Two people chatted for a while, in fact, it was mainly Zhan hanjue who said that Zheng Ling listened. But in such a happy time, he always felt that time passed very quickly.

After all, for the first time in such a long time, Zheng Ling cooperated with his embrace, and there was no strong resistance.

The electric cooker in the kitchen makes a sound, and Zhan hanjue puts Zheng Ling on the sofa. Scooped out a bowl of porridge. When the temperature was right, he took it to Zhengling to feed her.

Zheng Ling ate a small bowl, occasionally nausea belch, fortunately did not vomit. Zhan hanjue heaved a sigh of relief.

Man is iron and rice is steel. He was worried about what Zheng Ling ate and vomited before. Now he can eat half a bowl of rice porridge without vomiting, which makes him see the dawn of victory.

At this time, Zheng Ling was as weak as a newborn baby in his eyes. He walked on thin ice waiting for fear of a mistake.

It wasn't long before Zheng Ling fell asleep. Zhan hanjue took her back to bed, and Zhengling fell asleep for almost a second.

Zhan hanjue sat next to her, looking at her quiet sleeping face, feeling pity. Zheng Ling hasn't slept so sweetly for a long time. It seems that it's necessary to take her out for a walk every day.

A few minutes later, Zheng Ling's delicate face showed a painful expression. Zhan hanjue saw that she began to twist her body, and the peace of her heart was filled with thorns. Why did god treat his Zheng Ling so cruelly?

It's been a whole month. Zheng Ling can have a good sleep.

"Brother Jue, go. I'll never be with you again. " Yan Zhengling murmured in pain.

Listening to these words, Zhan hanjue felt as if all the thorns had been pushed into his heart and nailed his heart of aizhengling to the cross. The pain made his bone marrow tremble.

"Baby, I'm not going. I'll depend on you all my life. I won't go. " He held her uneasy waving hand and said painfully.

"I hate myself, I hate myself, why don't you strive for success, can't stand up..." Zheng Ling's voice full of self reproach overflowed from his throat, vague.

Then she started to raise her hand and hold her neck

Zhan hanjue pressed her hand tightly, and his charming pupils were full of water at the moment. He is full of pain and fatigue. Seeing his favorite Zheng Ling's pain, he would rather have all the pain transferred to him.

"God, please let go of Zheng Ling. Come to me whatever you have. I'm willing to replace all her ailments. I'm willing to reduce her life by ten years and ten years. I just want you to make her better soon. "

Zheng Ling's ear heard the voice of Zhan hanjue, and she suddenly became quiet. At the moment, she was full of sweat, a wet autumn clothes, tired and weak staring at Zhan hanjue.

Zhan hanjue also seemed to have experienced a duel of life and death, and was tired on her.

Zheng Ling suddenly stretched out his hand, gently, like a feather across the night sky, fell on Zhan hanjue's elegant black hair.

When she saw that he was tired and helpless, she felt sorry for his efforts, and her eyes suddenly filled with guilt.

That day, her sober time inexplicably became very long, her hand gently stroked the head of the cold Lord, like stroking his favorite treasure.

Zhan hanjue was so tired that he fell asleep on her.

Zheng Ling put his windbreaker on his back, and she fell into sleep again. This time, she slept soundly.

Zhan hanjue woke up and went back to the single bed next to him. When I woke up the next day, I saw Zheng Ling sitting on the opposite bed. He was staring at him bitterly.

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