The teacher thought about it and waved to him: "go. Go and come back

Out of the teaching building, Hanbao catches up with Zhan su.

Two people are eating in the dining hall. Zhan Su didn't say a word during the whole process. His face was heavy. He seemed to be lost in something.

Han Bao stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes: "what are you thinking?"

Zhan Su suddenly took his hand and said excitedly, "Madam Yun, it's very likely that she came for Boye."

Han Bao stared: "do you mean she did so many things to force granny Zeng to show up?"

Zhan Su released Han Bao's hand: "but granny Zeng has left the imperial capital. If granny Zeng doesn't show up all the time, will she continue to do some ridiculous things? "

Han Bao reminded: "Su Su, madam Yun is the woman of the second grandfather. She is making trouble at this time. I think it's just for the sake of fighting for the interests of the Warring States."

Zhan Su sighed: "I hope you are right this time."

After a quick breakfast, they went to take part in the class examination.

Before entering the classroom, Han Bao suddenly took Zhan Su's hand and begged, "I promise the head teacher that this monthly exam will be just like you, and the subjects will be very popular. But you know I've seen Duke Zhou in class. I'm sure I won't get 100. Help me with the exam. "

Zhan Su shook his hand and refused mercilessly: "I'll take the test myself."

Han Bao said, "Susu, please help me this time. Later, later I... "Han Bao suddenly took out his valiant momentum, as if he was going to burn the boat, and made a change.

Zhan Su is secretly happy that Han Bao has such an awareness. Who knows, Han Bao says, "I won't boast any more."

In battle, he saw that the beautiful bubble in the sky was shattered. Zhan Su takes out his elder brother's posture and solemnly instructs Han Bao: "with your intelligence, it's not difficult to make a great success of science and technology. Why don't you just want to study? "

Han Bao said, "no matter how hard I study, I can't be as good as you."

Zhan Su said, "why do you compare with me?"

"I don't compare with you. Then my study is even more boring? "

"Why do you say that?"

Han Bao said, "I'm going to manage a group of elders in yujiazhai in the future. If I master so much cultural knowledge by myself, I will end up in the same miserable situation as Yu Chengqian. "

"What's the end?"

"When people wake up drunk, I wake up alone; when people wake up turbid, I wake up alone. I'm a stranger in yujiazhai. Do you want me to

Zhan Su

But Han Bao's mouth, which can turn straw into gold, gave up persuading him.

The two returned to the classroom, picked up the paper and began to answer.

Zhan Su intentionally drops the paper to facilitate Hanbao to cheat.

After the morning class, Han Bao and Zhan Su left in a hurry.

Elder sister Zhan Wushuang was puzzled: "what are these two people doing recently?"

Sister Ruoxi replied, "shall we follow them secretly? Go and find out. "

Matchless way: "do not have to all people out, small thirteen younger sister tracking the most powerful, let her go alone."

"Well." Thirteen younger sister way.

"Thirteen younger sister, one is in danger. Let us know immediately. "


Zhan Su and Han Bao return to the rental house. When Han Bao is about to unlock the lock, Zhan Su suddenly pulls Han Bao away and says, "the lock has been moved."

Han Bao wondered, "how do you know?"

"Because when I left, I did a little trick."

Han Bao's face was dark when he heard the words.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Hanbao suddenly unlocks the lock and kicks the door open.

The people inside trembled suddenly.

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