When Hanbao heard the words, he patted the fragrant wood on the ground“ Then don't touch it. If you don't, you'll have the scent of it, and you'll attract animals. "

Zhan Su said, "I'll take a bath."

When Zhan Su took a bath, Han Bao scraped some incense powder and put it into his sachet. Then he wrapped the fragrant wood tightly. Make sure there is no smell leaking out, then put the fragrant wood back to its original place.

After Zhan Su bathes, Han Bao throws his clothes to Zhan Su in a hurry, and then pulls Zhan Su to school in a hurry.

"Come on, you'll be late. If the head teacher gives a little report to Mommy, we're finished. "

Two people stepped on the bell to enter the classroom. Han Bao was still in shock and said, "fortunately, I'm not late."

Zhan Su felt his shriveled stomach and reminded Han Bao: "it seems that we haven't had breakfast yet?"

Han Bao nodded: "it's too late."

Zhan Su turns around and goes outside the classroom.

Han Bao tugged at him: "what are you doing?"

Zhan Su said, "go to dinner."

Han Bao said, "if you eat less, you won't die. The teacher will be here soon. If you leave the classroom at this time, you will definitely bump into the teacher. How do you explain then? "

Zhan Su said solemnly: "Han Bao, I have a hunch that we will have a fierce battle today, so it's very important for us to have a full stomach."

Han Bao was stunned.

At this time, the head teacher came over with his textbook in his hand and saw Zhan Su Hanbao standing outside the classroom. He said with a cold face, "class is coming. Are you two going to skip class?"

Han Bao said with a smile: "teacher, we are here to welcome you. Come in, please

The teacher's anger was instantly resolved by Hanbao's bright smile. Slow slow face, gentle way: "now go in."

Zhan Su said, "teacher, I ask for leave."

"For what?" Asked the teacher.

"Have breakfast."


Han Bao

"Zhan Su, I know your grades are good. It won't affect you much if you don't listen to this class. But your truancy will cause bad influence. " The teacher has a bitter heart.

Zhan Su glanced at the teacher's paper and said, "if I don't eat, I can't do well in the exam. If I test zero duck eggs, please understand

Then Zhan Su turned and walked into the classroom.

Teacher silly eyes: "this is a threat to me?"

It's not easy for her to have a 100% talent in her class, which is what she is most proud of. If talent falls into her hands, what will school leaders think of her?

"Zhan Su, I'll give you twenty minutes. Go and come back

Zhan Su put his hands in his trousers pocket and walked downstairs coolly.

"What about me?" Han Bao points to his nose and asks the teacher.

The teacher was embarrassed: "Zhan Zihan, you see your brother is skipping class. If you skip class, it's not good. You... You go to the exam first... "

"Teacher, you are double standard."

"Then your brother threatened me with the exam. I had no choice but to agree with him."

Han Bao said, "I don't care."

The teacher gave a treacherous smile: "it doesn't matter whether you take the exam or not. Anyway, your grades are low, and it has little effect on the class

Han Bao

"Teacher, do you believe that I can also give you a good test back?"

The teacher looked at Hanbao suspiciously: "really?"

Han Bao said, "let me eat. I'll show you my strength. "

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