Zhan hanjue and Su Su turned around consciously. Zheng Ling untied the button of his coat for the second lady, but suddenly he was so surprised that he backed up: "ah!"

Zhan hanjue turned around and picked up Zheng Ling, who was sitting on the ground.

"Zheng Ling, what's the matter?"

"Mommy?" Su Su also turns around.

At this moment, Zhan hanjue and Su Su's eyes are all fixed on Zheng Ling. Seeing Zheng Ling's body shaking with fright, Zhan hanjue is angry and pities her.

"Brother Jue won't let you do it? You just don't listen. "

Zheng Ling patted his chest with lingering fear and said, "brother Jue, there are living things in the second aunt's body."

As soon as he said this, both Zhan hanjue and Zhan Su were surprised.

"Living creatures?"

How can there be living things in the human body, unless pregnant.

Zhan Su said, "Daddy, Hold Mommy and stand away. I'll go and have a look."

Zhan hanjue pressed Zheng Ling's head into his arms and coaxed him: "be obedient. Don't look. "

Zhan Su walks up to the corpse. Because he has a strong habit of cleanliness, he takes a fruit knife from the tea table and gently cuts the second lady's clothes.

Through a thin layer of inner garment, it was obvious that insects were creeping inside the corpse.

"What is this?" Zhan Su wondered.

At this time, Hanbao came with the help of master Zhan.

As soon as they came into the room, they saw the body of the second lady in the living room and the living creatures in her body.

"Witchcraft?" The old man broke out.

"Grandfather. You're just in time. The second aunt's body must be destroyed immediately. If the insects break out, the consequences will be unimaginable. " Zhan hanjue said.

Zhan Laoye trembled with anger: "Zhan tinglei, you dare to insult your first wife like this. You are not human."

Zhan hanjue said: "grandfather, calm down. This is not the time to crusade against the second uncle. Shan Yun must have her sinister intention to plant poison in the second aunt. Our top priority now is to destroy the poisonous insects. "

Master Zhan said angrily, "where do you come from and carry her back. Then I burned her vast courtyard. Don't let her pollute the love Moon Castle. Zheng Ling is pregnant with his little grandson. He is not frightened. "

As long as it is a good decision for Zhengling, Zhan hanjue will support it.

This time, Zhan invited two servants to carry the second lady's body to Haomiao courtyard.

Seeing Zhan Su's return, Zhan tinglei glances at the hearse behind him and knows that the second lady has gone.

At that moment, Zhan tinglei's heart was also mixed.

When the second lady was alive, he resented her and hated her.

The second lady is smart and capable. She has to beat him in everything.

But when the second lady died, he suddenly felt empty again.

The servant put the second lady's body on the grass in the courtyard, and Zhan tinglei burst into tears“ Madame

He pounced, but Zhan Su stopped him.

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