At the other end of the phone, Zhan hanjue looked gloomy.

Boye did not follow their agreement to settle in Yuncheng. The reason for this is that they temporarily changed their route when they were in danger? Or did grandma Boye deceive him?

So where are they now?


In a multi-storey villa, Boye and his wife lie on the lazy chair in the courtyard. Tong Bao, on the other hand, spread his legs and put them on two stools with his buttocks hanging in the air. Holding a book in his hand, he is concentrating on it.

The old man looked at Tong Bao from time to time. When he saw that Tong Bao's eyes occasionally drifted away from the books, the old man sighed.

"Tong Bao is a child who can't concentrate on his study at all. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid I can't chew a book a year. "

Boye said: "she hasn't come out of the shadow of lovelorn. Give her some time."

The master said, "she's still young, and she can waste her time. But we don't have much time to teach her

Boye looked at the old man suspiciously: "you have always been optimistic. How can you say such dejected words today?"

The old man stroked his beard and laughed: "I'm worried about you."


Tong Bao fell to the ground from the gap between the two stools because of his desertion.

Boye shook his head and said, "Tong Bao, come here."

Tong Bao went to Boye very chagrined and said in shame, "I'm sorry, sir."

"How much have you seen today?"

"Twenty pages."

"That's the speed at which ordinary children read. Can you recite it? "

"I can't carry it, sir." Tong Bao lowered his head, tears in his eyes.

Boye sighed with disappointment.

Grandfather stood up. Go inside the house. "I'll cook for you," he said

After the grandfather left, Boye taught Tong Bao fiercely: "I know you like Ye Feng. It's hard for you to leave Ye Feng. In your eyes, love is very important, you only live for love. But you've never thought of love without bread

Tong Bao looked at Boye in a daze. She was too young to understand the mystery of Boye's grandmother's words.

Boye can only accentuate the tone, speak more simple, but also more heavy.

"Tong Bao, if you don't have a fighter as your backing, if you don't achieve anything, you are just a rice bug that is not good for the society. Why does Ye Feng like you?"

Tong Bao bit his lip and said sadly, "Sir, I know I'm not good, so brother Ye Feng doesn't like me. But you don't have to put any more salt on my wound

Boye said angrily: "why, do you want me to hold you in my arms and comfort you when you are sad, just like your mother? Tong Bao, you will not live under your mother's wings forever. You will face all kinds of difficulties and dangers. In front of all kinds of people, do you have to kneel down and beg for mercy? "

"Of course I won't," he said

Boye said: "hum, you can't even overcome such a small difficulty as lovelorn. How do you make me believe that you have the determination and perseverance to overcome other difficulties? "

Tong Bao sobbed“ I will try to forget brother Ye Feng. "

Boye sneered: "I know you will forget him. But how long will it take you to forget him? Ten years, or a lifetime? "

Tong Bao stares at Boye in shock.

For the first time, she felt Mr. Boye's disappointment.

The more Boye said, the more angry he became: "I'm very disappointed with you. You are not like Han hanjue. He is a towering tree. He does not need to live under other people's wings. He will only use his wings to protect the weak. "

"You are not like Yan Zhengling. Although Yan Zhengling is weak, she is tough for her mother and tough for her wife. She can use strong willpower to overcome the disease, I think she is the strongest woman I have ever seen

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