The next morning, Lucas had finished thinking of the next steps he will take. Lucas didn't sleep the night at all. He kept reading the reports, looking through the map and using the logic. He reached a few important conclusions.

Lucas got up not feeling tired, but refreshed, apparently, in one piece world, strong people can fight for a long period without stopping, days and nights aren't a problem, some can even fight for more than a week, so skipping a night of sleep wasn't a problem for the current Lucas.

It may seem that Lucas wasn't training, because it would be weird if beasts appeared in the ship from nowhere and yelling, which would raise suspicions

But, when he is sitting in his office, he would activate auto cultivation function to 4 skills. Iron mass, Adrenaline boost, Observation Haki and Armament Haki. In fact. Adrenaline boost leveled up to level 18 and the rest of the skills aren't far from leveling up.

Lucas cracked his back. He decided today he would work. He got out of the cabin. He looked to see the soldiers are in their positions, holding their weapons and waiting for orders. As Lucas was observing his soldiers, someone with a chef's clothes came and prepared a table for him, then he placed some plates.

"Commodore, your breakfast is ready," the Chef said. Apparently, after Lucas's entrance yesterday and the lesson he taught his soldiers, the people in the ship are more discipline, there is a rumor that the commodore is extremely taught and doesn't allow anyone to mess with him, the chef here is trying to avoid Lucas's bad side by acting to warmly. Lucas who never used to find someone prepares food for him went to the table and sat to eat. The food quality was good, but it can't match his cooking or recipes, but it was acceptable and Lucas ate his food slowly, some sea monster meat, salads, and sea fruits juice.

While eating, Lucas called some petty officer. As the soldier approached, Lucas ordered him. "Call the second ship, today, we shall sail to the commercial center known by code xx3".

Xx3 was a code used by the marines to refer to a commercial island. What Lucas mentioned was an average-sized island between three counties. Lucas, yesterday, while reading the papers, he found that many reports stated that many pirates were spotted in near islands, most of the reports came from the bounty hunters and the small marine bases.

what pirates needs from land, commerce, buying supplies and exchange treasures, some times, robbing some shops. To satisfy their supplies, the commercial center is where they should head to.

However, only a few pirates were caught in xx3, which were the trouble makers. Lucas assumed that most of the pirates when going to xx3, they would replace their flags temporarily, and do their job before continuing their journey. To the marines, finding the pirates is like looking for a specific piece of dust in the dirt. But to Lucas, who has the passive skill, bounty eyes, pirates can't hide.

" Yes commodore," The soldier said before jumping to Hina's ship. After some time, the two warsh.i.p.s moved.

Lucas lazily placed his chair to face the sun. He sat down then he lit up a cigarette.

After some time, before the warsh.i.p.s reach their destination. Lucas, who was smoking while thinking of his life as a commodore.

Suddenly, he saw a purple silhouette jumping from the other warship and landing on his ship. Lucas looked and knew she was Hina, her face didn't show a good expression as she was walking toward him. Her huge perky snow-white b.r.e.a.s.ts were jiggling each time her heels hit the wooden platform. Lucas was confused where he should focus, her pretty face which had a unique charm and colors, or her b.r.e.a.s.ts and curves.

"Captain Hina is there any reason for your visit " Lucas was talking straight while the cigarette still in his mouth.

"Hina would like to know what reason you are taking our two units to an island that we have no reports from while we should be on alarm for anything unexpected and clear the water" Hina had a deep frown on her face which added a cold touch to her beauty.

Lucas just came yesterday, yet he took a choice without giving a proper reason on his first day at work. She can't help but feel a bit annoyed to feel her unit is being treated like a child's toy.

Lucas looked to the other direction, he inhaled a large amount of smoke, then he said at the same time the smoke left his mouth: "experience"

"Experience?" Hina didn't know whether to laugh or yell, what experience should he have, he is so young and worked late, he is commodore, but she doubted that because he has exceptional strength.

"I am marine at this moment, but, in the past, I was a pirates hunter, and I know stuff marines like you don't know," Lucas didn't want to explain himself further.

