Inside a warship that belongs to the navy.

Inside his cabin, Lucas was reading the law of the world government, the part that talks about the warlords. He needs to collect enough knowledge so he can make a proper plan before he gets promoted.

What Lucas needed was a major achievement, something to make him appear as a hero who preserves the face of justice and the world government. Lucas can use his other option which is simply, dong his job until the HQ see that he has enough experience to promote. But to Lucas, as he didn't want to wait a couple of years, the second option wasn't choice.

Lucas's ticket to promote is to take a warlord down. Since the beginning of his journey, Lucas believed that his actions would change the timeline too much, so it was kind useless to know what kind of adventure the straw hats had and trying to keep the timeline the same because Lucas would gain nothing, and as someone who watched the flash, knew it is useless.

But knowing wasn't useless, things such the world itself and what is happening in secret, and what some characters have done and what are their goals, that knowledge is more precious than gold.

It was the night, and Lucas was bare-chested, Lucas was sitting on a chair with his legs on the table, his right hand was holding the law book while his left held a knife. From time to time, Lucas would throw a knife and hit an old wanted poster, which was stuck to his cabin's wooden walls.

The poster contained a face that was very famous and known in this world and the earth. The face's in the poster belongs to a man who is a previous pirate, and now he is someone who can do piracy with the protection of the law.

Currently, people know him as the leader of Baroque works, his code name is Mister Zero, and his name is Crocodile, a black-haired man with a long scar on his face. Lucas is one of the few that knows what crocodile is doing, maybe the only one besides his assistance Nicco Robin.

Crocodile is planning to cause an inner war and take a country down causing a bloody shower and killing millions of innocents. Crocodile acts are abusing his position as a warlord, once his actions of causing such bloody stream are exposed, Crocodile would lose his seat as a warlord and get arrested by laws.

"What shitty rules" Lucas stood up and throw the law book. The law doesn't allow him to strike crocodile based on his instincts, once he did that without clear proof or permission from a higher authority, then he would be punished for acting on his own, and if his actions didn't lead to proof, then he may get degraded to a captain. However, if he appears right, and as a hero, they would get a major achievement of saving a country and its people.

Warlords are very strong individuals in this world, most of them were pirates and previous criminals, or bounty hunters before the world government offers them to join their side for benefits. Their existence is necessary for the balance between the powers as the other side has very powerhouses that can destroy the world.

Warlords are obligated to answer the word government's calls, and they are allowed to do piracy under the name of the law and minor crimes such as illegal commerce, and marines are not allowed to stop them either fight them at first. Every marine in the navy is against this system, every admiral vice admiral and bellow has shown their refusal, but they were a necessary military force. However, some things are forbidden on the warlords, for an example, they can't ally with other pirates, also, they are not allowed to use their position to take a country down, causing inner wars and doing extreme crimes. Any warlord who abuse using his

But Crocodile isn't to be underestimated, once Lucas makes move, Crocodile would hide every evidence and destroy it, after all, Lucas is a marine and not a pirate.

Lucas started to walk around the room; he shot another knife at Crocodile's poster.

'Even if I raise my suspicions to the HQ, it would be ignored, and Crocodile would be more careful in his schemes, and eventually. I would just earn nothing.'

"And even if I took Crocodile down in secret and saved that country, If I do it, then crocodile would fall without confirmation of his actions, he wouldn't lose his Warlord seat, and I would just have done a public service in secret without getting any credit"

"There is nothing for me in that case, tsk"

Lucas threw another knife on Crocodile's old poster, his authority as a commodore is limited, and he isn't allowed to pick up a fight with a warlord neither attacking them without clear evidence.

"Somehow, I have to make crocodile hasten with his plans, and catch the evidence on him before I make my own move" Lucas was walking in the cabin back and forth trying to think of a solution.

"And no matter what, Crocodile has a whole network and eyes everywhere, and I stand alone"

Lucas stopped and almost massaged his head. That was a dangerous move that may send him to a heavenly world of relaxation numbness.

He thought back at the time when he was reading the manga. Alabasta arc, after Monkey D Luffy, with a miracle defeated Crocodile and ruined his plans, which exposed his schemes. Captain Smoker, who arrested the members of the baroque works with Hina's help, was forced by the world government to take the credit and got a promotion.

Lucas stopped as he felt inspired.

'This reminded me, of the story, some noble and peerless swordsman, who couldn't face the Spanish government with his face,

Don Diego De La Vega. The original Zorro'

'naturally, if I can't go against the laws with my face, I have to cover it, Do whatever I can to cause chaos to Crocodile and the World Government ' Lucas opened his mouth slightly as he turned his head and looked to a mirror. Lucas kept looking to his reflection for five minutes straight with his jaw opened a bit, he reached another idea.

"This is either madness or a complete brilliance"

Lucas then smirked. Becoming two faces for the same coin, this is the solution he had reached. This idea is very dangerous, Lucas needs to be cautious not to be caught. Lucas quickly opened his storage and took a bunch of clothes and he started to wear them. Lucas could think in his previous life about one person who did that.

Since Lucas got a lot of money from Arlong, he bought many things and put them inside his storage, one of those things was a clothes shop and a cigarette store.

Lucas put a black suit, He put a belt around his waist, and then he took a pair of black boots and a pair of black gloves and wore them. After that, he put took a bandana and made two holes for his eyes, Lucas wrapped the bandana around his head, it covered half of his upper face, and then Lucas took the last piece, a black hat.

Lucas looked to his reflection in the mirror while thinking he has gone mad. But with this clothing style, no one should recognize him.

A black rapier appeared in his hand, and then Lucas waved in the mirror. *Slash*x3. A large Z mark appeared in the mirror.

(Z, the sign of 'Zorro'. I believe the old generation knows the difference between Zorro and Zoro, and who is the parody)

Suddenly, Lucas's Haki alerted him that someone is going to enter. Lucas quickly used the system's functions and moved his clothes to the store along with the mirror that holds Z's mark, then with amazing speed, he wore his pants, casual shirt and the navy cape.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" Lucas yelled as he sat next to his table.

"Commodore" a soldier entered and made the military salute, in his hand, there was a lot of papers and files. "Captain Hina sent you the reports that you asked for"

Then he went to the table and put the papers, Lucas looked at the files with an unusual look. She did send her reports as well. Heck, this paper pile is four times bigger than what he used to handle in his cousin's office.

"You can go" Lucas sighed and went to sit next to the table. With his Management level 9, this pile would end in a matter of seconds. Besides, paper works aren't to underestimate, any smart person can find that these papers would hold important strings that would lead to important things, such as the pirates' location, where they appeared, what they are doing and so.

That was something Lucas learned while doing paper works for his cousin.

The soldier turned while holding his cheek, even though this commodore is bit tough, he is doing his job while everyone else is sleeping, it is shown that he takes things seriously, unlike them who are sleeping now.

After he left, Lucas was alone again. Lucas's hands become blurry as he was organizing the papers, in a few tens minutes, everything was done. in his office, the files were organized into categories, and from A to Z.

Lucas then picked up a file from the category that shows the tracks pirates and illegal commerce during the last six months, he started to read.

'Okay, now I need to need to pretend to do my job for a while before taking a small vacation'

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