No one could see anything after the lightning giant turned into a lightning bolt that descended on Akainu. Everyone was blinded, and they lost their hearing temporarily. Lucas rubbed his eyes, blaming himself for increasing his eyesight sensitivity, as it hurt him.

Akainu, from below, got hit by a big charge. Not only it holds a high voltage, but the energy behind it is very big.

Lucas regained his eyesight along with everyone else and they looked at the island.

What was middle-sized Island that can hold many villages and towns, was destroyed by 95%

Domino was there, standing in the middle and cracking her back.

On the ground, Akainu was lying with his clothes burned. His body was black like coal while blood was spraying from his mouth, but he was breathing.

Everyone who just saw this was amazed. First, that attack is can destroy an island, and second, Akainu is still alive.

Aokiji, the second Fleet Admiral candidate was thinking to himself.

Unlike Akainu, Ice should be immune to lightning, since it made from pure water. So, they can fight on equal ground. But there still Lucas, who he don't know how strong he is.

Aokiji said, looking at this scene with awe. Though light is fast, it doesn't have such destructive power. "Logia users are scary."

Sengoku, who was lying on Garp to stand up, murmured as he looked at Lucas, "Brat, were you hiding her in your ship."

"Well, don't worry, she would be Admiral, under me, of course." Lucas lowered his shoulders, ignoring the Fleet Admiral, and smiling back to Domino, which turned him on somehow.

Gion looked at Lucas with her lips twitching before focusing her gaze forward and murmuring in low voice, "Lucas, be aware of girls who are only after a man because he is strong."


"You heard me."

Lucas glanced at her and said lowly so she could hear him alone, "Big Sis, come on, I'm not that young anymore. I think I got old enough."

Lucas was resisting the urge to smile. Here it is, the shy jealousy scenario. 'Damn, I haven't seen anything like this since high school.'

"You became old!!!" Gion lifted her eyebrow. Does mean becoming stronger meaning older.


"Ha~ so you are saying that I'm old. Guess you forgot who I am." Gion knocked on Lucas's head slightly before biting her lips.

"Not at all, you look too young." Lucas smiled back, looking at her chest that was in front of his eyes.

"Hm,." Gion took her mouth back from his ear and looked at Lucas, who is staring at her huge chest. 'staring I see...'

"Didn't we have a date already," Gion said.

"We did, actually."

Lucas turned and looked at her red eyes. He was a man and could read between the lines.

Gion looked deeply to his blue eyes. He was surely handsome. After seeing Lucas getting kissed on the cheek, helped her to get away from Tokikake, and the fact that it had been almost a month she hadn't see him, made her feel that he grew up a lot. She didn't know if she should cry, or tell him to come to a private place. Those were inner conflicts that happened as a boy she used to pour milk into his mouth grew up to become a Fleet Admiral candidate.

After seeing his spar with Garp, she realised that he also became way stronger than before, even than her, but age still age. During the duration she had been absent, she actually missed him and was thinking a lot about him whenever she had to deal with papers.

"Are you thinking in a perverted way about a co-worker." Gion, with a fazing face, turned and walked to the other side. Well, she buried his face with her chest once, and she felt his boner on her spider tattoo – only a gay would think like a saint about her after that.

"Probably," said Lucas, stunning her that he didn't blush and run to the other side.

Somehow, she was alluring at this moment, and Lucas could feel charmed in her voice. Well, a middle-aged woman has needs right. If a man saw a hot girl he would say even if he saw she had a boy. A girl would do the same, though.

"I don't mind though," Gion said, turning her back at him, to look at the destroyed island. "We will talk later. Now, I believe you have the battle to prepare for. Ha~ unlucky young man."

Well, men look for pretty girls. Women are no different though. But when everyone gets older, their mindset changes to find someone responsible enough. But the first rule still applies in bedrooms no matter what age.

Lucas shifted his gaze to the destroyed island and looked at Domino who is walking toward him.

Wait, behind her, Akainu stood up, and was walking silently toward her.

Domino, who was smiling at Lucas, felt something odd at the moment she let her guard down.

Akainu's tall body covered her with its shade.

"It's a battle to the death."

Akainu said, as his body was burned. The Lava man, for the first time in his life, felt what is like to get burned.

Blood was all over his neck, but he seemed to use all of his will power to walk.

Domino stopped and narrowed her eyebrow, feeling surprised that Akainu just got this close.

She just let him live, yet, Akainu said it's a battle to the death.

To a woman like her, who worked at Impel Down, Akainu's cruelty was nothing compared to what she saw.

Every one of the higher-ups flinched when they saw what Akainu was intending to do. His opponent let him live after beating him fair, yet he stood behind her and was about to kill her.

