(this is long as two chapters).

The people in the market see marines walking. Some of them had their faces turn ugly, some turned their eyes look away, and some pretended to argue with the sellers over the price.

Lucas started to point with his finger "Arrest him, him too, and that too... If anyone resists, use violence "

This is the great pirates' era, there are a lot of pirates that it would impossible to remember them all, besides, only fools would raise their pirates flag, which were already caught by the navy.

"Commodore?" everyone looked at Lucas suspiciously, he is barely checking any poster and he is pointing his fingers to some random people.

"Carry with the orders, I'll take responsibility," Lucas said.

The soldiers were walking hesitantly toward the people Lucas pointed to. This was madness, they are following some crazy teen's orders.

But in mere three seconds, when those people saw the marines approaching them, they felt like they were discovered, so they quickly took their swords and weapons, then they aimed at the marines.

"Pirates?" The soldiers were caught off guard, those with petty officer rank and above were able to react quickly.

Lucas's Haki already caught this, he kicked in the air with his leg few times, using storm legs, several compressed air blades flew out of his leg and moved forward, Lucas can control the size and shape of the air blades so he avoided touching his men.

The pirates who were going to do serious damage got slashed in their chest and fell.

[+2000 acc.u.mulated XP]

[Storm legs +1000 XP]

"stop hesitating like a little girl, otherwise forget to go back work to the navy, now, catch those pirates, " Lucas said in the middle of everyone looking at him.

"Yes commodore" the marines nodded, no matter how random Lucas's choices are, the facts proved his right.

"Hina feel insulted," Hina said as she glared at Lucas, like any girl, she felt he is looking down on their gender after saying those words.

"No offense, but you are double of my age, no actually, more than the double " Lucas glared back at her with a dead serious look, does she think herself a little girl, her body's charm has nothing to do with a little girl.

*Glass break*

'Why does he seem cold all sudden' Hina felt he is different from the free-minded guy that arrived yesterday, why is he acting like that, did he commit to her and she refused him. This comment is more insulting. She is just 32 years old.

"Commodore, are you saying Hina as is an old woman " Hina lit up a cigarette to calm down a bit.

"No, I'm just saying you are a full-grown beautiful woman, why are you lacking confidence," Lucas said while looking to her from toe to head while glancing more at her b.r.e.a.s.ts and face.

Hina didn't know how to react to his words, is this supposed to be a compliment, flirting, maybe he was trying to say that he meant no offense for being a girl or anything.

*Sigh* she sighed deeply. No matter what, he still a young teen, she can't take him seriously when she is 32 years old. But she can't let this go, she teased with a serious tone " Commodore, this is s.e.x.u.a.l harassment. Hina will report you"

Lucas shivered, s.e.x.u.a.l harassment, does this exist even in this world. He ignored her and said quietly "I'll pretend that I never heard you say that "


Lucas kept guiding his men, After, sometime, chaos was all over this island, Lucas was catching all of the pirates and the hidden pirates. Every choice he made was precise even though he wasn't looking at any poster.

At some point, Lucas entered a bar, *Bang **Bang*, and people were flying out the windows. Pirates in disguise.

The marines suddenly started to respect Lucas more as a leader, they were fishing the pirates easily. Some pirates knew they are in no good position, so, they tried to escape in groups taking every direction. Lucas was about to interfere but Hina stepped forward. She went to the direction where most of the pirates are heading to.

Hina stood in front of many pirates, the pirates saw her and didn't think that she may hold any danger.

Hina suddenly opened her arms wildly, as she did that, her chest moved up and down a bit making the pirates stop for a brief. From Hina's arms, black metallic thick bars extended several meters and formed cage, Hina then clapped her hand, suddenly, the cage bars closed on everyone in front, the next second, every pirate that gets touched by the bars is now trapped by the bars that wrapped itself around them, all of them are in the ground suffocated.

'Not bad, she reminds of her, she was wild, she put on me some chai..' Lucas was recalling the past, his life on earth, but Lucas's chain of thoughts was interpreted by Hina's voice.

"Commodore, aren't we chasing after them," Hina asked as her hand got separate from the cage.


The rest of the pirates ran toward the seaports. But because Lucas's orders from earlier, there was a team of elite marines guarding there. As they saw the pirates approaching them with their true colors, they didn't hesitate before aiming their weapons at them.

*Bullets sound*

the pirates fell with ease, of course, some of them were strong and combat professional, but among those soldiers, there were officers and petty officers between them, those were strong elites and could do the job.

The only problem for them was the captains of pirates sh.i.p.s, those were tough and very strong, but they were easily taken down by Hina, while Lucas only interferes when he thinks it's necessary, but it wasn't necessary with the captain under him who had strong devil fruit and exceptional skills of hand to hand combat.



