Han Bao walked up to the woman and said, "I left the wound on Shan Yun's hand for her. Pick it. "

The woman looked at Hanbao in a daze. Hanbao's tender face made her suspicious.

Han Bao said with an uninhibited smile: "why, don't you believe it?"

The woman was aware of some flaws in her look. He regained his composure in an instant, took off his gloves and stretched out his hands.

Han Bao looked at the scar on her palm, and a touch of clever light came out of her eyes.

"You are not Shan Yun."

The warden was stunned: "how can this be possible?"

"Han Bao said:" the real Shan Yun, when you take her to see a doctor, has escaped from prison

Han Bao looked at the experienced warden very speechless and said: "the first emergency is the key for her to get in touch with the outside world. In the second emergency, I used the trick of exchanging civet cat for prince. "

The governor looked as like as two peas in front of him, and still felt incredible: "they are the same as the cold. And they're all dumb. "

Han Bao said: "if I guess correctly, the interval between two emergencies is very long. Only in this way can we make such a complete preparation. "

The warden thought about it and said, "the interval is more than half a year."

The time when a woman looks at Hanbao changes from contempt to awe. Now, women just want to run away from this terrible teenager.

Han Bao touched his chin and looked at the woman in front of him playfully. "In order to save her, you don't hesitate to destroy your tongue. Who on earth is she that deserves so much for you? "

Han Bao suddenly realized: "you look so much like her, she and you are twin sisters?"

"Are you willing to suffer for her because you are twin sisters with deep affection?" Han Bao pondered over the woman's look.

The woman's eyes flashed a touch of loneliness. But it's fleeting.

Han Bao catches this woman's lonely eyes, and his mind is shining.

Even though the twin brothers and sisters are sisters, they are not invincible.

"Hum." Hanbao sneered.

"You are deeply in love with Shan Yun, but Shan Yun is extremely cold to your elder sister."

Women's eyes are confused.

Han Bao said: "your eldest sister Xiuhe has been married to the Yu family for many years, and she has long neglected your single family. So abandon the old line and live the life of ordinary people. However, Shan Yun finds her, poisons her and forces her out of the mountain. But Xiuhe didn't want to go out of the mountain and didn't detoxify himself until he died. He was poisoned to death by Shan Yun. "

The woman's eyes aroused a touch of anger.

Han Bao suddenly approached the woman and said in a soft voice, "Xiuhe told me the secret recipe of Shan's detoxification before he died."

A woman's eyes are full of incredible expressions.

Han Bao said, "Shan Yun has done so much harm to your two sisters. Don't you want to avenge your elder sister and get justice for yourself?"

The woman suddenly began to cry in grief.

Han Bao said to the warden, "give her a pen and paper."

The warden took the pen and paper, and the woman wrote on the paper: "elder sister, I gave you the secret antidote, and I have betrayed the Shan family. I don't care about her death. As for me, I am willing to come to such an end. "

Hanbao has no choice but to leave.

When Hanbao returned to Huanya hospital, not only did Zhan Su not leave, but even Zhan hanjue came to Huanya hospital.

Everyone's face was very grave.

Several younger sisters immediately burst into tears when they saw Hanbao.

"Zhan Su, what's the situation?" Han Bao went over and asked.

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