"Yes." It's like a stream road.

Han Bao came to the front yard with his hands on his back, and all the fighting power of the Yu family gathered here. Yu Chengqian and Yu Qian also went to battle, but Xiuhe was too cunning. Her tactic is to escape, so Yu Chengqian and Yu Qian can't take her for a while.

Old Yu came out with Hanbao. Seeing the situation, he asked Hanbao, "guess who can win?"

Han Bao said, "it's hard to say."

Mr. Yu looked at Hanbao suspiciously: "do you have no confidence in your uncle? Your uncle was the one who hit your daddy hard in those days? "

Han Bao Ao Jiao way: "he that call with much bully little."

Then very disdainful muttered: "won and disgraceful, and the face to say."

Mr. Yu is a fool“ You little boy, you should learn from your brother and be a man who spares no words

Han baobai looked at him: "go and help your precious grandson, or I can't guarantee that he will lose his life here?"

"What do you mean?" The old man looked at the scene of fierce fighting. Although many guards of yujiazhai had collapsed on the ground and moaned, they were all ordinary people with good skills. The guards with high martial arts are still effective.

Han Bao said: "when Shan Yun was forced to the end by little uncle, it was the time when she was attacked by the Jedi. You wait and see, my little uncle is either hurt by hidden weapons or poisoned by strange drugs. "

Old Master Yu felt that Hanbao's analysis had no factual basis, so he had to tease Hanbao again: "guess again?"

Hanbao nodded.

Mr. Yu said with a smile, "well, I'll watch the end of the contest and wait to see when you are beaten in the face."

Han Bao gave the old man a look: "believe it or not, I can speed up the end of this fierce battle now?"

Mr. Yu said, "who can't talk big..."

Before he finished speaking, Hanbao opened his voice and said to Xiuhe, "Shan Yun, surrender. Xiuhe has been arrested. "

That Shan Yun hears that Xiuhe is arrested, but he doesn't know what he thinks. He suddenly tears open his clothes, takes off his coat and throws it into the sky.

In an instant, many gold powder fell down and gathered into a cloud lady. Yu Chengqian, Yu Qian and others look at the golden pink beauty. They are lost in a moment. It is at this time that Shan Yun suddenly jumps out of the courtyard wall.

Just at the critical moment, Han Bao suddenly takes out a special crossbow from his arms, shoots a strong crossbow, and hits Mrs. Yun's right heart.

Han Bao took back the bow and crossbow, with a proud smile.

Mr. Yu was stunned.

"Good skill."

Shoot in the palm of Lady Yun's hand, although that is not fatal, but let lady Yun have no ground to escape. Because she couldn't hide an injured hand.

"Now, let the people of yujiazhai go after her," Hanbao said

Yu Chengqian and Yu Qian take people to chase Shan Yun again.

Han Bao returned to the living room and asked Wushuang and Ruoxi, "how's the trial going?"

Unparalleled and Ruoxi are looking at Hanbao in agony.

Han Bao walks over and finds that Xiuhe and Yu Sheng are looking at each other affectionately. Xiuhe's eyes are full of tears. "Yu Sheng, I thought that if I married you, I could forget my original identity and start a new life," he said

"For so many years, I dressed myself up as vulgar, because only in this way can I hide my original identity. I'm actually the sixth generation of the Shan family. Shan Yun is my sister. "

"I'm tired of doctors' endless pursuit of medical skills. In order to improve medical skills, there will always be crowding out and fighting between doctors. And I, tired of such a life, so I chose to avoid the world

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