Lucas's first day as commodore was a big achievement in his career, the HQ took notice on him and his crew. His achievement, of taking down 8 pirates group that taking back their supplies and treasures which was more valuable than their heads, had gained him a lot of contribution points.

Lucas's crew were able to bring many outlaws to the court while having their sh.i.p.s full of pirates.

Lucas now has become the true leader in the hearts of his man and has all of their respect, even though he is a bit tough. today and onward, no one would doubt his choices.

From that day, and for the next 13 days, Lucas was working intensely, hunting pirates high and low, dealing with reports using his management skills, using his mind and along with the bounty eyes, pirates, become more like fishes. Lucas's name soared. His name became a nightmare to any pirate that enter his domain. No matter how well their disguise, if they are lifting their dirty flags or not, nothing can be hidden from his eyes.

Today, was the 15th day after Lucas lead his units. Lucas was doing auto cultivation for 15 days and his skills leveled up.

Iron mass leveled up to level 14.

His armament Haki reached level 14 and his control is now beyond perfectness. Lucas now is able even to cover his internal organs with Haki. As for his observation, it reached level 15, Lucas can now see the future every 2 seconds. The duration is longer now and his Haki range is wider now.

Lucas decided that he will progress with his plans and start to use his double identity to make a warlord fall.

But first, Lucas needs to find a good reason to take a break, he can't live as two persons when he as commodore, was surrounded by people most of the time and barely have the time to move or breathe freely.

Lucas couldn't find a good reason to take a break, so he decided to make one.


*Sounds of cannonballs hit the water*


While Lucas is in the middle of his office thinking, a snail on his desktop started to ring, someone is calling him. Lucas picked up the call and saw which expression the snail made and the purple eyes it made, it made him know who. Lucas asked, "What do you need ".

Hina replied from the other warship "Captain, there is a pirate ship running away, their ship's design allows it to move faster than ours, and they are getting out of our range "

"So?" Lucas asked.

"I will ask you to change your trajectory, Hina will guide them to you and then from two directions, we will take them down"

Lucas got up and walked out the cabin, he looked to the blue ocean to see, the pirate ship, which was very small compared to their marine warship, is 600 meters away from his ship and 400 meters away from Hina's"No need, I'll deal with it personally" Lucas put the snail down.

"Hey, how are you goi..."

Lucas hanged the call. He went to stand on the ship's edge, took one of his scimitars, then he vanished. The next moment, he appeared above the pirate ship, Lucas waved his sword, and a compressed air blade covered by fire cut the ship in half.

On the next ship, a pink-haired man with tanned skin and muscled body showed an angry expression " How dare he to cut the call on our captain Hina, he is rude"

"Fullbody, shut up," Hina said while looking to the pirate ship.

The next second, the pirate ship suddenly got cut in half and fire filled the pirate ship, the pirates started to scream from the heat and jumped to water. Everyone was stunned in the marine ship. Lucas used the moonwalk and landed on the second ship that belongs to Hina.

"arrest them, or kill them, just stop making that look," Lucas said looking to the dazed marines.

Hina looked to the other ship then to Lucas's, how much fast is he to cross all of that distance in few blinks. It seems he, as any elite commodore, is strong.

The marine soldiers woke up from their daze and clapped with their hands.

"Stop clapping and do your job," Hina said.

"yes captain"

Lucas turned to Hina before leaving "Take a rest for two hours, have some good meals, and prepare your weapons. after that, we are sailing" then Lucas jumped and started to walk in the air.

After two hours, the sh.i.p.s started to sail to a small island that should be a center of weapons dealing.

Lucas knew about this island from the first day, but he let it operate on purpose and save it to today, so he can make a good excuse for himself.

Lucas, unconsciously smirked 'This Is going to be painful'


The sunset time.

The two warsh.i.p.s reached the beach and the soldiers descended on the land ready.

Lucas closed his eyes while walking forward, he used his observation Haki and smirked, more than 100 men armed against 50 marines from elite units.

"prepare your guard, there are am armed group in front of us"

'how does he know that' some marines questioned, but they carried with the orders'.

In less than an hour, the Marines were engaged in a battle against a hundred men, bullets were flying all around, the officers took the strong men while the other soldiers were shooting using their guns. The distance between them was 60 meters.

'Damn it, Hina is strong enough to ruin my plans' Lucas frowned seeing Hina using her Devil fruit ability to reduce their number while approaching the other enemies' location. She didn't even fear bullets as anything pass by her body would be caged, also, she can cover her self with jail bars that are harder than steel.

If Lucas doesn't do what he is planning to do, then she would arrest all of the other before he achieves what he is here for.

