The snow was descending again as the clouds above had cracked. After the clash of the Dragon breath and the punch, the punch seemed to grow and get stronger, before devouring the Dragon breathes and become an attack in a big that it can annihilate this country.

The blue dragon had vanished quickly, and in its place, a giant man, a very muscular one, appeared in its place and descended from the sky. That was Kaido, who glared at Lucas with killing intent.

"Lucas!" Kaido yelled, his long moustache along with his long black hair flattered at it swayed with the winds.

"Kaido," Lucas smirked, unbothered by his ferocious glare. This is basically, his father's in law, and the future child's grandfather. "You know how to take a hit."

Lucas's eyes swept to Kaido's bare chest. He was sure that Emperor Hook had caused a wound there, supported by his Devil Fruit. But looking there, Kaido seemed to be very fine.

"Tell me," Kaido ignored Lucas's provocative statement and clenched his teeth. Very strong momentum was spreading from his body, making the snow fly all over.

"Tell you what?" Lucas crossed his arms as he stared at Kaido, "how did I make love with Yamato; or how did I bang Mari–"

"So you had done it," Kaido lifted his head, looking at the 38 meters tall Lucas. This was basically a very tall man to a giant like Kaido.

He couldn't help but imagine what kind of pain Yamato must have suffered as she was involved in that hostage exchanging.

Kaido's facial expression darkened. "Yamato," he murmured, "what you did to my little son, you big beast."

"You didn't let me finish." Lucas sneered as he still has yet to tell him what happened to Maria, that beautiful blonde woman who threw herself because she found love with Lucas. Kaido held his giant black macer, clenching his fist tightly around it, purple sparks of lightning danced over it like snakes.

Lucas felt some aura imitating from Kaido, which happened to be the silly Conqueror Haki.

"Bastard," that was the only word Kaido said as a high momentum left his body and made a pressure all around.

"Conqueror Haki... the most useless thing I ever had," Lucas said, relaxing his arms, and staring at Kaido.

From his body, the same momentum, the same pressure, left it and clashed with Kaido's.


In the air, between Lucas and Kaido, big dark sparks appeared, like they were lightning upon invisible auras clashing.

The snow started to go up instead of descending. The clouds started to divide.

Bellow, Linlin, who was looking at the small scared man with his bone of army, lifted her head toward the mountain.

Usopp. In his plan of killing Kaido by the end before absorbing his power, he never thought that he would face Charlotte Linlin, and she is hot.

But he wouldn't give up. Glaring at Linlin, who was a scary giant– except she went back through time – Usopp pulled his courage and Yelled. "How about fear, can you face it?"

Linlin still ignored him and focused her eyes there, as only her kids were dealing with Usopp.

Usopp had a purple aura dancing around his body and reaching his 8000 armies of the dead, covering them.

Now, using his ability, he can make his victims feel fear once they get exposed to his power.

The only reason Usopp followed Kaido, was because that man has nothing to fear, not even the death.

But he believed that others are different.

"Necro-Necro: Fear –"

But then, a momentum came along, trying to crush everyone's will. Usopp held his chest upon feeling the clash of conqueror Haki. That one was strong for sure. It made him stop his attack for a second.

"Shut up, you are annoying."

Linlin reached with her hand to the sky, sending a purple orb there. In the next second, the clouds above seemed to gain life. Linlin waved her hand down and lightning bolt started to crush the armies. One of them hit Usopp.

"Shit." cursed Usopp as he reached his pocket to pull a tomato sauce and sprayed it on his face before he got hit by the lightning cloud.

Linlin looked at the long-nosed man lying down, with blood spraying "Give him another one."

The new cloud that gained a new life seemed to nod. Another lightning bolt hit him. And the rest of the bone army was done quickly with the power of the kids. Katakuri could make things go easier as he used his Devil Fruit Power to trap all of them.

"Now, kids, cheer for your papa."

Linlin looked to the mountain, seeing the sparks of conqueror Haki. Never in her life had she thought that Lucas may have it as well.


Kaido and Lucas kept glaring at each other. Kaido seemed to not like the fact that Lucas has that Haki as well. Not only so, but Lucas dared to look down on it like it doesn't worth a thing.

"Take this. Thunderclap."

In instant, the muscled Kaido kicked the ground and flew toward Lucas, lifting his macer as high as possible. Purple lightning danced around it.

"And you gave me spoilers."

Lucas sneered at Kaido, who thought that Lucas as an easy target because of his size. Kaido waved his macer at Lucas with a speed impossible to dodge. But as soon he hit him, it passed through his image. Kaido that moment realised that it was an afterimage and turned his back as his Haki alerted him. He waved his macer, but Lucas, who just appeared behind him, vanished from cheer speed.

"Damn you," Kaido yelled and waved his macer over and over at a speed that was impossible to dodge.

Lucas, trusting his Kami-E with the speed boost given by the system and his boxing footwork, he kept vanishing while creating afterimages that Kaido couldn't hold on.

This continued for a minute, which felt more than that, and Kaido couldn't help but get frustrated.

"Over here."

Lucas appeared to the side of Kaido, lifting his fist that was as big as Kaido's head, and delivered him a punch that was 200 times faster than his usual punches.

