Zhan Su glared at Han Bao speechless, "what do I despise you for?"

"You despise me for being unprincipled."

Zhan Su said: "you have no principles."

Zheng Ling originally thought it was a big thing, but the two children were upset about it.

Zheng Ling was in the same place. For a while, he didn't know how to mediate the children's conflicts.

Zhan hanjue straightened up and said, "let's hear it. How can we have no principles?"

Zhan Su said: "in order to cover up his identity, he pretended to be gay."

"It's a white lie," Hanbao said

"It's not right to lie." Zhan Su deliberately intensified the contradictions.

Han Bao said, and finally glanced at Mommy. He had an idea, "ask your mommy if she ever lied? Maybe even you are born of lies. "

Zheng Ling innocent lying gun, help the forehead. A bloody face.

Then he sophisticated, "I've lied, but I'm also a liar. Your father and I are willing to fight each other. So the lie doesn't hurt. But if one of you is willing to fight and the other is not willing to suffer, that's a wrong lie. "

Zhan hanjue looked at the little woman who had become a quail with a smile in his eyes.

Zhan hanjue thoughtfully supported Zheng Ling, "Zheng Ling, go and pour me a glass of water."

Zheng Ling ran away quickly.

Zhan hanjue's expressionless face cracked coldly. He scolded the two children and said, "I don't care how you make trouble outside, but you should stop in front of Mommy."

"Yes," Hanbao said

Zhan Su continued to plead, "Daddy, I don't want to be with him for a moment."

Zhan hanjue glares at Zhan Su, who is not obedient. But when he sees Zhan Su's gentle eyes, the anger in his eagle pupil is gradually replaced by doubt.

Zhan Su has always been filial to Mommy and has always been calm. I will never make Mommy angry about such a trivial matter.

In doing so, he must have been drunk.

"So, how do you want me to help you?"

Zhan Su raised the concentric belt, "can you help me to untie it?"

Han Bao feels the dislike from Zhan Su and his eyes are red“ Zhan Su, how about you? "

Zhan Su turned his head and did not look at him. His voice was restrained and alienated: "I want to be quiet."

"If you want to be quiet, I'll shut up. Do you want to untie the concentric band Hanbao roars.

How sad Mommy is to untie the concentric band.

When Zheng Ling came out with a water cup, Zhan hanjue had already untied Zhan Su's concentric belt.

Then tie the concentric belt that was originally tied to Zhan Su's wrist to his own wrist. He gently stroked Hanbao's head and comforted: "tomorrow is new year's Eve. I just want to make some new clothes for you. After dinner, you can accompany me to Houshan market."

Han Bao looks guilty and is in a bad mood.

Zheng Ling angrily said to Zhan Su, "Zhan Su, your behavior today makes me very disappointed. You come in with me. "

Then Zheng Ling and Zhan Su entered the study.

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