"Second grandfather is going to cry. Don't worry about it. You'll cry later. " Zhan Su's pretty pupil shoots a cruel sneer.

"What do you mean? Zhan Su, I haven't asked you. Your second grandmother was still fine when she was in Haomiao hospital. How come you died soon after you took her out? What did you do to her? " The battle court thunder roars a way.

Soon, the three children of the second lady were invited to Haomiao hospital. When they saw the body of the second lady, they all broke down and cried.

Zhan tinglei pointed to Zhan Su and said, "he killed your mother."

Zhan Hanjun, Zhan Hanbin, and Han Shan's brother and sister stare at Zhan Su indignantly“ We have been fighting for a long time. It's you who invited the women from the outside room into the tourmaline, and my mother became depressed and sick... "

Zhan Su clenched his teeth and said coldly: "is your mother depressed and dead, or unknown. You just listen to your father. If you are children and care more about your mother, your mother will not die so helpless and miserable. "

"You're talking about it." Zhan Han said angrily.

Master Zhan's crutch was on the ground with great force, making a huge impact. Then he went to Zhan Hanjun and said, "go and tear the cloth off your mother's body to see if Zhan Su cheated you."

Zhan Hanjun looks at the old man suspiciously. With some confusion, he goes to the second lady's body and carefully tears open the cloth. At this time, he sees that the second lady is swollen like steamed bread, and the living things in her body are growing rapidly with the speed of the naked eye.

"Ah Zhan Han was scared to death.

"How could that be?" Zhan tinglei was stunned.

Zhan Su angrily rebukes Zhan tinglei: "second grandfather, you are working with the Warlock to raise poisonous insects in the second grandmother's body. She also claimed to have depression. You don't deserve to be a man with such a vicious mind. "

Zhan Hanjun's brother and sister were all paralyzed on the ground. When they came back, they cried heartbroken.

Zhan tinglei lost his soul and said: "no... it's not like this... I didn't plant poison for her. I just gave her some medicine that can make people feel refreshed, and I won't die."

"Medicine, did Mrs. Yun give it to you?" Zhan Suzhi asked, "do you know the identity of Mrs. Yun? She is the posterity of the poison doctor in the rumor. All her unique skills are harmful. How can you be in collusion with her? "

Zhan tinglei fell to the ground.

At this moment, the poisonous insects in the second lady's body began to bite the skin and come out.

Han Bao's eyes were sharp, and he cried out: "the poisonous insects have come out. Get rid of the body. Otherwise, there will be endless trouble. "

The servants have prepared the fuel. They surround the body with fuel. A circle of drugs was spread around the fuel to destroy and decompose living things.

Master Zhan raised his hand, and he threw the burning lighter into the haystack fuel. The flames burst out at once.

At this time, almost all the members of the family got the news and gathered in Haomiao courtyard to see the second lady off.

The cry was loud.

The second lady's corpse, and those poisonous insects, were burned to ashes by the fire.

The tragic death of the second lady made the second room sink in great indignation. Zhan Hanjun's brother and sister threaten Zhan tinglei: "Dad, I want to explain."

Zhan tinglei is like a lost dog now. He looks around as if he is looking for something.

Zhan Su said, "second grandfather, are you looking for your concubine, Mrs. Yun?"

Zhan tinglei panicked and said, "I want to ask her, why do you want to cheat me?"

Zhan Su said, "she's been taken away by my plan to remove her from the mountain. If she is here, how can these poisonous insects be destroyed so smoothly today. Second grandfather, have you ever thought about the purpose of Mrs. Yun's raising poisonous insects? "

Zhan tinglei's face was desolate and panicked and said, "I don't know."

Zhan Suying shot a fierce light in his pupil: "you didn't know her for the first time. I think you know something about her. I advise you to tell the truth. "

With that, Zhan Su's ghost winked: "please go to the second grandfather's inner room. I'll try him alone. "

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