Like lightning, she is immune to the heat. (until 5 times the heat of the sun, physically.)

"Lucky shot," Akainu said as he patted his red coat before he stared at Domino. "But you lack experience."

"Yeah, says the one who thinks he can burn lightning into ashes," Domino mocked Akainu, as she won't leave much chance. Because she worked at Impel Down, she learned how to use her words viciously. "Did you ever read a book before... maybe you can even burn the water into ashes. Just try to burn your stupidity into ashes, you would do a great favour to the justice by that."

"You darn whore." Akainu clenched his teeth, his temperature started to rise.

"Pft, cheap insult, I saw prisoners in Impel Down more civilized than you."

Domino patted her hair like Akainu isn't there.

On the other side, Lucas was staring at Akainu, thinking if he should kill him, or use Hormones fruit to make him a woman, so he may realise what a whore is. 'No, that would take a long time for the trash. Just, I'll wait for that moment'

"Damn you." Akainu, known by his short temper, couldn't hold his anger as he lifted his fists to the sky.

*Pew* *Pew*

Tens and tens of lava fists calved with Haki, flew up, and were ready to go down.

Each of those was smaller than the big lava fist from earlier, but they would be enough

Frowning, Domino kept staring at Akainu as she raised her hand. With her Haki, she could tell each Lava fist going to hit her.

From Domino's slender finger, multi lightning bolts flew up toward the lava and made a connection instantly. *Tzz* from those into the other lava fists, surrounding them by blue aura in the sky.

Though it was night, it looked like it was the morning

The lightning didn't vanish as Domino kept cycling it around the lava, raising its heat very fast.

Akainu was a very smart person, and Domino was in front of him; there is a very close good chance for him now.

The cruellest Admiral started to run toward the woman with the intent of killing her with one punch.

From the sides, the higher-ups were watching with amazement.

Sengoku was wondering what had happened so the Navy gain another strong member this year; Did Impel Down hide Domino's potentials from the very beginning. Well, in this case, The Navy should thank Lucas for banging... bringing such fighter to their side.

'Oh, Enel, I should thank Luffy's plot amour for making you have this fruit. you were the easiest for I had fought.' Lucas thanked his luck that he knew Enel wasn't smart at all.

Even if one's body is strong to counter lightning, there would always be that freezing effect. (Take, for example, the police that use electricity to capture criminals, though the voltage isn't enough to kill them. let alone that One Piece people don't train their internal organs, neither their brains... so lightning with high voltage would affect inside even if can't damage their bodies.)

Some of the officers around Lucas started to sweat up as the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

Domino looked up. After turning the lava in the sky into ashes, Akainu appeared in front of her face and ready to give her a deadly blow.


Even if she is lightning, he would use his Haki to kill her, and there is no way she would react this fast to him.

In a very fast reaction, Domino smiled as her body became blue, and vanished, only followed by a blue spark and magma, which hit her original spot late.

Her Haki was good enough to predict such a hit. As she dodged, she lifted her arm and shot a lightning bolt at Akainu <<500 million Volts>> Akainu didn't react at the time and his eyesight suddenly became blue as he felt his lungs and heart froze temporarily.

But Akainu was so strong physically. Though it won't make him lose consciously, he could stand, while feeling that he would faint at any moment. His vision darkened for a second. 'Damn it, it's tickling my mind. I need to get to make a barrier.'

Since Akainu was frozen, Domino had a chance to finish it off, but she decided that the finisher blow would come soon.

"Don't mock me, woman."

Surrounded by lightning, Akainu let a scream as he turned into magma that sprayed everywhere up, covered by all of his Haki. It took a lot of will to make such an attack.

Domino, with lightning speed, moved back a hundred meter and appeared on the ground, avoiding that wave.

"Ha...Ha." Akainu was panting. He almost fainted, as just a couple more of bolts like that would have fainted. "This tickling of electricity is annoying."

"Just finish his ass." Lucas, holding a towel, from the side, yelled. "Knock him out."

But well, he could understand Domino's intent.

Domino opened her arm and blue light of ball appeared on her palm that turned into a whip she easily held.


The air around that whip started to become hotter and hotter at a rapid rate. Hot winds started to blew everywhere. This was basically, hot plasma.

Domino looked at the sky to see clouds started to gather because of the pressure and the heat of Akainu's attacks.

Nodding, she threw the blue lightning whip up, which started spinning once it got there. The whip would sustain its form for some second, which would generate plasma around it, and raising its heat to a very high degree.

The plasma's heat would certainly rise more than the lava, which would make high pressure, gathering the clouds in the sky.

"Disaster Caller." Domino declared the name of her attack, which she created.

