On the warship. Lucas was inside the doctor's room. The doctor was a fat man with a thick mustache.

Lucas was sitting in the bed while the doctor was sewing the wound. It amazed the doctor how the bullet stopped and didn't break the ribs, neither cut a nerve or went deeper to the heart. But again, it wasn't a big deal, this is one piece world where average strength characters can throw buildings easily.

Lucas's physique was quite strong, especially after living days with iron mass and eating secret recipes made of the system. Lucas himself isn't aware that the combination of food and iron mass is improving his body strength at a rapid rate, but he will know when he will train he goes to the gym again.

Now Lucas was standing while his hand was on the doctor's head, massaging it. Doctor Mario was in a state where his consciousness wasn't focusing on the real world. He was experiencing the heavenly realm of relation.

Lucas has been repeating some sentences for the last hour "Now.. You already finished the sewing the wound, as you saw, the injury is in dangerous Spot, the commodore need to rest".

The studies have shown that the brain can't differentiate between imagination and reality. When the conscious mind is absent, everything would be believable.

What Lucas was saying now had become images inside the mind of the doctor which he is seeing instead of the reality, and soon, it took a place in his memories.

"This is the tenth time I'm doing this, according to last experiments, this should give a better result "

Lucas took his hand back and started to massage his wound, the flesh, the bones, and skin started to join together, the pain was being replaced by good relaxing feeling, and Lucas wound started to heal at a very rapid rate, Massage hands wasn't too far from reaching level 16, all Lucas needs now is to find some woman to level it up.

Lucas wore his shirt, then he snapped with his fingers.

*Snap *

Suddenly, the doctor woke up upon hearing the snap, his head felt so light and good. It has been a long time since he was relaxed like this. He looked at Lucas who wore his shirt.

"Commodore, your state won't allow you to work, I would recommend you to take a break for 3-4 weeks" The doctor was believing inside himself that he already saw Lucas's wound and it was dangerous.

"In that case, send a report to the HQ," Lucas said as he lied down, when the doctor finally left, Lucas smirked.

The HQ would think he is in this state because he protected the life of his men. He would get a paid vacation that he longed so he can fish in the sands.

After some time, the HQ sent a letter. Because of his hard job catching a crazy amount of criminals and doing excellent investigations which reduced the number of the piracy crimes in his area, Lucas was given a paid vacation of three weeks with the HQ taking care of the medical fees, and also he got 200.000 berries to spend as an early bonus. Lucas's potentials are important to the HQ, it is too bad that he had to protect a nameless seaman, but that has proven his moral side, and with luck, he survived.

After some time, Lucas started preparing to leave. His crew came to visit him to see his condition, after all, he is in this situation because of them.

Standing on the deck.

"What the heck are you doing, go back and do your job" Lucas was looking to his crew.

He wasn't wearing his marine cape but only casual clothes, and he was holding some bag on his back. The scene showed he won't work those days, it was quite sad.

"Commodore, we heard that you won't be able to work for a long time"

"Ah, it's temporarily thing, guess you need to work under the other captain"

"But commodore, we won't chase pirates like before"

"Yes, you are the best leader here" the soldiers were praising Lucas while giving him some sad looks, they hoped he is fine, but the doctor said he needs to recover and he is in a critical state.

"Hina is upset" Hina was on the side hit the platform with her heels.

Lucas walked to Hina and pat her arm, unexpectedly, she didn't use her Devil fruit, but Lucas knew that the moment he uses massage hands, BDSM would start. "well. I'll trust you with this bunch of useless soldiers, anyway, turn the sail to the land"

"Are you leaving to somewhere"

"Yes, I always wanted to see the desert, So I'm going to rest in some kingdom"

"You mean Alabasta"


"But Hina heard that the situation there is dangerous, there is a high chance of rebellion to happens "

" Nah, I'll stay away from the center of the events, I'll buy a house and rest peacefully"

"Did you get your first check? " Hina asked. To buy a house you need a lot of money. Her hand swept to her pocket to take a cigarette out, but then, there is nothing 'Hina's stock is over'

"I used to be a bounty hunter, You can say that I have a little wealth," Lucas said, he has more than 19,5 billions berries, money enough to start a small country.

"Oh, then you must collect a lot," Hina asked with pure curiosity.

"If you are interested, I can treat you to some Vip restaurant," Lucas said. In his ex life, he remembered the key that would open all of the doors. Money.

"Are you asking Hina for a date"

To find the right answer, Lucas activated future vision.

"to be honest, I just wanted some company since things are going to be lonely, but if you are uncomfortable, then I understand, " Lucas said with an expression that was ready to draw disappointment while pointing his finger to Fullbody.

Lucas knew what Fullbody would say 'If you want company, then I am interested'.

«six king gun», and a little Shockwave that could be barely noticed, knocked him out. The marines didn't know why is he like that so they let him.

"Hina will think about it" Hina didn't just want to hurt his feeling, especially after the doctor said, his injury is just next to the heart and an important vein is touched.

"That's great," Lucas said. He took a cigarette from his pocket.

But suddenly Hina held his wrist "Smoking is bad for your heart, Hina will take your cigarettes" she needed something to smoke, and the land where they sell those is far a bit.