Upon getting hit on his chin, Kaido was taken by the momentum and surprise and flew back, crushing the mountain and making another cave. Though he used his Haki, Kaido's jaw was dislocated, but Lucas somehow felt that it was broke a little.

A few seconds later, Kaido got out of the hole. He jumped and landed in front of Lucas, moving his jaw left and right.

"Ho," Lucas smirked, "you really know how to take a punch, I see. " Lucas sneered at Kaido.

His goal isn't just to kill Kaido; Lucas wanted to make Kaido suffer, for every sleepless night he and his cousin got; not to mention what he did to two powerless people.

"That hit," Kaido smirked and closed his jaw like it never got hit in the first place, "was decent, but not that good. You are just fast, that's all."

Lucas tightened his eyes; it seems that Kaido got healed in instant.

"Really," Lucas rolled his eyes and looked at the cloud, "Maria didn't say that; she said I hit the right spot."

"You what!"

"Maria, a blonde with blue eyes," Lucas smiled after seeing that his words hit some nerve in Kaido.

Maria, though she was neglected by him, and barely was visited, she was the only giant beauty he could embrace, and she was too loyal, brings the joy in the happy occasion and always fill his cup.

Now, this giant in front of him said that Maria got hit in her spot.

"What that supposes to mean," asked Kaido, clenching his teeth.

"She said, she never reached the orgasm with you," Lucas smile grew bigger, his hair danced with the winds "but, as soon we slept with each other, she told me, 'Lucas, I want to live with you. I am your woman.' And honestly, a beautiful giant like her is always welcomed in my harem."

Lucas shrugged his shoulders, "if you still can't understand it, then let me say it in simple English. Black Maria, is my girl, after Yamato. And after I'm done with you, I'll have them on the same bed – with me of course. Later, I'll give those kids, and we will be a big happy family."

Kaido couldn't believe what he heard. A wave of conqueror Haki left

"You know, in my whole life, even against the other Emperors, I always held back," said Kaido, purple lightning was dancing around his body.

"Even against the World Government.

"Death was always my deepest wish. But no one could grant me that. That was the result of me getting stronger after I got scratched by that sword. BUT, my power up cursed me to become an immortal"

Seeing how sharp Kaido's glare is, Lucas, crossed his arm, "Ho, let me see how immortal you are."

Lucas, in instant, vanished and appeared next Kaido. Lifting his hand, which was covered by Haki, Lucas stabbed with his fingers toward Kaido while covering them with Haki, and using [More Speed x200]

In instant, covered by red blood, Lucas's hand appeared out of Kaido's back, making a big wound that started from his chest and ended on his stomach. Kaido didn't even flinch when Lucas took his hand back.

The big wound in his body had only small amount of blood leaving it.

Kaido ignored Lucas's stab, and continued talking with the deepest voice you can ever imagine.

"Death was my wish; One Piece was an adventure to get that." Kaido didn't want to enjoy the treasure of One Piece. He wanted to find it, so there may be a way, at that place, that allows him to kill himself. "I did what I could to hold it back, may my soul find peace.

"But you, congratulation, I rather live in hell for eternity rather than let you live."

By the time Kaido finished talking, the wound on his chest was closed, healed completely on its own.

Lucas, at this moment, had his instinct alerting him.

"I'll show you the form that I never was shown to one before you."

Kaido glared at Lucas, his golden pupils became more of like a snake...

His size started to extend, bigger and bigger. His hands turned into claws. His muscles arms seemed to get more muscled. His face had its shape twist a bit, his tongue split in two, becoming of like a snake.

On his skin blue, hard scales covered Kaido from head to toe. Two fire orbs started to dance around his body, and it seemed that he was transforming.

Kaido size grew to 40 meters, blue scales covering him, and he looked to be a creature, half dragon and half-human, with limbs of the humans.

This was the hybrid form of a human and a dragon.

Kaido, in this form, has the agility of a human and the strength of the legendary abilities of the eastern Yong dragon. And he can use his Devil Fruit power to its almost power.

Lucas couldn't help but to lift his head a bit and feel confused.

This form was never shown in Manga. But of course, you cannot think that a user of Awakened Zoan is incapable of it.

"This is my strongest form," Kaido said, looked at Lucas, and opening his mouth. Without alerting, a red bream left Kaido's mouth and run toward Lucas, almost catching him out of surprise.


Lucas dodged in the right second. The mountain behind him, same for the series of the other mountain that got hit by that dragon breath, had literally started melting from the hit.

Kaido was feeling the utmost anger he ever experienced. With a tone full of hatred, he said, "I'll show you, the real immortality. You will die, Lucas!"

Lucas lifted his head, seeing that Kaido is floating in the air.

It was one of the Wester Dragon powers, which Kaido has, to float and fly without wings, or the need

"Let's see about that."

Lucas, just from Kaido's transformation, could feel that Kaido's strength increased folds and fold.

"Well, this is fun... but Yamato was more enjoyable, I guess."

Looking at the floating immortal, two 20 meters long scimitars appeared in his hands. Lucas held them tightly and looked at Kaido, pointing one of his swords toward there.

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