"You seriously are annoying to kill," said Lucas, looking at the half-dragon Kaido in the air.

In this form, not only Kaido has his physical strength, but he has the power of Eastern Dragon and its ability, without lacking any of his abilities as a Dragon. Not to mention, his regenerative ability should be in its peak in this form.

"It just started."

Around Kaido's chest, there was one deep wound. In instant, it got healed. Kaido smiled as he glared at Lucas and lifted his arms.

Lucas smirked, standing on the half-destroyed misty mountain.

"Thunder Clap Slap." Kaido, who was floating in the air, lifted his arm; lightning danced around it. In instant, he flew and appeared in front of Lucas, slamming down with his palm toward Lucas.


Lucas, with two scimitars covered in dried up blood, vanished dodging Kaido's strike.

As soon as Kaido slapped the original's spot, strong winds surged and a big shockwave spread across the whole mountain.



The sound of booming thunder could be heard across the whole country. The mountain was destroyed and cracked into pieced.

Lucas appeared above Kaido, with his mouth making o shape as if demonstrating his amazement from Kaido's strength in a mocking way.

"Take this one," Lucas sneered, lifting both of his swords, which were ink black. Around one sword, electricity ran, while the other had a cold mist leaving it. Waving his sword, two sword energies took the shape of a dragon and attacked Kaido <<More-More: Temperature x15. Speed, Size x200>>

Kaido turned his head up, looking at the red fire dragon and silver misty dragons coming toward him.

As soon as they got close, Kaido felt the extreme heat and the extreme coldness toward him. Not only so, but they were big as Sea Kings. Seriously, such an attack can destroy a country if it was aimed at the ground.

He knew he has to do something.

Opening his mouth as wide as possible, a fire started to gather there. Another giant Dragon Breath left Kaido's mouth and hit the hot Dragon.


An explosion occurred, and the dust, which was once a mountain, flew all over Wano. Yet, in instant, Kaido was hit by the white dragon as its speed was increased all of the sudden to the degree

In instant, Kaido's body froze, and Lucas landed on the destroyed ground. This battle, with his Observation Haki, Lucas could tell that everyone in Wano is trying to protect themselves. The shockwaves are really strong for them.

"Come on Kaido, I just used the ability of my Fruit, I wasn't even that serious." Lucas played with his sword, looking at the dragon hybrid Kaido, who just smiled in response.

The ice layer on Kaido cracked and he appeared to be fine, looking at Lucas. "I admit it. I felt chills there."

There were some burn marks on Kaido. Though his Haki is strong, his scales are tough and hard or harder than diamond, Kaido still took bit damage.

"I'll make you suffer," said Lucas, his smiled vanished as he was stepping on the air while looking down at Kaido.

To Lucas, killing Kaido won't be satisfying. He wanted Kaido to suffer for what he had done to him. Death is just too merciful. But the problem is, how can you kill what refuse to die. Lucas had been cutting Kaido, burning, freezing him, yet the latter is alive, and Lucas has only some times before going and taking over the Fleet Admiral position.

"You are fast; let me see if you can dodge this."

Kaido opened his palm, lightning danced there. As he waved his hand, small lightning sparks left the Dragon's hand and headed toward Lucas. One must know that lightning is attracted to living beings, and it is very fast that it's almost impossible to dodge.

Snorting at Kaido, Lucas used moonwalk and changed his direction in the air. But then, at that moment, the lightning was too fast to dodge, so Lucas quickly waved his sword that had the power of electricity, creating a negative charge, which created a barrier around Lucas, allowing the lightning to get reflected there.

"Is this the best you got?" Lucas asked.

But then, a red giant beam appeared in front of his face, hot and so.

Lucas crossed his arms in defence against the Dragon breath.


An explosion occurred there, wrapping Lucas.

From the other side, from all of Wano, the people were looking through their windows to the sky. All of them looked at the two extreme giants fighting; each attack they made had made Wano shake.

Linlin held her chin and glanced up, thinking if it's the time to help Lucas. But it seems that Lucas is doing fine. Linlin looked at the ground and had an idea. What if she used her life force to make Wano alive? But that won't help against Kaido. Let's just wait and see where this lead to would.

"haha," Kaido laughed as he saw Lucas after getting hit by his Dragon breath."

