Zheng Ling's Obsidian eyes were filled with tears, and he looked at Zhan hanjue.

She was hardly conscious. When she saw that Zhan hanjue was sleeping with her, she simply thought that Zhan hanjue disliked her.

After all, in Zheng Ling's world view, sleeping in separate rooms is a sign of unharmonious feelings. Besides, Zhan hanjue used to exclude couples from sleeping in separate beds.

Zhan hanjue saw Zheng Ling crying so much that he hurried over. But just as he was about to embrace her, her little fist stretched out, "you go, you go..."

Zhan hanjue stood there stiffly, neither advancing nor retreating.

"What's the matter with you?" He squatted down and looked at Zheng Ling in doubt.

Zheng Ling's eyes fell on her hands, once that pair of beautiful white hands, now only skin and bone. She quietly shrunk her hand, trying to hide her fist in her sleeve.

She's really ugly.

Even she hated to see herself, not to mention Zhan hanjue.

Look at Zhan hanjue again. Although he is thin and tired, he is still handsome and charming.

Zheng Ling self mocking squeeze out a wry smile, Yu Qianqian is right, she implicated him.

"I'm sorry." She apologized to him.

Zhan hanjue didn't know that Zhengling's rich inner world was covered with shame. He only felt that this sorry was her apology for the behavior that hurt him just now.

He held her hand, the man's edge all turned into soft around the fingers“ Baby, you can do anything, but you can't push brother Jue away from you. I'll be very sad. "

Zheng Ling's consciousness began to be in a trance again. At the moment, my mind is full of how to liberate Han hanjue

When waiting for the cold Baron to go to the kitchen, Zheng Ling, like a ghost, floats to the living room. Gently open the security door and float out.

When Han Jue realized that the sound from the living room was abnormal, he suddenly changed his face and came to the living room like a whirlwind.

Seeing that the security door of the living room was wide open, Zhan hanjue's heart came up to his throat. He looked for Zheng Ling in the room, but he didn't see Zheng Ling's figure, so he rushed out.

Zheng Ling is floating aimlessly in a strange town. Dull eyes look around, she is looking for the place that can let her free from rebirth.

She thought that if she died, brother Jue would not have to obey morality to take care of her. She's free, and he's free.

Thinking of this, Zheng Ling suddenly began to laugh.

On the moat bridge, the turbulent water flows down to the East. Zheng Ling stands on the bridge and walks to the edge step by step.

Zhan hanjue catches up and sees Zhengling walking towards the railing with a smile on his face. He feels extremely confused.

Until he saw Zheng Ling's hand holding the railing tightly, Zhan hanjue's face turned white instantly“ Yan Zhengling, what are you going to do? "

Zhan hanjue cried out. Zheng Ling trembled with fright. He turned his head and looked at him. Zhan hanjue had never seen her smile so charming.

But his heart was cold as never before. He slowly approached Zheng Ling, but Zheng Ling was suddenly worried and scolded him, "you are not allowed to come here."

Zhan hanjue's eyes were red. "Well, I won't go. You came here. How about that? "

Zheng Ling shook his head. "Brother Jue, I wrote you a divorce agreement. You are free. You can leave now. I don't want to involve you. "

Zhan hanjue's sadness flows upstream into a river. "Zheng Ling, how can you be so cruel to me. How can you give up on me? We agreed that we should live together forever and never separate. You also said that you will never leave me in this life, the next life and the next life. How can you say nothing? "

Zheng Ling shook his head and burst into tears. "I want to accompany you, but I..."

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