"When I marry you, I really want to live with you forever. But I never thought that the love won't last long after all. You're too old to fall in love with me. " Xiuhe was in tears.

Yu Sheng had some epiphany: "are you a doctor? So you invented the love affair? "

Xiuhe closed his eyes and nodded“ Two love, the achievement of my love with you, but also the end of my love with you. In my life, I've had two passions. I'm happy when I lose. "

Yu Sheng's eyes revealed a touch of surprise: "are you?"

Xiuhe said, "do you remember that year when you were injured on Mount Everest, a barefoot doctor with a veil saved your life?"

Yu Sheng's face was shocked: "are you the barefoot doctor who saved me?"

Xiuhe nodded.

Yu Sheng seized her hand excitedly: "do you know that I have been looking for you for a long time?"

Xiuhe nods, and douda's tears fall on Yu Sheng's face“ I know. I know everything. But you know what? That is to say, since then, I have been thinking about you. "

Yu Sheng said: "why don't you tell me your identity after all these years? If you tell me that you are the barefoot doctor who saved me, I don't think you need to use love at all... Because at that time, I was very fond of you. "

Xiuhe cried heartbroken: "single family rules, if we want to leave the family, we are not allowed to use the name of the family. So when I came into Yu's house, I took out my surname. "

Yu Sheng is full of tears

Xiuhe's haggard face showed a bitter smile: "do you know? In order to be with you, I had such a fierce fight with those feudal rites of the Shan family. Do you know how happy I was that day when I managed to persuade them to agree to give me freedom? "

Xiuhe's smile turned into a sad expression: "but when I came to yujiazhai, I watched you get married and marry your wife. Do you know how painful my heart was at that time? "

Xiuhe said sad, suddenly hysterical roar up: "I in order to be with you, pay so much price. And you turn around and marry another woman. Can I be happy? So I stayed in yujiazhai. It was Zhuma's father who took me in. I am very grateful to their father and daughter. That's why I'm willing to help Juma. "

Xiuhe sobbed intermittently: "I plan to make friends with your sister Yu Qianqian, so that I can have a chance to use two emotions for you. And I made it. I've succeeded in estranging you from your wife. After all these years, we've raised our eyebrows. That's the happiest time of my life. "

Yu Sheng was lying on the stretcher on the ground and couldn't move because of poisoning. But his face was puffed with excitement. There are tears continue to flow out, wet his pretty face.

"You are so stupid..." a thousand words, and finally a sentence.

Xiuhe murmured: "falling in love with you is wrong in the beginning."

Yu Sheng murmured bitterly: "Xiuhe, it's not your fault, it's not my fault. It's that you're late. "

Mr. Yu heard this sad love story, he sighed and told it“ Xiuhe, thank you for saving Yu Sheng. You probably don't know that when you save Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng will never forget you and will come to you every day. I had no choice, so I let him and his family escort toss about in Mount Everest for a whole year, but he almost turned it upside down and didn't find you. I think he didn't see your true face, but you recognized him. The reason why he couldn't find you for such a long time should be that you didn't like him. Where do I know you are Lang Youqing? I want to break Yu Sheng's mind, so I take him out to wander the world. Then he met Mrs. Yu... And when you show up in front of him again, he already has a family. "

Xiuhe said: "after knowing the truth, I don't resent any more. It's strange. We're predestined

Xiuhe took out the medicine bottle from his arms, handed it to Ruoxi and said, "this is the antidote. Give it to him. "

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