Chapter 223: A Difficult Problem

Chapter 209: Difficult Problems

The hurried footsteps in the corridor showed that everyone was busy.

However, as the development process progressed, some technical problems gradually surfaced.

That day, Li Qiang, the head of the technical department, rushed into Su Ran’s office with anxiety on his face.

“Director Su, there is a big problem!”

Su Ran raised his head and frowned slightly:”What’s wrong? Don’t worry, talk slowly.”

Li Qiang took a deep breath and tried to calm down:”We encountered a huge technical bottleneck in the development process.”

He opened his laptop and called up a complex technical report.

“Look, this is the audio processing algorithm we designed. In theory, it should be able to achieve real-time audio analysis and processing, and provide users with more accurate music recommendations.”

Su Ran nodded and signaled him to continue.

“However, when we try to apply the algorithm to large-scale data, the system will experience severe delays and crashes.”

“We tried various optimization methods, but none of them could solve this problem.”

Li Qiang’s voice was filled with frustration:”If this problem cannot be solved, our platform will not be able to implement the core function of real-time audio analysis.”

“By then, we will be no different from other music platforms.”

Su Ran frowned and looked through the technical report carefully. Although he was not a professional programmer, his years of experience allowed him to roughly understand the seriousness of the problem.

“This is indeed a difficult problem.”Su Ran pondered for a moment,”Have you considered seeking external help? For example, hiring some top programmers?”

Li Qiang shook his head and smiled bitterly,”We have tried”

“However, there are very few experts in the industry who can truly solve problems of this level….”

He hesitated to speak, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes

“And what?” Su Ran asked

“Moreover, almost all of those experts have been poached by other large companies, and some even offer sky-high annual salaries that we simply cannot reach.”

Su Ran slammed his fist on the table, making a dull”bang”.

The office instantly became quiet, and everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

“”Damn it!” Su Ran cursed in a low voice,”It seems that those companies are determined to bring us down.”

He stood up and paced back and forth in the office. His clenched fists and furrowed brows all showed his inner anxiety and anger.

“Director Su,…Should we postpone the launch time first?” Li Qiang suggested cautiously.

Su Ran suddenly stopped, turned around and stared at Li Qiang:”No! Absolutely not!”

There was a hint of gritted teeth in his voice:”If we retreat now, we will lose the opportunity to change the music industry forever. We must persevere to the end!”

Li Qiang was shocked by Su Ran’s momentum and involuntarily took a half step back.

“But…If we can’t solve this technical problem, our platform won’t be able to operate normally.”

Su Ran took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

“You are right.” He said slowly,”We must find a solution. No matter how much it costs, we must solve this problem.”

He turned to Li Qiang and said,”You must immediately organize a technical team and go all out to solve this problem.”

“At the same time, I will continue to look for external support. I just don’t believe that there is really no one in this world who can help us!”

Li Qiang nodded, turned around and left. The office returned to peace again. Only Su Ran was left standing in front of the window, looking deeply into the distance.

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