"1 billion volt mode." Domino's body turned into blue, making her look like a mix between blue fire and a blue cloud. "I'll kill you then," she said.

With this transformation, she would keep striking him until his lava turn to ashes.

But Akainu kept taking steps forward.

"AKAINU, STOP." Yelled Sengoku. If someone of them died, the Navy would lose a strong officer. Garp was about to go but he was held by his partner.

But well, they can't interfere. The only way to declare the defeated is that the loser has to admit defeat, or die.

In battles like this, even at the Navy, death was the only way to stop.


Akainu wasn't fully aware why is he still moving. Though he hid earlier, the lightning got him, and he felt like he would explode. he felt so numb and damaged that he didn't feel his feet, but what moved him was his sheer will.


Domino's body glowed, ready to charge at him with lightning. Akainu covered his fist with Lava and Haki and punched. He was very close, even if he got stunned, he would have a chance. He would rather die than lose. This is the determination that allowed him to kill the strongest man in the world, at Manga of course, not at this timeline. But it is still a part of his character.


Before the lightning and the lava clashes again, suddenly, from nowhere, a fist landed on Akainu's face, sending him flying some tens of meters away, landing on the destroyed island.

The officers at the ship looked at Lucas, who appeared from thin air in that place.

They had one idea: very fast.

"He is very fast for sure," Gion commented. Garp nodded.

Domino turned as she saw Lucas and was stunned. She then showed some angry face with a blush.

"I could deal with him, Lucas," Domino shouted while feeling the warmth.

"Domino, no need to bother with this trash,"

Lucas said looking at Akainu. Though the two had no bad blood between them, Lucas never bothered himself with the crazy Admiral.

But now, he played on his nerves. Akainu tried to stand up, but then Lucas touched the ground with his hand and used his awakening ability.

<< More-More: Gravity x 180>>

Akainu couldn't move as he felt everything became heavier, the ground was pulling him down. Using his sheer will, he started to stand up.

Since Lucas interfered, this battle was officially over according to the rule. Domino would become Admiral while Akainu would have to become General Inspector or take any Symbolic Admiral rank that if he survived what will happen.

The people on the sh.i.p.s were going to stop Lucas, after all, they saw Domino gave him a kiss on the cheek and all could realise something is between the two.

All of them can tell that Lucas is angry, and he is 16 years old.

What would someone on his age do in such a situation?

"I must stop them from killing each other," Zephyr, who looked younger than ever, was a worry to see Lucas and his previous student.

Kizaru turned into a light ball as he moved forward, while Domino turned and looked at Lucas, blushing. She smiled when she thought that Lucas is angry beyond her.

Domino looked at the ground and said with a low voice, "Fleet Admiral, you know I can deal with him."

Akainu stared at Lucas who stood in front of him. Despite the gravity and the weights, Akainu stood up and looked at him.

"Move on, this is not your concern." Lava started to spray from Akainu's legs. But it seems to move slower because of the gravity.

"Yeah, according to the rules, this isn't my concern." Lucas threw his Navy coat away before lifting his head and looking at Akainu.

"If there is a reason for what I am doing, it would be simple."

The burned Akainu raised his eyebrow while taking one heavy step forward, as he could adjust himself to the gravity and move.

(If Akainu is 100 kilo, with the gravity, he should be 15 tons. Well, characters in Vice-Admiral level can lift way heavier weights, so let alone Akainu. And don't use Goku as a reference, as needed to turn into Super Saiyan to lift 40 tons. Zoro before the time skip was stronger than that.)

Lucas glared at Akainu and explained his simple reason, "You pissed me off."

Before Akainu could realise it, Lucas became as tall as him.

"Take this."

Akainu felt that his feet leaving the ground, as the heavy blow landed on his chin.

But this wasn't the end.

Lucas's first turned into hundreds of afterimages as he started to beat Akainu, even though he was Lava.

Bam Bam.

Akainu was feeling pain as he was thinking of what is going on. What he could see was the tens of after images landing on him

"And this." Lucas kept punching him, his jaw, his face, his chest, his ribs, but thankfully, not his nut.

'What is this speed,' Akainu thought as he felt he couldn't keep up with Lucas's hits, even though his body was hot as lava.

Finally, Akainu flew back and fell at his back, with blood flying out of his mouth. After falling, Akainu lifted his head and stared at Lucas, with his lips shaking. First, the lightning damaged his internal organs, and now, those punches that broke his ribs and mouth. The internal damage was done by Domino, but the external damage is done by Lucas now.

He saw that Lucas didn't flinch even when he hit his lava made of body. Lucas must have a strong Haki to protect him from this.

"You..." Akainu managed to say these words before falling down unconscious.

