"Su Su, what's going on?" Just close the door, Zheng Ling can't wait to question Zhan su.

Zhan Su suddenly kneels down in front of Mommy with a puff. The expression on his handsome little face is dignified. There are tears in his long and narrow eyes.

Zhan Su seriously kowtows his head to Mommy three times. Zheng Ling is in the same place“ Su Su, what do you mean

Zhan Su raised his eyes, thin lips slightly opened, "I heard that mummy's makeup technology is amazing, so Su Su wanted to ask mummy for help."

Zheng Ling helped the child up and said with a smile, "it's not necessary to kneel down to mommy for such a small matter."

Su Su's long eyelashes quiver like wings. He knelt down to Mummy because he and mummy were about to leave, and he was afraid to go to the military intelligence Hall... His luck was uncertain.

"Susu, what do you want to become?" Zheng Ling brings her make-up box.

Zhan Su's lips moved, and finally he said bravely, "I want to turn into Han Bao."

Zheng Ling's cotton pad fell to the ground and looked at Zhan Su in surprise, "why?"

Zhan suqiang calmed down, "Mommy, tomorrow is new year's Eve. Han Bao and I are identical twins, so we should be the same model. We should be at the knees of daddy and Mommy. Since Hanbao has his scruples, let me help him. "

Complete Hanbao?

Zheng Ling always thinks Zhan Su's words are strange, but it's not surprising that the child is innocent and romantic.

Zheng Ling said with a smile: "OK."

Zhan Su sits quietly in front of mummy and lets mummy make up on his face.

His eyes firmly cast on Yan Zhengling's tender and compassionate face, just like a paintbrush, which outlines mommy's eyebrows and eyes over and over again. He wants to deeply imprint the face that brings him tender time in his mind.

Zheng Ling makes up for Zhan Su very seriously. These days, she keeps Han Bao's face in her mind. So when I dress up for Zhan Su, I try my best to be perfect. I really don't miss every detail.

Five hours later, Zheng Ling was successful.

Zhan Su looks at himself in the mirror, the pencil novel www.qbxs.me Cold as well as like as two peas, and the lips of the battle draw a smile of evil.

Then Zhan Su unfastened the Beige Scarf, zipped the windbreaker open, and gave a strange warm smile to the mirror. It was xiaozhengtai.

Zheng Ling is concentrating on packing her make-up box, completely did not notice Su Su's eccentric behavior.

When she went out with her make-up box, Zhan Su suddenly shot at the projective arrow, hugged her tightly and said gratefully, "Mommy, you've worked so hard." There was a lump in his voice.

Zheng Ling patted Su Su's head and said with a loving smile, "silly boy. Mommy will be happy if she can do something for you

When Zheng Ling and Zhan Su came out of the room, Zhan hanjue and Han Bao had disappeared for a long time.

A few hours ago.

Zhan hanjue brings Hanbao to the Houshan market of Mount Everest.

Along the way, Hanbao and daddy did not speak.

Hanbao is in a gloomy mood. After he came back, although he didn't disclose his identity, daddy certainly knew who he was. Daddy never talked to him alone. Maybe daddy still resents that he has hurt Mommy, but he is still angry with him? "

Han Bao bowed his head and walked absently on the narrow market road. A runaway steed suddenly gallops and comes. Hanbao stands in the middle of the road. When he comes back, the steed is one step away from him.

All of a sudden, a tall and mighty figure, coming against the light and stepping on the steed, picked up Hanbao and came to the side of the road in a blink.

Han Bao was shocked to look at and hold his father, his lips muttered, "father" two words choked in the throat, but just can't call out.

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