Someone jumped on Lucas from behind, Lucas didn't bother looking behind and waved his sword.

Lucas looked to the enemies who are using guns, then he looked to one of his soldiers. Lucas closed his eyes and used Haki to aim properly. Lucas extended both of his hands and pointed with two fingers. «Finger gun»


Some compressed air bullets left his hand and flew to the other people. The air bullets crossed a long distance, so their power was reduced and it wasn't strong enough to kill the other people.

But to Lucas, it was enough to achieve his purpose. Lucas used stealth footwork, while no one noticed him, he pushed a random soldier to a specific spot.

On the other side, where the armed group was shooting and trying to secure the escaping rout, suddenly, 10 men jumped back while having some wounds appearing in specific parts on their body.

The air bullets weren't random, but it hit specific areas to change the body's location and stance, as the 10 men jumped back, they aimed, without purpose, few rounded bullets left their old-styled guns and all of them flew toward, one, specific marine.

"Mama" the one on the marine side, who suddenly found himself pushed by a ghost, saw all of the guns aimed to his direction and he cursed, he would die for sure.


Lucas appeared in front of him while holding his two swords. everything in Lucas's eyes was slow, or to be more particular, he became faster. Lucas activated adrenaline boost to avoid pain and deactivated the iron mass, but let some Haki cover his internal organs and nerves.

*Spark**Spark *

Standing in front of the bullets, and sensing with his Haki, Lucas started to wave his two swords reflecting each bullet, except one, the last bullet hit Lucas's left ribs. The moment the bullet pierced a bit of his skin, Lucas activated iron mass with Haki and it stopped immediately.

The bullet was near his heart, however, the depth wasn't big, besides, Lucas was covering his nerves and organs with Haki, so he didn't have a serious injury.' This probably will hurt later, but the HQ won't say anything when I request a vacation. Phew, luckily, adrenaline boost made me feel no pain '

Lucas's plan was to get injured all along. he didn't think the HQ would be stupid to believe that he took a random bullet when he has the two Haki types. so It was better if he was surrounded by many bullets in a situation where he can't dodge despite having the ability to do so.

Lucas thought, what's better than an injured marine, an injured marine hero who took a bullet for a soldier.

"Commodore" The soldier who was going to die looking at Lucas's back with tears. Everyone looked to Lucas with astonished eyes.

"Go back to your f.u.c.k.i.n.g place and stop dazing"

"Commodore" the soldier started to cry, he was so emotionally touched, he decided that he would name his unborn kid after Lucas. The other marines noticed this act, but, not his injury.

Lucas turned his head "Stop acting like a sissy".

"Depending on my self is better than waiting for something from you, group of useless' Then Lucas's figure blurred as he dashed forward, some bullets flew toward his direction, but Lucas reflected them all using his swords, even though the bullets can't hurt his body unless he wanted it, he didn't want to show it.

Lucas appeared on the other side, and in mere seconds, all of the armed men were defeated and missing limbs.

Lucas gave the orders to take those who were still alive away.

Standing on the beach.

"Commodore, Thank you" The soldier whose life has been saved, came to thank Lucas.

"You didn't need to show off, Hina could take care of them alone," Hina said as she approached Lucas, he now improved his picture in the whole marine by showing his strength and saving his man from death. Everyone now has a better impression on him.

After the Adrenaline stopped, Lucas started to feel pain in his chest from the bullet. But Lucas didn't show any hint of pain, for his goal, he can handle any kind of pain.

"Wait, Hina smell blood " Hina smelled something.

"Commodore, blood" some soldier pointed to the ground, Lucas wore white pants this day. But suddenly they are red.

"seems one bullet got me," Lucas looked down, his tone seemed to be careless, but his face was frozen and pale. Lucas took off his coat revealing a white shirt, the shirt was red blood.

"wait, Hina will call doctor, the bullet is next to your heart"

No matter how strong you are, even if you are the strongest man in the world, a bullet in a dangerous position would kill you for sure.

"No need" Lucas didn't wait for the doctor to come. Lucas took his shirt off showing his muscled body with no trace of a battle scare. The bullet spot was surrounded by blood, it was down his heart, anyone who saw it would freak out.

Lucas moved his finger and put them on the injured spot, he clenched his teeth and put his fingers in the wound, the next second, he pulled the bullet off between his fingers.


The blood started to flows out faster. Everyone gave him a horrified expression, blood loss can cause death.

"Let's go back" Lucas's feet were unbalanced, barely able to walk, obviously he was acting, Hina landed him an arm and helped him to walk there. Lucas pretended to start losing consciousness and let his face fall on her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

And thankfully, he didn't end up caged 'So soft and smooth'.

Hina didn't think he is taking advantage of her and helped him to go back.


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