Hina found his word has a bit of arrogance, especially his last sentence, she had no choice but to take a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up " what bounty hunter can do, you just look for money, while Hina, a marine, is after pirates all the time"

"Well, we can argue as much we like, you will come up with reasons to prove your statement, and I will come up with some for myself, but it would lead us to nowhere. So how about we wait and see If my decision is mere childish play," Lucas replied while sneakily his eyes were switching the view between her b.r.e.a.s.ts and face.

To keep his eye contact, Lucas was using the future observation to look to her chest while letting his face closer, and Hina would somehow come close, put her hand behind his hand and use her devil fruit to cage him on his neck. Her Devil fruit power is simple, anything that passes by her body would be caged.

But nothing about that happened yet, Lucas still in his place making eye contact before lying down.

"Hina didn't say it is a child play," Hina said as she sighed, she can't say anything until his idea proves its failure. She went to another spot and stood on the edge facing Lucas with her back. But her cape is hiding a beautiful view of a big butt.

' Let's play' Lucas lied down on his chair, closed his eyes and used future vision, he tried various scenarios where he approaches Hina and touches her on the shoulder where he is talking.

But sadly, each time he touches, he would be caged and be accused of s.e.x.u.a.l harassment. Lucas frowned, Hina's fruit power is a dream for every s.e.xy girl who uses public transport from the modern earth. After some time. Lucas gave up on the idea of ' using gentle words and touches'.

Lucas was doing experiments using future-observation every 5 seconds. One of the most fearsome battle technique was used in picking up girls. But on the deck, Lucas didn't move from his place.

With many failed experiments, Lucas knows that failing isn't the end, but something to learn from to success.

Unfortunately, his attempts are leading to nowhere 'Asking for date: fail', 'Flirting: fail and put on friend zone: fail ', 'Singing song: fail', 'Dirty talk, passed to the court: fail'.

His last experiment. 'Being honest'.

"Hina " Lucas opened his eyes while looking at her.


"I want to be honest with you"


"Do you want to have a one-night stand?" Lucas said, what a man wants from a cold hot woman. Except that men like Lucas have three skills, T, H, D, which is the ultimate trap for more nights.

"Excuse... Excuse Hina" Hina opened her eyes widely. That was out of the expected. Some bars extended from her hand while looking at him ready to fight.

Lucas pointed with his finger, he wasn't serious "Ha, got ya"



Before things got intense, Lucas deactivated future-observation.

'new lesson, observation Haki is the ultimate tool for trolling'

"Hehe "Lucas let a long sigh with a chuckle, he gave up finally, his head already is dizzy from seeing the future too much. Hina turned to look after hearing his sight, he seems weird suddenly, she didn't care since it's has nothing to do with her.

Lucas lit up a cigarette. ' the sea is full, cheer up, Alvida is still the best and the smoothest, Alvida, I wish you were here to smooth my weak heart' thinking about better things, Lucas suddenly forgot Hina and the things that never happened.

After two hours, Lucas and his crew finally reached their destination. The two sh.i.p.s parked in the seaport.

There were many sh.i.p.s around, but none of them was raising Piracy flags. Unlike some pirates crew, in this great pirate era, most of the pirates have a brain to use.

This made most of the marines suspect the new commodore decision, but they followed his orders anyway so the blame won't be on them. The Commercial Island, and known by code xx3 in the navy maps, was a small, yet large. The whole island was a popular market with shops and stores everywhere, also three large seaports from three different directions.

The marines descended from their sh.i.p.s. Lucas stood in front. He looked forward and smiled.

His passive skill, the bounty eyes, which come with the title of a bounty hunter, has shown Lucas, that some people in front of him are pirates, and behind them, the ones that were far, Lucas saw them small, he need to get closer to know who they are, their bounty, and their crimes.

Lucas threw the cigarette from his mouth "Unit one, split into three teams and guard the seaports, keep your weapons ready, also watch your back,"

"Yes, Commodore" they nodded and split into a three. Third of them stayed in this seaport while the rest ran toward the other three ports.

"The rest, follow me" Lucas waved his hand as he walked, the rest of the soldiers walked behind.

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