This attack of his can melt a mountain. Yet, it seems that Lucas had survived. However, there were some burning marks on his chest.

Lucas's chest was red, and there was some wound on his left b.r.e.a.s.t.

Lucas glanced down to see Kaido giving him a smug look.

"Listen," Kaido spoke," With each attack I make, I make you weaker. Your attacks have no power on me.

"You can't heal your wounds, Lucas.

"Eventually, I'll win. No matter how fast you are." Kaido smirked. "You are no immortal."

Wound and time are something that doesn't work on Kaido. . But he knew it works on everyone else. Kaido wouldn't die, and eventually, he would have the advantage. Even when he attacks the other pirate Emperors, he does it alone. Even Whitebeard would need that Shank's help sometimes along with his crews since no one would be in their mind to enter in stamina battle with Kaido, who wouldn't die anyway.

Well, the only way for Kaido to die is that his life span ends.

And with this Dragon form of his, Kaido defence is invincible. Not to mention, he has the strength of a legendary dragon.

"You sure about that?" Scoffing at the half Dragon-like, Lucas asked as he descended and his feet touched the ground.

Kaido is thinking that he is the only one who can heal himself.

Not only so, but he thinks himself an immortal.

"Keep bluffing," Kaido said, opening his palm that had lightning dancing around it.

Lucas half-closed his eyes, a good feeling ran through the burned area in his skin. Suddenly, the red marks started to get closed.

Kaido stopped for a second seeing that.

Lucas's wounds that were done by the Dragon Breaths had been healed in front of his eyes. Lucas's chest looked very fine except for some scratches, which just got healed.

Unlike Kaido who can heal himself, Lucas has Massage Body/ Self Healing skill.

Who would ever think that a skill that had been developed in bed would become something very overpowered in battle?

Kaido wasn't believing his eyes. There is someone else like him. At that moment, a smile appeared on the half Dragon's mouth.

��Not bad. I want to see how immortal you are."

"You took the words right of my mouth"

"hehe." Kaido said, "Don't give me hope kid."

Although 60 meters were between him and Lucas, they felt so close.

"Let me tell you a secret, my friend." Lucas's facial expression changed to a mix of serious and smirking.

Seeing the expression on Lucas's face, Kaido felt anxious.

Why is his foe smiling?

"You are not the one who has been hiding his strength all along."

"What!" Kaido said.

At that moment, Lucas squatted. Smoke was leaving his body, as it was getting hotter and hotter.

Though Lucas had barely used this skill after getting his Devil Fruit, he never forgot to train it before sleeping.

The skill which evolved from Adrenaline Boost had been trained each night before he went to sleep.

[Eye of The Strom level 6 +400% speed, strength, senses, reaction speed, thinking speed. ]

In Lucas's eyes, the time got slower and slower. It felt like it became 1/5 moving faster. Lucas smiled, missing this feeling.

The huge adrenaline rush in his body, his loud heartbeat, his blood circling faster; For sure, he missed this feeling.

"What is that?" Kaido opened his eyes widely. Lucas didn't change at all. But, His Dragon senses were telling him otherwise.

"he one you had been fighting 5 minutes ago, is nothing compared to who is coming for you."

Lucas can increase his power up to 200 times with his fruit. But with this skill, which increases his basic power, Lucas now is incomparable to Lucas who started this fight.


Lucas appeared in front of Kaido, whose observation Haki was at the peak of this world, yet couldn't detect Lucas's movement. Kaido looked down not believing his eyes. His scales, the Dragon Scales, had been pierced, and Lucas's fist entered deep, covered by the blood.

<<Six King Gun>> <<More More: Strenght Speed, Size x200>>

"Die, Kaido." Lucas let a strong cry, showing his true strength he had been hiding all along.


Kaido, all of the sudden, flew back, feeling every bit of his internal organs crushed by the shockwave. Blood dashed out of his mouth. Kaido didn't know what has happened as he flew out of Wano's borders and is still flying.

Everyone in Wano, all of the sudden, found themselves flying up from the power of the shockwave. Even the mountains and the buildings started to crack.

Lucas turned his head and saw the remaining of a small mountain.

He then looked at the sun, which reached the middle of the sky.

This rush, it had been a long time since he had felt it.


And he vanished from his place.

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