[Ding, defeating Akainu is his weakened state after he got his ass burned by lightning.

+ 4.000.000 Acc.u.mulated XP] (because of kill steal)

[Ding, do you want to take Magma-Magma fruit]

Seeing the notification, Lucas decided to that later, so no one would be suspicious.

According to his Haki, Akainu would enter a long coma, so Lucas decided to wait for that.

'Phew, that was close; I almost missed the final blow. Domino surely is furious.'

"Please, don't take him seriously... he isn't very smart." Kizaru appeared behind Lucas and patted his arm, smiling. "He even once said he can burn light to ashes, so, you know. Just let this pass."

Akainu was unconscious now, and need treatment badly.

Lucas looked at Kizaru's face, which made him look like a mafia middle-aged man who you can call uncle.

"By the way, how did you become this tall?" Kizaru asked as he saw Lucas standing 3 meters tall.

"You just imagining, I'm standing on high ground."

Lucas went back to his normal size and said its Devil fruit. He then turned and walked away to find Domino jumping at him. Gion from the side started flinching; these two were co-workers in her previous base.

Z then came and picked up Akainu, to take him to hospital.

Very soon, the meeting continued.

Domino had officially replaced Akainu and joined at the battle of the three to Fleet Admiral Rank.

15 days later, Lucas, Kizaru, and Domino would fight

Sengoku could do nothing other than trying to convince Lucas secretly by telling him that it is a big responsibility for a little guy like him.

But Lucas's reply was harsh at the sick Sengoku.

He said, "If the worse generation of Pirates appeared in an Era, that would only because of the lack of the marines' ability. Go and retire and trust me."

"Ha, since you could save Dressrosa and Alabasta... I'll keep an eye on you."

If Lucas didn't do a good job, then the Five Elders would press him to retire. Well, Sengoku wouldn't have to deal with the safety of the celestial Dragons anymore and leave the annoying work to Lucas.

Sengoku, with a broad smile, said, "Welcome to the hell, and I promise it would *Cough* *Cough*"


After the meeting, Lucas went to his house at the New World.

What he saw had shocked him.

His girls were standing at the side while looking at the same direction with a frown.

The house was destroyed.

Calorina was punching the remaining of the house, her eyes were bloodshot red and her fists were bleeding. Lilia was behind her trying to comfort her. "Let me... Let me. " Calorina was crying as she was destroying that house. Her eyes were red, while Lilia was trying her best to comfort her.

"What is going on?"

Lucas walked forward. Alvida saw him and quickly went to him.

"Alvida, what did happen?"

Lucas felt so confused. He just left for one day, and now this. And why is Calorina acting like this?

"Lucas..." Alvida looked hesitated and looked at the others, who had ugly faces while looking at him. Alvida didn't know if she should tell him or not, as the bad news concern Lucas personally.

Hina came and patted Alvida's arms, "Alvida let Lucas rest before you tell him."

"Lucas." Calorina saw Lucas and cried more. She walked toward him. Lucas opened his arm and she went to his embrace and cried on his shoulder.

Calorina sniffed and said, "Home is destroyed."

Lucas felt his heart beat faster.

Something bad had happened for sure. He looked around to see every girl is presented.

However, seeing Calorina like this made his heart somewhat ash.

The next words, made Lucas's eyes shake harder. "Mom and Dad, aren't there."Calorina cried more on his shoulder.

Those were his uncle and aunt. Lucas knew the two. Because he spent more than half a year at the Babarogi Kingdom, he knew the two and had some dinners with them.

"I shouldn't have left; it's my fault, aaa... my fault." Calorina kept crying on Lucas's shoulder.

"What did happen."

Lucas didn't realise that his hands were shaking as he looked around looking for an answer. This moment, he didn't feel that the situation is under control. He put his hand on Calorina's neck and started massaging it until she slept. No wonder his cousin seems to react like this. It's good that she didn't harm herself yet.

Lilia came closer to Lucas and said lowering her head. She too knew the two persons, as she saw them frequently and had dinner at their homes when Calorina dragged her there.

"We don't know. We got a report that our home was destroyed... Calorina couldn't reach her home, and when we contacted the Navy base, they said, our home turned into ashes, and both of uncle and aunt had vanished... not only so, but the Dojo we trained at, was destroyed as well."

Lilia lowered her eyes to the ground. She seemed to be sad and angry, but her emotion was under control.


Now, there is something fishy here.

"And we don't know who attacked." Lilia said, "It was like ghosts had attacked. We only got the report now."

Lucas felt the world was turning around him. The girls lowered their heads, as they didn't expect such calm reaction from him.

Just, what the hell did happen?

He needs to go and see things personally.

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