Chapter 224: Technology Circle!

In the following days, Su Ran traveled almost all over the technology circle.

From Silicon Valley to Zhongguancun, from top universities to well-known research institutes, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will visit in person.

However, the results were disappointing. Either the other party had been poached by a competitor, or the conditions offered were unacceptable to Su Ran.

Every time he returned disappointed, Su Ran felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

He began to question himself, did he really overestimate his abilities? Should he give up this seemingly impossible task?

Late at night, Su Ran sat alone in the office, with his desk full of various technical materials and analysis reports.

He rubbed his sore eyes and felt deeply tired.

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

Su Ran hesitated for a moment, but still answered the call.

“Hello, who is this?

A deep male voice came from the other end of the line, with a hint of mystery.-:

“Mr. Su Ran, I heard that you guys are in some trouble?”

Su Ran was startled and asked vigilantly:”Who are you? How do you know my situation?”

The other party chuckled:”It’s not important, what’s important is that I can help you solve the problem.”

Su Ran’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Is there really a turning point?

But he quickly calmed down:”Why do you say you can help me? Do you know what problem we are facing?”

“Of course I know.” The other party said confidently,”Your real-time audio processing algorithm has serious delays and cannot be applied to large-scale data.”

Su Ran took a breath. How did this person know? Is there a traitor inside the company?

As if seeing through Su Ran’s thoughts, the other party continued:”Don’t be nervous, I have no ill intentions. On the contrary, I admire your ideas, so I am willing to help.”

Su Ran was silent for a moment, thinking about how to respond.

In the end, he decided to

“Well, if you are really able to help us, I would be happy to meet and discuss in detail, but I hope you can prove your ability first.”

The other party seemed to be prepared:”No problem, turn on your computer and log in to the company’s development server.”

Su Ran did so vigilantly and turned on the recording function at the same time. He wanted to make sure he had the initiative.

“Then what?”

“Now, you should see a new folder called ProjectX. Open it.” Su Ran was surprised to find that there was indeed an unfamiliar folder on the server. He carefully clicked to open it, and inside was a detailed technical plan.

“this…This is?”

“This is the initial solution I designed for your problem.”

“Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know more, we need to meet in person.”

Su Ran quickly browsed the contents of the document and was more and more shocked.

This proposal not only hit the nail on the head, but also proposed several innovative ideas that they had never thought of.

“you…How did you do it?” Su Ran couldn’t help asking.

The other party chuckled:”This is my ability. How about it, do you believe me now?”

Su Ran took a deep breath and made a decision:”Okay, let’s meet and talk. You decide the time and place.”

“Very good, I will wait for you at the old factory on the outskirts of the city at 8 o’clock tomorrow night.”

After that, the other party hung up the phone.

Su Ran put down the phone, feeling mixed emotions. He knew that this might be a trap, but it might also be the key to turning the situation around.

In any case, he had to find out.

The next night, Su Ran drove to the agreed location to work.

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