She glared at Akainu and said, "You had the nerves to insult a co-worker, a total unprofessional. Not to mention, you had the nerve to threat a 16 years old teen, how can you be this heartless, you monster."

Lucas, because of his enhanced vision, could read her lips and knew what she said; he flinched.

"Did you have to say my age like that?" Of course, it gave him a sour feeling. He isn't a kid, why is she talking like Akainu like she is his big sis or what.


Akainu touched the ground and it started to become red. Magma lakes started to appear as they were controlled to move forward, as Akainu can easily use his Haki with the new magma.

Using awakening ability, Akainu decided to turn the battlefield into his environment – a volcano.

"Though your lightning is good, I'll turn it into ashes now," Akainu said. After experiencing the lightning bolt, he learned how to defend against it.

The lava started to gather in front of Akainu, forming a big magma monster.

Not only so, but, bellow the ground, the lava was beneath Domino's feet started to move up.

Sengoku saw this and coughed blood again. He quickly held Lucas's arm as he is the one who can stop this. If Domino died, then the Navy would lose a lot.

"He is serious, Lucas, tell the girl to come back, she has a brighter future. "

Lucas turned to the previous fleet Admiral and smiled. "Well, Akainu can burn the ground, but not the sky."

He pointed his head to the sky, where clouds that were tens of miles long had gathered, covering the moon of the night.

"Lightning..." Sengoku started to mutter. "Akainu is the strongest form on the earth, but not the sky."

Unknown to everyone, Lucas shot a compressed air bullet, which held his awakening ability, making it having an increasing effect.

[More-More: size x180]

Let's help the girl a bit.

The cloud, all of the sudden, covered the whole sky.


Yelled Akainu, as the ground beneath Domino started cracking as black magma was about to burst from it.


Everyone heard a loud voice that almost made them deft.

The clouds in the sky started to flash with bigger lightning bolts.

The black magma had covered Domino ready to kill her, the moment a lightning bolt descended on her.

Akainu thought that she turned into ashes, but then, he heard a voice coming from up.

"Over here."

Akainu raised his head shocked.

From the clouds, the lightning started to gather itself, forming a giant that covered the whole sky. That giant was blue, attached to the clouds, and had Domino's image.

Akainu's hand turned into lava as it started to grow while looking at the dark sky.

The blue giant that was attaching to the sky seemed to pull her hand from the clouds, and slowly descending with her back appearing and chest getting out of the clouds while getting closer to the ground.

"You know, even I can't tell how much volts this one had." Domino seemed to sneer.

The lava fists that Akainu was shooting didn't reach the sky at all, or rather, only hit a small part of it. Domino extended her hand that approached Akainu slowly.

"Make me proud," Lucas shouted.

Well, Lucas should take some credit, as he was the one who made the lightning clouds this big.

But he had to admit, Domino did a good job with her fruit.

To use the logia element and make it a concentrate like this to make a giant like Pica was a good idea.

Lucas glanced at Kizaru next to him, the man who is known by Lightman.

As a logia user, he should be able to control light, and well, light is everywhere.

Lucas thought when Kizaru could make his light concentrate a sword, but he wondered why he never used the light from around to make himself into a golem, or make other things.

Even Caesar knows how to absorb gas to make himself stronger. What if Kizaru had this ability and was hiding it all along, that would be one major twist. Or, would it be that Kizaru is a troll and not that slow.

Unaware by Lucas's thought, Kizaru's jaw was open wide as he didn't swallow his popcorn. His eyes were observing the light and he was using his Haki with it, to tell the outcome.

Akainu sweated as he knew this attack would destroy this island.

There is one move for him. He needs to go deeper to the ground and hide while leaving a copy here.

"Die." He raised his fist, and a lava pillar flew up, clashing with the giant's hand, but it could do nothing.

The lightning hand covered Akainu like he was an aunt, pushing the lava on the ground, and getting a fair share of this island. Under the lightning, Akainu felt that his body is turning hotter and hotter in a very short duration as the charge was spreading through the whole island. He needed to connect himself to the lava to the ground, but the voltage was too high, way higher than the previous bolts, and froze him.

Even at this moment, Akainu was wondering, why the pure form that was made of electrons, didn't become ashes.

If Lucas's dead physics teacher at high school knew what Akainu is thinking about, he may not rest in peace in his tomb.

"Nature Vengeance.

Domino's voice was mixed with the rumble of the lightning, which made it dooming, loud and scary.

Her body turned into a very one large bolt that held all of the flashes of lightning in those clouds and fell on Akainu.



From the side, no one could see what happened as their eyes were temporarily blinded by the effect of lightning. But they could at least tell that the island was getting destroyed.

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