"Guess you are right," Lucas said as he lifted three boxes full of cigarettes. Hina's eyes lit up, however, Lucas extended his hand to the edge of the ship ready to throw them to the sea.

"No, no need to waste, Hina will keep them for you until you recover, " Hina said quickly.

"hehe, just admit that your stock is over" Lucas teased her with a laugh as he handed them to her.

Hina sighed in relief, probably if those fell into the sea, then her mood would be ruined. "Hina hate waste, it's principal " Hina turned her head from his teasing tone.

After a day of the slow sail, Lucas's ship finally arrived at the Alabasta Kingdom.

During this day of sailing, the news of Lucas getting injured for saving someone has been written in the reports. It leads the officers that were interested in Lucas to know about the incident, and eventually, it leads him to get a call from two girls, Lilia and Calorina. They asked about him and his state, from their tone, they were both afraid and sad, Lucas laughed a bit and said that everything is fine.

His cousin advised him not to act heroic and something like take bullets for someone, a dead become ghost and not a hero.


It was the middle of the day in Alabasta.

One warship which was under the leading of commodore landed in the capital. Lucas was walking on the platform of the seaport without turning his back to his crew, who were waving their hands for him. To them, unfortunately, for the next weeks, they won't have Glory as they used to.

If the number of pirates they caught was reduced greatly after Lucas's leaving, then this would only prove that Lucas is the capable one and not his crew. The crew can be changed, but the leader is what matters most.

Lucas was walking in the market of the capital of Alabasta. The ground he was walking on was yellow, Lucas was surrounded by many stores building and tents that offer some goods. As for the people in the market, they are walking while wearing an eastern Arabic type of clothes, which was designed to fit the desert weather.

From where Lucas was standing, he could see the shadow of a royal palace. This palace was owned by the Nefertiti family, which was ruling over this kingdom.

'So this is Alabasta'

'I only have four weeks to force crocodile to make his move, collect evidence, expose him, and take the credit for taking him down'

'But first, I need is to buy a house'

Lucas smiled when he felt someone hiding behind the wall and spying on him. Lucas pretended nothing is happening, then he went to look for a house for sale.

"But first, I need to calm my self first, long time since I had SnuSnu" Suddenly he stopped in the middle of the way as of a beautiful lady with perky ass and big b.r.e.a.s.ts attracted him. Lucas closed his eyes, and with his Haki, he felt she has some s.e.x toys inside her sack, with some makeup special fragrance, and a lot of money. ' she is working, great, this would be perfect to mess with Crocodile's spy'

"Excuse me, Madam"

"Yes" a woman with blue eyes turned to a handsome man who approached her, she smiled gently " Do you need help"

"Yes, Actually I've moved here recently and I'm looking to buy a house, but I'm lost, if you have time...."



Alabasta, Rainbase city.

Rainbase city was like any city in the desert, with close stone modern buildings, close enough to the style of earth. in the middle of the city, there was a pyramid-like building, above that building, there was a Golden Crocodile.

The city was within the few cities in Alabasta that continued thriving, even during the drought, most likely because of the gambling industry. The pyramid building like with a golden Crocodile statue on the top was the Casino known by Rain Dinners. Even though Rain Dinners was a Casino, it was also the secret operation base of the Baroque work, Crocodile's secret base.

Inside his office, an extremely tall man with long jet hair that falls, a scar across his face, with a black outfit that fits a manager of Casino. The warlord knew by Crocodile, and currently planning for the fall of Alabasta kingdom was reading the reports he got.

"How is the preparation for using the green powder"

"Our agents are proceeding"

" and for the princess "

" As you ordered, soon we will send her to a dangerous mission ".

" Good "

Next to him stood also a woman with a purple outfit that showed a part of her big b.r.e.a.s.ts, long full legs, and her hot body, on her head, there is a purple cowboy hat.

She had straight long black hair that covered her forehead. Her skin was healthy and, blue eyes, nice lips, curvy body, big b.r.e.a.s.ts.

Crocodile was reading the reports like a Saint ignoring the body next to him. Suddenly he frowned "Miss All Sunday, what a commodore from the navy is doing here"

"It seems he is here to buy a house, mister Crocodile" miss All Sunday smiled at the face of her boss.

Lucas may not be a marine for a long time, but the crazy amount of the Pirates he caught in a little amount of time, has made him well known.

Crocodile frowned, he took a cigar and started smoking, "That's what I'm asking, why "

He feared that the marine or the world government may suspect something. But again, if they suspecting him, then they would already rip him

"We have our eyes on him he is here without his uniform, at best, he is here for tourism " Miss all Sunday said.

"Tourism? Stop this Crap, since he has been working for a few days and the Pirates are more careful when they hear Lucas's name./What is he doing now" Crocodile is extremely cautious, he can't mess with the marine especially a commodore?

Miss Sunday went to a den den mushi and made a call to the people who are watching "Yes...". She stopped the call and blushed a bit, she didn't say anything.

"What is he doing," Crocodile asked impatiently.

"Natural things" *cough * Miss all Sunday coughed.

Some veins appeared on Crocodile's forehead, his look was really scary "Explain".

" this morning, he talked with some young woman, and they are now in the hotel... Do I have to say what they are doing." He is here for fun.

" No, just keep someone to watch over him," Crocodile said.

"Yes, mister Crocodile".


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