"Then I'll go with Ye Feng."

Zhan Su said, "no, you have to read. You can't delay your study. "

Han Bao said listlessly: "Oh, 365 days a year, reading every day. One day less reading doesn't make you a fool. "

Zhan Su said, "that doesn't work. Mommy will be angry."

"Then don't tell mommy."

"No way."

"Su Su..."

Finally, Zhan Su finds the four leaders of the ghost and solemnly says to them, "I'll give you a task. Go to Yuncheng to pick up Mr. Boye. This journey is very dangerous, so you four draw lots and go to Yuncheng with short lots... "

Zhan Su holds four wooden sticks in his hand and hands them to Ye Feng“ Smoke. "

Ye Feng firmly said: "don't smoke. I'll go to Cloud City. "

The other three looked at each other.

Of course, Guan Xiao knows Ye Feng's careful thinking. In order to complete Ye Feng, Guan Xiao concludes hypocritically: "among the four of us, Ye Feng is the best. It's most suitable for him to go

The grass's eyes are low and full of worries.

Ye Feng is full of concern for Tong Bao, so when he hears that Cloud City is in danger, he loses his sense of propriety. He completely forgot that the reason why Tong Bao left cloud city was to escape him.

And Guan Xiao only cares about the beauty of becoming a person.

Jin Cao said, "Ye Feng, all four of us can go, but you can't go."

Ye Feng seems to be struck by a thunderbolt, with a silly pestle.

Jin Cao said sincerely, "if you want to go, ask yourself first. Can you bring Tong Bao happiness?"

Ye Feng trembled, did not answer the grass, but without hesitation to go ahead.

Jincao puzzled: "doesn't this guy know that he will bring disaster to Tongbao?"

The strong wind patted Jin CaO on the shoulder and comforted him: "Su Tao has left our villa. Don't you find it strange? "

If Jin Cao had some understanding: "so, Ye Feng changed his mind?"

"I can't change my mind," said the strong wind. He just knows his heart

Ye Feng to the fastest speed to buy a ticket, and then happy to come to Yuncheng.

All the way, he was thinking, how should he comfort the trauma he brought to her when he saw Tong Bao?

However, when he arrived at Boye's old house and saw the courtyard with dense cobwebs and fallen leaves, Ye Feng was dumbfounded.

Haven't you lived here for a long time?

Boye and Tongbao have never been to Yuncheng at all.

"Child." The leaf maple bumps open the door, inside the room a musty air comes.

Ye Feng flustered, he searched the room for Tong Bao and Boye, but searched every corner, but found no trace of them.

Ye Feng quickly took out the mobile phone, his hand trembled because of tension. His voice was shaking when he called him.

"Adoptive father, I have arrived at Mr. Boye's old house in Yuncheng. But I didn't find Boye and Tongbao. They haven't lived here for a long time. "

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